She's about to... #22

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

lol Deb. Linda Kay so glad you are healing! Hope the pain is at least mostly gone!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky been saying big time prayers for your Mom here.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

me either weese.. I used to be kinda the "anal" type.. but no more!! I actually made my bed the other day when my cousin called to say they were coming been many days that that bed had been made up, prior to it too..LOL
Karen.. have fun with your Momma... how I miss the "good ol days" with mine!! Momma was in good spirits tonight.. but she really didn't know who I was, till I told her I was her one and only daughter.. then she thought......" You are Rebecca Anne"!!..LOL At least she remembers sometimes!! Anyway.. please cherish the moments with your Momma!! NITE Karen

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

weese.. I know you have and I TY sooo much girl!!
YAY..Deb!! another nightowl!!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky what are you getting steroid shots for...I musta slipped a thread topic LOL.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I have Intermittent thread lapses. lol must be the big five O creeping up.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

who is getting steroid shots? Is donna okay? I saw someone had stitches taken out..

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I was reading Becky's long post. Deb i always have insomnia.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awwww.. i am sorry .. I used to have it.. now I just consider this my quiet time..

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Beck!!!!!! hugs to you nite owls I get up at 5:30 am tomorrow but i catch up on sat morning no w%#k that day yay!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

For Clemen...but you would have to do a mini coop or sumthin...min order 6 plants.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

taters got her stitches out! yay! Donna is feeling better I hope.. Becky I am glad u get to see your Momma, enjoy the moment!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Deb, how many brugs DO you have?

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

weese.... I am having the 2nd steroid injection in the morning.. I have 2 herniated disks in the lumbar region I'll get one more shot. They aren't helping cause it's my neck that has been killing but the DR ordered the MRI for the lumbar, and found I have the bad disks there too. SO... I have to follow what the DR wants in order to get to the bottom of why my neck hurts.. just so they can get more of my

Deb.. ain't no way I could function if I got up soo I like to sleep in,and this getting up early in the morning already has me nervous!! I asked Lyle if we needed to set the alarm.. NAH he said..soo I may not even get up in cause he goes to bed early, but is still usually asleep still when I wake up!!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Louise, One outside in the ground, two newones in little pots, and I took some of the young off shoots and stuck them in potting medium (from the one out back) so I guess that is five, but nothing is blooming yet.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky aint that grand? I told the doc for the last two years my neck was crunchy. I could hear it in my head when I move my neck. He said it was just probably some tendons popping. Now that I have these shooting lightening feelings down my arms when I bend my head he is finally listening! Deb is your brug outside a named variety?

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

oh! ouch! that sounds really painful! and I hate needles with a passion!

My eyes are soooo droopy right now. Dr has me on a muscle relaxant, funny thing is, my eyes get they are dry, but I cant seem to sleep after taking it :( guess I'll give it a few more days and see how it goes.

Puppy is up and 'walking' now!!

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Awww poor baby what happened? i either forgot or slipped a topic again. Anjl the first time they gave me muscle relaxers it said take 3 a day. I took one and was out for 24 hours! my hubby was worried coz I would not wake up!

Minneapolis, MN

My Legs are killing me. Give me some, please. Can't sleep. Oh my! Who one the debate last night? Faye, you funny gal. You actually read into the thread. Becky, I am so happy you have your Momma. Chelsea made it a fact, that I don't have mine. My Mother chose to believe into Chelsea's lies, then into believing me and now we don't speak. No loss. She had 3 girls and a boy. I was always treated differently.

Karen, in answering your question about what Amiyah will be for Halloween, and sorry to have ignored that question, we all get caught up in our moments, I guess, she is going to be a Lady Bug! lol. My seester, Karen gave it to me a few weeks ago.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

aww the poor puppy! good morning, hotties, up and at em, poorBeck.. I feel for you, prayers out to you and everyone who is in pain and not feeling well... lav it is a peach veri something .. I will find the original name and post it in a dmail.
you guys have a great day cya later tonite.. *waves to the Hotties*

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)


You must wear gloves because of the bacteria in it.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Mornin you lil hotties! Glad to hear Becky's momma's surgery is soon- well, soon now. Becky you are such a wonderful loving daughter and person.. ya better be up and getting outta there so you can take care of yourself, young lady.. Karen, will miss your absence but soak up all you can, with your momma.. I know you are just like Becky when it comes to yur Momma... Deb, if I may be so bold, Becky's momma has Alzhiemers (sp-ripped that one up didn't I) and some kidney problems, currentlly and I bet her daughter get her wonderful qualities from her.. (((Momma & Beck))) Becky hope you don't mind, but Deb is a care-giver and a Ks Hottie.. I have the somia some times too and LAV, ALMOST 50????? Naa! , don't believe you! AnjL, love those booties your lil precious has on, I missed what happened, I hope your baby will be fine. Seems I do remember something about your 'kids' having some trouble....SandrO, how are those asparagus brugs doing? They surprise you sometimes and then it's okay to lose a few, we all do.. they are plants and at that stage, I'm not too attached, yet.. :) A Ladybug is perfect for Amiyah! HOW CUTE it will be, I know you won't forget to post that pic! It will be that time before we know it. My mother treats me differently, too, and it's always been that way, I asked her one time when I was about 10 or 11, if I was adopted, she bout whopped me! lol But I know she loves me and I give her lots of leeway, she's a loving giving person and if I need her, she is there with open ears and arms.. she's one of my hero's.. so I look at it like she treats me differently than my 3 sis's, but fairly and with a loving heart. I hope you and your momma and Chelsea can eventually put the yucky part behind you.. and you all have one common interest and that is precious Amiyah... by the grace of THE Almighty, time has a way of healing all wounds. Of course, I'm still having an issue with my 1 older sis, but because of your situ, I'm trying to look at my own a little differently, so thank you for making me look in the mirror.. life here on Earth is really so short and maybe me and Darlene's squabble just isn't important enough to take her completely off my sister list, I'll think long and harder before I do that, although I want to. To sum it up, she told me I'm a bitter old woman who can't keep a man, said she's only ever wanted us to be sisters, friends and equal.... Well we ARE sisters, probably Never be friends and I've always thought we WERE "equal".....on a scale of one to 10, she prolly rates me a 1 or less and herself an 11, I think that all equals out in the end, don't you? Hey, I'm not supposed to be on here before work... Bad AuntB! I hope I'm caught up to ya'll and didn't skip a post. No Clemie or Deb or Karen, I didn't get a warning (yet, anyway) teehee, (prolly came close with Kims man-mouse pad) I just wondered if one of the hotties did, cause I thought I read somewhere we ain't spose to talk about current events like politics, but then I prolly skimmed over the rule part when I signed on with Dave's Garden... you know rules.... who needs em? haha gotta run Enjoy your day, Hottie Sis's & Bro's!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Sandy! no time, but I sure will read the link, THANKS for posting, Girl! I need to rinse mine this weekend for the salt, but I'll read the link, first. I also meant to say to James, I'm so happy for you finding a better place and getting moved, I can just feel the happiness it's brought you in your posts about it! WAY to GO!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Good Morning! Sandy, Bonnie, it has always puzzled me why people who love each other will often say THE most hurtful things. Families often say and do things to eachother that they would not even do to people they dislike. One of those mysteries of life. True courage is letting that go and trying to forge a better life between you and for yourself. After all, turmoil of the spirit only hurts the holder, not the giver. It affects your health in so many ways. Years ago, during a particular nasty breakup with a BF, his Mother reached out to me and showed me extreme kindness. Bonnie, you remind me of her loving and "mother earth" spirit! She recommended a book, called the Four Agreements. I think anyone facing relationship turmoil of any kind should read that book! It certainly changed the way I look at a lot of things in my life. You can get a preview of it here. It is a wonderful book and I found it at my local library. I found that I already did some of the things, but that my anger and hurt made it harder to embrace some. With time and some perspective, I found it easier to embrace them all. Mostly, I did not want my anger and hurt to define who I was or make me do or say something that left that negativity in my life. Love you all and have a great day!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

This site has the writers of the book

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

ok new pic this morning of my stubborn brug blooms. Guess they just want to torture me!!! It is opening somewhat. Very intensely colored gold and peachy..wish the camera captured the color better. Love it so far!

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie, Pete's Blue is still doin it's thang. In spite of the chilly night temps! Coke can added for size comparison.

Ok catch up with you all later..have a busy grooming day today! Love you all!

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful pictures, the hibiscus looks almost lavender in color. So pretty.

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

I was also treated differently by my mom....
But only because for 12 years with 4 kids I was her only baby girl and also the baby then my little brother came along.
I always asked if I was adopted too.
Even packed my bags at 7 and ran away to my GP's house..
After I grew up I found out she followed me everystep of the way...
I always wanted a sister...but it wasn't to be...Closest thing to it and probably the best is my baby brothers wife.
She's my sis...But they live in Va. now...
I lost my mom 21 years ago.... way to early in life..
She was my Best Friend... My Hero and as my DH says An Angel put on earth....
We had a special relationship...a sort of mental telepathy thing that has passed on somewhat to my DD
We'd be thinking of each other and the phone would always ring...
She made me promise her that if anything ever happened to her that I'd take care of my baby brother and dad
He was 16 so I finished raising him and my dad passed away in 1999....
You don't know what you had until it's gone... Then it's too late to say "I'm sorry" or "I Love You"
Thankfully I realized when I got older and had her for my best friend for the time that was left.
Here's a pic of us in NYC I took her to her first Broadway Show "Sugar Babies" then out to eat for her BD
I was around 20 then...Almost 30 years ago...
And also a Poem she wrote me for my 25th BD... I have both originals in a frame upstairs in my room..
My most valued possession..
A day doesn't go by that I don't think of her... a day doesn't go by that I tell my DD that I love her too...
No matter what unconditional..That's one of the greatest gifts my mom gave me...It has helped get me though
6 DSK's and a DD and now GK's and 27 years with the DH.. "Unconditional Love"...
I may not like their actions but they know no matter what I still love them...
My mom always said "I may not always like you..But i'll always love you..."
And somehow that makes all the difference...
She visits me every year Via a Kadydid..So I know she's close watching over me...
Sorry for the soapbox....But I envy all of you's who still have your momma's
But I wouldn't trade one second of my time with mine for anything in the world..except to maybe say one more
"I Love You"
My DD's song at her wedding to me was
"Somebody's Hero"

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Sorry girls I didn't mean to make everyone uncomfortable or speechless...
Life's just way too short...
Don't sweat the small stuff...

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

You didn't make ME speechless or uncomfortable! I think your story is priceless, and heartwarming! My mother and I were on "outs" a lot before she died, because of my son. He doesn't like me! But we made up and I was able to visit her during her long stay at the hospital, and I'll always cherish that!

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

why did you have to go and make me cry : '( lol .. thats my biggest fear . i act all tough like nothing bothers me . i act like i can handle anything . but if something happened to my mom id be inconsolable to say the least . im 28 and shes 65 i say she has 20 yrs she dosnt . gardening is our bond . we always used to plant stuff , she worked allot and those moments planting things were so calm and peaceful . like time stood still thats probably why i love it now . any way every time we plant things she says i hope im around to see this bloom . i cant stand it when she says that .
also i hate ( i guess its a strong word but i dont know what else to say )my sisters because they had 20 yrs longer than i did with her and they take it for granted, and hold grudges and hardly ever talk to her ... they got mad that she moved 2 hrs away and mad at me for following her . when i was a kid i used to make sure she was still breathing when id see her sleeping parinoid is that?

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Audrey...
I'm so glad you got to spend some precious time with your momma...

I have a DSD maybe 2 LOL that doesn't like me much either...
She's 38 going on 16... She just never grew up..
But I think she's Bi-Polar and ADD but as long as she won't get help or own up to it
There's nothing we can do...
She's an adult and has to live her own life.. We can't live it for her
We always keep hoping that maybe someday she'll grow up...
If she needs something or is in trouble she always calls me...
She knows i'll always be there for her....But she gets no $$
If my granddaughter needs something i'll gladly buy it and send it to her...
My 2 grandsons are with their dad...

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Iris My mom is the reason I love flowers (lilies especially)

I do that with my DH....LOL
If it looks like he's not breathing I poke him and he jumps..
And I pretend i'm sleeping...LOL

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Phyllis and Louise and Sandy, you're my hero's, too! Thank you for posting that and thank you ALL for sharing... I will check out that book, and Phyllis, no apology necessary for the soap box...A beautiful story of love and dedication... I have d-mailed Sandy and hope she knows I said what I said because I do genuinely want her family to find tranquility. I do have 2 younger sis's, too and 1 is very close, she IS a friend and one is distant but we love and respect one another as being individuals with different expectations and life styles... and get together a few times a year, so it's not all "yucky" for this old "bitter" hottie, and I know Sandy acts out of love, too. I guess I just wanted her to know that she's helped me look at my situation differently and even in times of adversity and struggle good things come of it, that sometimes we don't even know or fathom we give someone hope, help or comfort and I wanted her to know she's helped me. I love all you Hottie's and you offer me comfort just be being yourselves and sometimes when no one else can. I respect you all and would never do anything intentionally to hurt anyone or even a flea, (well, maybe a mite or aphid colony) but sure not my hottie friends. Lav, I do feel earthly, spiritual even... I really do have great respect for what I've been blessed with, we humans like Earth are able to endure and conquer the most extreme conditions/situations/challenges, yet are so fragile and vulnerable.. I'll step down now... maybe we should start a new Hottie thread and get back to some lighter fun chatter. (hope we already have, cause I'm taking too long on this post) I just know we are never too old to be educated by someone else's experiences and on public forums like these I've learned how really big the world is, yet how small and how much we are all the same and how much we are all different.
Please don't ever stop sharing yourselves (you know what I mean) we all feel like Deb said last night a NOID, insignificant in the grand scheme, but we're not really, and it's okay to feel that way sometimes.. I guess I have a faith that I believe we all have purpose, cause life is not something to waste or let happen, but to be enjoyed with and enriched by those we care about..

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Ahhh but just think Iris it's not the time that matters but the quality of that time spent together
and the memories that you's are making...Cause nothing can take those away from you..

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

On a brighter note Iris I was born and raised in Elizabeth,NJ and i'm now closer to Buffalo in N. Central Pa 5 miles south of the NY state line..
But our weather isn't as bad as Buffalo's
Trying to figure out where Orange County NY is

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

yah i know .. i just want to slap them . shes a great lady and i want to be just like her. we are to proud to say things like that out loud .she knows though

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Lovely story.
Please never forget your parents, and close friends. Alway take the time to acknowledge them, and let them know how much you care!
I am so glad I did with my Mom, and have no regrets, when she passed away 2 years ago.

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

its about 80 mi north from nyc around ulster county westchester county

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