Commanders Jordan, Josh, and Moxon have PIPS!! Updates here!

(Zone 7b)

Sorry about your eggs Claire

Lodi, United States

That is terrible, Claire. If you let the breeder know nicely--like you are helping her/him know how is packing is working--you may get a reshipment. Maybe send pictures. I had a great Barnevelder breeder who sent me eggs three times because the post office kept losing them--I would get them two weeks late--mostly due to the hurricanes that year.

I covet your Penedesenca.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh no! That is too bad... I'm so sorry Commander Moxon.

I got a shipment that was wrapped in a spongy material that was breathable and every one was good.

The ones in bubble wrap only a few were good.

I'm betting the damp shavings would be an ideal "medium" ... IMHO not experience here.. but it just seems like it would be closer to a "natural" environment...

Also, I have a LOT of experience in shipping.. and I'd think writitng on the outside of the box with a big marker rather than ink pen would help. A friend works at the PO and I've visited with her and seen how they don't even give the box a second look and pitch it all the way across the room to a bin.. Like playing basketball

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Don't covet your chickens before they're hatched. Wait...that's not it...

Clarkson, KY

Ouch, Claire. I was feeling very sorry until you 'smacked me upside the head' with that punniness...

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I hope the remaining eggs hatch out into beautiful chicks!

I have a question about heating lamp bulbs. I have always used the clear bulbs but when I was at the feedstore yesterday picking up my chick starter, I bought an infrared one. Should I just use that one or should I use the clear one during the day and at night shut that one off and turn on the infrared one? I have two heat lamps.

Clarkson, KY

Barred Rock, Har.

Sue, I personally think all the critters do better with the infrared at night. They don't calm down and rest well with too much light, imho.

(Zone 7b)

I use a 100 watt standard bulb when they are in my kitchen and when i move them to my shed i use a 125 white infared i got at lowes. Resting is a natural instinct and they will rest when tired the red bulb is susposed to prevent picking. It's everybodys personal choice if you like the clear bulb and your chicks are happy then stick with that one.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'll have to take a pic of my penedesenca eggs for you all to see. They almost look like milk chocolate eggs. Very dark brown and beautiful. Quite exciting indeed. They are supposed to be wheaten and partridge birds.

I didn't get around to tail pictures this morning either. Always too many things going on. This morning there was a funny smell in the kitchen and I couldn't figure it out. After much hunting high and low, I finally determined that the plastic bottom of the liner in my garbage can (outside is stainless) had cracked and leaked liquid of unknown origin onto the floor under the can. It stank to high heaven, and there were fruit flies in it. I hope it hasn't damaged the hardwood floor permanently. Man it was disgusting... The garbage is Kelly's job but he's not always as efficient as I'd like. Anyway, it's fixed for now and I have to get a new garbage can, but the time it took prevented me from taking tail pix.

And now I'm stuck in constitutional law class and tonight I have trademarks so I won't be home until 8:30, by which time I have to go look for eggs, pet the goats, fill the waterers, check my pip, fill the water reservoirs in the bators, feed myself, give Kelly a hug, and THEN maybe I will get around to pix.

Doesn't help that my drive was delayed by an incident just off our gravel road this morning in which a bank robber (who had just held up two tellers at gunpoint) was being chased by police in a high speed chase, although they were supposedly maintaining safe distance, but he was in a stolen car going over 100 mph in a 55 zone. Anyway, he flipped the car and died at the scene which is just beyond the bottom of my road, so it was blocked by a ton of state troopers and I had to take a different route to school.


Clarkson, KY

!?! You should really get out less...To have all that legal mess on top of a day like that!! Here's hoping Calgon and the Chicken Fairy take you far, far away...........

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'm just hoping my pipped egg will be okay...

Clarkson, KY

Faith!! You are doing your best so it will come out OK.

Gao, Mali

Calgon on the way!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Pipped egg not complete but OK. Looks like it's going to be a darker baby than the serama that hatched a couple of days ago (Gerty).

Here is a pic of my frizzle, silkie, and penedesenca eggs, for all to ogle. Some are in the Brinsea Octagon 40, but most are in this 'bator, which is the R-Com 20. I think they are just the coolest looking eggs!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is a kind of cute pic. The big yellow chick is an Easter Egger about 10 days old. The tiny yellow chick is the serama hatched Monday night. The little brown one is an OEG hatched around the same time as the EE.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
(Zone 7b)

Oh my that little one is going to get sqwished by the giant one.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here are my tail comparison shots - side and top views, of the 3 EE chicks all hatched within 24 hours of each other.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

The little one likes to hide under the big one!! Here she goes...

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Clarkson, KY

Gyaawd, Claire. Do my pics now...Pleeeease!!! great piccys!

(Zone 7b)

Claire are you not afraid the bigger chicks might hurt the tiny ones.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I was afraid before, but now they all seem to get along and nobody is pecking at anybody so I hope it is going to work out OK. I do plan on moving the bigger ones to a larger coop tomorrow though....I just need to find the time.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

My guess is Gurty is a roo.. the other 2 are pullets.. (going by what Catscan told me) and observations on mine.

They are so cute.. I just love your pics Commander!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

cindy [aka lt. major mumble] wasn't eating so i put cookie in with him and it worked! he seems to be doing fine now

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Oh! It's like they've made the big one their momma! Great pics!

Whew! Sounds like you had quite the day. Thank goodness that you weren't traveling the same time as that bank robber. That's so scary.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

cindy sounds like he's going to be a very pampered little man!
What kind of cookie? Oatmeal? Mmmm...sorry I'm in the mood for a nice warm oatmeal cookie!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

chicken cookie

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I guess that wouldn't work with my morning coffee!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

no, but i ca give you chocolate chip cookies

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

The Post Lady called! They're here a day early! Good thing I set everything up ahead of time so it would be ready for them. Everyone is very alert and happy!

Thumbnail by saanansandy
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oooo I want choc. chip cookies!! I got an urge to make them the other night. Went to pull ingredients and didn't have any brown sugar. :O( Still wishing for one!

Those chocolate brown eggs are to die for Commander Moxon...and HUGE!

Isn't Cindy/Major Mumble cute with my namesake, Cookie? Love it!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

They're adorable.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

very cute chickies!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Mmm, chocolate! :) You are what you eat so make sure mine has plenty of nuts!

Thanks joycet! I'm very excited-just like a surprise party! I answered my phone and my postlady said,"your babies are here!" Oh boy!

Thumbnail by saanansandy
(Zone 7b)

Jordan if you ever have a chick or chicks that won't eat try playing hen for them.
I sprinkle out some food on the bottom of my brooder and take your fingernail and peck at the food make the little pecking tap tap noise with your nail mine will come running and pick where my nail is picking. I taught turkeys to eat this way too did you know a turkey doesn't know how to eat when they hatch and you have to teach them. I never knew till i got some little ones and they wouldn't eat so i ask my turkey expert friend what was wrong and she told me i had to teach them to eat.

(Zone 7b)

Yes Chocolate with lots of nuts for me too!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

thanks jordan! I'm thinking about flipping them to try out the sexing method. They've all had a drink and are eating like crazy.

Ok last pic! heehee!

Thumbnail by saanansandy
Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

lots of pecans in them!

(Zone 7b)

Cute chicks what kind are they?

(Zone 7b)

Jordan my sister in laws mother used to make the best Homemade Chocolate pecan clusters.

Just make you have chills they were so GOOD!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

my pecans will be falling soon.

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