Floral Clubs - #2

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow, Thanks Traci, I'm glad you liked it.

Haighr, Great idea to paint your flowers. Your arrangement looks very pretty.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Traci, I agree the shell idea was brilliant!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thank you everyone.
I loved that shell idea Adele it is so unique. Am thinking that I will take one of mine and glue a magnet on the back and use on my fridge door with occasional little sprigs and use one of those little water testtube thigamagigs for the little vase part.
Traci, I would be greatly flattered to have you use one of my ideas. I get some good ones, but am not nearly talented enough to bring them to fruition as I have seen you do.

Might I add this is such a great forum! What would you think of a new thread for each individual weekly theme?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, like the fridge magnet idea with a shell, it's great to have lots of ideas for one theme.
I wonder if we will get any more 'spring fever' arrangements this weekend?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Am I a week behind or have I still got time to do spring, Terri? I feel so busy! I've become quite obsessed with Bromeliads and have been finding bargains everywhere and I conceded with my husband that I have a problem. (but my garden looks nice!) LOL

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, sounds like you have been so busy.... slow down, it's not too late to do your arrangement!!
Your place must be looking beautiful with all your new Bromeliads.

If we have a thread for each theme like Candee suggested, then it would be easier to join in whenever you want to.
What does everyone think?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I think it would be great. Then you could label the thread what the theme is. If you get behind...um....like I do ALL the time, then you could find the arrangement you are finished with and post it to that thread.

It would need to have a common link. Something like "Themed Arrangements-Tropical Oasis", "Themed Arrangements-Minitures". If you left off the Weekly, which I almost put, then people would not feel like they missed out on that week. Just add it when you get it made. Does that make sense? If I just finished my tropical, I could then find that thread and post.

How does that sound? AND I nominate Candee to do the first thread and pick out the theme, unless you don't want to since you had to pick last time. No pressure from here, just trying to throw out ideas. Whoever's week it is, they can start the new thread. Am I making this to complicated?

Candee, what do you think? It was your brainchild, so you get to come up with the details. LOL.

This is the first arrangement in an attempt to do a larger scale display for 'spring fever'. I just finished it and will have to add the rest later, as I have to run to work.

May Princess Kathy always have wonderful themes to play with :oP

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci, I think you explained it well, not complicated!
I don't think Candee has chosen a theme yet!

Lovely spring fresh colours in your arrangement, good all round shape! Thanks for joining in.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Candee, i think that's a great idea to have a different thread for each theme. I'm so behind. . .just wanted to let everyone know that I've been admiring your arrangements daily. Wish i had time to comment on everyone's arrangement thoughtfully. All the petites, tropicals, and springs have been wonderful. Great job Adele, Traci, Candee, Terri, Sue, and Star! Did I leave anyone out?

I managed to do a little something for the petite category. I was able to get them from the garden. A tea light holder of kalanchoe, verbena, and mini roses.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Another view for scale. Sorry about the hand prints. This one's for Peyton's chalkboard table.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Hi karma!
Thanks for bringing your arrangement, it's lovely. Especially nice that everything is from your garden, your mini roses are so pretty. The hands on the chalkboard look bigger than your arrangement, it shows the scale really well!

It's been really nice today having two new arrangements to see, thanks everyone!

Adele, I think it's your turn to choose, or Candee, whoever wants to! remember .... start a new thread please!

Have a good week everyone!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey Karma! Good to see you and in top form of course. Love the mini. Terri is dead on about the scale. You don't realize how small it is.

Ok, this the second spring arrangement.....

May Princess Kathy always have arrangements :oP

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Oops, a little large on that one. Sorry.

Third one.....

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Ok, all together now. A couple of things I would have changed. First, I would have made sure the forsynthia was more pliable. The limb did not bend how I wanted. Second, I would have spread it out more. I was trying to keep it on the bamboo and once I got it there, that sucker wasn't about to be moved again. Finally, I would have put the yellow and pink arrangement in the middle.

All in all, it is ok, but I want to work a lot more on tying the arrangements together in different vases.


Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
london England, United Kingdom

Oh LA LA! C'est Magnifique!
A treat before bedtime for me! Thanks Traci, it's a wonderful spring display, so inventive.
Love the arch with the Forsythia, really helps to 'connect' all the vase displays.
A tip about manipulating stems.. bend and tie them, leave to soak in a bucket completely submerged for a couple of days , they become much more flexible.
Your arrangements are great!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks Terri. I wondered if I could do that or just use a younger stem, but most of those are not long enough.

Do you really like it or should it be less fru fru? BE HONEST!! TELL ME WHAT NEEDS TWEEKED. Karma always does. Throwing down the Gauntlet!

london England, United Kingdom

I do like it, it's a fun display. maybe I like fru fru!! tweek if you wish .......... WARNING.. tampering with arrangements can cause stress!!!

1. As daffodils shouldn't really share the same water as other flowers, place a vase of daffs either side of your pink and white flowers, making them the focal point, as the centrepiece.
2. Tie your raffia into one long piece and pleat it or twist it together and loop around all vases bringing them together visually. or
3.make all three vase arrangements with the same flowers in each, which will tie them together.

Karma does tweeks better! my suggestions are makeovers, sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Gee what a difference a day makes, you all have been busy.
I can see I will have to be a lot more inventive for this crowd LOL! That is awesome Traci, who would have thought of an arch of forsythia. What great ideas.
Oh, Karma to have fresh flowers from your garden, soon spring will come to MD!
Guess I am off to pick a theme! Now let me think, hum.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2008 12:17 PM

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi All,
Karma, You are so lucky to have these beautiful flowers in your garden. I love the colors and the shape of your design. The roses are beautiful. Have you been studying for your exam?

Pupil, Great display, Using the forsythia branch is a fantastic way to connect all the vases.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

No, Terri, those are good Tweeks. Using the same materials I have, but looking at it different. A makeover would have been, "Pick out different flowers, vases, and completely redisign". LOL.

I love all the ideas and almost did the last one. Thanks great ideas!

london England, United Kingdom

'almost did the last one' lol!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

See, a great teacher. Terri says, "your idea is good, but let's try this". Efficiently and with dexterity, Terri swaps the flowers around. "See, the same idea, but since the daff's will not go well with the other flowers, you obtain continuity by putting all flowers that are the same in one vase." Student says, "Wow, Ms. Terriculture, thanks. I was on the right path, but just needed an expert eye and ideas. Your my favorite teacher." Leaves apple and lots of fresh flowers on desk. Perfecto!

May Princess Kathy always have fresh flowers :oP

london England, United Kingdom


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Finally, got my first bloom a little helleborus and you all have inspired me to actually roll a leaf!!! How bout that? I was actually demonstrating the technique for Steve, he loves to see me so thrilled as so little!

Thumbnail by haighr
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Oh my gosh. . .Candee, that is so pretty. Very elegant and soothing.

Traci, beautiful arrangements and great job pulling them together with the forsythia. Just my opinion. . .I like to save raffia for fall arrangements. I like pretty spring ribbon for spring.

Thanks everyone for the comments. It's very encouraging as I'm soooo lazy.

Terri, just noticed your member's list. You know my name's not really Karma, right? LOL

(but I do like Karma better)

london England, United Kingdom

How lovely Candee! it's so nice to start seeing flowers from the garden, spring is nearly here!

lazy Lana, you said it...........LOL!!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hahaha. You missed another one. I think Starlight's name is Ella! Not sure if sookey's really sookey though. That would be a really cool name if it were.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
It's my monthly flower club on Wednesday night this week. The theme is ' Tulip Time'
Hope you can all join in and enjoy yourself!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Would you like to start a new thread for the Tulip Time Terri. That's a mouthful.

london England, United Kingdom

I had a good time at the flower club last night. The demonstrator was quite good and I won one of her arrangements in the raffle!
It was something she made with sticks, roses,carnations and pink oasis.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Spring Pot et fleurs she made, using Terracotta bowls.
Bamboo, Iris, Daffodils (she used cockail sticks on the end of the stems to get them through the oasis) Tulips and
Polyanthus plants.
Bear grass with wire and beads.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The colours didn't really show well on the pictures.
This one was two containers covered in cloth with coloured wire around them. An all green arrangement with Orchids and green carnations.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The demonstrator seemed to make everything in pairs, bringing the second one out from behind the curtains!

Here's some of the competition arrangements.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well lucky you winning the raffle. I like the one with the corkscrew bamboo particularly. Did you happen to sneak out with any of those tulips for me????????? LOL

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sorry Terri, but I think your arrangements and the arrangements of most of our coffee conisuers are much more vibrant and exciting than those! We would have won stacks of awards hey? Not that there is anything wrong with them, just a bit ho hum, after all the wonderfull treats we get here.
No tulips for me i'm afraid. i searched high and low, with Hubby in tow, in cheap shops on card stocks and even in the grocery shop. I did find one pot full , but it was a poor pitifull sight! Out of season and still too warm, and definitely not the right climate. I will have to pass on the tulips, but promise to join the next one if its not tied to a particular flower type.
I am looking forward to the arrangments of others though, and espedially yours "Oh wonderful inspirator you are" and am enjoying the release from the pressure to perform! LOL

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, I agree with you! Why do you think I hang out with all my mates here on cut flowers? they are much more creative and inspirational than anyone at the flower club. Most of the ladies that go there have been 'arranging' for 20 years or more! They churn out the same old designs for years.
The arrangements I showed you that the demonstrator made were her best ones, believe me there were ones that were bad! and I don't normally say that about anyones arrangements, I'm always looking for something positive to say.
The thing is, this arranger has been in major flower shows at Chelsea and Hampton Court., but so boring!!!!!!

Yeah, the Tulip theme, I don't like it when the theme is so specific, but then again,I don't chose the themes at the club!!
Next month is another stupid theme, 'Derby Day'

Someone will start a new theme for next week hopefully!

This is the worse arrangement I saw at the flower club, oasis showing!!!!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Oh Candee, It was nice to win a raffle arrangement, the carnations are huge, I'm going to take it apart and make something else with them. Tulips seem to be a problem for everyone! we need another theme ...hint hint!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'd be happy to come up with another theme if you like? Just say the word friends, I am full of ...ideas LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Everyone loves your themes Candee, yes please!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Candee, good you are full of ideas, because I am full of.....HAHAHA

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