۞ Lingernot/Staynot Gladomeer ۞ #8

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Suddenly his new “friend” ran behind him and viciously pecked him on the rear end….

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Thankfully Lingernot was totally fine, as he is one tough little guy. We were all totally shocked and horrified by this turn of events. I want to again apologize for putting Lingernot in danger this way. Dahlia, you were worried about banana slugs…I’d worry more about seagulls! (I hope this image is not too disturbing, but I felt I should share what happened, so all of you with gnomes out there can take appropriate preventative measures agains gulls).

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I’ve got to go, but I’ll post more pics of the rest of the adventure a bit later. I just want to reassure everyone that Lingernot is fine.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Lingernot is one lucky gnome, seeing all the beautiful places. Glad you shared his unfortunate adventure with the gulls so we all know more about them and the do's and don'ts. Beautiful pictures, one great photographer.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The NERVE of that seagull :O Perhaps he mistook Lingernot for a seamonster? (I don't think seagulls are smart enough to speak gnome so might have been confused )

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I hope you had him throughly checked out to see if he had any wounds! Are his shots up to date? Poor little guy.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

He was just catching some of those wonderful California rays!
Can he get tan through that beard? Beautiful shots of the coast!!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Beautiful pictures Sunny, especially the coastal pictures, glad Lingernot was ok.

Eugene, OR

Beautiful shots of Monterey Sunny. Poor Lingernot, that gull certainly doesn't know how to treat visitors. Shame on him.

Santee, I bet he picks up a bit of an accent at Thanksgiving! He is bilingual isn't he? Sounds like you have a scruptuous dinner planned. Hope he doesn't eat too much! But then he does need the extra proteins to go climbing.
Such adventures he's had and is going to have! Imagine almost getting carried off by a gull!!

LOL!! Poor Lingernot! But apparently he kept his wits about him. I notice he is 'playing dead' for the seagull. Good work, Lingernot!!

I am completely and totally jealous and envious and everything else about that beach. Imagine living close to water like that. I live really close to water, but it's not like that! And it's about 50 degrees on a warm day!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Lovely shots of the shoreline!
As for the sea gull.....I have to think positive and hope there was an insect crawling on Lingernot's boot; and he was not trying to hurt him. Never the less...all is well and he made one gull friend at least.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Lingernot has had one great time with Sunny. Yep, she sure knows how to entertain the little man. He must love having his picture taken, he knows how to pose for them. I hope he doesn't eat too much at Thanksgiving time, he will have to pay more for traveling if he gains weight.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks so much for the kind words :-). Yep, the little guy is certainly photogenic, and indeed he loves to pose for the camera. We’ve had a great time, but it is time for him to continue on his journey. I’ve been in touch with Melissa, and he is headed her way tomorrow. I will post the tracking # when I get it. Here is one more shot of the coast (Lingernot is not in this photo, as he was recovering from being so rudely pecked on the butt ;-)).

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

After he recovered from the seagull attack, we headed for the monarch butterfly sanctuary in Pacific Grove (monarch’s don’t tend to peck gnomes, do they? ;-))

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

It’s a good year for monarchs so far. The docent said there are 18,000 monarchs there already. It’s hard to get pics, as they look like huge clusters of brown leaves and are too far up there for my point and shoot camera. Lingernot loved them though.

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

After that, we stopped at Fisherman’s Wharf…

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Lingernot liked seeing all the boats, and said it reminded him of his visit in WA with Pixydish…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Lingernot insisted on having his fortune told by the Wharf Pirate…

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

We ran into some pelicans. I got right up next to them (my dad and boyfriend were sure they were going to peck me or my camera), but Lingernot lagged behind. I think his traumatic seagull experience was still fresh in his mind…

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

another shot (sorry, I had so much fun taking these, I hope you all don't mind :-))

Thumbnail by sunnyg
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

The pelicans looked so sleepy and kind of goofy, and didn’t seem to mind me sticking my camera right in their faces. So, Lingernot began to consider getting his photo taken in front of them…just not too close ;-). It was a good day!

Thumbnail by sunnyg
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

How wonderful that Lingernot got to see such wonderful places with you and your family. I enjoyed all the pictures of your adventures. Made me kinda home sick for CA. (Then I thought about the traffic and snapped out of it!!) LOL! :)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Bea. Lingernot got to experience a little bit of Bay Area traffic, along with the slugs and birds ;-).

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Terrific site seeing tour sunny!! I have never been to CA, so each picture was greatly appreciated with audiable awes!!

Travel safe Lingernot!!

Oh yes, that place would remind Lingernot of his visit with me.... except way warmer!! Good thing, too , you protected him from that pelican! With a pouch like that, he could have just scooped Lingernot up and away he would go!

Eugene, OR

That's what I was thinking Pix. What a brave little guy he was to even stand that close after the incident with the gull. Sunny I'm so glad you went to the butterfly sanctuary. I went to one this summer and it was too early, we saw a total of two butterflies!! Now I know what they're suppossed to look like. Thank you so much. Loved the pelicans too. Save those pics for next years contest.

Bon Voyage again Lingernot.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I sure loved all those beautiful pictures with Lingernot posing so handsomely. He is surely the most photographed gnome around.

DH reminded me of the time a couple stold a gnome from someone's yard and traveled all over the states, pictures to prove where he had been, then brought him back and returned him to his original home. Wish I could remember where that happened and when.

Happy traveling Lingernot!!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Lingernot is now on his way to Melissa's--spending Thanksgiving with Christopher. Oh waht fun. Can't wait for pictures.

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sunny- Thank you thank you for all the wonderful, beautiful pictures. I enjoy seeing all your photography...you can make dried up leaves looks amazing!! {{HUGS}} Love ya sister ;o)

Woo hoo!! Oh boy, this is going to be an adventure here at my house for Thanksgiving dinner. We have my neighbor from England coming over with her son, AND I'm trying to convince my Uncle to come over too (since he's all alone over the holidays). Lingernot will be learning some new British slang and my Uncle is a retired Navy Submariner, so I'll try to keep the "bad" words from him...hee hee

But then you're rigt Marion... Christopher will let Lingernot sleep in his extra bunk in his room. Probably show him a a few tricks on the computer (maybe talk about girls...hee hee) Charlie, the cat, will leave him pretty much alone. But, I think Chester, the puppy, will be definitely VERY interested in the new visitor for sure. And not to worry, we have a few resident gnomes for him to gossip and fix things up around here (I have a handyman gnome, with a tool box...hee hee)

I'm planning some things right now, a couple gardens to go see, besides my own, which is in planning stages still, so only 1/4 of it is above ground right now!!LOL!!

Maybe, I can take him out to the coast here and show you some tadpoles, maybe find a crab or starfish or sea cucumber...oh what fun. And Todd will make him an honorary Cox tech on Monday the 1st of November (he goes back to work then) and then I will send him off to Sally up in Oregon.

I promise to take pictures of the Thanksgiving spread on the table...so we can all drool over all the yummy foods :o) I LOVE to cook!!

Off to start planting out in the side yard of the house. TTYallL. and promise to let you know when our traveling friend, Lingernot, arrives in Santee :o)


San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I’m so happy everyone liked the pics (and Sheila, now you need to come visit CA and see the butterflies firsthand, and Sally, come back in winter! :-)). Having such a wonderful houseguest was a great excuse to get out and enjoy some of the scenery in this area. Lingernot left this morning, and while I was sad to see him go, I can’t wait to see what other adventures are in store for him. (((Hugs))) back atcha Melissa…it sounds like you have some great activities planned for the little guy, and I know he will have a blast with you and your family!

Here is the tracking number: 0308 0070 0001 5890 5057 It’s not in the system yet, but I’ll keep checking back.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

He is going to be so tired by the time he gets here I will have to send him to a spa.

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

He's Here, He's Here...Lingernot is Here!!

Okay, I am a ver bad hostess...my camera battery is DEAD...again..err!! BUT, the good news is, he went to work with Todd this morning...(I messed up, he's on vacation next week..oops..LOL)

It's raining here today so don't know if they will get to climb a pole, but if they do, he will be very safe in my DH's hands. I promise, double pinky promise to post pics this evening. My battery is charging and I got some good things planned. The rain can't stop me!!LOL!!

I'll let you all know what Lingetnot is up to when I get an update from Todd. I got a Dr. Appt this morning, then gotta pick up the HoneyBaked ham, then gotta pick up a neighbors son from his school, then I'm home free....well I got laundry to do, but you know that's just a days worth of stuff for a housewife of an 11 year old!!LOL!!...can you see why I "needed" a puppy (Todd knows I gotta stay home for the new "baby" now, right??hee hee)

TTYallSoon!! ~melissa and Lingernot (Honorary Cox Tech for the day) I'll get a pic with a Cox hat on him for everyone. I'll take lots and lots of pic tonight when he gets home.

The rain should stop by Thursday and then I wanna go down to LaJolla Cove and see if we can find some see creatures....lets all keep our fingers crossed, cause my garden is looking alittle bleek right now!?!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)


(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Raining in Santee, hope it is headed my way. Sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for pictures of our little man, Lingernot. Well, guess I should do some work and not just sit here. He is such a popular little guy and should go down in the history books. ^_^

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

I've got pictures!!!

Okay, if you're afraid of heights better close your eyes now.....hee hee

This is Lingernot up on his first ever telephone poll. He is approx. 35-40 feet up in the air and Todd has assurred methat he was following all the safety rules (ie, the cable tie around his ankles is his safety harness) I told Todd "That's not a very nice place to put his harness"!! But Todd says that Lingernot insisted on the harness around his ankles cause if he was falling he wanted the fall to turn into a bungee jump instead of a disaster...har har har

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

another view...

It's okay he's perfectly safe still, the electrical lines on this telephone pole were a good 6 feet above him, so no worries abut getting electricuted on his first day out ;o)

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

You gotta look real close and probably squint your eyes too (he's up there, honest) Todd says that each time you climb a pole they sway a bit, so he was very nervous while climbing down to get this picture. Lingernot didn't want Todd to climb all the way down and off the pole, he admitted he started to get a bit nervous too.

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

one last telephone climbing experience picture and then I'll be back tomorrow with some around the garden. Let's all hope it doesn't rain too much. But at least Lingernot has his boots on just in case.....

see ya tomorrow

Thumbnail by santeelady
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG this is so exciting!!!! Lingernot, gnome of the high wires, bonding with the eagles I'm sure! Thanks so much santeelady!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh Melissa, I get dizzy looking at what Lingernot was doing! Glad he had the chance but do hope is is safetly back on the ground.

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