She's about to... #22

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

GOOD MORNING HOTTIE DOLLS & GUYS! Phew! What an afternoon yesterday.... lots of things to do keeping me away from the thread! Still haven't caught up to ya'll, maybe tonight....... Took the afternoon off and finally got home later than if I had worked....but had a fun eve, with DS Dona and DD Melissa. I had a burn pile building from the ice storm last winter and tree trimming this summer, kind of out from my garage where I'm moving brugs to stage for moving inside.... We had a bonfire and fun conversations... I was a night owl and didn't hit the pillow till around 2 a.m. (Drew's home, so teenagers coming and going.. and finally got to give his lil GF military girl a BIG HUG again! I even slept in this a.m. and coffee time is bout over,... I'll be outside ALL day playing in the dirt.. (heaven, I'm in heaven!) I'll get back here after dark, probably but let's just say the Fall Haul has begun... Hugs to all you hotties, don't get this #22 or #23 thread too far ahead of me! lol (I'll try to get before and after pics of some of the brug projects I'm working on AND I might just get around to some cutting today, too.... Did see lots of 4-legged children pics and Phyllis's 33 degrees!!! YIKES... James, glad your haul is or is about over! Hope our Donna is doing good and Becky got her shot... Oh, isn't there an RU today down that way??? Pics Hotties, Pics ;) Later Dudes (and Dudettes)!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

here is the entire pretty girl!

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Donna!!!!Take it easy sweety : )
Ok i'm off to get some kind of digging tool....too chicken to leave my Portodoa EE in the ground ; } and I have some kind of ugly shrub that has got to go!!!!! TTYL!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

She's a beauty Louise!!!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

OK, Hotties, took so long composing the post... (((Donna))) Congrats!!!! LOUISE!!! IT's PINK!!!!! She's LOVELY! And thats some purty variegated leaves ya got there, too! ;) Gotta get out there and get dirt under my nails, hotties! Have fun today!

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Hey Donna glad to see ya back...We missed ya..
Take it slow so you make a full recovery...

Oh Louise...Greenest with envy....

I soaked one of the Plumie seeds overnight and I guess it plumped up like it was suppose to...
So I stuck that one in dirt in a styrofoam cup....
And then read this:

Seeds can also be started in moist paper towels. I take a paper towel and moisten it with hot water and then gently wring it out so it is not too wet. I then fold it into quarters and place the seeds between the sheet layers, making sure there is good contact. I then put the paper towel in a plastic sandwich bag, write the date on the bag, and place the bag somewhere warm and light. If it is warm and sunny during the day, I will place the baggy in the sun on warm concrete or on a cookie sheet. The heat seems to do wonders for the seeds, which plump up with moisture in a matter of a day or two. I make sure that I bring the seeds back inside before late afternoon when it starts to get cool out.

After the seeds have plumped, I transfer them to a community growing container until the seedlings have one or two sets of true leaves, and then they will be given their own individual one-gallon container.

So I put 2 of each kind in their own little baggie....And it begins..

So far i've only had one taker for seeds...
Anyone else brave out there....??

Had to make a call...uuuugggh hate phones...
Just as soon as the DH pulls in the driveway we gotta hightail it.....

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

ok ill be brave .. would you like a couple of bird of paradise seeds in return . im gettin 10 on mon .. thats how cheap i am( or broke really ) , im willing to wait 4-7 yrs for a bloom to avoid paying 50 bucks for a plant .. ive ben dying to try a plumie since i made that mistake calling a primula plumeria .when i looked up plumeria i felt this need to conquer the task of growing one

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

You brave hottie Iris! You go girl!

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Okay Iris i'll get some seeds sent out to you...

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Okay Iris...Their in the backing out now..
Wonder if being a Plummie momma is more nerve wracking then a bruggie one..
It says it takes the seedpods 8-9 months to mature...thats like having a baby...

Okay girls Versi Peach has been in water abt 2 weeks..little nubbies..
A cutting from my Isabella 3 days and there's already a root on it....
What Up??

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

morning all you hotties, and handsomes, louise! beautiful ! congrats! Becky and Donna
glad u r feeling better! lilsista looks like u have zesty cuttings.. I have a versi peach about to bloom out back.. Aunt B and Clem have a great day today, going out to dig up stuff..Iris! glad u r here! Hey James , I bet u are so excited! Kim I am out side with ya, girl! Happy Saturday! YAY! Hey sent out some package today so whoever is waiting u should see them soon! {{{hugs}}} cya l8tr! Debra

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Hey Hotties, gathering info from d-mails for packages going out (I HOPE) on Monday... so I couldn't NOT peek in on you.. Phyllis, brugs are kind of like people... individualized... some do things faster than others... I think I'd pot em' all up... specially the Isabella... HI Debra! I have a Joe'swife section started out there for ya... I might go ahead and mail some cuttings, so you have them to play with (and they are out of my hair ;) I'll just mail them 1st class, should take more than a couple days, no charge to ya, hottie girl... I'm keeping an eye on the boxes of brug cuttings for SASE thread, if any of you are so so lucky to get one, I'll send things I was saving for you to those "less fortunate", cause the box I got was SO SO stuffed, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed! I'm trying the orchid moss rooting method with some of them and I'm just as nervous as a newbie about it.. guess I've put off moving brugs and hibs to the garage door, long enough... bootin' myself back out there... Donna, ya better be resting, Girlie! Okay, Let me find some eye-candy for you hotties, I have lots of she's about to's too, but I'll find something to post for ya.... let me procrastinate on the the haul just a little longer..;) brb

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Starting a new thread.... hang on a minute

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

thanks lil !! i could be setting my self up for failure but that word isnt in my vocab lol . if it dosnt germ it will of course be the plants fault lol . well i wont be on much today my dogs have flees. i have to do the bad word in a major way .they just got a flee bath . now to shampoo the carpet just in case . i know i know its my fault i skipped a few doses of the sentinal ... all they do is sleep all day and poop and eat . they dont really stay outside even when im out they want to go in and be in the a/c and lay on the couch pillows the kids throw on the floor , or the laundry basket . so i let it slide. whats worse is its up there in the cabinet . not like i had to go get some .

james im exited for you i love moving but i wont be for a long time ..
lav, im a brave plant worrier conquering all that i see .. growing things not for my zone lol
joeswife , i know how you feel about the ex . i fight with mine every-time i see him. he starts it( for instance asking when our son is gonna go live with him a one bedroom on a busy city street over a store ! yah like thats gonna happen that sets me right off . im sure he does it on purpose. he only sees our son 3 times a year he cant want him to live w him that bad . see im set off now lol . and its so embarrassing he does it in front of his wife. my dh, him and i were all friends once upon a time . so dh knows how retarded he is . but i dont think his new wife has a clue. i feel sorry for her shes sweet and unassuming and will take his crapola . any way have a nice day everyone off to do some h#^#% w#%*

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Click on this link for NEW #23-

Dialer-uppers are prolly going batty with over 412 posts on #22.. ;)

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Yeah me to I have to unpack then it will be time for me to start taking pictures

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

James, we're over there on #23- you done unpacking, yet? (hehe) can't wait for pics!

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