london England, United Kingdom

Hello and Welcome to the Flowerpot Cafe'. Join us for a cup of flowers!

We have 25 bare tables in here today, Please help us to decorate the cafe with your flowers ,teapots,vases,and cakes!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

We came from here.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi All, Nice pics and lots of chats.
When I was 16, I had a baby! (actually, 5 days before I turned 17)
I haven't got any applicants, but might have a go at a handbag this weekend? How about you lot?
Nemesias and pansies for the table. Whoops, guess I should have put them in the vase, instead of just digging them out!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, now look at what you have done in the brand new cafe, went and got dirt all over the first brand new tablecloth. We shall forgive you though as the pansies are just beautiful LOL!

Star, hope you get in here and stop lolly gagging - you need to keep up with things especially since you missed the bash the other night. You would have had a blast, I can hear you laughing all the way over here. You surely don't want to miss anything from here on out.

Mittsy - I promise that I will get the pic of the zinnias ASAP. I actually took some photos the other evening but must have lost them in cyber space cause I now can't find them? These blonde moments are coming way to often!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Those moments don't get any better when you're gray! I post my pictures in folders i have folders for
NY Plants
FL Plants
KY Plants
DG Garden
Currently under NY plants I have more folders for
pond plants
trees and shrubs

Under perennials I have more folders
iris ( Jap. Sib. TB and LA)

Most of the time I can't remember what folder I put the photo I'm searching for in. Now would my picture be in Family or Trees and Shrubs? Hmmm, yep Trees.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Whew... The traffic was bad and traveling the airwaves, was rough today, but finally made it here and didn't come empty handed for once.

Since the main roads were blocked, I had to take a detour. drove through the city of gerber daisy, but only saw two folks hanging about , then got stopped in Petunia valley, for picking a couple of blooms. Since it so hot out, i decided to get a drink at Goldstrum's . While looking out the window saw a sale at the local Hosta store and couldn't pass up a bargin. Then just as I thought the roads were clear and would make it on time for a morning brunch, Lirope threw up a road block.

Rushing aroudn tryign to make sure I got here on time, has my mind all in a dither and my arrangement is just as much a bundle of jumbles of colors and textures.

Now to find Miss Squash and see if she got the coffee ready. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Humansville, MO

i my hand bag not start yet
what size foam is take
any idea

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Thanks for doing the link mittsy, (our wiz kid on the computer). LoL!
Sue, Thanks for the lovely flowers, I'll find somewhere to plant them in our beautiful cafe gardens.
Everyone was making lame excuses saying the bag was too hard and beyond their capabilities LoL! Was thinking of doing a handbag thread for those willing to give it a try! BUT if your hearts not in it thats ok too!
Star, Thanks for starting us of with a lovely colourful vase of pretty flowers.
elle, depends how many leaves and flowers you have avaiable. 1 block is for a big handbag.
Bringing in a few vases........

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Mizz Goldie Squash (our waitress) is late for work on her first day! Please ask her to put these vases around the cafe!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

oops, Totally forgot about the handbag! (mind like a sieve) Hi Mittsy, nice to see you! Will include a pic of me and a friend!
Nice vases Terri. I have been looking around, but haven't seen anything that particularly takes my fancy. DH bought me a really grose hand made pottery one, (god love him) that I have boxed away ready for donation to the op-shops. You'd need a pretty awesome bunch of flowers to take the attention from it, I can tell you!
Elle, I thought I'd actually get an old handbag from the second hand shop and dress it up? Do you think it will work?
Star, lovely bunch you have there, (flowers I mean) Sounds like you had a lovely detour!
Candee, I'm so sorry about the dirt, but I don't like to come empty handed all the time! I'll try better next time to keep it clean.
For Mittsy. This is me at Candees other plot!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

See how slim my buttocks are? ROTFLMAO!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Terri.. If your making a bag, please, would like step by step instructions. Gotta wait to next week to start mine. Went to shed and only foam I foudn was thin sheets. Don't have any blocks, but found some silk flowers to try and work with mine.

I gotta figure out where I saw them smaller alstromia for sale at. Thought I wrote it down, but can't seem to find where I did it. really enjoying looking at them. Ya getting me hooked on a new flower. LOL

Oh wow! It's a BBQ! : )

london England, United Kingdom

Good morning all,
I have my SIL visiting, she brought me these lovely lilies. They can go in one of the alcoves over there to the right of the duke box.
Have a nice weekend, raining here again!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Star, Here's the sugar cubes for your coffee!

Will start a new thread for the handbag with the instructions all together in one place.... next week!

This message was edited Aug 10, 2008 12:35 AM

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cool!! I just got me another cup and was headign for the sugar bowl. Ya got that one right on time. Thanks! : )

Humansville, MO

thank-you all for help on the handbag
now how do you cut the foam
the picture does not show you
any one got any other aniaml

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, just bringing in our new clock!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow you all have been busy.
Terri, nice clock, it is always 5 o'clock somewhere! Nice lilies, does your SIL live close and does she garden and arrange as much as you do? Lovely vases for all the tables. So do you think Ms. Squash can handle it, man it is hard to get good help these days.

Sue, believe you can thank me for those slim buttocks!

Mittsy you sure got your hands full , thanks for bringing it on. I posted the beautiful zinnia patch finally. Never did find the original photos, had to take more yesterday!

Elle, I think that you need to shape the foam to the size of the purse you want to make. Perhaps cut across the top then angle down part way on each side for the part just past the handle then straight down to the bottom? Sure you will loads of help from the thread when and/or if started.

Started a new theme arrangement, an inspiration of secret garden, too much Springsteen this past weekend LOL! I like it, lets see what you come up with, head on over.

Brought over my arrangements and added a bit of caladium

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Another angle, hope it looks good on one of the outside tables.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hodgepodge of mixed poseys for a table for one!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh look here is little Abygail Grace trying to find her way from the garden path into the cafe, could somebody please lead the way for her, she is just a little thing and doesn't know her way around. Sue, Terri, she has met you gals, can you lend a hand please?

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is the link to the theme for this week - Secret Gardens - now I would love to see everyone join in as this was quite a lot of fun to make.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

What are the purple flowers on the bottom of your mixed poseys arrangement? Is this the same?

Thumbnail by mittsy
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Mine are campanula mittsy not sure if that is same as what you posted. Mine are more like a bell flower shape and hang down.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I have a bad habit of planting seeds and not giving them enough time to germinate before dumping the pot. So I have "volunteer" seedlings sprouting in unusual places. I think my purple flowers might be one of them.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

mittsy, that looks marvelous in contrast to that beautiful stone wall. May be an unusual spot but what a great location it turned out to be for your blue beauties.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I think we have entered the Monsoon Season. It has poured off and on for several days and is raining right now and very, very dark skies. Sure looks like an all day rain. No gardening today, guess I'd better do some sewing. At least all of my transplants are getting watered.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Thanks for those two arrangements for the cafe, BEAUTIFUL! Looks nice with the Caladium added. Love the Hodgepodge totem arrangement, lovely colours together.
Hello Abygail Grace, lets go and see if we can find you something nice to eat while Grandma has her coffee!! Then after that we can go to the play area, there's a beautiful new slide for you to try.
I haven't seen Mizz Squash for a few days now!
Hi Mittsy, Nice campanula! I have a white one. I don't know where our summer has gone!!!! it's been raining here for days now. Hope we get some warm sunshine back soon. What sewing are you doing?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We could use some of that rain you folks are getting over our way. The humidity has dropped and so did the temps finally, been beautiful and in the low 80's the past few days and nice cool evenings. We had a fire in the outside fireplace on Fri n Sat nights and were wearing sweats as well.

Terri, glad you like those arrangements, I thought the caladium was a nice touch. Thanks for taking Aby for some chow, she loves her veggies so perhaps some nice fresh carrots. Wow, don't tell her about the slide until she has eaten, she has a one track mind!

Is it possible that Ms. Squash has run off with the plummer? I saw him in the restroom yesterday - he was installing those nice new sinks and faucets for us, you remember the shiny brass ones. I just poked my head in there and noticed that he has everything in place, but he didn't connect the water lines so we can't wash up back there. Looks like he left in quite a hurry, could have been Ms. Squash was over there flirting and got his undivided attention. I bet they went to the park or something!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the id on my CAMPANULA, gotta go look it up in Plant Files.

(Zone 6a)

Oh NO!!! I missed Melonies performance and the opportunity to dance with her :(
I don't pop over for a few days and I miss all these big events!

Terri, that hot hot hot arrangement is hot! Maybe we should give Mizz Goldie Squash a chance...........although I've heard leading sopranos can be a bit fussy....Maybe we should contact her agent and book a show?

Candee, I love your Dahlia and Zinnia in the dish!!! Sorry I wasn't there for the first dance, but I'll definitely be here when Mizz Goldie Squash hits the stage!

Heres a new arrangement I just made for the one of the tables. It's amazing what you can come up with even when there appears to be no flowers in your garden.


(Zone 6a)

HAHAHAHAHA, after catching up on the new thread I see Mizz Goldie Squash isn't such a good singer as she said she was.....


Argh, I was so distracted by all the new blooms I forgot to bring my own!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Steven! That's such a delicate arrangement, Thank you. What is the foliage around the vase?
I thought you had gone away for a few days, the post was in the porch and I haven't seen any lights on. I came over for some sugar the other day LoL! You missed a good night, sure there will be more, just check the noticeboard.

(Zone 6a)

Thanks Terri :) The foliage is Dichondra
I didn't get away but my nephew came to visit for a couple days so we took him out and about. We took him to the doughnut shop where he could actualy see the doughnuts getting made and he found it quite they gave us all a free doughnut :)


london England, United Kingdom

Nice plant! Doughnuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love doughnuts. Do we have any doughnuts here tonight???????? yumm.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh.. Oh.. now ya did it ya had to mention donuts. I such a donut lover, I am easily bribbed to pull weeds and such for chocolate frosted cake donuts. There no good donut shops around here. The thought of donuts makes me miss home.

Steven, can;'t tell what is the burgandy flower in your arrangemnt. That pretty.

LOL... Love the child. What a lovely young girl and even better that she likes flowers. If Ms. Squash don't show back up, maybe she can go around and pick the wilted flowers up.

All them caladiums I got growing, didn't think about using them for foliage. Thanks for the idea. : )

(Zone 6a)

Mmm, sooorry Terri :( the last doughnut got finished off this morning.
I wish I had of saved some to bring with me to the cafe tonight! However..................I did bring some oatmeal rasin cookies!

Star, the burgundy flowers are ivy geraniums, heres another picture from a different angle.


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

and here's the cookies ;)

Thumbnail by SW_gardener

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