So, what have ya done so far....

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

gardening wise? I had a massive spurt of energy yesterday and accomplished more in 2.5 hrs than I have in weeks :-)

Lemme see, where to start - I still have NOT started any seeds - I am holding back until it gets a little warmer and I can utilize my 2 little greenhouse racks on the deck - and the number 1 reason is Thor - I am afraid if I start them indoors and he can get to them - they will become a toy!
So, back to yesterday - like I said, spurt of energy, grabbed my gardening tools, shoes and headed to the backyard first - now, mind you, we are having some work done on the back - need 2 drainage outlets dug - we have killed the grass twice and found out it is because water is draining in a drowning the grass close to the house - so, getting that done, then new sod - bringing in new gravel and a general clean up of the grassy/graveled part. Important lesson learned - using "cheap" sod is NOT the way to go!

So, I began raking up all the leaves, drilled drainage holes in rose planters, they had become aquaculture - not by choice, but poor drainage :-) Hung up 3 birdhouses - found tons of stuff that is coming up, trimmed my R of S, roses and "the wild thing" (I believe it is a Jasmine - not sure - it went crazy last year) - moved all my potted Clematis to the fence - I'll build little "platforms" for the pots, so I'll have more room to plant the 14++ more vines I have coming (what was I thinking?) - after I got a blister on my thumb from all the raking I moved to the front of the house - having a minuscule amount of space CAN be good sometimes - raked up all the leaves, removed all the dead stuff from last year, and oh my (3 huge garbage bags full) - I have sooooooo much stuff coming up - now all I have to do is fill in with all the plants I have ordered online - of course I went ballistic as usual - (see the 14 vines mentioned earlier) - should be receiving 2 orders from Bluestone and Graceful Gardens in the next couple of weeks - and let's not forget the "smaller" orders from other places :-)
All this took place within 2.5 hours - I was happy as heck and filthy - now all I have to do is attack the deck, put down the outdoor rug, clean up the planters and get them ready for the spring - will I get another spurt of energy this weekend - who knows :-)

Here's to a Happy Easter weekend for one and all!


Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Well---As much fee time as I have--you would think I would be sitting back, legs up all caught up! Yeah, right! One thing missing in this scenario is: M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N!

I have done a few things........
--Pruned all my Roses and cut back my 2 Butterfly Bushes.
--Raked blown leaves out of most of my beds--still have half the front and the East side to
go. Then--WHY bother? The windy days we have been having--it will all be there
anyway in a day or two!
--Raked up and grass-seeded a good part of my back lawn (close to my Patio area) where all the Shady Nook grass seed I put down in 2006 just died in last Summer's heat. So much for that! This time I bought a small bag of Pennington Professional, Turf-type (sun and shade) mix of seed and sprinkled that all down in all these dead areas. Did that last week. The day after my vein surgery..... That is also when I pruned all my Roses....
--Have also seeded this huge, 14' circle that was left behind on my front lawn when they cut down the old, dying Spruce last fall and ground up the stump and roots. Raked, smoothed, seeded, my breath and hoping if it all sprouts. The rains should help!
--Have set up my seed rack and lights over the last 2 weeks as well. Took pictures today--not uploaded yet.

Nice day today!---Was going to fertilize the lawn--but since I went to the Conservatory from 12-2 today--and since I have to go to an Easter party tonight--I did not feel like doing it, as I am all "coiffed" and clean. THERE! Hope tomorrow is nice! I will be all over these gardening chores! Just like you, Bec! NO RAIN!!!!!! ...Please!

Seems I just can't do anything quick! Need to know--above everything else--that I WILL have a totally FREE day! I do not multi-task well.......get a bit stressed if I have to.....
--I also have started pruning back one of my 8-9 big, old shrubs that HAVE TO be pruned this Spring......I do it about every 2 years.

Happy Easter everyone! Work on your Cholesterol! Eat eggs!!!!! Eat ham! Eat buttery mashed potatoes! Eat decadent deserts! Why not? Only comes once a year!


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Wow! Wanna come help me? LOL

After neglecting all gardens last year... everything is a mess this year. I've been out about every other day for the last 2 weeks just raking and weeding. I've got about an acre of 4 done :( But it's starting to look a whole lot better out there. I noticed today that my arisaemas are up and 1 is even flowering :) and have had a daffy display for the last 2 weeks. Just about all plants have popped up or are showing signs of life now.

I also got a bunch of seeds sowed a week or 2 ago, lots of sprouts coming. And yes, I think Thor would find them pretty darn interesting, LOL. I can't sow any seeds or bring any plants in the house cause the kitties either dig in the dirt or eat the tops off all the seedlings or dump them on the floor or.... LOL. How is the big guy? Got any new pics? ;)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ummm let's see...I read your post....and ummm....oh yeah, I bought some starter seed soil....yup, that's it!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Becky, slow down you're making me dizzy! LOL And might your "massive spurt of energy" have anything to do with the fact that the bout of pneumonia had you down for awhile? Take it easy!

I got my "spurt of energy" a week ago and started cleaning up but the rain we received last weekend quickly drove me out of the gardens. That nasty clay turns to cement after a good rain shower and Rick is constantly reminding me that I'm compressing the soil :((( So... I started thinking about all my projects and all the work I have to do and made a pledge to get everything done at the nursery pronto so I can hurry up and get back to the gardens, I've got so much to do! I posted all of my unfinished projects and ideas for new ones, and yes... NEW projects before the others are finished - what am I thinking??? I need some of Becky's energy!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey, I may not be moving fast but I got my guys going. Last fall they had several projects almost finished and now that Spring has arrived they are outside and working. Josh is going back to work April 1st so anything I need him to finish is getting done this week. He's working on one of my water features and he's boxing out and wiring the new lamppost. Ric put in new enlarged bed last fall and he is building the trellises that go in the bed. They are tearing down an old Bridge near our house and they have both been carrying rocks for the extended rock wall we will be adding. Ric and I were out yesterday cleaning the leaves out of the flower beds and I have been pruning some of the hedges. Mostly I'm doing the end of Winter clean up. I'm going to de-stone one of my beds, that means I'll be shifting dirt, need to do that soon. I think I'm getting a load of mulch tomorrow if the weather holds. I finally did get some of my seeds started and I have been potting up a lot of plants. The co-op plants will be coming soon and I'm getting ready for them.
Here is Josh working on the Lamppost yesterday. That's my Christmas present from him. He bought the materials for the post and the new light fixture and is installing it for me.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ha, Just went and woke Ric up and took him down to the bridge. We got another load of rocks. I can't carry as many or as big as Josh can but I didn't do to bad. This will give you an idea of what we are doing in that area. This is the load that Ric and Josh brought home the other day.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly--must be nice to have 2 men to help with some of the muscle work! I am jealous!!!! Tell Rick he can come over here for the weekend and do some for me! Tell him also, that i will feed him well....cold beer, wine, whatever.......

Did you give me the mixed Digitalis seeds? They are all up! Everything is up--except 2 cell packs of something.....Old seeds, I think! I took pictures today. Will post them another time. Getting late now...I worked until 10PM. Off tomorrow! Gotta clean house! My Craft club meats here on Sunday.

So! What can I add to my "accomplished" list?

I have fertilized the lawn--NOT with pre-emergence stuff--b/c I seeded in too many places!
I have fertilized all my Roses, Bulbs, Perennials, evergreens, and some other stuff.
Raked up the soil, then raked it in and watered everything in.
I have planted a newly purchased "Chicago Peace" Rose. (man! those roots were small
and chopped off! I hope it roots decently!). Bought it at Wallmart for $5.88. Nice
canes! They sure had a nice selection.....
I have raked clean all my beds but one small one.
I have pruned back one of the 9 shrubs I have to prune. Lots of work, but I do it about
every 2 years--by hand! Not chopping off anything with shears! They look more
"natural" that way. I have two 39 year old Junipers in front of my house. The builders
planted them. I have hand-pruned them every other year, and they still look OK!

The worst is yet to come!!!! The digging and amending and planting and bringing things in--and out--and in--and out....Whew!

It is still so early! My seedlings are raring to go--higher and higher! Tomatoes are up to 4". Need to transplant them in 4" pots now. I know I planted them too soon--now i will have to keep them "happy" until they can go out. M.G.'s and other Vines are also reaching for the sky! Waaaaaah-waaaaah! Too much--too soon!!!!


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL we do get impatient & start way too early - I am soaking some MG seeds for a huge pot on the deck-figure I'll overseed it and let them have at it!
Now I need to get some trellises! Still have lotsa stuff to do-been busy
shopping more plants/vines - I kinda went a tad overbord!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I don't think those Digitalis seeds came from me. Your right it sure is nice to have a couple of guys to do the heavy stuff. Both my sons will come and help do whatever and they all know how to fix most anything. I'm lucky to have nice children that live close by. They go up to their Grandparents house and help out, too. My girls are just as nice but not as handy. LOL Josh still lives at the house of and on and gets laid off every winter so he's good for the off season stuff. Jamie only lives 3 miles away. He brings his family over almost everyday in the summer to swim in the pool so it's easy to get him to help with a few small things when they come over. It's nice having Ric to garden with, someone to share the experience. I even enjoy having him out there even when we aren't working in the same area. I will go over and see what he is doing in the front yard and then drag him over to the back yard to see what I have done.
Good luck with your grass sounds like it should look really good. My lawn is horrible dead grass and mole mounds. I should have treated it with milky spore last fall.
Becky, I'm holding off on my MG and Moonflower seeds I got some very nice varieties from some swaps. I'm getting antsy can't wait to see them grow.
This Bridge they are replacing is just a 1/4 of a mile from my house. Josh works for a company that builds bridges. His company barely lost the bid on this bridge. Such a shame would have made this so much easier. There is quite a lot of cut red stone and we are only going to get a little bit of it. The pieces are pretty large and at the bottom of a hill. You can't get a truck or a wheel barrow down there the ground is too soft from them running the heavy equipment around. It all has to be hand carried up hill in lose dirt.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Your son is a handsome man!!!! That rock must weigh a couple hundred pounds!

Re Mole tunnels.....
HD sells Carbon Monoxide "bombs". They come in a pack of 4 and cost....hmmm, not sure....maybe $4? You light the fuse and throw it down in a mole tunnel and, I think, it either kills them or drives them out. In case you wanted to try....

Misty--I loved the link too. Brings back such sweet memories listening to Patsy Kline. I tried to save the link--but it was denied.....I will try to just save the basic link--take away all the /this and /that.....I wanted to see what other Poems it had.

Keep on truckin! Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yep, He sure is good looking and is a real nice guy.
Ric did 3 trips up that hill carrying some of the nice cut stone, he estimated the ones he carried were over 70 lbs. That one Josh has was the largest so it would have weighted more. Ric had surgery on his hands last month so here he is trying not to carry with them. We will probably be back down there tonight and see what else got knocked loose.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Maybe if you all put your heads together youy could come up with some kind of a pulley system? Like the ancient Egyptians. They transported humongous boulders weighing hundreds of tons to build the Pyramids.........

Off the top of my head........think about the old clotheslines that were out the window and you had a pulley wheel at each end. You just pulled on one end of the line, and the line came and then went back--kind of in an endless loop. Maybe--if you throw down a long tarp(for smoothness of pulling the rocks up in a pan) and have an anchoring Pulley wheel at the bottom and one at he top. Get a sturdy plastic tray of some kind for the pan, like those cement mixer pans at HD (cheap!), and put the rock in there (at the bottom of the hill) and then loop 2 strong ropes around the pan and put them on a second pulley at the top and--two of you pull in unison until the pan comes up the hill. Unload--and back down she goes, etc......What do you think??????


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita I've been thinking along those same lines myself. There is a pretty good size chunk with about 8 stones mortared together I was thinking if we could get that drug up it would be easy to break apart once we got it home. Ric is good a rigging so I guess he will have to decide how bad he wants these cut stone. He loves cut red stone.
BTW I am starting the Hyacinth Bean Seeds that I got from you. Right now I'm potting up the Tall Phlox I got from the co-op I was just out walking around the yard trying to decide where I will put the ones I'm keeping for myself.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just for more exposure (hope that's ok)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just got in, while I was out planting the Phlox I decided to screen some of the bed I was working in. I got about 1/3 of it screened. I wish my screening was just a little smaller. I might get a smaller size and go over it again. Ric was working down in the barn on the new trellises. Looks like we will head back down to the creek pretty soon and look for more good rocks.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Holly, bigtime "Rock Envy" here!!! My plan was to have collected at least a few rocks from the stream by now for my projects, but major setbacks this week :( First of the week I was having some problems with chest pains and finally ended up in ER at 6 AM on Tuesday morning rigged up for EKG, etc :( They found nothing, sent me on my "merry"? way with a prescription for Vicodin which took care of the pain but left me "fuzzy" in the head and all I've been doing is sleeping :( Except for yesterday afternoon when I had to rush Phoebe to the vet - she almost gave me a REAL heart attack, scared the heck out of me, thought I was going to lose her on the way to the vet's :( We were there for over an hour and they sent us home with painkillers for HER! They suspected lyme disease because she's lethargic, having trouble walking, not eating, etc. but all tests came back negative. Happy to report that she is feeling a little better, although still walking "gingerly" and her appetite has picked up some - could be the canned dogfood the vet gave us :)

So I won't hijack this thread, sad to report that "what have ya done so far" - nothing :( I was so psyched to get my seeds started this week and get into the gardens but obviously didn't happen :( With all this nice weather, hopefully Phoebe and I will back to normal soon and I can get back to my projects!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Rcn, Sounds like you are having a rough week. I ended up in the Hosp. in the middle of the night myself a couple of weeks ago. Terrible pain, and no idea of what could be causing it. My first experience with a kidney stone, man I don't want to have another one. I don't do well with pain meds either. Take good care of yourself and Phoebe. Getting rocks is relatively easy in our area. There are plenty laying around all you need is a strong back. Ric and I went down last night but we were a little too early and the work crew was still there working. But I had noticed that there were quite a few nice rocks that had slid down and were laying along the road edge so on our way home we loaded up the back of the explorer. The long mossy one will make a good top stone for the wall. Besides the rocks for the new wall we need more middle and smaller size ones for the pond. You remember that HUGE pile I have in the back yard. I also am extending stone walk that goes from the front door around to the garage. So right now it's all about the rocks. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is a shot of the bed I was screening yesterday you can see the difference where I stopped. Years ago this was a stoned parking area and then we used it as a burning pit. Then we started to pile up extra dirt there. Last year we moved the dirt pile put in a Holly hedge and planted Cannas. Ric rototilled the area and a whole lot of stone came up but we just didn't have the time last spring to screen it. So it got planted just as it was. It looks so much better now but I'm going to screen it again one more time with a slightly smaller screen. I used a 1/2 inch and there are still quite a few small stones in there. It's pretty cold and ugly out side today but I have a small pile of mulch left over from last year and I thought I might get around to mulching a few of the shrubs. I want to use it up before I get the new load next week.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, those are beautiful rocks!

I hope everyone starts feeling better, this thing about being sick has got to stop...myself included.

Here is a picture of my tea mug, hope you get a chuckle out of it.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Love the mug, LOL
Looks like I will not be mulching today. I'm taking my GS to swimming lessons. He should be here pretty soon.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Gracious, Debbie - hope you BOTH are feeling better!! Hugs!!

Crozet, VA

I am like Gita said she was.....unmotivated. John is really going to town though. He is continuing his work on the rock walkway, speaking of rocks.......we have had a yard full for going in to summer number three. He is finally using them up now. He cleared off the bank on one side of our driveway yesterday and is hauling the brush away today. That made a world of difference. Now we will have a place to plant the 4 plant collections that we ordered on Tuesday. ha-ha

He also weeded some and laid down some cardboard around some of the day lilies he planted last year along the fence row. He also planted 6 blue hydrangeas along the same spot. He mulched on top of all of this. Things are coming along around here, despite me. ha - ha We have a lot of things in bloom already and it is looking wonderful. Does anyone know is crocus come in red? We have several that bloomed out yesterday. I had never seen them this color, but they are really pretty along with the purple and yellow ones.

The only things that I started that will go outside later are six elephant ear plants. I love growing them for some reason. I have been aiming at planting some coleus seed and finally have everything that I will need to do it together, just not done yet. Maybe this weekend.

Today is a really gorgeous day for sure. I walked around in the yard earlier and watered the hydrangea a bit. Things are really coming along....thanks mostly to John.

Have a great weekend everyone. Love your cup Chris.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You know---motivation for garden chores comes with the warmer weather! Today is georgeous--but I had a Dr.'s appt this morning and then came home and started cleaning up in the house--then went out to chat with my neighbor who was digging in the dirt--then had an AHA! moment and moved one of my Peonies to make room for at least one more Tomato plant in that bed-by-the-shed......Done! To plant the Peony in the spot I could find, I had to dig up my overwintering Elephant Ears....Dug them up and planted them in my neighbor's bed that faces my house. She doesn't care! There isn't much in there anyway.
And so it goes this tiny, old garden i have......give some--take some......

Now it is Dr. Phil and Oprah time--so will "justify" the time spent watching TV by straightening up my kitchen and cooking something to have for dinner.....
Sunday is my Craft Club here--and I need to spiff up the house a bit. Nothing major--they don't care, but I do.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Holly, be still my heart! Not only do you have rocks, but you've got moss covered rocks! Can't wait to see the end result of all your hard work :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just wait Ruby you will get your burst of energy. Maybe you are solar powered, all you need is enough sunlight to recharge your batteries. LOL
Gita, It must be very nice and very frustrating to have a garden that is so complete. I planted my first Peony last year, it was one of the plants that came from the neighbors. I hope it comes back up again this year. When do they start to emerge?
RCN, You have probably seen pictures of my wall before, this was taken last summer. Ric and I built this one around 25 years ago. The rocks we are collecting now will be used to add another wall right in front of the old one just a little lower. Where the old one is straight the new one will have a more curved line. Ric will be reworking the old wall, the winters of freezing and thawing have made it a little unstable and I need to remove some of the plants that will be covered with dirt from the new bed. Plus I would like to add a few new plants to the wall. There was something I saw down at the Dutch Plant Farm that I thought would maybe be nice to plant in my walls. I remember talking to you about it. I think I asked you if you thought it was a good price and then decided to wait and look for small plants instead of buying the bigger one. I'll have to look for my notes from that trip. I remember your telling me that it's a plant you have at the nursery but yours was a different variety. Do you remember?
Well I going to head out now I'm going to weed around the Hydrangeas and use up the last of the old mulch. I also have a 5 gal bucket of Red Bud seeds that I need to spread around in the woods behind my house. I should have done it last fall but they got pushed into the back of my potting shed and I only found them a few weeks ago.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Crozet, VA

Oooooh, I love that greenary on the rocks. I haven't ever had much luck with the supposed low growing rock covers. Maybe that will change soon.

Yep Holly, you are correct, I am solar powered and will get lit up when there are warmer and sunnier days.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have 5 Peonies in my Garden. Seems like 3 of them have been there forever--and will stay where they are--2 are in my "YUK" bed and no way Jose I can ever dig them up. The third (older) one is a beautiful puffy white with a tinge of magenta here and there. This has been moved once to make room for my Endless Summer Hydrangea about 3 years ago.

Now--here's the REST of the story............................
About 6 years ago, when i was still working in the garden dept. at HD, and end of the Season had come, there were 32 pots of Peonies doomed to be tossed. These were 3 gallon pots! I said to the Garden supervisor, "You can't throw all these out!!!! It takes so long for Peony to even grow to a blooming stage! I will buy them all, if it is OK with you!" So he said, "OK! You can have then for $2 a piece..." And so I went home with 32 pots of peonies.....All my friends and neighbors got as many as they wanted--for $2. I kept a couple myself. There were 2 amazing looking peonies there--one ended up at my neighbor's and the other one in my bed-by-the-shed....That is the one I moved yesterday......
I think I have a picture of it--somewhere......It is so big--that it needs extra support!


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

OOHHHH Gita, That is very pretty. How do you like your Endless Summer Hydrangea? I'm thinking about buying a few, some are for my Daughters house.
RCN, I have taken care of your case of "Rock Envy". Let me be clear about this. I did "not" dig any holes nor did I plant this. All I did was take my 8 inch digging knife and pull back the grass edges about 6 to 10 inches around the edge. All these rocks were found within 5 inches of the surface. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

That's it...I'm getting dressed and attacking the cactus...pray for me

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi All,
Well let me see... I have started a number of seeds in the house and all seem to be doing very well... I tryed to grow a few lilly's as I got one from Sally from the swap last year and I was just amazed at how she did it and it looks like they are doing well...
Mike and I have cleaned three flower boxes so far they were the easy ones ... We are working on the biggest one now... and we have it almost done... we put 50 bags of top soil in it last weekend where we had weeded and it did not pput a dent in it...LOL so today we are going to get more dirt as yesterday we worked our butts off again weeding allot more of it.. this is a very big flower bed... Last year was my first big jump into the yard and I jumped with both feet and learned allot.. So this year I hope to have things better arranged .. Like little things in the front and not behind big things... I am also going to make my cactus bed in there bigger and add more to this... I have this apart with rocks around it and a bird bath... Looks pretty good... Hubby also made me a arbor in the middle of this bed...
I am going to dig up a few bulbs and ship them to a new home here soon and also a butterfly bush or two that are still young enough to transplant... We bought a magnolia(sp) tree last week and a cherry blossum tree and hope if Dave one of my other sons comes over today to get them in the ground...
Ok chewed your ears enough....

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

It gets worse if you dig, here anyway. They get $200 a ton, $300 for a two-foot-high pallette of that red stone around here (square-ish blocks, smaller than a breadbox)... I don't find too many keeper sized ones though. This pic is from last year

Thumbnail by claypa
Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't hurt those poor babies....LOL Or should I say don't hurt yourself... :-) I checked out mine yesterday as I weeded around them and all looks good... The ones you gave me last year are doing wonderful...
I have to go out and when I come back if not raining I am going to dig up the bulbs and put them in a peat moss so they can be ready to be shipped... I want to wait on getting my new yellow butter fly bushes. Now these will be babies but I got babies last year and they have grown like a weed....

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

It is cheaper for me to buy it in bags then to get top soil here from places... We have gotten what was suppose to be top soil and is allot of sand in it and just not good top soil... We have gotten from more then one place... for 50 bags of top soil it cost 62.00 and it is nice top soil.. then we can get mulch for free from the city so we go and get truck loads of that and top dress every year.... I have another flower bed as we call Cindy's flower bed and we worked our butts off on that one lastyear and that is a breeze to work in as it is mulched really good and the weeds just pull out...
We have allot of clay here but most of where we work is getting tons better....

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I know you wanted the cow tongue about these:
3) (although this may be what you have from last year)
4) another smaller padded PP like the one above - no ID...came from Canada :)
5) Cholla

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh Lord, I have major ROCK ENVY here! Just beautiful. Want to go out in the yard and play today, but it's a bit nippy to do much. Maybe go out after lunch and "police" the yard for limbs off the black walnuts and more of the magnolia trimmings that are left so we can haul those off to the dump.

DH will hopefully finish hooking up the lights for my seed starting set up today. We had to return the first ones with no pig tails. Hard wiring was not what we had in mind. LOL

DH almost has the new floor in the shed finished, so hopefully we can start moving "stuff" out of the garage and I can get that mess straightened out.

I'm still limping with this blasted knee strain, but at least I'm off the crutches. I've got it wrapped, but am cussing under my breath as it is cramping my style, major!! Got an appt to go see my bone breaker on Monday and get another adjustment to the area. I did get a nice e-mail from my MG group and they went back down to the park, marked off the holes and filled in a bunch. Plus the extension agent had a word with the Park and Rec director about the potential for somebody getting hurt very easily. Since they will be taking out some more trees, he's going to make sure those holes get filled in at the time. This is going to be so nice when we get it up and rolling. The city donated almost an acre for a MG Botanical Training area. We're going to be doing a lot of fund raising to get the trees, shrubs, etc, but it will be super when it's done. I'm so thrilled to be in at the start of this project.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Doccat, I'd love to see some pictures of your park project. Will you (or have you) started a thread about it. Just came in for a drink and am heading back out.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I haven't started a thread as yet, but I have asked our MGACRA president for copies of the pictures we were taking while we were working. The local paper was also there, so I'm watching for the article. I'm also bugging, Guy (our extension agent) for a copy of the trees/shrubs etc they are wanting to plant. He's wanting to plant fairly mature trees and I have several friends who might be willing to donate the funds for trees/shrubs as memorials for various reasons.

I'm amazed at the city's generosity, but the MG's had done their homework, had the plans all drawn up in color. And did show and tell. LOL It will make a lovely addition to the area and a great place for us to learn.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly- love the rocks! claypa -too, they are better looking than my rocks but we know thats not fun for digging
ruby- sounds great, get a pic of John posing with his hard work! Hydrangeas and DLs sound like a good combo
Chantell- Heavenly Father, keep her safe from spines--Do the pigs ears go with the cows tongues,or...LOL
doccat- very cool about the MG project!!! Now, if you can drive, you pick me up on the way to PA, and I hop out at Hollly andClaypas and snatch rocks for us.....
as for me- get off the computer and go buy food before the family starves!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, That's why I can play in the yard all day. Ric cooks and buys food. LOL Stop by anytime I know just where to go and get more.
Claypa, I remember the thread from last year when you were putting in the new bed. Can't wait to see the new pictures this year with it planted.
Just came in for another drink, heading back out. I have a wheel barrow half full of small stones and broken cinder block I'm going to dump them in the ruts in neighbors lane. It's so bad that her Mother parks at our house and walks back. Nice to have a place to get rid of them and helps them too.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS

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