Unusual Seed Swap 08 Announcement

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

good afternoon Macsie! Ive already purchased the seed from valueseeds. Just waiting for them to arrive.
I dont plan on purchasing anymore for this swap.
Ive harvested the yellow morning glories and there is enough for everyone. They are the cutest little flowers along with little seeds. Its a great bloomer, with many blooms for a long period of time. I was so excited last year when I received them. I also find seeds that I want to grow for myself and to also harvest for the unusual seed swap.
Ive spent the morning in the garage packaging up seeds for the swap. I first package up from wish lists where more than one person doesnt ask for the seeds. Then I go back afterwards and draw names from seeds that have more than one request. Then I go back again and add all the things that I am enclosing with the swap such as my garden group business card, and of course what I have selected for the extra dollar that was requested.

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)


After doing all of this, do you simply just go to bed for the night? You are an all right gal!

Do we send you a check for the extra ($.99) items?

Slow down a bit!


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

If there is an extra Yellow morning glory seed, I would love 1.
You are amazing !

Thankyou for doing so much for us and giving so much of your time.


Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

the extra .99 cent items are part of the extra dollar everyone sent so no money is needed for them.
And your welcome to everyone that has thanked me. Its a great way to meet new people, and a chance to online 'visit' with old friends here at Daves Garden.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Theresa--Thank you so much----better late than never. LOL I would like the primula candleabra hybrids #3090 Really, Theresa, thanks so much for doing this for us. I know it must be lots of work and organization.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

ATTN: MamawK, please submit another wish list that includes the name of the person that has them, the number would be great too. You can find these at the www.freewebs.com/gardenbabe site. Its just too hard to do it otherwise.

Im really making headway today. It appears I can only spend an hour or two on it at a time, otherwise I start losing focus and get a headache! LOL.

I want to thank and commend everyone for their contributions and their wish lists.

I have 3 out of 28 lists completed.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow! that and Thanks! is all that I can figure out to say right now (with mouth hanging open). It looks like alot of fun as well as alot of painstaking cooridination that you're doing for us! Thank you! I am interested in your yellow mg seeds and you can surprise me with the rest thats on your value seed list. Maybe that will ease your head a bit because my wish list was so long ;-) Andrea

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

well, I worked all afternoon and have about 13 lists completed. And mygypsyrose....your long list was great, wait til you see everything I have chosen for you!
Hope to finish by the end of the week, thats my goal!

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

Wait until you go to the PO. They look at you funny when you have all those packages full of seeds.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I use stamps.com so I rarely have to go to the post office. The maillady is used to me getting/sending lots of packages. We have a system worked out. If the flag is up on the mailbox it means she will park in our driveway and walk our block from there and pick up/deliver packages that way.
I warn her when Im hosting my swaps so she is plenty prepared. I also sell regularily on ebay so she parks in our driveway alot. :)
Ive been lucky and only had one grouchy mailMAN, and he retired about 5 months after we moved here. I bet he was happy! LOL

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

I quit using Stamps.com when I found out I could do the same thing on USPS without the service fee. Course you have to buy your own scale if you use USPS.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Todays the big day! Ive completed all the seed packets and are ready to start sending them out.
Please let me know when you have received your packet and hope you enjoy the selections I have chosen. There were a couple types of seeds that everyone wanted! Boy that was hard to choose who got them. Devils Tobacco sent in by Rebecca30 was the most asked for. Agastache cana came in second as most requested sent in by Beebe54.
Other popular requests included hot spot coral, ferria crispa, desert willow orchid, white bat flower, 4th of July climbing rose, and moonshadow sunflower.
I want to take this time to thank those that sent me personal seeds as gifts, and other goodies that I will cherish and use.
I may host another unusual seed swap if there is enough interest near the end of the year or early next year.
Take care everyone, and hope to see you all participate again. Almost everyone followed directions perfectly, making it easy for me to sort out, divide and conquer! hehehe

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Theresa, What is your seller name on Ebay? Im always looking for trusted people to buy from! Please Dmail me if you don't want it public

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

oh I want everyone to know Caren! hehehe... its ellobo
been really busy, but will have more to list to sell on ebay soon. :)

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks! Ill have to go take a look

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)


Once again thanks so much for all your work! I am really looking forward to seeing what you picked for me, so I'll be watching the mailbox.



Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Time to watch for your seeds to arrive! YIPPEE....today I mailed all of them out. Helene, dont forget you have an escargot leaf to plant!
I'll leave this thread open so everyone can post when they received their seeds. There were 29 participants, sending me 1261 packs of seeds!
Now I want to hear from everyone next year when they grow all these unusual seeds! The surprises in my own gardens of the unusual seeds I planted from last year was very much fun to watch!
Happy gardening!!!!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh wow! Thank you so, so much, Theresa, for all your hard work! I can’t wait to see my mystery goodies!

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all your work Theresa! I can't wait for my envie! :)

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

Tomorrow starts the mailbox vigil. "Is it there yet? Is it there yet? Is it there yet?" Hope they don't use pony express to send it back to me, like when I sent it to you. I don't think I can wait a whole week. Maybe they'll send it extra fast to make up for how slow they were before! LOL

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

well Pam, that sounds like the fantasy of our dreams post office to me LOL.
I think it took 10 days to get to me, so if they deliver it before ten days then we should be happy LOL.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

your a gem i have had a bad 2 weeks and now i will finally have some fun for a change
i put my mom in the ground and i havent had much time to play with my plants and now i will get aq surprise in the mail that will make my day im so glad i joined this cant wait to get them and thxs sooooo much for you doing this for us and i cant wait for the next one thxs again for lifting my spirits at a time i really need it
god bless

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

thank you so much for organizing this swap! This is actually my first swap with a bigger group. Will be waiting for the seeds in the mbox!!!


South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much for all your hard work!! I can wait to get the enve!

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

So sorry for your loss moretz!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

thxs so much its been very hard and she loved her flowers so i am getting back into them since i have been with her up until she passed away so now i can focus on my plants again and i know that is what she would want me to do
sorry didnt mean to take over this thread lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

{{{Hugs Moretz}}} I hope your gardening helps bring you some peace and healing from your difficult loss.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

moretz, sorry for your loss. Maybe some of the seeds you get you can create a memorial space for mom.
Take care, and hugs,

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi there Theresa and other fellow DGers. I just wanted to apologize for falling short on getting my contribution in the mail. I had the seeds to the side and because of circumstances that are too much to get into; I wasn't able to participate this time around. ;-(

Anyway, I'll just have to watch for your next round of seed swapping. I have a ton of the Blue River II, (white hibiscus) and some Blackberry Lily seeds that I've put to the side.

Also, Moretz...I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. The memorial for your Mom in the garden, that Theresa mentioned, is a neat idea.

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

Sorry to hear about your mom. I made a memorial to Dad in my garden and sometimes I just go talk to him.

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)


I’m so sorry for you loss.


gieten, Netherlands

I am so sorry to hear from the loss of your mom
take care


hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

thxs everyone,it has been hard i think she is gone on vacation but i know she is gone and well i dont know i think the garden would be great for me,
i cant wait to get the seeds and see what ill be getting thxs again everyone

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)

To All the members who participated in the trade:

Thanks so much for all your wonderful seeds, the effort of growing them, and the happiness received when you share them!

Hugs to all,


Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

I went to the mail box after dark tonight & saw a bubble envelope inside. I was so excited! But when I got inside it turned out to be a package for my son. (;>(

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Love the pic of the borage i have tons of it..guess i found this a little late..

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Ho ....another plant that I believe needs to be transplanted.... My Borage was planted 12-13 years ago. the area has little by little become increasingly more shady. Last week after a couple full pin Oak branches were taken down due to nearing and even pressing onto elec wires. ..stilll. now I see that the western sun hits the
shade "garden. Should I just lock into the "wait n see" mode for a year and see how the seasonal lighting has changed now??
I still have some leftovers from spring sales to plant and am pooped and sore all over. (somewhere in all this, I think I've answered my own answer, but maybe a little confirmation or validation could help me feel comfortable with "leaving things just as they are" 'cept for the ones yet to be plantedl
........................Whew........just typing that wore me out !!! hehehe
th aching joints lady,
Sheri =^..^=

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Wow Am I the first?? I got mine today and OMGosh there are some really cool seeds in here! I can't wait till I have a chance to sit down with them and figure out what I can winter sow.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this trade you have all made this so fun! Theresa I think this is the best Unusual swap yet! Thank you so much again for hosting!
Take Care all! Im off to read up on my new seeds!!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

macsie received her seeds first, but your the second one! glad you enjoyed it, I had a great time with it too. Interesting to see all the participants and their selections.

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