Today's Weather in Your Garden - 22

South Hamilton, MA

Cleared some garden space so we can move a daylily seedling. It was in the shade, just collected iris pollen in the sun.the dl is the bees idea, light orange with raspberry stripes in the center of the petals so should be removed away from the others--flagged it last yr so we would know which it was.

Thomaston, CT

I thought it would be a good idea to plant the shrubs so they wouldn't get stressed in the pots----not a good idea---I was beet red & soaked when I staggered into the house---at 11am! The humidity was brutal--temp was up to 88, but will be higher the next few days--I will NOT go out. Booj--we have a split-system a/c--the units are small, thin & are up on the walls in 3 rooms, 2 upstairs & a bigger unit down. If we close off 1 spare bedroom, the 2 units keep the other 3 cool, & the unit down keeps the FR & kitchen cool. They are quiet, & use little power compared to window units or central a/c. I really hate a/c, but days like this I turn it on. My iris & peonies look frazzled in the heat---I hate to see them in a few days!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Sounds like a winner!
Hi Kassia!! Haven't been on rose forums lately but look out-I see lots of buds. I can think of a lot worse things to be associated with than Rosarie de L'Hay!! Mine continues to struggle a bit but this is it's best time of year.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Boojum, Gorgeous. And the picture too! Love turtle rescue. Thanks, Patti

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

80 right now, it actually feels cool...

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

It was 96 today UGH. Good thing we bought that kiddie pool last night!!!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Oh my gosh! It was SO HOT in Binghamton and all the way back home! While we were on the road (Rt. 17 and I-84), we saw the crows and blackbirds just standing or perched on the side of the road with their beaks open. Tomorrow will be more of the same and Monday is supposed to be the worst. Remember when we were all complaining about the snow and cold?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I grew up in Okla and hate the heat. Nantucket will only get to the mid 70's tomorrow so I feel guilty. It is 59 degrees now. Patti

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I love Nantucket, and also Cape Cod. Although I'm a native of western MA, my heart is on the coast!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I am not complaing about the heat..I refuse to after the amount of snow we got last winter. I am enjoying it, and im not just saying that. At least in the summer you can see color if your stuck in the house. In the winter everything is white.........

Thumbnail by pixie62560
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Pixie, you are a trooper with a ton of great iris. Patti

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

LOL, thanks Patti!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Celeste, I agree with you... I am not complaining about the heat... it feels good to finally kick winter weather out of here for a few months... no I don't like heat too much, I watered the roses 3 times during the day and mowed only half of my lawn... but I am so very happy that I can play with water outside without freezing my hands...

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

It's 73 right now supposed to go to 80's
Cloudy humid 40% chance of rain, that's not good.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

My friend's MIL has a house on Nantucket. They all takes turns staying with her in the summer. They love it.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Anitabryk2, do they weed? Much more fun then the beach. I need to be doing that today. It is 72 and going up to the mid 70's today. To all you mainlanders, don't fry. Any other Islanders' out there? Patti

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

84 and humid - ugh. I hate the heat and the cold! Of course it has to be mid-90's just when I have grass seed down.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

get the sprinkler ready.... took these this morning... disgusting already here too... the squirrel finally figured out the peanut feeder.... the blue jays were in there weeks ago

too many to post so i put them in my photo album

Thumbnail by onewish1
The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I was out of town yesterday, so I had quite a few posts to read to catch us to you all! Yes, the heat is a bit different this year, but, like Pixie says, at least we can see color if we look out the window! Gotta love that girl's attitude!!

Right now ...
Clear with just a few puffy (might turn into thunderheads) clouds.
89° on its way to 94°. The humidity feels less today than yesterday. And hooray! There's a slight breeze to help keep the bugs at bay.

Keepin' my water bottle filled for sure!!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 95°, Wind NNW 8.5 mph, Rh 39%. ☺

For three years now I have been feeding the same Blue Jays in my yard peanuts. They faithfully come each morning & afternoon to pick up their peanuts from a cup I keep outside my kitchen. There were always three males until a fourth one showed up a month ago. One of the Jays set up a nest 2 feet from my bonsai table, which I visit every day. Today mom introduced me to the three kids. As I stood still she let them get within 8' of me before she flew off and they followed. This morning she had been calling frantically, exhausting herself until she finally ceased. Seems dad was hit by a pellet gun yesterday by a neighbor who apparently felt threatened by his low 'fly-by's to protect his avian family, with his wing broken he came to the cup this am for his peanuts with his 2 brothers.

Mom is out with the kids now giving them the “tour”.
– I guess I’d better stock up on peanuts! ☺

Baby #1

Thumbnail by WaterCan2
Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Baby # 2

Thumbnail by WaterCan2
Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Baby #3

Thumbnail by WaterCan2
Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by WaterCan2
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Love the blue jay pictures. Out west, we have Stellar's Jays; never saw a Blue Jay until we came to Massachusetts.

Well, at 7 am this morning, it was already feeling tropical. I am camped in my bedroom with the fan.

I have LOTS of plants that I ordered arriving tomorrow - after five days in transportation. And still two more days of excessive heat - and the possibility of 101 degrees on Tuesday! My poor little plants. I wonder if any will arrive even alive . . . .

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

We have a Bluejay nest in our front maple, but I haven't looked at it lately - will now. Nice pics.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Cool, WC!

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

hot. Usually i love it, but at the moment not so much... i wonder why. Maybe because it only got to 60 on Friday, then almost 90 on Saturday... eek.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

It seems like as soon as the nest was done, I haven't seen the Bluejays around.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

great pics WC. The jays by me, seem not too worried about me. They will bath while I'm around. I get such a kick out of all the birds.

There was a big ruckus the other morning. A woodpecker and another bird, I couldn't tell what, were fighting. The wp was making so much noice, almost like a scream. All the birds were watching from perches in the nearby trees and house. They were yelling at the two of them fighting. It got my attention with all the noise - I thought a cat was in the area. It made me think of Gladiator and the coliseum!! I've never seen anything like it!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Love the shots of the babies!
Currently 89 and humid!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Had a bit of rain a few times - nothing measurable. 82 and humid.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

76 at my house now. No rain, but humid. It got to nearly 80 today, which is way hot for Nantucket at this time of year in my memory. I will have to check for what is normal. But cool by comparison to the mainland. Everything is starting to bloom. Love that part of the heat. Patti

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Currently 78 and 87% humidity. The orchids are lovin' it, but me - not so much.
Worked outside this morning getting my shelves set up for the plants summering in the fresh air and sunshine. I even had the opportunity to visit the nearby nursery and True Value where I found some new things for yard and sun room! Yay!

Tomorrow and Tuesday are supposed to be even worse than today, so it will be cold meals here because I'm not cooking in the hot kitchen (no air conditioning).

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Same here - no air conditioning -yet. DH still has to install the units in the bedroom windows. With energy costs so high, we are trying to minimize the use of all forms of energy (especially mine).

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

It's terrible to raise the temps inside in summer and reduce the temps in winter, but I will do it to help cut costs. The humidity is what kills me, so we run the units mostly for that. I'm sure there are people in other parts of the world who have it much worse than we do and I try to keep that in mind when I'm whining about either the heat or the cold! It's my plants I worry about more than myself!

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

Well....that's done. Line of thunderstorms passed through late this afternoon and pounded down the tomatoes . Beets were beaten up real good and some will be out for the season.. Tomatoes are all tied up to their cages now. Planted a few more peppers. At 8PM, a few hours after the storm, that wet soil is warm! Five inches down it was 79 while the air is only 68. Eggplants, which looked sickly in the trays, have surprised me by perking up right after planting them out. Must be the heat.

Anyone have crop damage from the storms? Close thing here. Forecast is for another bout tomorrow.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I watched as that line of storms swept through your area. I was crossing my fingers for my DG friends.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Inside 76.6°, Rh 39% / outside 75.2°, Rh 61%. ☺

Thunderstorm passed though, rained for about 1½ hrs. Quite heavy at times.

BbQ ribs & sweet corn on the cob tonight. No cooking inside except for hot coffee & cheese danish later!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

We got nothing of note. Good luck David.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I don't want to talk about...the weather today.

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