March Daily Weather, Spring has Sprung!!!

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Billy: Now that's a thought! The "Spring Tour", just go round the globe, visiting spring. :)
High today was downright warm (love it) at 76F. Low tonight 52. That settles it. The orchids and tropicals are going outside this weekend!

Here's a small part of our crazy back yard as seen from the back porch. There are paths through the ivy in there around the azaleas; hard to tell that, though.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Oooo... That's beautiful, Deb!!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Kiska is the ''springboard'' for that idea!

Now that's a back yard!!!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Happy birthday, Se_eds!

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 4:51 PM PDT on March 27, 2008
69 °F / 21 °C
Humidity: 31%
Dew Point: 37 °F / 3 °C
Wind: 9 mph / 15 km/h / 4.1 m/s from the SSE

Thumbnail by Kelli
(Zone 3b)

bp~I wondered about that comment; now, after more careful re-reading, I see it's in reply to Marylyn's:))
Sounds like your summer would be hard to take, Marylyn:))
39° at 4:30pm; sunny and nice, no wind, but there's a grass fire about 3 miles from here, on the Butte.

Thumbnail by kiska
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

What a beautiful un-stepped on beach! Looks like paradise.

Billy-Porter, I love the old fashioned hollyhocks. The last ones I had were the Peaches and Cream variety and they just weren't the same!

I am surprised that the daylilies made it through our freeze and thaw-with-no-snow winter as good as they did. I still have some tough 'hard' dormant plants that are not above ground yet!.

Tomorrow I need to get to Harrisburg - a 5 gallon of gas trip - but will load my truck with composted manure, rotted leaf mulch ( can't get it around here) and peat moss if it is cheaper in Harrisburg.

What I really want to do is to go to Gabriels discount store to pick up cheap gardening clothes. I am really tight about buying stuff, prefer to spend my money on plants. Do you think I may be out-of-focus???

(Zone 3b)

se_eds~ not at all:) You've got a full day planned and hope you have a wonderful day.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

BP, rain is good but floods like we have had here in the area isn't. Flooding in general is good for the enviroment but not like this. We are so saturated that if we get any more rain it will cause flooding. Especially in southern MO.

Today was a murky day. Foggy and drizzly the whole time.

Currently: 39°F Cloudy
Currently: 3°C Cloudy
Wind: North-Northeast at 18 MPH
Humidity: 93%
Dewpoint: 37°F
Barometer: 29.88 inches
Wind Chill: 30°F
Wind: North-Northeast at 28 KPH
Humidity: 93%
Dewpoint: 2°C
Barometer: 1012 millibars
Wind Chill: -1° C
Sunrise: 7:08 am
Sunset: 7:39 pm

(Zone 7a)

I so have to be somewhere I can grow azaleas and rhodies!!!

We went from this, this morning... sun and no snow anywhere, except isolated pockets of shade-snow.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Kiska – I’m enjoying your pictures. We look forward to the trip. We are planning on doing a lot of driving, picking places to visit, no real itinerary. The railroad is way at the top of the list! LOL!
Seeds – So glad you had a wonderful! Sounds like fun!
Sally – The areas between the road and the beaches are protected to keep the sand as pristine as possible and also to protect the sea turtle nests during nesting season. I love the wide-open sky too. I was raised in Houston (for the most part) and found I really much prefer small town living. Love those Hollyhocks!
Marylyn – I feel your pain. Spring doesn’t last long here either! Pretty soon it be just plain old “hot”. Cabin camping sounds good! No tents!
Deb – Love your back yard! Your picture reminded me that I wanted to plant so wisteria along the back fence. I can still do it, but it won’t fill out very much.
Kelli – Gorgeous beach!
Seeds – LOL! I use old shorts, tank tops, crocs or worn out walking shoes for gardening. No money spent there. DH always says “I can’t believe I BUY dirt”! LOL! My response is “We have sand – need gardening soil – not dirt for the plants to survive”! LOL!
Kiska - Your last picture is so pretty. Hope the fire caused no harm. Difficult to imagine a fire in all that snow.
kwanjin - Love your last picture - very mysterious and "Hobbit" looking.

58.1 °F / 14.5 °C
Humidity: 85%
Dew Point: 54 °F / 12 °C
Wind: 0.0 mph / 0 km/h
Wind Gust: 3.6 mph / 5 km/h
Pressure: 30.09 in / 1018.8 hPa (Steady)
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers

Partly cloudy. High 77. South winds 5 to 10 mph.

Where's Dyson, Blooms with a View, Rann, E_B, Yuri, I know I'm missing some people here, but it's early and I need coffee!

Bearded Iris coming up! They're late...

This message was edited Mar 28, 2008 5:56 AM

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Bumble Bee on Lady Margaret.

Lady M is doing much better since I cut her way back. I think I killed the scale problem she caught.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Poinsettia still going strong! LOL! It gets pruned in May.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Deb, love your back yard--gorgeous!!
Kelli: beautiful beach pic.
Kiska: is it almost Spring at your place?
Sharon: pretty flowers and you are going to have a "pot full" of bearded iris!
Celia, glad your snow is gone.
BP: I love those hollyhocks. I hope to grow some this year.
Marylyn: your spring is almost over and ours is just getting started good.

Beautiful day yesterday although the wind was blowing and lots of yellow pollen flying around. I woke up with swollen eyes and a stuffy nose--typical springtime allergies! :o(( I planted 60+ petunias on Wed.
60º right now and overcast. 30% chance of precip.
Grandkids will be here soon for the day so I must "run". Everyone have a good day!
These popped out yesterday. :o))

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sharon: forgot to mention your memorial statue to Soxy.
We have one for our little dog Scruffy who died in '02. Here is the pic of his memorial statue.

Thumbnail by marsue
(Zone 7a)

Cute, Mau!

Feels like: 36°F

Barometer: 30 in and falling
Dewpoint: 11°
Humidity: 32%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 0 mph
Sunrise: 7:16 AM
Sunset: 7:49 PM
UV Index: 2 Low

Yes, I thought the mountain looked "Hobbit-ish" as well.

(Zone 3b)

1:30 pm. 33° Sunny and clear.
MySharona~a poinsettia in March; wow- and it's as beautiful and bright as ever. Bumblebee/blossom is pretty cute.
Marsue~ 60 petunias will be spectacular when all are in bloom. Love the tulips; the memorial statue is so nice.
Spring is closer, but the ice/snow and frozen ground will be around a few more weeks. Usually by early/mid-May, the leaves begin to come out.
kwanjin~all types of weather in one day; it must keep you wondering what weight jacket to wear.
The fire was just a grass fire and was put out in a few hours; no damage that I've heard. The ground is frozen,but the grasses are dry so burn well this time of year.
Moose came around while our guests were here; not special about the pic, just what's going on.

Thumbnail by kiska
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

The orioles are back. I saw both species, Bullock's and hooded, today.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 4:51 PM PDT on March 28, 2008
67 °F / 19 °C
Humidity: 45%
Dew Point: 45 °F / 7 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h / 3.6 m/s from the ESE

giant coreopsis - That's what it's called. These are actually pretty average size specimens.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Sharona, your bloom is so beautiful. Can't grow them up here. But I have been checking my clematis vines I planted last year. Lo and behold, they are sprouting leaves. Sure hope we don't get a hard frost. I wasa disappointed with them last year as they just barely survived. This year I have several stems from each plant - with leaves.

Marsue, you are planting out petunias and I am starting petunia seeds! We get frosts into May - I think the 9th is the last frost date, but have had lots and lots of frosts up until the 20th. I also started tomato seeds last week. LOL. Just cannot be summertime without tomato sandwiches. The last few days have been overcast and grey, grey. Supposed to get sunshine tomorrow. Currently 40 deg with occasional showers.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

The Clementine Vines as my old NC gardening friend called them are known for first year they sleep, second year creep and third year they leap.
In NC my DM had vines covered with flowers for years.
It's lovely here and I got a huge Oompah Coleus at Costco for $10.69.
I'm sure they will head North soon.
My weather is like Sharons pretty much.
I'm sorry I don't post more, I'm working 70 hrs a week.
Took tonight off to get ready for an RU tomorrow at Molly Mc's.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Currently: 48°F Mostly Cloudy
Currently: 8°C Mostly Cloudy
Wind: East at 9 MPH
Humidity: 34%
Dewpoint: 21°F
Barometer: 30.19 inches
Wind Chill: 44°F
Wind: East at 14 KPH
Humidity: 34%
Dewpoint: -6°C
Barometer: 1022 millibars
Wind Chill: 6° C
Sunrise: 7:07 am
Sunset: 7:40 pm

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

pepper: your temp. is about the same as ours is right now: 47º. I had to dig my sweater out of the closet--just when I thought Spring was here to stay--should have known better!
Kelli: those coreopsis are giants, indeed, compared to the ones we have here. "just average size" for your area, maybe! LOL
Kiska: God certainly had a sense of humor when he created moose--not to mention several other creatures I could mention, including humans!!
se_eds: I love fresh, home-grown tomatoes but I never seem to have any luck growing them. :o(( However, I have a lasagna bed that has been "cooking" all winter, so I am ready to give them another try!

Tomorrow's forecast: 40% chance of showers; high of 65º; low of 51º; sunrise at 6:58 a.m.; sunset at 7:28 p.m.

Here's my neighbor-across-the-street's Redbud in bloom.

Thumbnail by marsue
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, i used to have a redbud! thanks for all the phtos. love that mistiness around the peaks before the sun came out in Utah.

did i hear RU at MMs? say hi to Molly for me.

i should be faxing to lawyer's office, but had to take a break. have lots of chick pics, no time to load them

hatched out 16 babies, two have died. some are wearing hobbles [leg problemns from high hunidity], and one just learned how to stand and opened his eyes today!

have ten more babies that are all bantams too. and 15 in the bator for April 7th. Court date is April 8th.

Sorry i dont' have a nice pic of my parrot tulip to post. i put it in a sunny window, then overwatered it. the roots were almost bound, and it all dried up while i was gone to the lawyer's. so i dumped it out and separated the bulbs. hope they make it...

enjoying all the diversity in weather across the US! haven't heard much from our international friends lately...

soon it will begin to look green and i will take pictures of Mesquite leafing out! spring is just barely here, and the almanac says it will be a wet/cold one! followed by a hot/dry summer! tell me again why i live here???


(Zone 3b)

18° cloudy and gray. 8:30am.
Sunrise: 7:26 Sunset: 8:37 gain of 5m51seconds.
The redbud is beautiful, marsue.
Sugarweed; hope you have a great time at RU. Long week you put in and sure deserve a wonderful break.
kelli~very pretty; nothing like yellow for spring.
TF~sounds very busy around there; hope you can post pics soon.
se_eds~fresh tomatoes is certainly something to look forward to.
pepper23~looks fairly nice there; very little wind sure helps.
Fire from ice...a lens made of ice directs the suns' beam to burn a piece of sheetrock. (Last week at Fairbanks' Ice Festival)

Thumbnail by kiska
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm around ....... just pouring Concrete in the Hall at the moment...
BBL w/ the story!


Thumbnail by henryr10
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, goodness Ric! can't wait to see the final picture...

we have been building a new goat/chicken pen. breaking for lunch

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Marsue, maybe I've mentioned it before, but if you are having trouble growing tomatoes, it might be that you have root nematodes. If you get nematode-resistant varieties, you'll do much better.

It's "that time of the month" and I'm feeling kind of blah. The weather is kind of blah, too.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 11:51 AM PDT on March 29, 2008
59 °F / 15 °C
Humidity: 64%
Dew Point: 47 °F / 8 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h / 3.6 m/s from the SSE

These are babiana. They are not blah.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Kelli, you are correct: the babiana are definitely not "blah", but I am sorry you are feeling "blah". Thanks for the advice about the tomato nematodes. I'll have to check into getting the resistant variety.

Ric: I can hardly wait to hear the story about you pouring concrete in your hallway--that sounds interesting, to say the least--and maybe a little scary!! LOL

TF; you have certainly been busy with those chicks.

Kiska: fire from ice! How 'cool' is that? :o))

The weather people missed it again--no high of 65º around here--it's a cool 47º and overcast. We got more rain this morning and it has been "yucky" all day with fog until noon! :o((

Here's a couple of anemones blooming. I've never grown them before and they have been a delightful little surprise for me this spring!

Thumbnail by marsue
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Clear skies and 30°F here now with temps falling into the mid-20's tonight. The big warm-up is forecast to start tomorrow with temps at least in the 40's most of the next 10 days. Maybe Spring will finally spring!

Kiska......... that ice lens is really neat.

Ric..........I assume you're pouring concrete to level the floor and perhaps lay tile?

marsue.........I planted a redbud here and it was doing quite nicely until a large branch fell from a near-by maple tree and split it right down the middle. Bummer.

Deb...........Your backyard is GORGEOUS!!!

I'm enjoying the spring flower pics. I hope to have some myself in a month or two.

Photo: I came across a cottontail bunny while walking the Ernst Trail this morning.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Nice but cloudy day today. I spent the morning repotting and planting and - yes! - moving the tenders out of the garage and house. (Then I had a nap. ;-> )

Low tonight is 49F but that's the coldest for the next 10 days (if we canbelieve the forecast), so it's everybody out!

(Cute bunny, E_B.)


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

46° (Wind Chill 41°) rain moving in again........

Well it's not a pretty story.
We've mostly finished the Cabinet Wall.
So we decided to wrap some Bead board Wainscoting down the Hall.
Mainly to match the Bookcase back.
Well the plaster was pretty bad so Robyn knocked some down.
No problems on one side but......
Old covered up termite (no bugs) and water damage on the other.
Rotted wood, mold, etc and wood ending in concrete.
Not on Concrete but IN it.... will a big void underneath part of it.
Seems when they filled in the crawlspace
they left the wood in and poured concrete over it.
So we shored up the ceiling, ripped out the bad wood, reframed most of it
and poured new crete up to the floor level.
Once that sets up we will reframe it correctly.
We may, come Summer, jack the ceiling up anyway so we need a strong base.

Why people do these quick fixes I'll never understand.
They did a complete reworking of the interior rooms.
All it would have taken was 1 extra day to do this right.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

BTW This WILL look prettier when we finish...LOL!

A little Spring

Thumbnail by henryr10
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Currently 35 and wind still. Supposed to warm up a bit for tomorrow, then two or three days of rain. I can finish a bed tomorrow and put down Preen or Snapshot. Can't add mulch yet - don't have any.

Sidney - I am concerned about you. You are working so hard. I hope you realize that extra money is not worth much these days. Interest rate are the lowest since I can remember - and I am older than you by a long shot. Hope you take the time to have fun. We will not walk this way again - so take the time to sow beauty and give encouragement to others, and once in a while - snap a picture to preserve beauty so others can recognize it, also. That is what our photos do - they show beauty and wonderment to those who have no time to stop and see.

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Ric...............I know what you mean. I bought an older house and some of the goofy things I've found here while remodeling are hard to believe.


(Zone 7a)

Oh, seeds. You said it!

I can't catch up! I look at the pics and read a sentence here and there. I get the gist of the day that way.

Feels like: 31°F

Barometer: 29.9 in and rising
Dewpoint: 16°
Humidity: 36%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 14 mph NNW
Sunrise: 7:14 AM
Sunset: 7:50 PM
UV Index: 0 Low




I'm between Salt Lake City proper and Tooele (pronounced...Two-illa)Valley. Provo and Manti are WAY south of us. We're going to get hit bad.

I took some neat cloud pics from work today.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
(Zone 7a)

And another...

Thumbnail by kwanjin
(Zone 7a)

More from that land of The Ring.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

So THAT's where the snow went!
Hunker Down k!

Don't worry too much about Sidney she works hard...VERY hard but in short increments.
6 Weeks or so then usually a nice weeks long rest.
For those of you who don't know she's a Boilermaker.
Asker why she has to travel for her work..... lol!
Last year she was doing a job near here and stopped in for a short visit.

Sidney have a BLAST at Molly's!
Jeremey going to be there?

Rain still slowly moving in...then warming temps.
Maybe some more T-Storms...


Thumbnail by henryr10
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Did I mention that Papa, (My DGD) used to say "Your so pretty, you look just like Minnie Pearl!" I thought that was wonderful and still do.
What wonderful roots we all have and what a blessed life I have.
Well this time the Boilerhouse is just 6 miles away instead of 600 or 1600.
I'm just trying to see if I can get my toe in the door for a long tour here.
We have work at this place for the next 14 months I believe.
I had a fantastic time at Molly's and not only was Jeremy there he rode with me. I didn't work last night and was 30 minutes late today. I will sleep like a baby in just a bit. I still need to find the camera I took with me.
I'm the only female journeyman in this local so they should take care of me. I just don't see that happening.
I got a pedicure last night just to have one of those chairs knead my tired bones. Everyone should try that at least once.
I met Stacy, aka our Uber Floridian. Bless her heart she has just had chemo and we are all picturing her healthy and with hair again. I fell in love with her immediately.
Budgielover brought a pot of red leafed Night Blooming Cerieus(sp?).
I divided it into 5 plants and escaped with 2 of them.
I also got my "Sidney" Coleus fix with about 40 cuttings I will root tomorrow.
I got some othe great goodies, but only one box full.
Got 3 Hycinth Vines and an unnusual aster from a new acquantence of Molly's.
Just a great day.
Temps in the 80s.

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Great pics everyone, seems spring has sprung almost everywhere! Here's my hyacinthus in a pot.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by adinamiti

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