I'm sending you a big Bouquet of Spring Flowers

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Well actually I brought them home for the wifey's 64 th birthday.
Very very fragrant,you know a pick me up Bouquet!!!!!
I hope it picks a few of you out there as well!
So enjoy them too!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

side pic

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

So sweet Don and so pretty, wish we had smellaputer.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

What a dear DH you are!!!! DW is a lucky woman!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday Patti!♫♪♫
Don, aren't you tempted to root them?

Happy Birthday Patti! ...shhhh Tm don't go giving her age out mate!
What a lovely bunch of flowers ...I hope Spring is in the air for Patti today and that you both have a lovely day together.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Jaye,flowers in the florist trade are very difficult plants to root.
Thanks everyone,
Chriissy,she's proud of her age!!!!,and she doesn't look a day over 50!!!!LOOL

And the truth be known,she is really only 16,for her birthday is the 29th leap year!!!!,But since it was like a minute before March first,that was what they decided on!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Happy Bithday Patti!
Beautiful blooms from your really cool guy.
Wish we could smell them :^)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday Patti! And congratulations for putting up with you know who for all of these many years!!!!!!!! Here's wishing you both many more happy years together!!!!!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Well Don, don't worry. I had never tried rooting one, as Kel hasn't given me a bouquet for anything yet...
Don, aren't you robbing the cradle? Hehehe!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yeah! LOL
It's what keeps me going!!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

You all ran off and left me behind, again! ☻

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I gave my Mom cut carnations from wally world for Valentine's day. They are still sitting on her coffee table. That's what she said about them, "Maybe they will take root!!!" lol!

I would love to grow carnations. I wonder if they would grow in 9a? Might have to give that a try!!!!!

We are supposed to have a cold front coming in this weekend. It was in the mid 30's this morning, but it was really warm this afternoon. It just can't make up it's mind. Hopefully about 3 weeks until our Spring! YEAH!!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Happiest of birthday wishes to Patti! Lovely bouquet Don, you did good! Thanks for sharing!

Yokwe all,

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Jeanne,are your daffys in bloom there?

Thanks Shari

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Don...beautiful flowers!! Tell Patti happy birthday!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Beautiful flowers! Tell Patti Happy Birthday for me!!

77 carnations "take" very well from the little sideshoots, pull them off strip the leaves off about an inch at the base of the little shoot and just plant it into a sandy (or free draining mix). If they don't have any sideshoots you can break them off at the little nubby bit in the stem and give that a go although that isn't as easy as a sideshoot.Good luck with that I love carnations they smell so good!
happy gardening :)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Don, I don't have any daffy's.....haven't seen any in the neighborhood! It's been in the high 70's, low 80's so if anyone has any they probably are! I have red non fragrant camelia, light pink azaleas, yellow jasmine, and a pretty royal blue little flower that Randy gave me. Most everything is leafing out, so Spring is just around the corner! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully I will feel like coming out of hibernation by then! My youngest granddaughter had the flu last week and I think I've gotten it. Been in bed all afternoon. Can't find the thermometer, but feel like I'm burning up....etc.
Had to cancel dinner plans with the family out due to this onset. YUK!!!!
Y'all say a prayer....I don't need another setback.

Chrissy, I'll have to try that! Thanks! That is if she still has them by the time I get over there.

Aloha Yokwe Y'all!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha all. So glad to read that Spring is just round the corner for some of you. It really is the most glorious time of year, something we really don't have here.

Don, I am late (as usual), but I hope Patti had a very Happy Birthday!

Jeanne, take good care of yourself and get well soon - it's a rotten time of year to have the flu.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeanne, hope you feel better!!!! ♥

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

God bless you Jeanne, lots of rest and liquids along with dreams of beautiful spring, should be the cure.
Virus a-plenty here too, Kel's looking like a doctor with his mask on when dealing with customers!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Man doesn't seem like the flu seasons last longer than they used too?????
Jeanne,be sure to get some chicken soup down you,too keep your strength up!
Drink plenty of fluids,and get some rest,will all say a prayer for you to get better soon!!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Jeanne....I feel for you! I am just getting over that flu. It was awful. I sure hope you will feel better soon.....and do like Don says!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Don...I agree! Seems like flu season is just a constant...somebody's always got it!

You take care Jeanne! Have DS fix you some soup and then sleep it out! Feel better soon my friend!

Yokwe all!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Everyone! This is my first day out and about since Fri.

Hope everyone is doing fine! The weather here is gorgeous! Sun is shinining and a nice breeze!

Take care of yourselves!!!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeanne, so glad to hear you are feeling better and was able to get out and about!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

hi Jeanne!! Glad you are up and about again.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

And send some of that nice weather north will ya?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I'll try.....I can say a pray, send a wish, and a hope for all of you have to nice warm weather SOON!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers!!!!!! It was very much needed and appreciated!!!!!

Aloha Yokwe Y'all!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thanks,will take it!!!!
I am so ready for spring,even if I do lose a hour of sleep saturday nite!!!!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Don, I was given a few seeds for Radermachera. It will need a green house for the winter, I was wondering if you would like them. I have no gh and once it get big enough I won't be able to haul it in and out. I will be glad to send them to you.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

YAYYYYYYYYYY Robin is back amongst the living! Welcome back, Sis!!!!

May Princess Kathy have a happy day.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks sis, I am feeling better.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Good, so glad to hear it! You sounded horrible on the phone the other night.

May Princess Kathy have a good day.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thanks Robyn,but I already have a 5ft china doll,if you have a southeast window,it will overwinter just fine,they grow pretty fast,given the right conditions.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Don, I will try a couple of seeds and see how it goes. If it gets too big to move around then I guess everyone will have to come here and load it up in the truck that we are going to bring to your house. We will drop it off at one of your gh while we clear out your plants to haul back to our houses.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Yep, you are on the mend, got your sense of humor back now! :)

May Princess Kathy always have humor in her life.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Just got back from the flower show,took pics with camera phone,but don't know how to get them on my puter,ya'll know easy way???

Robyn,be sure to let me know when ya'll are coming!!!LOL

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL Don! I am sure her lips are sealed! HA HA HA

Hope you can figure out how to get your pics on here!!!

Princess Kathy is a good girl.

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