She's about to... #22

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Me too! Our Rosie is an OCD girl. She has a fetish for rocks. Not little ones..ones as big as her head! She carries them around and looks like a bobble head because they are so heavy! She can destroy a toy in less than a minute. We resorted to getting her racquet balls because tennis balls are a gonner in seconds. The only problem with racquet balls are that she tends to pop them out of her mouth and hit us in the head with em. We have been known to duck from flying toys!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol, is she a jack russell? My friend has a jack russell that carries around huge tree branches bigger than him...we tease that he has 'little dog complex' lol

uh oh! I think this brug thread has gone to the dogs! giggle!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

lol. She is a rat terrier blue tri. Never got her tail docked. So glad too! She was a litter reject. Born with a double hernia. Luckily it closed itself right before her surgery! The vet said she never saw such a large hernia close itself. We used to have to poke her bladder back up every time she cried (like when she was left in a crate).

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

here she is in all her cuteness.

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

It OPENED!!! My brug flower opened!! It isn't what I would call wide opened yet, but it is open and it smells like heaven. Lemon and baby powder! LOVE IT!!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Whooohooooo!!!! Congratz I love that smell.

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Way to go Louise....(Green With Envy Here)

Pictures Please....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

good evening hottoes and handsomes, I guess I have better read up a bit.. wow Lav!! Congrats! yay! I rushed out to inspect my baby and she is still expecting sheese! anywayz.... love ya all, no w%#k tommorrow..
yay! going over to see my 37 yr old daughter and my 15 yr old grandson and my *gulp* ex-husband.. his dad just pased and he is in from padre islands for the week and they want a Family together night.. my DH is okay with that, too bad I am not.. *sigh* anything to make my daughter happy even if for a few hours. Pauline is still kicking! yay! She is not having the tremors and hallucinations today yay! I am so glad she even ate some choc malt out of a straw for me:) I know this woman.. she loves those chocolate malts! am waiting on some brug seeds to head my way, should be here tommorrow so excited.
Aunt B, Lav, Becky,Anjil,Samigal, Clemen, everyone.. see you all later tonight or tommorrow.. Hey ya james.. and wolfie .. take care! U too Loise:)

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hello hello hello hotties, boys and doggies, oops i forgot my 4 legged son is Copo, So hello to all anyway.

Long day and night , will try to post but i have not catched up yet, and I do see that Samigal and oneanj1 are around and so many others.

Anyway my news are that our darling Donnita is feeling better, yeah!! yeah!!! Good news, keep your prayers going for a full recovery soon!

Love to all , Clem

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

here she is...forgot to turn the red eye filter on so she looks white but really is golden peachy.

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

another....will try to get a better pic a little later.

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

lav im soo jealous... i have a long way to go jk im happy for you

do you guys watch saturday night live ? i almost did that judy grimes skit
where she says just kidding after everything she says

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I am OLD school saturday night live! Love it.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

No saturday life here, their jokes are not for me

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

you debbie downer you! LOL

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Louise you r so sweet, thank yoU for looking after me and the red brug, looked in to that last link and you are right need to order 6 plants!

Minneapolis, MN

Louise, like 1975 Saturday Night Live. Loved it. Still loves it!

Minneapolis, MN

Sorry my post at 4:43 am stirred up a can a worms. Never know what is in Family Closets. : )

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

We consider it a healthy airing out. Clemen you know I love you! I want to see you get that brug yet! Look in the trade lists. You have alot of stuff and some DG'ers have it.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

NOT live plant Louise, just seeds and I am really bad at those

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

nuh uh I saw someone with plants.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)
ok Clemen go to this page and lookk at the last one on the bottom of the page.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

ok looking now

Minneapolis, MN

I wondered why Cat....steered me to ya'll. My Dats....are amazing, but these Brugs are outstanding!

Minneapolis, MN

Since WereWolf came on board, and having to take care of Amiyah, I never really thought of what I have to offer...
I have Cleome seeds, Purple and White Salvia, Flox, purple cone, black eyed susan, of course the moonies, or Dats. Gosh! I have alot. Blazing Star. Prim Rose. I think alot more too. Let me know if any one wants seeds! : )

Oh, and that is because he is willing to share! LOL

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Ok Louise, did not get anywhere, but thank you for trying you are so sweet. I have to tell you I got burnt in the coops here on DG and the ones selling the brugs that i ordered, pop in and out of this thread, which makes me mad. So I tell all hotties and warn them be carefull who you order from and check their credentials frist beofre sending any money. Be carefull before u order. I never got my brugs and after threatening the sellers I finaly got my money back, after 2 months.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

hi Sandi long time I do not talk to ya

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow. Surprised you got burnt. I have only been in a couple and they were ok I guess. I just would rather trade or buy locally. I did mail order from a nursery last spring but got spider mites with my order lol.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Louise the worse thing is that you get to trust people here and then you get hit in the face. Hotties be carefull who you order from ok, that's all! Clem

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Ok Clemen!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Well 3 more loads and I am done moving horay I stayed last night in my new place it felt great. I now have my internet on there so I can not wait to show you pictures of the before and after. Thanks guys for your support in my move.


Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Lav,BEAUTIFUL Brug bloom,congrats♥how exciting those bloomin Brugs are♥

♥to all boy and girl Hotties☺

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Hooray for you James☺I have been watching and waiting for pics. It sounds like a great move for you☺

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Morning Hotties & Handsomes!!!
More eye candy Louise!!!! please : )
WTG James!!! Looking forward to seeing your pics too!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Mornin Hotties and Handsomes!!

Well I feel more like I am with the living this morning!! I slept most the evening yesterday, and then all night. I have never had one of those shots hurt worse afterwards, than what my back hurt before a shot..hmmm go figure!!

Kim... here you are asking for more eye candy.. and I bet you have all kinds of bloom pics to share!!
James..last night was as good as Christmas morning when you were a kid..I I am excited right along with you!!
weese... pretty bloom.. finally.. she took her sweet time didn't she? I also have a rat terrier/fiest (Lyle's that is full of antics!! If we didn't have our tow children...^_^... we wouldn't have as much reason to get up in the mornings
anjl... hope your lil cutey is feeling better!!
Peg.. so glad to hear from you.. I am still worrying about how's the bud doing??

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Glad you are feeling better Becky!! I need eye candy lol...all of mines are in the "about to " stage. : )

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

It was 33 degree's here this morning...brrrr
and the stupid ISP would let me on..
So I went back to a nice warm bed....LOL
The Dh is taking half a day off today so we can get tires on the truck...Fun fun fun..
James so glad your finally (almost) moved in...

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Morning hotties
I am very weak but can stand a little today. I managed to get up on my own so things are looking better. I’m very out of it from the meds so it is hard to concentrate. I think things can only get better from here.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

So we have two hoties feeling better today, YIPPIE and pretty soon I want you both doing the happy dance.

Have a great day everyone, Clem

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh Donna! Hugs sweet lady! So wish we were closer to help you out!
Poor Becky! The only good thing about getting a shot in my Knee Beck, is that I have no feeling below my surgery scar so when he shoots me I cannot feel it at all! Cannot even imagine if he would have to shoot me in the neck! Not sure I could let him lol. But, couldnt imagine him doing that to my knee either....pain has a way of making you change your mind. Hope you feel better soon. Phyllis, it is still warmish here, no frost yet.

Ok here is the new pic from this AM and boy was I surprised at what I saw.
She is now colored like a tequila sunrise drink. Bright gold on the trumpet and pink on the skirts. Looks so pretty with all those other gold buds on the plant! My stupid camera refuses to take accurate pics of the color. Time to get a new one!

Thumbnail by lavender4ever

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