Flower Software

Dayton, KY(Zone 6a)

I got this program March 21st and was slowly adding my daylilies one by one then I saw Wagsworld's video of the update with the "find" button. I emailed Kent to ask when it was available and poof -he sent the update. I have spent the last hour quickly adding my daylilies thanks to this up date.

So far this is the best $30 I have ever spent. The support is fantastic and he really seems to be listening and trying to meet everyone's needs. I can't wait until I have seedlings blooming and can keep track of them with this program.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

The seedling(hybridizers) section will be a boon to all. I entered half my cvs. before Molly explained how to put the pictures in. ( a little over 300+ cvs.) Now I want to go back and put in the pictures for the first half.

Then I will start on the seedlings.

Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the great ideas. It really helped me to get started.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I started adding seedlings yesterday.

Decided to start with the one's in the basement that will be planted outside this spring and then go back and do the one's already outside.

One thing you will have to do if you have seeds with a parent(s) you do not grow is add those cultivars to your files too. At the present time the only option is to add them as "wanted", but I've asked Kent to add a "parent only" catagory and he said he would. (not sure he will use those exact words, but that's the best I could come up with)

Having the "find" option, sure cut's down on the amount of work it takes to do this.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I've got two problems Kathy. Some of my seedlings are from parents who have no names. Just complicated crosses.
Then I ran into a problem that the program wants to start from 01. I'm already at DEN-2008-750. I asked Kent and he suggested changing my labels so I could start at 1 again but I'm not sure that wouldn't mess things up. I may have to wait to 2009 to use that part of the program and just keep doing any new ones manually this year.

Now I would like a find (internet) button for pictures! Sometime I buy older plants and can't find a photo for them till they bloom for me. I like to have pictures so if they bloom incorrectly I'll know they're not labeled right. I always remove these temporary pictures once I have my own photos. They're only for my personal use.


Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I have crosses where one parent is a seedling ............. I simply enter that seedling as a new "plant", and then check the seedling box. If I don't have stats for it, that is fine, I still enter the name of the cross (or the number, or whatever I know it as). At least it is entered in the list, so I can then choose it as a parent when adding new seeds/crosses.

I think I would change the label too Molly .......... Why not something like DEN2. You would know those are one's labeled after "Flower" was up and running. I don't see how that would cause problems, but you have been using labels longer than me.

Another thought .............. are you going to enter the one's you already have labeled? If you enter those first, so they have the correct label and number, you will be set to go with new one's.

That may be more work than you wanted to do, but that's what I'd do.

Ty Ty, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello Molly,
If you can wait till the next update, I will add an option on the create seedlings button to let you change the starting number, so you can let the program create the names the way you want.
Thanks for everyones support,

Necedah, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi Kent,
I'm noticing that Mahieu doesn't seem to be in your database (at least the ones I'm putting in) is there a way for us to upload to your database our info? That way the database gets more filled in w/o you having to do it personally?
Thanks- I love it, this will be a godsend when I actually start doing crosses!!

Ty Ty, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello Julie,
The database has lots of daylilies, unfortunatly not all. We are working on a new update to the database, that should have more daylilies and better parentage info. We also want to add pictures.

I have on my list to add a new option to add to the database or fix the database with better info, descriptions and pictures.

Just have to find the time to add all these fun new options,
Thanks again,

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Kent thank you. I will wait for you update!!!


Necedah, WI(Zone 4b)

"Just have to find the time to add all these fun new options"
know how that is! Thanks for listening to our input & wish lists :)

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Hey Kent, Welcome to the madness. Hope I haven't created to much work for you

Ty Ty, GA(Zone 8a)

Its not work when your having fun ...

Thanks for all your help, support and spreading the word,

The next update is coming soon. I finished the changes so the program can update itself.
Plus lots of little things that people have asked for.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Kent you think you could get it plan the outcome of our crosses for us ;-) That's about the only thing missing!


Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Got my program just now. I am all excited about it, but since I volunteer at the local library and tonight is my night to work, I won't be able to install it until late tonight or tomorrow. All excited about it.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Im in a panic. My computer got a bug and this weekend when we were trying to fix it I lost my program. Lost the email it came in too. Do you think he would help me reload that?

Ty Ty, GA(Zone 8a)

Sorry you are having computer problems ... darn computers ...
Please send me an email and I will be glad help you get
your Flower program running again.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh thanks. Didnt realize you were out there. Didnt mean to talk like you were not there.

Will email you in a few when I have a minute. Thanks so much. I was just getting so excited about the new updates. Im a printer. ^_^. Really looking forward to it.

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Well I got my program up and running and I love it. Kent, I hope some day you will do the same thing for roses like you did daylilies.

Ty Ty, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello Sue,
Thanks so much,
I am going to do the Hosta section next, but I plan on coming back and updating the Rose and Iris section also.
This is a community effort and I need help. The daylily people have been great with giving ideas.
Time for the Hosta and Rose people to get vocal ...

Stafford, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't forget us Daffodil folks, too!



Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

OOOooh my Daffys are just blooming now. This is the first time I ever tried them. All I got was a couple bags at Wal Mart and they where not labelled. I think I may have gotten mixed bulbs, or 2 different types.

Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

Don't forget us lily people, too!!


Crosby, TX(Zone 9a)

I just got my update - I LOVE the hybridizing section - it's awesome.....I'm still playing with all of it, but, looks like a great update to an already great/easy program.

Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Just got my update and love it so far. Will be playing with it today. Thanks. Great job. Will be waiting for the hosta, iris and lillium sections to be updated in the future.

My irises are greening up and the crocuses are blooming, the daffys are getting buds today so I marked markers and did garden cleanup. When I came in to chart what I did, I found a new update to play with. What a great day!

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Well Kent

I am new to this stuff and am using your daylily program to learn with. Would it be feasible to set the roses up with a similiar program?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Just got my update. This program is a must for daylily growers!

Thanks Kent

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow - just what I needed - the update. Since I have only been hybridizing for three years, and cull ruthlessly, I will only have about 45 plants to add here out of a total of600 seedlings ( largely from the Lily Auction). Great to get started on these before the 2008 bloom season. I have over 200 from 2007 planted out in spring which should really have some nice ones - I get more discriminating in buying seeds and making crosses as each year goes by. I AM looking forward to some Purple Satellite crosses and some of the ones I made with Julie Raeder and others. Hoping....

Ty Ty, GA(Zone 8a)

I am trying to finish making changes to the daylily section and make sure it is working good, then coming soon will be the new hosta section, update the rose and iris sections and then probably more new sections for llium and daffodils. I also want to add better options for purchase from and sold to with options to print invoices. Please email me all your ideas and we can build a great program.
Thanks for everyones support,

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

wow kent!!!!!! although i, as of yet, have not purchased your flower software i have been keeping a close eye on this thread and everyday i am more convinced that i will buy it soon. you are very accomodating and helpful to those that are in need of you assistance. keep up the good work.people really do appreciate that.


Moline, IL(Zone 5a)


For the Daffodils, if you look at this link, it may give some ideas. http://www.daffodilusa.org/daffseek.html

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

For Hostas try http://www.hostaregistrar.org/ and http://www.hostalibrary.org/


Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

I also found this for roses. http://www.everyrose.com/everyrose/roses/search.lasso

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Iris are being neglected here :-)


Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

I have this program now. I was wondering if there is a way to pull up all daylilies by one certain hybridizer in my list.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Floweringchild - The closest thing I can figure out is when you go into daylilies. At the bottom left you'll see the Find button. Click on it and then at the top of your list click on Hybridizer and this will alphabetize by hybridizer.

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

Wagsworld, I did that and it works...not exactly what I wanted, but since it shows them in alpha order, I can see which ones are by whom.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Kent, I am planning on eventually purchasing your software also. Right now however, I don't have much space left on the hard drive. I need to update badly and get more space.


Solsberry, IN(Zone 6a)

This is probably a stupid question but can you keep this program on a flash drive? Then it wouldn't take up computer space--I was thinking of trying it myself...Anyone know?

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

I found this great site for the roses section of the program. I like it because I can copy the picture of the rose and use it in the flowers program



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