She's about to....#5

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

santeelady come on down you are the new owner of a brug babie!!!!!!

Thumbnail by kimarj
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Where are the Hotties at????

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm here but about to go. Oh my, how pretty!! Lucky lady.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

We were left over on #4, Hotties! I'll go make a link.... Congrats to santeelady!!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

YAY!! she will get the brug baby from Clem!!!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I've found 'Us' again. lol. The joy of gardening with friends all around the well as international, we share gardening tips from our own experience. I just love it here. Thanks all for the tips. This is a named cultivar brug, but the tag has been washed off....yikes! But its bloom turns a beautiful salmon peach!

Thumbnail by Lily_love
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Well, darn it KB ;), what's ya gonna do now? Remember who from or where you got it? Is it a Pink Perfektion?? I agree 100% with you on sharing the joy of gardening. The internet has sure enabled us to be enablers, huh? I so enjoy being on both ends of the sharing, I truely can't decide which brings me more pleasure. I even received a yellow water iris that came to me as a 2 inch start...from Poland. It's been growing for 4 or 5 years and set seed this year. I traded cardinal climber vine seeds for it.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Bonnie, I just browsed the brugmansia's pf and think that maybe be 'GreenBank' a sport from 'SnowBank' tetraploid (genepool). Hah, I've tried to contact the person I purchased this from for positive I.D. but haven't heard back from the source.
Whatever it's. It's a keeper. That's the very first flower on this one. FFO, I hope it will yield a bigger more abundant flush later on as it matures.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

It is so pretty, nice form to, twangers reaching out! Pretty! I'm sure it will yeild a big flush, it's just teasing you... (kinda like Kim & Clemen)..tehe I've never had a Greenbank, and my Snowbank is new this year, so I can't compare. Maybe Kim or Clemen know. The Snowbank lives in mostly shade here, gets some direct sunrise sun, and it doesn't need water hardly at all compared to the sun lovers... So now, I don't feel like it's eating enough.. I only water it maybe once a week... and offer it food then.... the leaves keep getting bigger, so I guess I'll not fuss about it.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I made the jump. I now have 7 brugs, with posibly more coming. It is amazing how fast your collection grows. I hope I get them to bloom.

I also have some devil trumpet seed, or so I think. The ebay description called them DOUBLE PURPLE WITH WHITE ANGEL TRUMPET DATURA METEL. I have since learned that angel trumpets don't come in purple. So if they all sprout, I will be asking for some takers.
Linda Kay

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Kimarj and Clem, what a nice surprise (secret) you two cooked up! I'm sure Santeelady will love getting that baby brug.

TTYL.... Peg

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Linda Kay, this is how it was explained to me, seems easier to remember, but it may not be right... Datura, Angel trumpet because the blooms point upward.. Brugmansia, Devils Trumpet because the blooms point or hang down. The Datura do come in white, white with purple trimming, yellow, doubles and triples... But Brugmansia don't come in lavendar or purple. You can also purchase datura seed from many catalogs. Be careful on ebay, they don't always know the difference.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Linda Kay;
The seeds you've got are DATURAS, not Brugmansias, but they're in the same family solanaceas, the night shade family of plants.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Bonnie, we've crossed posted. Ditto to what Bonnie has just shared.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Hotties, I'm trying to get out of here to get some food.... You'll NEVER believe what I found in our incoming mail at work today..... Where's Audrey? I'm going to track her down in DG. lol

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good day, ladies.
Thanks for the new page, Kim of Kimarj. Hope you're doing better. And it's so great of you and Clem to do a sweet thing like that...a pleasant surprise for SanteeLady!
AuntB, I learnt the hard way on which seller to avoid on eBay. It's so true too that descriptions can be incorrect.
Just got to show you my new acquisition. This pic was taken before it's planted this morning, and the bloom, unfortunately had fallen off. No, I didn't cry, just told Kel he has to get me another brug (Grin).
The lovely fairy with solar globes, is a wonderful gift from one of our Hotties ^_^

Lemon parfait.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

You'll find Audrey in "Sweet Interruptions" enjoying her Bailey's!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

AuntB, what did you get???
Please tell us too.
Linda Kay

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Guys you can't even let me breath, jezzzzzzzz we are aldreay in #5 and THE SECRET IS OUT!!!!! Hee hee kept you in suspense, I love it!! So Melissa, congrats, she will be on your way soon. See ya all later, Clemen

Heavenscape, what a nice pic!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

We may have to wait awhile on AuntB. She d-mailed me before lunch and had some errands and needed to run to the post office. Peg

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Alright.... Kim and Clem are such sweet girls!! Congrats Melissa!! the race

Ya'll are letting us share in soo many pretty pics of your flowers.... I can't wait to get a camera and show off some of mine.... that is IF I ever get a BLOOM...hehe

Bonnie what did you get?? hum??

You know... some say this remedy works and then others say it doesn't.. so I say try them until it works for you.

Peg.. I wonder too where you got the slugs from??

Joyce.. sorry.. I haven't dmailed you....gonna do that right now

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

kinarj, what is her name, Congratulations santeelady. What a lucky girl! You take care of her, and make sure you share pictures.
Linda Kay

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Okay, what did AuntB get today? More plants?

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

This is her son, her internet at work went out. She's sorry you'll have to wait until she gets home! haha my moms kinda mean isn't she? :D

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

like mother like son ; }...too funny.

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Drew! d-mail me...please???? merpeg

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, here I am being as lurker for the past few days and all you hotties are treating me like an "official" hottie. I'm part of this secret I've been reading about?? I won yet another babie brugie?? Whoo hooo!! Thank you Kim and Clemen my hottie sisters *smootches* and "love" Yippee!!

I've been away for a few days, I'm working on writing a letter to my HOA about removing more of the ugly 1970's bushes located directly in front on my house...they are horrid!! I've had OneanjL, my Nuttie Hottie Sista, helping me proof the letter I am writing to my HOA. So far so good, so looks like if we can all cross our fingers for me, I hoping I get permission to remove about 5 more bushes that just GOT TO GO AWAY!!NOW!! I will be faxing and sending a hard copy to the management company tomorrow. Was gonna send it today but forgot how to plug the fax machine I know you are all thinking "Melissa, now how could that be hard?" well the fax is in Todd's office and I don't know where all those cords and phone lines are?? He meant to set it all up for me last night, but we got side tracked. Christopher had a sleepover and that was driving Todd "bonkers'!! Those boys were up til past 7am in the morning, and in the livingroom at that!! You should of seen Tood get out of the shower, storm out into the livingroom and REMOVE the videogmae out of the XBOX 360, so those two couldn't play anymore.... Todd is funny in the morning...he won't even remember what he did til he got home and poor Chris will be walking on eggshells "so to speak"

Thank you thank you again Kim and addy in in the exchange ;o)

Yippee...I got a nother brugie, I git another brugie, not I need to go back to my HD and get a couple mre of the neat pots I found for all my brugie babies!!! Oh Happy Day!!

~melissa...aka...santeelady you gals are the bestest!! :o)

Hey, I'ts been beyond hot hear lately, between 90+ degree weather, kids wanting to go swimming, DH wanting to be feed??, fish wanting clean aqariums??, and non-stop sleepovers..well those don't bother me, most of the boys around here have either an older sister and no brothers, so I have no problem with Christopher's friends coming over.

Let kne know if I can send anything in reaturn 'k'.

{{{HUGS}}} *smoothches* & 'LOVE' ~melissa

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Like mother, like son, right!! And he knows what we want to know! Maybe he will d-mail and I can get the info out of him.. Hmmm...

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh I think that might be wishful thinking Peg!! But go for it!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

So what's new guys, just came in from doing errands and now gotta go make dinner and finish up the laundry. Going to the city tomorrow, work I guess, someone's gotta do it!

I will be having a heart attack tomorrow, my oldest will be driving alone for the first time, she is thinking of going to other towns and I had to put my foot down, our town only, she needs to take it easy. She is signing a contract with us today, if she breaks the rules, she is out of commission.

Melissa, no need to send anything hottie, please d mail me your address, I do not want to loose my marbles, hee, hee and forget about sending you the baby to you! See ya later everyone,

Becky, yeah, when ru posting pics, I wanna see iwanna see. .......Clemen

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Peg, don't be swaying my youngest. IT's WORKING! (the internet) They are doing some remodeling in our building for a new tenant (govt.Census people) They hit a cord or something... Audrey sent me some more of my marbles! I told Drew to go get the pkg in my home mail box.... Hope I don't get ALL my marbles back, what excuse will I have for my air-headedness? Thank You Audrey. :) Melissa watch out- for some reason I keep thinking your Davename is for Pegi......yikes! lol You ARE an official Hottie, Hon! I always wanted my kids to bring their friends home, then I knew where they were, who they were with and what they were doing. And I like most of their friends...

DREW IF YOU ARE CHECKING THIS THREAD FOR ME, DON't D-mail Peg, she has been out in the heat working all day... she might be suffering heat exhaustion! LOL (get the trash out, ya little gamer)

So, I didn't really mean to keep ya all in suspense for so long, but I got back from errands and the internet was DEAD. :) I kinda like it worked out like that, so I MIGHT have a teeny bit of ornriness in me.. I gotta go find Audrey. She'd better get back over here ...what forum IS Sweet interuptions on? I could be one, couldn't I? (a sweet interuption?) lol I'll just d-mail her and tell her to stop in and re-establish her Hotiness.

Jaye, I'm seeing that Lemon Meringe, I MEAN Parfait (lol-caught myself), in lots of posts, it's gorgeous, Congrats. I love the fairy, very sweet gift. I have a fairy couple kissing with a solar globe on it, real cute.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Clemen, you little Hottie, you. You are a worker bee, but I think all us Hotties are! I really enjoyed yours and Kim's suspense. How nice for sweet official Hottie Melissa. Does anyone know what this red, yellow and green plant is? I lost the label, it came in a 4-pack, must be an annual.. reminds me of a rooster tail...

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Not a clue, but I sure like the coloring!!!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Drats! AuntB, you can learn the neatest things from kids. Just thought Drew could give me some info. :))) Like the time my then 3-year-old told her SS teacher I took her to a bar the night before and she had beer. Before I got kicked out of the church (and probably run out of town) I finally got her to admit it was a "salad" bar and she had a root "beer." Grrr!

Got to go for now. Hubby somehow scored another birthday dinner with some of his friends tonight, so must go put on the warpaint and fuufuu. His birthday is getting to be a week's event. Lov ya, Peg

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow Aunt B, I have no idea what that plant it but it sure is pretty!!! If you ever have any extra cuttings, this little lady wouldn't mind having a piece ;o) hint hint

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

So AuntB, you gonna tell us what you got???

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I do, I do. But I'm having a case of 'sometimer'; some time I can recall my memory from my hard drive, sometimes I can't. This time I can't. When it comes back to me I'll tell you. lol. It's an anual because I had it last year, and this year? Either I've 'weeded' it out, or it didn't come back. lol.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Jaye that fairy and brug are just lovely..I can hardly wait until I advance to double brugs!!! Nice try Peg : ) AuntB what ever that beauty is it's a keeper!! Clem the contract is a good idea!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

AuntB, that plant looks like Summer Poinsettia Perfecta.

Something that works for slugs are those little spikey balls that fall from a tree. Can't think of the name of that tree. I put those all around my hostas and people are more than willing to give them to you. The other thing I heard was cooper tape, or even pennies if you can afford it...LOL. I use beer and slugo. Course if I use beer I have to watch the dog....

11,000 lurkers!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Linda, I got marbles/pretty glass discs from dear Audrey. Still not sure about the box at home. Yea, sure Peg... learn somethin from Drew... I don't think I'd trust you guys double teaming Melissa, I gots to figure out what kind of plant it is bfor I can say I'd cut it.. I'll go post over on Plant ID's... Loved your salad bar story Peg, how adorable! Hi Marion! Gosh! I need to get a Fed Ex ready for work and get out of here!

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