Floral Clubs - #2

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Ok, one view....

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

The littles.....I think the look better together. My omage' to valentines day is the hearts in the bottom of the big vase. Ya'll are lucky they aren't black tulips.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Pupil, Fantastic! I love the way you rolled the leaves and filled the vase with tulips and you used a great color scheme and the 3 vases together are perfect. Also, I like the cute little hearts on the bottom of the vase.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
This flower club is very lively and exciting tonight, fabulous. Thankyou all for joining in.

Sue, your arrangement is so striking and colouful, absotutely tropical! really nice idea to use the wooden log for the 'oasis'.The blue background really sets off the flowers beautifully.

Candee, Wow! So your second picture is your real 'TROPICAL OASIS' . That is so fantastic, we have a land artist at our flower club. I love it. Thinking 'outside the box' is very welcome here!

Traci, Your BUD vase is lovely!
Elegance, beauty, grace, movement, line, form, texture,colour, absolutely beautifull. Perfect and gorgeous!

I'm getting some great ideas from you all for my arrangement, thanks!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'd like to thank all of you for such a warm welcome. Thank you for your generous compliments.

LOL, pupil, would love to see your artistic creations, sounds like a home I could fall in love with. I just love the unique. I am sure Teensy will love the pineapple adventure, I have a friend at work who started two with his children. Just be careful of poking out an eye and I am being serious. When I have moved mine from in to out and visa versa I have had a few "prickly" encounters.

Now for those tulips. The colors are so bold, they really magnify the glass. I have always like the addition of something off to the side, must be that "bizarre" in me, but I believe it makes an arrangement pull your eye away and then back which enhances the pleasure of looking in the first place.

Can't wait to see more, bring them on,

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone! I have to say, this was the easiest one and my favorite to date. It really helps to have the right tools. The frog pin thingy made it sooo much easier. When I did my first, I was holding it together with tape and paper towels. lol.

The little ones are actually napkin holders with a spot for flowers. I had two left over and thought, hmmm. I had more trouble with those stupid leaves then the whole thing.

Candee, I like the little additions as well. It is something I picked up from Terri, as she usually has leaves or flowers off to the side or out of the arrangement. Stole her idea. As for my house, I would love to share pics, but since I am in the middle of the divorce, I have been taking things down and packing them up for ease. When I get to where ever I am going, I will definitely show you some of my crazy stuff, when ever that will be? DH, not, called it junk. Funny thing, he is now wanting some of it. That will be the day. HAHA

Now, hoping it won't take me two weeks to do the tropical :^)

london England, United Kingdom

Here is my Tropical oasis.

I used, Pineapple hollowed out, floral foam, foliage .... palm leaf, bear grass, red spikey (forgotten name)
flowers.. Alstromera, roses, carnations

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

close up of flowers.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

if you look closely it says oasis in the sand! I had fun making it.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh Terri, your tropical oasis wowed me! I love everything about it especially, the "blue waters". It's very clever, beautiful and fun.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow, I can tell I am gonna learn a lot around here - that is just fabulous Terri. You have such an imagination and creative nature, I am lovin this forum!
Thanks again for making me so welcome.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele and Candee,
Thankyou so much! my sister in law was here when I made it and we had such a laugh.
I'm looking forward to seeing Karma,Sookey,Traci and Stars!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I love it Terry! I think Dracaena is the name you were after. Very dramatic and such alot of work. Lucky you enjoy it so much. I'm looking forward to the others aswell, also next weeks theme.
I got the biggest compliment of all when Hubby came home friday and told me he loves all the flower arrangements around the house, and also said I was good at it! Gosh, I got all flushed and flustered!
Guess I better keep it up!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Sue, I always forget the name of that one and call it Dragon!
It wasn't really a lot of work, a couple of cloths and my old Zen arrangement was still hanging around so I used that. I made a lovely sticky mess.
Your hubby is right, you certainly are good at it, you have a natural flare and sense of fun. I look forward to your arrangements every week!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi everyone! Looks like a happening club in here. Thanks for all the tropical oasis(es?). Sorry I haven't found time to do mine. But I will leave you an old beach arrangement I made last summer.

Dig, love what you did with the mother in law's tongue. Your dragon was a nice touch.
Haighr, I have two pineapple tops in a pot as well. I hope they'll look as cool as yours one day. Your backyard island looks like a tropical oasis.
Traci, you are really up to date with floral design. Tulips inside a vase are the thing these days. Your tulip placement looks perfect. Love the setup too. Looks like a couple of groupies. You put a lot of detail into your arrangements. Great job. . .are you sure you're new at this??
Sue, your arrangement is truly tropical with the bright colors. You've used all tropical flowers and foliage as well. Awesome.
Terri, what can I say. . .you did it again. That is sooooo creative. You did an EXCELLENT job using traditional flowers. That is the hardest thing to do. . .creating a tropical feel using everyday traditional flowers. I am in absolute awe. . .with the whole set up. The colors remind me of the floral profusion that won 1st place in Chelsea. You've changed my mind about that color combination. It rocks!

Leaving you a rerun of my tropical oasis from last summer until I can get some flowers. Hope to talk again later. Bye for now.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, Aloha! we had a great summer holiday on your tropical oasis! I'm really pleased to see it again.
Thankyou for what you said about my tropical oasis. I'm so glad you've come to like the pink/orange combination at last! Without actual tropical flowers I had to get something you need sunglasses to look at!

I am going to start a pineapple top too!
So, Adele, see you back here in 2 years to show off our pineapples, ok?
Thankyou Candee for your pineapple pictures and information,... see what you've started... a pineapple crazy place!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I've got one I put in the garden about 2 or more years ago, and it is huge, (bout 80cm tall) but no pineapples yet!
Karma, your re-run looks just like the day you made it! LOL. I'm lucky because thats what we grow here, so someone must've been thinking of me when they chose tropical! The turquois and blue colours really set off hot pinks and yellows and add to the tropical feel, doesn't it.
Have we got a theme for next time yet?
And Thanks Terry, now I'm all embarrassed again! Shucks!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue,
Yeah well you had better get used to it.!!!!!!

I am hoping we get some late arrivals for the tropicals before we move on to the next theme.
Next on the list to choose a theme, lets see , Sookey! please may we have our new theme by Monday, Thankyou!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh my, let's not leave just yet, these tropicals are awesome. Karma, that is really unique, I just can't tell all of you how much I am enjoying this arrangement spot!
Glad I could provide some inspiration with the pineapples. Weedwoman (Sue?) mine have taken about 2 years to produce the fruit and when a tiny one appears in the spring it takes the entire growing season until fall to full size.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well, I'm going to go and tackle mine and clear a space around it for some sunshine. Everything has grown up around it, so maybe thats why it hasn't fruited/flowered. Thanks for that Candee

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Morning All,

Karma, I love your tropical oasis.It's very creative.pretty and well, tropical! Do one of those lounge chairs have my name on it?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Candee, guess what? I cleared out the Agapanthus around my pineapple and look what i found! It's a bit messey as was under quite alot of growth, but now I'm going to look after it and will keep you updated with some pics now n then. This is my tropical arrangement you guys!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

edited for spelling, LOL

This message was edited Feb 26, 2008 6:47 AM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You will be having a pineapple daquiri in the fall!!!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Everyone,
I really enjoyed the Tropical Oasis theme. Thankyou all for joining in, but it's time to move on.......
Sookey must be busy this week , if we don't hear from her, next on the list to choose is .........TRACI...(not shouting)

Sue ,your pineapple plant is gorgeous!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I enjoyed it as well, especially for my first time here. But, alas we must go forward. Onward then my friend. What is our next adventure?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee,
I'm finding it hard to leave the Tropical oasis, here's a postcard.
I'll be back when we have a new theme!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, I hate to leave as well, but it was a great time of year for the tropical theme as it is nearing the season to get our island in shape for the summer. Seeing your gems in the sand reminds me our our island treasure chest.

Thumbnail by haighr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I hope to have a new theme tonight. Give me the day to think about it!

Later gators, I have to go to work.


london England, United Kingdom


Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

OK, I haven't had time to think much about it today, as it has been sooo busy. However, I have always loved miniatures, so how about that. It must be a small arrangement, no larger than a teacup. If this is not good, I can always think of something else!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

I love it!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Fine by me, will begin thinking about it!

london England, United Kingdom

Good, a new theme. Have fun everyone, I guess we need tiny flowers!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Or big ones cut down! :^D

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Or tiny containers LOL! Okay, I'll go first, had fun with this! Soon as you said minature the wheels started to turn. This is a "minature" with Cytissus scorposia, Harry Lauder catkins, Lenten Rose (still in bud) and my mother's minature bone china squirrels at play.

This message was edited Feb 29, 2008 5:53 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oops will have to work on one that is smaller, even though a minature container, here it is next to my MIL's handpainted teapot and believe it disqualifies me!

Thumbnail by haighr
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All,

Haighr, Fantastic design! It has lot of movement, great form and the squirrels are adorable.

Here's mine. It measures 5 inches from the tip of the shell to the tip of the seeded eucalyptus leaf on top. I don't know the name of the other two flowers. It's sticking to the wall with floral adhesive.

Thumbnail by diggerette
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

I used the wrong picture. How do I delete it and replace it with a better picture?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, very clever idea to use a miniature bottle, like it!
The display with your teapot shows that it is a miniature bottle. A bottle of Vodka is much taller than a teapot.!! no disqualification!! The catkins and lenten rose are a lovely combination too. Thanks for taking part.

Hi Adele, I don't think there is a way to delete photos.
I love the idea of using a shell for a container and sticking it too the wall, Great!
Looking forward to more pictures..

I haven't done mine yet!

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