Today's Weather in Your Garden - 22

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Man I wish I lived on an island somewhere. It was 97 today, not as humid as yesterday, though.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Quite the thunderstorm here for an hour or so. Lightning and LOUD thunder. Was over by about 5 though...

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

Victor....Still looks as if we're on track for the first ripe tomatoes by July 4th. With the cold nights, hot days, pounding rain (good conditions for cat-facing) the first ones should be interesting. I might be a winner of the DG ugliest tomato contest two years in a row.

Elephant Man Tomato:

Thomaston, CT

David--we also got pounded by rain & the lighting was impressive--but no damage in the garden, & the rain was very restorative for the plants, particularly the ones I so foolishly planted yesterday. WC, I was upset that someone shot a jay--that is a crime--songbirds are protected, & you can report them, if you know who did it. Hot temps predicted for the next few days---DH is going to Maine with my cousin, Jim, to spend a few days with my stepson--wish I could go, but the dogs were just in the kennel, my cousin's wife was just in Maine, & doesn't want to go back just yet, & I have a kitchen & mudroom I need to paint. Bought the paint 2 months ago--still sitting in garage!

South Hamilton, MA

Too *&%$ HOT!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

David, That tomato looks like it may have been high protein as well as ugly. It's those tomato moments when I hate having an open kitchen, dinner guests and those veggies to discretely deal with. You need a tight lid on the compost bucket to avoid embarassment.


Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes Robindog, initially I was admittedly nonchalant about it, my DW was very upset though. Then this am when I saw the result I was angry, though I'm not surprised, (humans have a dark side which animals don't...) I didn't know it was a crime, (thanks for the info!). I have nothing against guns or pellet guns, unfortunately its the people who are the problem, not the guns in my opinion. There will always be guns and knives and those wanting to do harm will always find a way to get them.

The neighbor who shot at them lives in the house diagonally from my yard. He was well concealed with trees and brush and It was impossible for me to identify the person from my perspective, (I can only see his shed). He was shooting within his yard. The mother had taken the babies out into a tree in my back neighbor's yard and when she does the male is very protective. Now the female no longer has that advantage or the extra help.

I'm hoping it was an isolated incident - because the next time I will in fact report him, (if my DW doesn't report him first!).

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

As that overly tan guy says "It's Toasty"
73* now and humid again.Hot wind yesterday fried the petals of the opened roses and Iris.
NO rain though some was promised.
Another hot one today but cooler nights comming mid week.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

There's a Heat Advisory for the southern parts of our state - Manchester / Nashua. It's not going to be a healthy day anywhere!

Right now it's cloudy, but no rain, with the temps at 67° and the humidity at 90%!!! The dewpoint is 68° and the barometric pressure is 29.76 in. and rising.

It's going to be another nasty day!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

72 here already, clear Warmer than yesterday at this time. Patti

Strange weather pattern as recorded by NOA at the airport yesterday. I was outside working and I didn't notice a 14 degree jump between 9 and 10 in the morning. Wonder about that big jump.
Time Temp Dew PT Pressure Wind Weather
1 PM (17) Jun 08 70.0 (21.1) 62.1 (16.7) 29.85 (1010) WSW 10 haze
Noon (16) Jun 08 75.0 (23.9) 64.9 (18.3) 29.86 (1011) SW 10 haze
11 AM (15) Jun 08 81.0 (27.2) 69.1 (20.6) 29.88 (1011) WSW 7 haze
10 AM (14) Jun 08 84.0 (28.9) 69.1 (20.6) 29.88 (1011) NNW 10
9 AM (13) Jun 08 70.0 (21.1) 62.1 (16.7) 29.9 (1012) WSW 8 haze
8 AM (12) Jun 08 73.0 (22.8) 66.0 (18.9) 29.9 (1012) WNW 7 haze

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

That's amazing, Patti.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

Candyce - yuk! Thanks for the heads up. I'm right in between Nashua and Manchester. Better get started on the patio while it's only in the 70's...

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Early dismissal for heat? I don't recall ever seeing that before, but they are doing it today. I am in the minority: I love this stuff.

Thumbnail by Nanegoat66
Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

This one is better - I grabbed the wrong one.

Thumbnail by Nanegoat66
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Nanegoat66, So how hot is it today in the part of Me you are moving someday? I know it is cold there in the winter. Maybe you should be heading south. Too funny. Do you have goats? Patti

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Nice photo. Lots of humidity, eh?

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

It is going to be 75 in Caribou today. It is gorgeous there year round.
My family is confused on the ME idea too. Hubby has always wanted to live there and I have relatives in FL, so I'm all set.
I don't have goats, but love those little pygmy ones - they're so darn cute! Hubby's name is Bill. Can you believe it?

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Too funny!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Cool foggy shot. 76 and gross here.

Gross? hum was steamy here earlier like nanegoats. Suns out and its getting ready to fry. I think we are headed for a BRUTAL summer. No complaints here tho.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I think its going to be a summer 2007 repeat.
Alas all those ner perennials with short root systems. I'll be a professional waterer until Sept.

The air con did not get turned on till July last year. Yesteday it had it debute.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Running in and out of the house, for the shade, no AC on yet. Porch where I work is 91 now. We only use the AC for days of high humidity since we had all major water damage to the house a few years ago. Afraid of Mold. Might have to turn it on, but this should break soon.

I just remembered my boxes this morning of stored cally, glads and canna. They are all chomping at the bit to get planted, so that is what I am doing today. Plus I ordered more assuming they wouldn't make it. I started the new canna in the gh, so they are now ready to plant. I was waiting until the ground was "Tomato" plant warm. Same with the Caladium. Planting those today too. Glads will have to wait until tomorrow. Too much to do, always. Patti

10 AM (14) Jun 09 84.9 (29.4) 71.1 (21.7)
9 AM (13) Jun 09 81.0 (27.2) 69.1 (20.6)
8 AM (12) Jun 09 79.0 (26.1) 69.1 (20.6)
7 AM (11) Jun 09 75.9 (24.4) 68.0 (20.0)
6 AM (10) Jun 09 72.0 (22.2) 66.9 (19.4)
5 AM (9) Jun 09 68.0 (20.0) 64.9 (18.3)

OK - enuff heat and humidity. I like it, but enuff is enuff ! This is getting as bad as winter where I will be hermit cabin bound.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

97 in the shade here. The good thing is the humidity is lower today than yesterday. And we have more coming tomorrow. The schools were releasing early here, too.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

was not to bad when i went running at lunch.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Golfed this morning, started at 7:15, it was tough, ended up with a headache from the heat.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

98 here. Yes, much less humidity but does it matter?!! Schools were already scheduled to get out early but now will also tomorrow.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 98.0° Rh 36%. ☺

Hot but less humid today, out west it could be 98° and it feels like 85°. In Fla it could be 98° and it feels like 110°, but here 98° feels like 98°!! -Watering the lawns/ gardens now.

Clematis Julia Corrveron

Thumbnail by WaterCan2
Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Opps! sre for 2x post! ☺

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

So hot you had to post twice!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

... I was 'seeing double' from the heat!! lol ☺

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You and both of me!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

95 today so ya'll are hotter than we are. I keep thinking if I was a slice of bacon I'd be really thin after this past week! Tomorrow is supposed to be 88 with the temps dropping throughout the week. I don't mind the heat in the day if the nights are cool. It has been in the 60's at night. Thank goodness.

Beautiful Clematis W.C.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Still 95 at 6 PM. Sunrise is 5:23 and sunset is 8:28 as we close in on solstice.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

It's still 95 here too, Victor. Maybe we're getting the worst heat behind us and when summer is here (for real), it will be more temperate. Yeah, that's gonna happen!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm for that!

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

Temperatures in the low 90s today but when you figure in the wind chill factor and the heat index it felt like it was in the low 90s.

Good day to clean out the basement.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Nanegoat-very cool pic.
My thermometer on my 2nd floor deck in the sun...120 degrees...and it felt like it if you were standing in the sun on the second floor.
I don't understand the early dismissal don't these schools have A/C???
Last day of school today for my son.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

It is down to 77, but 2 hours ago it was 75. Going in the wrong direction. Patti

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