Flower Software

Chandlersville, OH

Does anyone know of software that can be used with a MAC? I haven't found any.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

You could email Kurt Pat and ask.


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

can this software be used with other species of flowers such as iris or dahlia's?? thanks for any info.-erika

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Iris have their own category in the program. Dahlias could be placed under perennials.


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

thanks mollyd i am definately going to look into this.-erika

Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Well just bought the program and am using XP. I really am having fun adding the daylilies to it. Hope the Iris section will be just as nice as the daylily section for hybridizing. Thanks for telling about the program because I would not have known about it before this thread. I was not sure what database to use for my plants. Hope later they add a hosta section or a lilium section instead of calling it perennials. Meanwhile I am just thrilled with what I have been able to do while learning this program.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Juliana I've used the Iris section and it's not as good (yet) as the daylily section. In fact it reminds me of the daylily section as it was two versions back. I've written to Kurt asking for a hosta section and you should too. He welcomes all input and if he gets enough request will act on them. btw don't forget to join the forum he has for the program. It's a good place to post questions or suggestions.


Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

OK...I guess I am going to order this. It sounds too good.

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Ditto here

Chandlersville, OH

Thanks Molly, I did email Kent but his program doesn't work with a MAC.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

That's a shame Pat. Maybe someday he'll come out with a Mac version.


Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I ordered it too. Just hope I can learn to use it. I am practically computer illiterate.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Join the club. I got the program and am finding it really easy. What I cant get a handle on, is what to do with all these pictures and how to get them to a place I can move them to the software. If I hear somebody say..its easy Mom, the computer is just a big filing cabinet. errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Yeah, a big filing cabinet with 67,000 files. LOL

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Pam I always create a directory for my pictures by name. I have a file named Daylilies I own, another named parents of daylilies I own and so on. I then save the pictures from my Kodak file to those directories (and change the name of the picture at the same time to the name of the flower in them) then I can find them when I want them. It's hard to tell you how to do this unless you have the same software I have. In mine when I open a photo file in Kodak EasyShare I can click on edit this photo at the bottom of the screen. One of the options is save this photo, within that is a window asking how I want to do this (size). I always pick best size for web. A window pops up and I select the directory where I want the picture to go. Then where it shows the number of the file (picture) I erase the stuff and write in the name I want it to have. Then click on save and it's done.


Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Thanks Molly D. My iris section is frozen for now on the report and cataloge part. When I bought the program he froze that section to work on it. Next time he updates probably that will change. Not sure if I signed up for the update and discussion forum correctly but I tried. Not web smart exactly yet.

Will tell him about the hosta and lily thing. Like your suggestions about the files. Right now I have the program on my removable drive so I do not have to keep switching from the C: crammed full because of my hubby's games. His computer is our web computer so I compromised. I prefer not have to copy everything picture over to it from my H: drive so I adjusted the program to allow me to do it on the H:drive with my photos. Will keep the basic prog on my hubby's computer for the updates. Hope the import and export work by then.

I really like the program so far.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

I just bought it. I have installed, uninstalled and re-installed about 6 times in 2 hours. I have opened and run as administrater on this Vista machine. It just doesn't work.

I wrote to him about it - we'll see if he has a solution. It really looks good but if I can't use it - I could have bought another daylily with the $$.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


I'm sure he will get it working for you, don't give up.


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Say your post on the Flower program forum and Kent's reply. did that help? I don't have Vista so I can't help you out any. Do any of the rest of ya know what the problem is?

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Just got another new update today. Don't know if this is a beta version or not but thought I'd do another video to show what Kent has done. You can now get daylily info fro the web to add to your database. Great for when you want to add another daylily to what you already own or if your just starting out on the program and don't have a way to export your info from another type of program. Just don't know how new the daylilies he has are but some are better then none. check out my newest video on this update.


Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I just intalled version 5.1 a couple days ago, but I don't have that new "find" button. Can't wait for that feature, then I can start adding my seedlings ..... I have a lot of crosses where I don't grow both parents.

I wasn't looking forward to finding them on Tinkers, and then having to copy and paste all the information into "flower".

Thanks for the preview Wags.

BTW, I was having trouble with my PC freezing after "Flower" had been open for a while ...... it was another vista issue, which v. 5.1 fixed. It wasn't a problem with the flower program, but another little quirk with vista.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I wasn't notified of an update. Is this for all of us or just beta testers?


Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow! Wags, that is terrific. I sure hope I can get mine to work. What a beautiful program.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Must just be a beta test. He has also installed a way to be able to print out a page. Which i feel will come in handy for club auctions . I can just print a cultivar page out and give it with the daylily. But there is some sort of problem with it. He's already sent me another update that took care of one problem but other things are still not working properly.

Claire hope you get your program to work. Once you get it working you'll just love what all it can do for ya. Have you tried what Kent suggested to try to run it as administrator?

This message was edited Apr 1, 2008 11:36 PM

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I know I will like the print option. Im trying to get a handle on this. Mosquitos are out, so that means I really have to finish up my garden stuff, before being driven inside by the heat. This is going to be my summer project.

Flowery Branch, GA

Any idea when this update is coming out. (Standing on pins and needles) ;0)


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

me too!


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Don't know. He sent me another fix for the print screen. I can now print but it doesn't print the whole thing. So there must be another bug that he has to work out.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

TALK ABOUT A BEAUTIFUL PROGRAM!!!! He was kind enough to call and walk me through the Vista problem this AM. I am just going to love this one.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

The more I use it, the greater it is!! I have a list from Tinkers Database and so far have listed everything down to Lilting Lavender.Most of my cultivars (which my spell-checker wants to change to 'cultivators') are on the new Internet list that Wags just demonstrated which saves a heck of a lot of typing.

I will still have learn to put the pictures in - I have about 4000 pics of the dayilies on my computer. I do not know about the img[ ] img thingi.
A certain percentage of mine are quite new ( or Historic)so I hand type the info. I was wondering if there is going to be a way we can share this info with other hybridizers - little things like pod and pollen fertility? So we don't spend the summer pollinating a sterile pod parent with everything in the garden.

I have a beautiful stand of Orchid Visitation which sets pods like mad - but the pollen is infertile - took all summer to learn this. LOL

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Glad you mentioned that Claire about Orchid Visitation because I have that one coming this spring.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Because of my bandwidth, for the videos, is about to be to the maxed out. I'm going to delete some of the first ones i made.

This message was edited Apr 3, 2008 12:38 AM

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

se_eds you don't need the img thing to add pictures in the flower program! Just open the picture tab, click add a picture, tell it that it's the flower or pod/pollen parent, then browse your files from it for your picture. once you find it click open. That puts the info in the first bar. In the second type the name you want to see. Click return and it's done.That's pretty much it .No html code needed.


Stafford, VA(Zone 7a)

I just wanted to join in and say that I think the customer service is so great, too! It was very nice of him to call and fix things for me! I asked for a daffodil section and he did mention, MollyD, that he's working on the hosta one. My spreadsheets are a mess; I am looking forward to having all my information in pretty much one place...won't that be something!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Molly, thank you so much for that hint. I had about 162 cultivars listed and will have o go back and put in the pictures, but have added almost 100 more today - with pictures. Yippee!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Glad it worked for you se_eds! I love adding pictures :-) Some of my cultivars have multiple pictures added for them. I use the Tinkers ones till my plants bloom and then I delete those and add my own. I prefer to use my own in the long run.

gone_gardening glad to hear the hosta section will get some work done to it soon! I have 118 + to add to that section. Hope he links it to the internet the way he's done for daylilies.


Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

I would like to start mapping the locations of my plants. Does anyone have a system that they use. I just purchased the flower perennial program. Under the plant location section - They have these uestions - Bed- Row- Plant - Misc. But I don't know how to correctly do it. I would like to know the correct way to do it - where other people would understand it.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

This is how I do it. Folks have said my beds ain't pretty but it it works best for me and I can get more daylilies per bed.

Right now I have 10 beds (needing to get some nore made so i can get some plants out of pots) Each bed has a Number. Then I plant everything in rows. Most of my beds only hold three rows, I make my beds about 4 ft wide just so its easier (for me again) to get in the center to work. So each row I give a letter. Then I give each column and a number, depending on how long my bed is depends on the column number. So lets say I want to find where Breaking My Heart is located in my garden. I look at my database and it will tell me its Bed 1 Row B Plant 31.

I also make "maps" of my beds to help locate things a little better. Here is a link to my longest beds. I just looks like three beds because I couldn't get it to show as one.


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6a)

Kent got a couple new videos up on his webpage to show some of the updates.


Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Well I finally sent off for mine.

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