۞ Lingernot/Staynot Gladomeer ۞ #8

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

abbisgranma WE have to do this! Look at the fabby safety harness Lingernot had. I think we need to try this. I can't wait til need to place a trouble call to the phone company. I'm goin up! Perhaps I might make up a trouble.

Oh MG! That is the bravest gnome! Thank goodness for his safety harness! He is going to have some really cool stories to tell around the fire!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I've been lurking and thoroughly enjoying the photos and Lingernot's adventures! I just have to add that I think Santeelady's DH is fabulous - how many DH's would take a gnome to work and take photos - let alone on a high wire???!!!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

WOW!!! That is soooo cool! :-)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I agree with Murmur, kudos to Todd for letting Lingernot be an Honorary Cox Tech! I'm looking forward to seeing Lingernot's garden tour tomorrow :-).

Eugene, OR

Three cheers for Todd! and for our brave Lingernot! Perfect day, beautiful blue sky! That has to be the adventure of a lifetime.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

My head is a spinnin. ARG I feel sick. I hate even looking over the ramp in front of my home. What a brave little Lingernot he is.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We should start a "Take your Gnome to work day" LOL!!
Sweet DH to let him ride along on that exciting and fun job.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Todd is so cool to take Lingernot along on the job for a day. I prefer to stay on the ground myself, takes courage to go up so high. This gnome has gone where no other gnome has gone before. You can just tell he was excited about his day.

Rain came down my rain, was so nice to sleep to the sound of rain. Today sun is starting too come out, time to check on plants.

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

*blushing* aww shucks....what kinds words you all have for my Toddy ;o) He's a pretty awesome husband, I dare say myself...hee hee

Whelp, it's raining here today, but the weather gal has told me it will let up in a bit, so in the mean time I have a funny story while Lingernot is still sleeping from his busy day yesterday.

I woke up this morning and couldn't find our visitor...that's right Lingernot was MIA!! I looked and looked and then *light bulb goes off* I called Todd. Yup, he was in the Cox truck AGAIN!!!LOL!! Poor Todd thought he had to chaperone Lingernot for another day!! What a sweety ;o) Needless to say, he is back home with me now and was quite thankful there wasn't going to be anymore pole climbing in this weather (there's a bit of hail today).

So, let me get Christopher awake, feed the cat and the puppy and then I'll be off to catch some pictures (yes, I charged my battery) of Lingernot around the garden...which is looking a bit drab :o( and probably have to do some house pictures since the weather is so crappy and I gotsta clean house since I have company over for the big dinner tomorrow. Lingernot is excited about all the food that I will be cooking though!!

See you all soon!!! ~melissa & Lingernot (sound asleep until all the other "boys" are awake)

ps..Christopher says "Hi" Grandma Marion ;o) AND "Hi" to his Auntie Sunny too ;o) So I'll include a pic of the two of them together as well.

Thumbnail by santeelady
Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

He is so cute snuggled in his blankie. Hope everyone has a very nice Thanksgiving Day.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Sending hugs back to Christopher. I don't know what the thought of Lingernot up that high made me dizzy, after all this time last year I was in Costa Rica and of all things, tried ziplining. Yeap harness and up high. Guess I am another year older and wiser--maybe. LOL

Well I am glad he had the experience and look forward to more travels.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I can happily open my eyes now.. whew.. he's back on the ground.. just like nature intended!!
Thank you Mr. Todd for making sure no harm come to our precious Lingernot.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Don't let Lingernot eat too much as he won't feel like more adventures. I suppose he will be watching you cook for the big day. Hope he really enjoys it.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Lingernot's adventures remind me of the "Amazing Race". I love that show. I can see places they go that I will never be able to travel to an experience. Also the high wire activities with Todd would match some of the challenges that face the show contestants along the way as they travel around the world.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

That's our number one reality show too Sheila! No telling Lingernot might be skydiving next!

Eugene, OR

Amazing Race for us too! abbisranma....ziplining....I'm impressed and very jealous.

Santee...that pic is just too cute. Pleasant dreams Lingernot.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Happy Turkey Day to you too Sally and others here!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Awww look at the little guy sleeping so peacefully. LOL at Todd taking him back to work today…Lingernot is earning his Thanksgiving dinner. ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow!

Oh! And “Hi Christopher!!!” :-)

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Happy Thanksgiving all!!!

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Happy Black Friday!!! hee hee

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Oh my, I was sooooo busy yesterday with food and company, I apologize for going missing. Lingernot iswide awake now ready for a new day. His belley is full from dinner last night, so I thought I would share some pictures. It poured rain all day yesterday, so no pictures of te garden just yet...but we are playing in the dirt today ;o)

Here is Lingernot patiently waiting for the food to be served....he was pretty hungry, had to get to the table first ;o)

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

turkey's done..... I told Lingernot he still had to wait about 20 more minutes, so he stayed next to the bird just in case any happened to drop.

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Time for dinner..... he was trying to steal Todd seat....

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Lingernot was really excited when he noticed I was serving ham too....

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

one last picture of Lingernot by the turkey that has been carved. We are all full and need a nap before dessert.

I will be back later today with some actual pictures of Lingernot in a garden!!LOL!! Honest, I have one..... hee hee ;o)

Thumbnail by santeelady
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Sure looks like you had a wonderful & delicious dinner! Looking forward to the garden pics.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Mmmmm you are making me hungry with those pics! Did Lingernot carve the turkey with his axe? ;-).

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I bet he stole a bite when she wasn't looking; he has a grin on his face.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Looks like you all had fun. Melissa you sat a nice table.

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

We're back inside...it's still rather chilly out there. Wow, what a bummer, I had no idea the picture of all the food at the table was so horribly blurry!!UGH!!... and we don't drink, so I can't blame that picture on any alcohol!!LOL!! That's my uncle and Christopher being goofy in the background by the way.

Okay okay, enough about yesterday. Let's got to the garden.... the whole reason for the visit right?? hee hee

The garden is looking a bit drab, but Lingernot did mange to find ONE blooming calla lily(honest, it's the ONLY thing blooming right now!!LOL!!)......

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

We will be taking down the fall decorations to replace them with the Christmas ones this weekend, but Lingernot thought my pumpkins in the window we're silly.....

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

I am trying my darndest (is that the word?) to grow brugmansia's and this is the bestlooking one in the garden right now. She's a yellow noid, but just the right size for our gnome friend.....

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Lingernot found my miniature rose garden and really was impressed with my tatse for small, dwarf, miniature size plants. He got lost in all the mini bushes.....

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't have many garden characters, but while on the side of the house Lingenot noticed our tiki and totem and felt the urge to climb up top. Must be all the training he got while being a Cox tech for the day...hee hee

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

this is one of my greatest accomplishments (which says by itself how new I am to gardening) I have these ugly cement pavers that i set up in the garden as a path to the meter on the outside of the house....

anywho, I finnaly got something to grow in and around the pavers and Lingernot was more than happy to pose next to my creation. (it's just cement and dichondria, but it makes me so excited!!LOL!!)

Thumbnail by santeelady
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

and since this is in the Aroid forum, I figured I should take a picture of my baby EE's.....

Lingernot was a little tired and a bit chilly, so we're gonna take a bit of a break, be back later with some more pictures. I have quite the messy project going on the side of the house, but it's way too wet to get involved in that mess right now.

see you all later gaters!!

Thumbnail by santeelady
Eugene, OR

Great pictures Santee, looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Lingernot looks like he's smiling in with the mini roses and I love your pavers and dichondria, good job. Oooh a Messy project? Sounds intriguing, I'm sure Lingernot will be able to help, it seems like he's willing worker.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

It's looking like a garden out there!!! I love your pavers, and it sure looks like Lingernot does too :-).

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Cute totem Santee. The EEs look like Black Taro; I have a few of them. I think I remember seeing a thread where someone pictured a yard from above showing the stones and dichondra filling in. Was that yours?

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Looks like Lingernot is enjoying his visit to Santee. No aroids but I'm thinking I should have at least one for 2009. Dichondra looks so nice between pavers, another project I should consider. Lingernot seems to be at home among the mini roses, I know he is having a grand time.

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