۞ Lingernot/Staynot Gladomeer ۞ #8

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Once Lingernot had spotted one, he was on a roll!

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

No worries at all Bea, they are worth looking at more than once ;-)

Is this yet another one??

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Can you spot Lingernot in this pic? hehe

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

He liked this stump

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Here’s one last shot from yesterday…he sure likes to climb!

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Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

The stump would be a great hiding place for faries. Did you see any?

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Aha! So that’s why Lingernot liked that stump so much! I’ve seen how much he loves the fairies.

Dahlia, yep, you gotta check out banana slugs in person (licking is optional though ;-))

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

HOLY CRAPPOLA! I sure hope those banana slugs aren't gnomeavoirs! It's as big as Lingernots head! Do I want to meet a banana slug in person I wonder? I have entered a "?" against that entry in the Great Book of Lists. Lingernot looks pretty keen though. Brave little guy. Note to self: when questing for CA banana slugs carry an axe".

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I don't think we should mention the summer fairies. I seem recall there was a hankypanky issue

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL, thankfully they didn't seem to be gnomeavoirs. Lingernot says you should be okay, and suggests you erase that question mark in the Great Book of Lists, and go for it! ;-).

Are autumn fairies more mellow than summer fairies?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Winter fairies sunnyg are the BESTEST! You probably never see them in your clime. They don't steal your tools and they are very prettiful. All crystally and sparkly. I will show pics. Right now it's still too warm but they will come to live here soon. It's one of the up sides of the time of the cold and the dark ^_^

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Banana slugs, I've never heard of them and from what I've seen I don't care if I ever do. I just hope Lingernot doesn't get attached to them and want to travel with one. He does seem to be having such a wonderful time at Sunnyg's.

Eugene, OR

What an interesting slug. I must say that of all the ones seen on the site, I like the redwood slug the best. I'll pass on licking on also. I'd forgotten how big the redwoods are, thank you for the tour. Looks as though our boy is having a fine time. Someone needs to clue me in on winter fairies, I haven't had the pleasure of seeing any. My garden fairies have never told me about them either, we'll have to have a talk tomorrow.

The friendly banana slug! I'm so glad Lingernot got to meet some. They are quite nice - not at all like their cousins from across the big pond. I'll never forget the first one I saw, probably over 20 years ago when we first moved up here. I think I said something like 'Holy .....!'! It was about 10 inches long and yellow with brown spots. Good thing Lingernot wasn't with me at the time. I would not have been a good role model. By the way, for those who are interested, these slugs are important to the forest ecosystem up here. They do not eat live plants, but help digest the litter on the forest floor. As such, they would be friendly with the forest gnomes and fairies.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Slugs are important ,as much as we hate them munching our gardens. Check out this bad boy I found at the Oregon gardens this summer. He was about 10 inches long and an inch thick. Smaller than a mature banana slug and just as beautiful. Kinda...
I entered him in the photo contest this year...but he did not make the top three. A face only a mother "slug" could love!!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Eugene, OR

Beautiful in a sluggy kinda way. heeheehee

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Sorry gals, just can't find pleasure in seeing a slug. Glad to hear Lingernot enjoyed seeing them and having such a great time. What stories he can tell all his little friends!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Slugs get a bad rap in my mom's garden cuz they eat the rhodies. I don't have slugs but others do here and don't like them because they eat the hostas.

most, if not all, of the ones that are in our gardens are of European origin.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow, I love the banana slugs and the other one from Beahive too! They are beautiful - such unusual creatures. I don't mind them in my garden, but unfortunately they can transmit a very bad parasite to goats that eat them. Deer meningeal worm has a slug or snail as its secondary host. We had a 6 month old Nubian goat get it this year, and it paralyzed her back legs. She had a 20% chance of recovery and remarkably, Mother Earth decided she would be one of the lucky ones. Now she is nearly better.

So I'd prefer that the slugs stay in my garden, and not go to the goat pasture.

Great photos!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

That is quite an impressive slug you captured there, Bea! And wow, CMoxon, I had no idea slugs were dangerous to goats. I’m so glad your goat is recovering well. Baby goats are pretty darn cute! I must admit that while I love banana slugs, garden slugs munch on my plants so badly that I tend to collect them and flush them down the toilet (how to other people dispose of slugs, anyhow? ;-))

Lingernot did a bit more garden exploration today. I would say that his small stature allows him to find much more to explore in our tiny garden than the usual human visitors ;-). Here he is contemplating a hibiscus bloom….

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Then, he decided to hike up to the top of the waterfall. Here he is taking a little break along the way…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Aha, he made it! Here he is at the top with a few new friends…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

All that hiking made him hot, so he sought refuge from the sun…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

After a little rest, he decided to work on his climbing skills in preparation for his trip to Santee, and climbed up the fence to take a peek at the black eyed susan vine…and then it was time for a nap.

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Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

sunny, glad you have nice weather and beautiful flowers to share with Lingernot. Looks like he is have a very nice time at your home.
The Hibiscus is beautiful!

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Yay!! Lingernot is gonna be heading my way soon!?! woo hoo... allthough, I must admit, my garden doesn't even begin to compare with yours Sunny :o) I'm still planting bulbs!! hee hee OH!! Lingernot can help me when he comes for his visit.

I just love the pictures of your garden....it's BEAUTIFUL!! ;o)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Great yard art critters you have and a nice hostess you have been for his visit!

Great photos! And I had no idea about the goats and slugs issue! So glad the little Nubian is going to be okay. They are so precious.,

Eugene, OR

I know the feeling SanteeLissa, looking forward to Lingernot's visit, but I'm afraid my garden is mostly in transition, summer things are gone and too early for some of the winter things. Maybe he can help me finish getting the beds ready for winter.

I had never heard that about the goats and slugs either, I thought they could eat anything.

I can tell you from experience that Lingernot is an easy guest to entertain! He is up for just about anything, so don't feel like you must limit yourself to the garden. I've never seen such an easy going gnome.

Eugene, OR

I've noticed that and have a few places I would like to show him. He's always eager for an adventure!

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

I agree...I know he's gonna spend the day as an "Honarary Cox Communications Technician" and then maybe I will take him out to some of the garden here in the east county...OH we have a Christmas tree farm a couple miles away....the cut your own type. I'll have to bring him there and hopefully a few of my neighbor's garden's too!!

I just have to keep him away from our son, Christopher, who I'm sure will try to figure out a way to introduce Lingernot to the fantasy computer game world of World of Warcraft!!LOL!! Lots of fantasy there....but he can't stay in front of the monitor for too long... hee hee

OH WOW!! I just realized the week coming up... is it possible I wil be hosting for Thankgiving dinner?? Oh how great....Lingernot will get to meet my neighbors who are from England...wow, he's gonna get a bit of British humor and wonder "hmmm she has quite the accent"!! Oh what fun... he can help cook the Butterball and the Honey Baked Ham...and maybe even help sprinkle the marshmallows on the candied yams ;o)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh yes, he is indeed a wonderful houseguest! I told him about being an "Honarary Cox Communications Technician" when he got here, and now I can’t get him to stop climbing stuff…he continues to train daily ;-). Yep, I think he’s going to spend Thanksgiving with you!

He had a pretty wild adventure yesterday. I want to apologize in advance for accidentally putting his life in danger :-(. It was certainly not intentional, and he made it through "the attack" just fine. I will go through the pics and post a bit later.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

We started off the day by visiting my dad, where Lingernot decided he likes lemons...

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

He also liked the Bougainvillea…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Next, we decided to head down the coast to the Monterey/Pacific Grove area…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

It was a bit clouded over, but still nice…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Lingernot made a friend…

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San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

He thought he made another one, butt…

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