Today's Weather in Your Garden - 22

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Coming from here:

Looks like real summer heat will be here this weekend. 90's - ugh!! Not my kind of weather.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Enjoy a nice cool drink on your new patio, Victor.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

If it's done! Still waiting for them to finish before I open the pool.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Vic, just as I was going to post on the old thread, well you know the story, you sarted another one, trouble maker! Clem

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hee hee - like to keep everyone on their toes, Clem!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I still say trouble maker, and I am proud to say I am one of the first on the tread, Although Pirl always beats veryone lol, ! Proud Clem

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I am putting the feather blanket back on the bed tonight, after having removed it last night because it was too hot. Cold and rainy here after I watered the lawn.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Martha, I know it's been hot and I turned on the ac, but now, its off, it rained and it is cold again, coldest May and June so far, can't stand it, I want my plants to grow don't you? Clemen

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the new thread Victor.
Gunna be in the 90's and humis as you know what.
Early morning gardening.
Cutting back the spent tulips and mulching where they were.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Good morning one and all! It's in the mid 60s here and should be a warm day approaching 80. There are different forecasts for today including the possibility of rain, so who knows? The next several days are supposed to be very hot - naturally - we are helping our son move into his rental house in Binghamton tomorrow! We're already a week later than expected and he's anxious to get going. One less person in the house here!

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

nice patio and wall victor. not sure if i'd be able to watch them being built myself - would have to get my hands dirty.

No where enuff rain. Hot and humid coming and I can't wait...

Yesterday I saw a black spider. Its body was an inch wide and it was kinda roundish. I didnt even want to go back near where it ran. Never seen a spider like it, it was so quick I didnt get a real good look at it.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

55 here and dreary...Sherrie keep the spider.

Alfred Station, NY(Zone 5b)

Cool, dreary. Rained almost all day yesterday - soft, steady rain. About 60 F. Still overcast, but maybe some sun this afternoon. Taking a chance putting laundry out on the line to dry.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

71 and overcast. Wish it would actually rain. Bill - the garden keeps my hands plenty dirty! More important, with both knee and back problems, I could not do it if I wanted.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i am sure it does. i'm wondering how you can walk around without stepping on something with what you have packed in there!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

cloudy and 68 degrees, man, did it POUR last night!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wish it did here!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Great day for planting here. I planted some more carrots, mesculin greens, beet greens, my new red Knockout rose and 6 dahlias. I have a whole bag full of dahlias still. Will they last if I bring some to the RU? They're red, apparently.

Victor - have you taken a break and just sat out on that gorgeous patio yet?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Not yet, Louise - they're still at it. Lots of dust today as they cut the pavers. All the plants were gray.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Still cold and drizzly. Bad iris year, some of my tall bearded oldies but goodies have failed to set flowers. Peony buds are fewer and one has not budded at all that has in the past. Until the groundhogs got them, the lettuce crop was outstanding however, I am gonna put more seed in of those and the sugar snap peas have started to climb the trellis! hostas are nice, epimediums are beautiful and the ferns are great.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

66 and clearing. Patio work winding down. This is looking toward the porch.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

And toward the completed wall.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i'm just impressed that Louise has had 50 surprise parties...
; )

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh Martha, send some cool drizzle. We are going to 99 degrees by Sunday. Not even the heat lovers love that! Our pond is already down several feet as we draw water from the spring that feeds it. We should be in the high seventies to low eighties this time of year with sixties nights. The nights are holding cool, so no AC if we close up the house early in the a.m.. Still trying to be green down here.


South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Victor it looks wonderful! I love it!!

Thomaston, CT

Loved the patio photos, Victor--the stone work is so neat and professional looking. I think tomorrow will be the last day in awhile to use it--forecast for here is 95, 95, 96, & 90. My blooming plants will just curl up & die. Gardenmart--I, too, have way fewer iris & peonies---some clumps of iris have only 1 bloom--very disappointing after waiting all winter to see them. Loved the snake story--have seen the discarded skins in the walls, but not the critters. Louise--you must be sick about the clearcutting-----hope your town buys it, or protects it from development. The erosion will be horrid.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

NPR this afternoon said in the 90s on Saturday. They must be joking.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank you, Celeste and Robin. I posted about ten days ago that I have a number of iris that just sent up foliage, but no blooms.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Victor - that just looks better and better! I love how the gardens fit in so nicely with the stone work. It couldn't be nicer! It will look like it has always been there when they finish.

Amy - that's very funny! 50 surprise parties...LOL! Actually, make it one in my whole life! But it was really a nice surprise when I 'turned" 50. My sweet DH had brought many old friends here from all over the country, and they all arrived at different times over the weekend, so there was always time to visit with each one. Even the party crasher snake had a good time. LOL

Laurel - stay cool down there!

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Victor the patio is lovely, and do you know that I'm moving in next week?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Louise.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank, Deb. Just bring a cot and you can enjoy the great outdoors! Nice to fall asleep listening to the waterfall.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Oh Victor, your patio is just fantastic! I love it. Maybe some day when we find a new location....

My iris bloomed but the second set of buds don't seem to be doing much of anything, and I have a LOT of non-bloomers as well. The peonies haven't even opened yet, but they are in shade so I'm not surprised.

Air is very nice tonight with the Po'k area reporting it's 69 degrees. Whatever - it feels good to me and I will enjoy it with what we are forecast over the next several days.

We need some rain, but I hope it happens after we finish traveling!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Lynn. Have a good trip and good luck to DS.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Thank you so much! Our first one officially leaving the "nest"! I'm psyched!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Not sad?? My lawn will need some work.^_^

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Victor, I can't believe all the the great work that is being done without a plant being out of place or flattened. Fabulous design and execution. You must be watching those workers like a hawk.

It has been cold and rainy for the last two days. I did a little dead heading today and took a few pictures of the new iris blooms. But didn't want to be out for more than a few minutes. I have been pleased with all the iris so far. We had a lot of wind today which caused some breakage. But not major.

We just returned from a big retirement party for the teacher who helped DH and me start a school in 1985 with 6 kids in our house. It will have 150 students come next Sept, but not in our house anymore, It was wonderful to see so many kids return to give a tribute to their beloved teacher. I wish our son could have come up from New Orleans. But it looked like a winter party as it is cold here. 52 and rainy with gusting winds to 25 plus.

Donniebrook, so sad for your neighborhood to be subjected to a tree massacre. Not against logging, except clear cutting. Patti

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Hot and humid today - did 9 holes of golf this afternoon walking, carrying clubs. It rained for a few minutes which just got us wet and then it was more humid. Not too fun. But, we saw 3 baby racoons climbing trees, and Kassia, a turtle crossing the course.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Patti. I am watching, but the boss is very good and supervises closely. Also, his men are just very professional.

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