Floral Clubs - #2

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Finaly foudn my camera buried under stuff all over the kitchen table. Seed sowing takes up every available space.

I don't have no tea cups, smalled thign i could find wasa likea small gold fish bowl.

Flowers don't look tiny in pic, but the smallest I could find. Tiny infividual Dinathus blooms and little Narccisiss that blooming now.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

another angle. Nothign fancy but sure nice to see spring. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star, Welcome back!
Your miniature daffs are beautiful, looks so nice with the tiny purple Dianthus.
Lovely shape from above in the second photo. It does feel like spring with those pretty colours. Thanks for joining in.

Hey Adele, where's your 2nd picture?!!!!!!!!
(I should keep quiet because mine is still not done).........

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's my second picture.It stayed up on the wall for about 20 minutes.
I've been working on a 18 inch grapevine wreath for about 2 hours today using seeded eucalyptus and little purple flowers. It's on a hook on a wall and I must have pulled a bit too hard and the wreath fell and almost everything got smashed or came out of the wreath. Oh well, back to the old drawing board.

Nice job , Star. Pretty flowers. I love purple and white together.

Terri, I'm waiting...

Thumbnail by diggerette
london England, United Kingdom

Adele, that really is so pretty! maybe you could attatch some ribbon or string to the seashell and hang it from a hook?
I like the little collar of yellow flowers, really sets off the purple, complementary coloured flowers!!!
Thanks for joining in this week at such short notice.
Sorry to hear about the unfortunate outcome of your wreath! If you wired everything, that wouldn't happen!

Traci, hope you get back online soon, we miss you!
Wonder if Karma will show up?........
Hope everything is ok with Sue.

Going to do mine later. ms Adele, I promise.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Helllllooooo!!! Nope, not up and running. I am just borrowing a air card from a friend. Well, I did my mini. I am not crazy about it, but as I love to do these, I will probably attempt again.

It is in a shot glass. I used tete' a tete' daffodils, miniture roses, crocus, new leave from unknown Walmart plant that look like Elephant ears and maiden hair fern? I think it is that fern.

So anyway....

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Top view...

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I tried to think of a universal item to show size. I came up with a CD, which is incidentially 1980's rock!!

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I also finally used my "tropical" flowers I have had for longer than I am willing to admit. I had fun with these.

First one.....I used the old tulips from V day in the water.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Here is a wonderful tip I would have liked to have known BEFORE I used lilies. Cut of the thingys that hold the pollen!! They stained the flowers, my cutting board and my clothes. LOL.

Second Arrangement....

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

From the top....

It would look so MUCH better if the lovely white lilies weren't TEA STAINED!

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Terri, Now you tell me about wiring. :) I was just sticking them in spaces between the vines. It's was good designing practice. Also, I learned that I need to rest my eyes and not stare at something for 2 hours.

Traci, I think you've done a wonderful job with both of them. They're very pretty and I like the leaf wrapped around the inside of the vase. It's an interesting detail.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I wondered if that was a leaf in the glass, neat idea, you guys are so talented. What a great idea with the shell, I just am amazed at what I am learning here. Thanks

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci, wow, Rock on! it's like waiting ages for a bus to arrive, then two coming along at the same time!
Your mini is cute in the shot glass, good use of foliage! Lovely mini bouquet of spring flowers.

Sorry! I thought you knew that about removing the stamen on the lilies. I like them on personally!
but, floristry rules say they should go, especially for wedding work!
If they were condtioned properly and not kept close together, they wouldn't mess up!!!

Really like your 'Tropical oasis' the leaves are a great idea for the oasis of water, and the lilies add the exotic
tropical feel. Beautiful ,elegant and very modern! Thankyou for your arrangements, I'm surprised you managed to
'make' them and get them posted today. Hope you get back online soon.

Adele, everything should be wired for a wreath if you intend to hang it up. Good Luck! takes ages!!!!
Hi Candee! We have friends visiting at the moment, I'll bring mine in later.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey all. Thanks! I did like the way the lilies turned out, but not keen still on the mini. I must work on that more.

LOL, Terri. I made those last week and loaded on my computer. I am borrowing a friend's wireless card, which he is about to come get, and was able to post them from my computer. BELIEVE ME, there was NO arranging, much less walking today.

I discovered a new world the other day, that I am thrilled about! The Library! Duh. I never thought to go check out books and magazines. One had some fantastic leaf manipulation and I am going to experiment with it.

Here's a little tip. If the leaf is stiff and "not bendy", rub vegatable oil on it. It softens it up plus gives them a nice shine. Terribly messy though, or it may be just me. LOL.

Also, I want to find steel grass. The book stated it works very much like bear grass, but is stronger (and can cut you).

How's this for a drugged up, 34 year old, single mother after a car accident photo?

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ouch!!!!!!!! bet that hurts.

Lovely arrangements everybody! So many cute little ideas yet the arrangements make a big statement.

They all so lovely. Oh wait I said that, but that ok cuz they are. : )

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh Traci, I'm so sorry you were in a car accident. i hope you feel better soon.

london England, United Kingdom

Traci, you poor thing, so sorry, hope you are feeling better soon.
I brought you some chocolates, hope they cheer you up a bit.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

get well soon card!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Here's my miniature ....

I used, small dish with fairy attatched sitting on cd, which is placed on a basket lid.
All plant material is from my garden.
Jasmine leaves and buds, Ribes, Polyanthus,forget me nots and snowdrops.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

using another cd and a fizzy drink can to show size.
The colours didn't really show very well, but it was enjoyable to make. Thanks for a challenging theme Traci!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

It's lovely,Terri.I love your beautiful spring flowers and the fairy is so pretty.The CD is a nice touch, too.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Adele, ( I robbed the cd idea from Traci)!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh my Traci, so sorry to hear you were in an accident; hope you feel better every day.
Terri, that is adorable and all those lovelies from your garden, oh makes me so anxious to start seeing something of color here, but may be a while yet.

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou Candee, it's a good job the theme was miniature, there wasn't much of it in the garden yet! Garden flowers seem to go floppy very quickly.
Any more miniatures on their way? ....

The flower club theme is SPRING FEVER this week, hope you can all join in and have fun!
I will be taking my arrangement to our flower club and will post photo's when I get back tomorrow night.
I have no idea what to make yet!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

This si a really pathetic attempt, but it's just coming into Autumn here and everything is on its way out, also, miniature just doesn't happen in the sub tropics!
Anyway, little yellow daisies and some purple vervain, (smells nice anyway) all in a shot glass (thanks pupil for that idea) mobile phone is for proportion, but it really is a bit bigger than a tea cup, sorry!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Sue, It's a very pretty design.Are those horizontal or vertical stripes.:)

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Spring fever,eh? The only flowers that came up so far are these 2 crocus right in the middle of the lawn. I was so happy to see them.

Thumbnail by diggerette
london England, United Kingdom

Sue, that is a great dome shape and the colours complement each other perfectly. Not pathetic, very pretty!!
Adele, Lovely crocus! mine haven't come up, I think the squirrels steal the corms because they have disapeared!
Thanks for joining in with Traci's miniature theme, well done everyone!

london England, United Kingdom

Next theme.... 'Spring Fever'

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I used my moss chair, dried 'springs' tulips and broom.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Love the way you did the "springs" around the leaves, I had an idea to do something with springs myself since we have no flowers here as yet. Looks like a basket of colored Easter eggs from the top. Great job.
Will have to give mine more thought, this is tough with nothing in the garden here, but I'll come up with something I think!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee, I had to buy the tulips obviously! They were the only spring flowers at the supermarket.
The demonstrator at the club last night was very traditional, but she made a comment that she liked my modern one because it looked like a basket of eggs, so well spotted!!
There were quite a few arrangements with forsythia and one with Hyacinth and pussy willow which was lovely.
There was a birds nest made with Hebe and bear grass, yellow tulips,red gerbera and double daffs .
I bought a few bits and pieces at the stall. A couple of varigated wallflower plants, some oasis, green tintin,a couple of vases, a wire collar,and some moss.
You won't believe next months theme! Why did I use tulips for my spring fever, wish I hadn't now!!
Next month's theme is ..... 'TULIP TIME'
such is life!
Looking forward to seeing your arrangements everyone!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey everyone, I UP AND RUNNING WITH INTERNET AGAIN! Unfortunately, I have to run to work. Be back later to check everything out!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thought I had a "good eye" LOL. Don't fret about the tulips, bet you come up with something really spectacular.
As for me, had to improvise, read an idea somewhere to spray paint the cut alum when died off and use as accent other places in the garden, which I have done. So used the same technique with some of my last season and needed cut back Autumn Joy Sedum and some other died back weed to create this basket of "spring joy".
I brought it inside and Steve was so surprised, he says, I didn't think anything would be blooming this time of year LOL!
Had to put it out in the breezeway until the paint smell disapates.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

And another angle

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here it is from the top, I am actually rather pleased with it.

So glad you are back on line Traci, hope all is well with you.

This message was edited Mar 6, 2008 6:16 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

What a beautiful spring fever vasket Haighr. What a perkey thing and very clever of ya to use some spray paint. : )

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee,
Thanks for your 'spring fever', I like your spray painted plant material, good idea! also the springs are a nice touch with the silver foliage and wicker basket. Love your creative ideas.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey all,
I have had time to ohh and ahhh over everyone's arrangements. Let's us see.....

Terri, maaaavalous! It is so delicate and the CD was a great idea.

Sue, the flowers can be bigger, just not the container. I love the colors and how they POP! You did fantastic!

Candee, that is ingenious! You should be proud of yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back. I love it and think it is inspired!! I have to add, this is after all was written, I keep scrolling past your posts and LOVE it. I may have to steal that idea.

Star, I love it and I would like to know HOW you have this growing in your yard. NOT FAIR!!

Finally, the winner of the mini's (no, we don't have winners and it is not a competition, but I love this one myself) is Adele. It is perfect in size, shape, dimension, color, scale, texture, well, ran out of words. But anyway, it is great!!

Terri, you and tulips go hand in hand so you are the perfect woman for the job. It does look like an easter basket. Your leaf manipulation alone will win the competition. I bet the other arrangers are jealous. LOL

May Princess Kathy always have beautiful arrangments.

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