I'm sending you a big Bouquet of Spring Flowers

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Of course we'll let you know when we'll be there.

My phone requires internet access, then you can send them straight to an email account, other than that I have no idea how ti retrieve them.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Pick of a hot pink earth star from flower show.
I learned I can send a picture from my cell phone,via e-mail!!!
Bad thing pics are all blurry!!!!LOL

Thumbnail by Tropicman
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Wow! That's a pretty one!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

another good one

Thumbnail by Tropicman
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

That's pretty too! Ok...so let me understand this: You said...I can send a pic via email. So how are you getting them here???? What am I missing???

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Send it your computer,save pic in your pictures,then send here the regular way from your computer!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

blurry of Japanese garden

Thumbnail by Tropicman
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ohh I like the little bridge...and the stream! How did I miss that one????

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Cool pics Don! Nice move with the e-mail! That earth star is gorgeous!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Great pics Don even for a phone. I like that first one.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Love that Earth Star, thanks for sharing Don.
Just got home from work and read about the awful weather in the Mid West, hope all of you are okay and snuggled inside in the warm.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I have to learn to hold my hand still when I push the ok button,my digi cam has a steady button,so I don't have to worry when using it.
The country must be coming into a recession for half the vendors and gardens were missing this year,so money must be tight,although there were more eatery places,than ever before!!!!
Oh Paul James was also there from HGTV,with a band,I attended one of his seminars a few years back,he just talked about the very basics of gardening,also so met Rebbecca's from Rebecca's Garden,also a show from HGTV,both are Master Gardners,but after hearing them,makes you wonder!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I have watched Paul James a couple of times, but I can't say I care for his show at all. Is Rebecca's garden the one where she takes walks around people's gardens with the home owner?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Man, that would be the job for me!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yes sometimes,also shows her home and gardens as well,there was also a Kathy Reinold
From Canada,I liked her as well.
Yep,I'd take a shot at the job myself!!!!LOL

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I'll vote for you.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thanks,I'll take it!!!LOL

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

With your green thumb, you should be on there teaching us.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I VOTE FOR DON, TOO! He would be better than any of the rest of them, for sure!!!! :oP

Hi Princess Kathy!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Good thing you haven't seen me in the last hour or two!!!
Just took out 3 large bananas out of the greenhouse that turned to mush,and about 6 small palm seedlings that must have got to cold on the greenhouse floor,for they were wasted as well!!!!
Temps got to 60* today and 95* in the greenhouses with the doors wide open and all fans going,the sun really must be heating up!!!!

Lot of things are popping out of the ground this week,tulips,daffys and hyacinth's,and purple dutch irises blooming,supposed to get to 70* Wednesday!
Thought I'd take a couple days off this week,and all of next week,Spring Fevers defineatley
in the air!!!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

After the winter we've had you deserve it. You might be able to catch up with the chores around there if the weather stays good.

I'm hoping to work on the fron garden this week with that 70 Wed. Sweat out this bug I've got.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Don, I closed my eyes on that first part so I couldn't see what you wrote! :oP

We have lots of things popping up, but not a thing in bloom yet.

Princess Kathy should have blooms by now.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Tammy, same here. Lots of buds but no blooms.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Just a few things coming up here no buds on anything yet.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My main buds are on the Elms and Maples. Tulips are still leaves. Not as many coming up this year it seems. If those decide peter out I am gonna change that bed over to perennials.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Here's whats left from the dutch irises

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yep same here Pep as well!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by Tropicman
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Mine look like yours but some are a bit bigger. :~) Now if the whole bed would just fill out. lol.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Pep,now are you in KC or The Big D!!!LOL
Leather leaf holly about to bloom

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Japanese Acuba,these things are a nice hardy evergreen,that will get at most 5 ft tall and 3 ft wide,I planted little seedlings and now have grown to about a foot during the winter,great plants!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Who'd thought cast iron plant was this tough???
Here again little seedling,but has put out a new leaf over the winter time.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

That Acuba is a neat plant, I like it's spots.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Tough verigated yuccas and agave,

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Pindo,Jelly palm,with only a sheet of plastic for protection,took temps down to zero,tough palm!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I hope you let the bird in the house before you used his cage.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Sabal Minor palm tougher even yet!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm outside KC in the country. LOL

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Well I knew things were bigger in Texas,and now Kansas City!!!LOL

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