Today's Weather in Your Garden - 22

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I happen to look down towards the field and this is what was coming up from the valley heading towards the house.
Kinda creepy, made me come back inside....well that and the bugs.

Thumbnail by pixie62560
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Cool mist!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes, but what does it mean??

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Cool everything. What a vista. Patti

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

It means - be afraid, be very afraid!!
just kidding!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Humid, cool air moving in.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes,67 and rainy tomorrow but hot Sat & Sun.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I am praying for good weather to all of us tomorrow and the week end, the plants need sun and a little rain every now and then, Clem

(Zone 4a)

Victor your patio is just beautiful! Love the it all.....what a nice area to just look at! Great job those men did!!!!

Hot muggy weather is here now and going to last through the weekend. We actually got the c/a started up to get rid of the humidity....ewwww gross!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Lokks absolutely great Victor and so inviting. Hint :>)

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

How is this weather going to affect newly-planted tomato plants? Should I just water very well each morning? And do I dare plant anything new? Have whole flats of flowers sitting around and just got ground ready for them...

And isn't it amazing having this sudden high heat after what seemed like a prolonged, cold, wet spring.

NisiNJ (hello, neighbor flowerjen!)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Victor-what a great job they did on that patio. I love the color combo of that jm and the fern? in front of it.
Ugh, I HATE it when it's humid and esp with it going to be 95 and higher. My hubby is rubbing his greedy little hands togeter(you know HVAC mechanic) hoping everybody's a/c goes down.
Hey Nisi! I'm going to d-mail you.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 61.5°, Baro 30.00↑, Rh 61.5%. ☺

Another good day for planting before the heat kicks in Sat. (4) Heucheras; 'Amber Waves', 'Peach Flambe', ' Southern Comfort', & 'Midnight Rose'. A Tiarella 'Candy Striper', a varigated Polygonatum and transplanted a wood fern, (I know it's risky but its an old, strong fern and It's going in shade).
Nice patio Victor! (reminds me of the 'Playboy' mansion). lol!

Thumbnail by WaterCan2
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I once transplanted ferns and they loved it!
It's pouring here and has been for at least an hour. No need to water today!! (orchids, hoyas, house plants, new plantings, planters) I love nature. Staying inside!

High 78, Low 61.
Variable clouds with showers and scattered thunderstorms. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

its 74* wirh 83% humidity.
Can't work like that. Going to the basement to do some watercolors of the flowers I scammed off you guys who post pozies.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

Victor, your patio looks awesome!! Gee, mine looks a little DIY by comparison. I love the type of stone - what is it?

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

The patio is gorgeous, Victor. Still love the steps... Bet you'll be relieved when all the workers GO.

Mamsita - Good luck moving DS. Didn't you just finish his laundry like yesterday?

JoAnn - post pics of your pics.

Celeste - I am soooo envious of your place. I can't wait to sell this place and get to Maine!

55 and raining steadily.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

60 so far... says we are going up to 83

going to take a ride to find another place that carries the promix today.... the last place wanted $64.00 for the 4.5 bale

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank you all. They are concrete pavers on the main part and bluestone on the top steps. 59 and real dark here. I think (and hope) it's about to pour.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

55° and rain! But, the humidity is at 94%, and that makes for a rather clammy day, especially when the dewpoint is at 54°!! I am so thankful, though, for the rain!!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the good wishes about the big move! And yes, nanegoat, I did just finish his laundry! Good grief, that boy has a LOT of clothing!

59 here and thunderstorms. Looks clear in Binghamton.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Still hotter than a $2.dollar pistol here.
Just so happens I'm checking color and value.Heleborus picture was from Redchick early tis spring.

Here is what it looks like so far.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Too cold for June, where is the sunshine! 22nd wedding anniversay for me today! Clem

Raining or spitting, what ever is less. Stuck in the house and we have pressure cooked spare ribs (barbaque later) w/, scalloped potatos and salad. Laundry is done with floor washed.

My veggie garden is 3/4 done :-(

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Dinner sounds good, schickenlady!

Sorry we crossed post. H.A. - your heading for your silver year.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Happy Anniversary Clem!!
Sherrie what time is dinner??

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Happy Anniversary, Clem! Our 17th is on the 16th. Sounds yummy, Sherrie.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Today is DH 44th B-Day also. He wants a Blackberry Cheesecake so I got to go.

Thomaston, CT

Happy, happy Clem--I hate to say which one I'm heading for! Jo Ann--loved your painting! I do botanicals, but not as good as yours! Lynn----I was crying when my son moved to Boston after UCONN--then I was crying more when he moved back home---really crying when his fiancee also moved in! Now 40min. away seems perfect, especially when the 3 kids get cranky! He is going to a wholesale nursery tomorrow---priveledges of his job-----& I asked him to be on the lookout for something jazzy for the ripped out garden. Very clammy here, but not actually raining. Patti---glad to hear about your school--nice to celebrate with the old students!

Thomaston, CT

Whoa, Pixie--do you ship? Not DH, although happy, happy to him----but the blackberry cheesecake? Sounds super!

I will trade cheese cake for dinner. I love cheese cake! Make sure you put a candle or 2 on it :-)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, save me a piece, Celeste! Happy Birthday to Brian! So you robbed the cradle, Celeste! Hee hee.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you guys so where did you say dinner is tonight? That cheese cake sounds good too!

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Good numbers - 22 and 44 - for each respectively. Definitely worth celebrating!
We got dinner and dessert, what's the movie?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

mmmmmmmmm, can save $$$ on the restaurant today, so for that matter, I'm bringing the whole family to CT, hehe! Should we buy the lotto 22 and 44? Clem

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

cool around here... waiting for a chance to garden tomorrow... could care less if is hot ... as long as I can be outside with my plants I will be ok...

Victor the work looks great... your plants so deserve it!!!!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Oh my gosh, it is SO HOT here in Binghamton! 90+ degrees and humid. It was so cold at home., I can't believe there was a good 35 degree difference between there and here. He's all moved in and now we need to check into the hotel, go to dinner and then some shopping for supplies.

Hey, Clem! Happy Anniversary!!!

ROBINDOG, please don't scare me! I still have my older son living at home and there is hope that he will be moving out in August.

- Lynn

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Where is it cool? 92 and humid - for the whole W/E too.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

All of you upstate people, can you send me warm breezes over to Garden City, too cool today, better tomorrow though!
Lynn, gracias seņorita,

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