Summer Lilies

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Edited to say these are the batch that opened a few days earlier than the above post and they have faded some but still don't look fully open unless that's they way they are supposed to look

This message was edited Jun 20, 2008 11:52 AM

Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Beautiful Arlene, just beautiful!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Our thread is getting better and better!!! Wow! Thanks Steve and everyone.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

It's now official. I need a larger yard!


OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

The lighting wasn't good for Robert Swanson; I'll try to get a better picture.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

LOL, Susan,

With all the rain we got my daylilies are shoulder to shoulder.

Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef
(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Great lilies TLC!

I am soooooo jealous of your Black Label. I'm lucky to even have any left and those only have 1 bud each!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Arlene are you growing these in CA or IA?? My asiatics are just getting started and anything else isn't even close! psst... Rochelle is an asiatic

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Thanks Moby,
Fixed it; These are in Iowa but the Faraway Flowers are all in pots started indoors early. Made them bloom early but the pots don't stand up very well.

Your Black Labels are beautiful; really enjoying them here.

These Mrs. Dani Arifan need to be thinned out; can I dig them right before R-U next year to give away?

Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef
Necedah, WI(Zone 4b)

"I don't think either of my Cannes are Cannes" :D too funny Gemini_sage! you know with daylilies that would bother me- lily lilies I can just sit back and enjoy the show. Here is Commander in Chief...maybe... (as you can see weeds don't bother me much either)

Thumbnail by Hyblaean
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Wow, I agree Lily_Love, this thread of lilies is something else. What an incredible of variety and beauty we collectively all have!!!

Love the "Golden Torch" and "California" - I could see those both in my garden! Oh, and so many others. After seeing some of the pendant lilies my interest is piqued in them as well.

Tracey, your lilies are getting quite tall. And yes, the Gambetta does have a reddish "brush" on the petals which is how I could differentiate it from the others which I believe are Conca d'Or. The Gambettas are a slightly deeper color, too. I think the picture on the B&D site that you likely saw shows a much more intense coliring due to their climate. It doesn't look "faded" in a bad way here; just different.


Neal, thanks for the recommendations on the Orientals. If you're getting blooms this early I could subtract about three weeks I figure, which qwould be perfect. My Le Reves at the other house bloomed in early May but I haven;t bought any new ones to replace them at the new house :-(

Here is "Baywatch" an OT I planted that I really love...

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Grandiose - OT

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

And I think Ticker you or Moby pointed it out to me - the one I posted on the other thread was actually "Red Hot". THIS is "Satisfaction"

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

And a new crop of "Silk Road"

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

An unknown but really pretty Oriental....

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Here is "Radiance" - still is missing a petal!

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

"American West" is still blooming and very heat tolerant - no petal scorch at all after over a week in bloom...

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Here's a closeup of Gambetta -the picture doe not capture the red hints at all hardly, but they're more visible looking at it. Plus, the color is a little deeper in yellow than Conca d'Or

Thumbnail by SteveIndy
Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

That "Robert Swanson" is very nice, Arlene!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Enjoying the lilies. Steve with the OTs we have the exact same taste, you'll see later ;)

I have a couple coming near. Hoping the next day or two.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Howdy Tracey! LOL uncanny, isn't it? hehehe. And in peonies too. Looking forward to seeing more of yours!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Howdy there, Steve. I can hardly wait to see mine. There are a couple I am just about dying to see open up. Really.

We've sold you on the pendant ones now, haven't we? They really have a very special unique beauty. I never thought I'd care for a lily with no scent. I've come around....well, a little at least ^_^

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, you did. And they look really cool kind of interspersed with other plants. I really love your "Eurydice" - that one has grown on me. I will have to try some others!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I used to feel the same, why would you want an unscented lily?? But that makes your lily season awfully short. Didn't care for those pendant ones either but now to me they look like drops of liquid jewels. :)

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

5 AM with a flash; but this is the true color of Robert Swanson

Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

TLC, 'Robert Swanson' is quite handsome, lol. Moby well stated! I myself have never met a lily that I don't like. lol. I'm hoping I could acquire more land to expend my gardening, and collect more lilies....dream, dream, dream.♪♫♪☺

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Very nice 5am shot, TLC.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Just to share my finding....'Arabian Red' sure doesn't tolerate the heat of the South. Its petals are scrotched badly after a couple days of sun exposure. :(( I'll wait 'til the blooms are spent and move it to a dapple shade area and mulch the base well, and keep a fingers crossed for next season.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yay, I have lilies blooming!!! *does the happy dance of joy behind the house where they neighbors can't see so it doesn't confirm what they aready suspect -- that I'm nuts.*

Anyway, here is


Thumbnail by Ticker
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

This claims to be Menorca, but I have my doubts. The bloom on this one was a couple days old, so it could have faded a bit...

Thumbnail by Ticker
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

And here is Salmon Classic..

Thumbnail by Ticker
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

A bunch of what I think could possibly be Crimson Pixie...

Thumbnail by Ticker
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

New this year, Sidney

Thumbnail by Ticker
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Buggy's Beaudacious is quite nice. :)

Thumbnail by Ticker
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Those are so pretty, Diann. Love Shimmer. (By the way, we'll be in a construction-free zone in the beginning of August, I'd guess. Thanks for asking!)

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yay Laura!! You'll get your home back! I just hate it when I have to have construction people here doing things... It's such an interruption, but alas, sometimes it's necessary and most of the time it's worth it.


Tomah, WI

Some great blooms the last couple of days. Gorgeous pix everyone! Keep 'em coming. I still wait. All I have is a single Lollipop bloom.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

jealous here Ticker. I especially like 'Sydney'.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Mags, Moby, this thread is getting kind of long, one of you guys want to starte a new thread? :)

Mags, I know you have nothing to be jealous of. When your lilies kick into gear I'll be sitting down here drooling big time! :)


Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Dangit Lily_love - you know I placed a couple of B&D orders for this fall as their website just opened for fall ordering - and I ordered 6 of the Arabian Reds based on your first picture!!!!! You captured it awesomely. Oh well I too will make sure it is in part shade....

Congrats Diann on your beautiful new lily blooms!! I like the yellow one a lot.


This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 10:59 AM

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