Canna #3

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

All canna lovers are come and chat with us!

Came from here and now are here. :~)

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Short enough for you? Bad thing about sleeping so late.. the day is 1/2 over and I still have gotten very little accomplished.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)


Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Well, my peach tree is a goner. Cut most of down today. The rest may soon follow. Have acouple of months to decide. At least I have a new place to put cannas.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Heck, forgot the pic. Nice mound of heavy composted soil in back of tree.

Thumbnail by vadap
Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

And, I have these iris reticulatas coming up. There is a row of about 40-50 for about 6' on either side of the 3/8" granite rock, which covers a drip line for the silver maple. The rock goes all the way around. Oh, please ignore the weed, it is gone now.

Thumbnail by vadap
Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Pepper ! Paul, sorry you lost your peach tree, but it gives you a new space - which is fun. Why did the tree die?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I would really miss that peach tree.  We had one for about a year or so that had bad luck before and after we moved in.  Hit by lightning before we moved in then just as it finally started fruiting again it got hit once again and this time killed for good.  I wasn't happy about that.  lol

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

It was abused and neglected before I moved into this house about 3 years ago. That first year, I used Bayer systemic for trees, and it seemed to help. Last year, it flowered and set fruit, so I couldn't really use it, as it's not good for birds and squirells(ok, the later I could care less about). It was a war against insects and peach tree borers. I was checking it out yesterday, and noticed some bark peeling off. Underneath, it was cracked from about 6' all the way down. I was going to trim it back, because it was so huge. The main trunk was at least 20' tall. Anyhow, a new bed to plant in, and I have to rethink all the plans I had. Should have time tomorrow. They are saying to expect 5-10" of snow starting late tonight. Batten down the hatches pep.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We just have rain coming in. lol. You can keep all that snow over there.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

more snow, when does the snow stop ? Rainy here, saw the first gold finch the other day, so put out a feeder with nijer seed - it's beautiful to watch them flock to the yard, hopefully will see more soon.

ok, the peach tree sounded like alot of work. Pepper, yours was doomed!!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Our 5-10" of snow turned into about 2-3", and the pavement melted all of it upon contact, as it's been quite warm here(ok, for winter). It is now all gone, even on the grass. Red, the tree wasn't to much. This time, I'm leaving what is shown in the pic. and not ddigging up any root ball.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

80 here heres my poatoes

Thumbnail by phicks
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Rain, rain, rain. So much rain we are floating. Floods everywhere.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

mmmm, I remember digging up new potatoes for my mom to fry in butter w/salt & pep, soooooo good!

we're getting alot of rain, too Pep - I'm sick of it!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

"Blue skies, nothin' but blue skies". Gotta love it, or you gotta leave it. Pep, I told you to batten down the hatches. phicks, do you guys get a good breeze in the middle of the peninsula? I've been up and down the east coast, from Jax to Dania. Despite the heat, almost always had a nice cooling breeze, and rain at 4 pm. Cousin lives in Vero, too.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Paul (vadap), this is for you. :~p :~p LOL

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)


we're supposed to get really bad storms tommorrow (not unusual for here) was so grey and cold today. I think having days in the upper 60s has spoiled me

vadap, in the post above (sorry about the peach tree) you showed reticulated iris, those are actually a type of scilla, siberian squill (there are several different ones). Those and crocus are my favorite spring bulbs, I have a plain bright blue and white with the blue stripe...scillas are so cool. here are the ones listed in plantfiles:

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

You are getting the storms that have hit us. This system is huge. when I saw it this afternoon on radar it was from Texas past and above Tennessee. And just below us so we didn't get much rain out of it thankfully. Southern MO got 8 inches though and Tenn got over 9.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

LOL pep, remeber, it was 30* and snow on Monday here.

Trop, thanks for pointing that out. I saw someone elses on the Rky Mtn forum, and was thinking what the heck. I think I picked those up at a nursery. Someone cheated me. Now I'm mad! :-( Ok, I'm not really mad.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

we need the rain...we finally downgraded from "exceptional" to "extreme"'s only taken all winter of raining pretty well and lots of storms to get there. Here we get the serious winds that break trees and really quick downpouring rain, flash floods...etc

vadap, scillas are awesome, though, pretty much all of them (especially the African and South American ones...drool)...reticulated iris are really cool too though, I'll add them in with crocus and scilla and the coolest spring bulbs. They're all blooming--sort of together now, not exactly grouped together. There are some very pretty hybrid reticulated iris I was looking at this fall, but wasn't ready to invest more in spring bulbs...

still haven't seen any of the wood hyacinth blooms yet

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Trop, hope you are staying afloat! We are here in DH's bachelor pad in Santa Clara - jeez, the weather is nice, but can't imagine calling it home yet - maybe by the end of the week. Get to go look around today, should be fun... and stop at Target I forgot to pack pajamas and a toothbrush for myself... what a ding dong.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

All the flooding here is gone but not in southern and eastern Mo. They haven't reached peak stage yet in most of those areas.

Hope all is well in NC too!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey if you all want a free sample of fertilizer go here:

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Ereubs water cannas

Thumbnail by phicks
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Very nice. :~) I can't wait to get all mine out. That's assuming they are still good. lol

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Red is suffering in Cali, pep and trop are drying out, and I'm sitting here in beautiful Colorado! Can you tell it is spring here? I'm not cursing mother nature, at least not today. A local nursery was having their pre-spring sale of 25% off, so picked up 'snowflake' mock orange, 'tom thumb' cotoneaster, and a couple of 'magic carpet' spirea, then went to costco where they had J&P bareroot roses for $18 for two. I got 'disneyland' and 'showbiz'. Really wanted the 'dl'. I get to add those to 'love', 'french lace' and 'janet' J&P roses that were overwintered in the garage. Add to that an 'Aleghany' viburnum and some daylillies that I got at HD last winter. And yesterday, I got a pick-up full of horse poop from a horse rescue(never knew they were there-thankyou craigslist). Well, have to go tend to seedlings and water the yard. It's been quite dry and a bit windy.

This message was edited Mar 25, 2008 6:07 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It was dry and windy here too. More rain coming in tomorrow though.

Sounds like you got some great deals! I'm not buying anymore plants til May. I have some plants coming from co-ops but don't have to plant anything except tall phlox soon. Those probably will get planted next week when I have more time.

I'm busy here getting ready for a trip this weekend and a bunch more coming up in May. Plus the RoundUp that I am hosting here in a few weeks. Just running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. LOL

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Endeavor Hybrid Has a Yellow Flower Water Canna

Thumbnail by phicks
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Paul, you are making it harder for me to stick to my plan of end of April, first of May to put out my cannas by posting all those pics of them.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

I like the flcks in the yellow like that. No water features in my yard. Too much hassle up here in the winter.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

ditto. :~)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ooh beautiful !!!

Paul - aahhh, can't wait to buy plants again ! Sounds like you are having fun in the dirt & Poo !

We've been swimming every day, everything is blooming wisteria, crinums, iris, etc., We went to Gilroy Gardens, big gardens + amusement park. It was a blast, they have all these crazy trees they've grafted into different formations, some of them are enormous. I think I may be won over a bit, always an Oregon girl at heart tho.

Thumbnail by Redtootsiepop
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

hope everyone had a Happy Easter, I've been busy up to no good as usual

oooh, Red, if you have a camera please take crinum pics....I'd rather look at those than Brad Pitt.

beautiful canna Paul, must be nice to have such big blooms right now

vadap, is your mock orange variegated? (I'm too lazy to look it up)...if so those are one of my favorite shrubs, they're big at my mom's place. I have a little one I got last summer. shrubs, vines and more bulbs are going to be the main additions this year

pepper I bet you're excited about the RU

tammy's around here lurking somewhere...

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

trop,never heard of those. Nope, it's just green with the white flowers everywhere. And this isn't the Minnesota minature, either. It grows 5-6'.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

yeah, Trop is back - Yes, I'll take pictures, but can't post until I get home. James has kindly left me his laptop to use during the day.

What is everyone planting ?? I won't be putting anything into the ground for months and it is driving me a bit wacky... altho I'm probably saving $$ for the future.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will probably be planting some cool liking annuals. It starts with a p and I can't remember what they are called. But til next month at the earliest that's it. I'm not doing any winter sowing either. No place to put those and I never know where to plant new stuff til all the stuff from last year comes up.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

that's why I haven't been around much...starting to wonder what I'm not planting...lots of bulb, perennial, shrub, tree and annual seeds. I did find some cool stuff when I was home and planted some ipheion from there. Got a magnolia tree I have to baby for awhile, it was hard to dig out of the

I found a crinum growing next to a sidewalk...had to rescue it from the mowers...hopefully it lives because it was really deep and I ended up (not meaning to) hacking all the green off

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I remember the plant's name now! Primula.

That's funny about the magnolia cause I have a bunch of seeds to grow some. But where the heck would I put one? lol

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Had a couple of inches of snow this morning. More later!? Rebuilt a new fence on one side of the house facing front yard. Will use that wood to build a better compost pile. Used a lot of muscles that hadn't been used all winter. Needless to say, these old bones where worn out. Somehow, was feeling better after the NASCAR race ended. Amazing how that works. LOL

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