Floral Clubs - #2

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Doe's anyone go to a flower club or floral demonstrations?

I am member of a floral art group,we meet once a month. We watch a national floral demonstrator who makes usually six arrangements, have a coffee, exchange ideas, buy floristry products at a stall and offer our competition arrangements to the judge!

Each week, we meet on Dave's to create a different themed arrangement as well, which are chosen by whomever is playing. This is all for fun, so please join in if you can and get crazy creative!!

We came from here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/762297/

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou Traci.
Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to your themes each week. New members and guests are always welcome to join in.

Flower club members

Terriculture Terri
Karmaplace Karma
Sookey Sookey
Pupilpropgtr Traci
Diggerette Adele
Starlight Star
Weed-Woman Sue
Haighr Candee


edited to say Karma's real name is Lana!
This message was edited Feb 16, 2008 7:51 PM edited to welcome Sookey back!

This message was edited Feb 16, 2008 7:52 PMedited to welcome new member Haighr

This message was edited Feb 19, 2008 3:35 AM

This message was edited Feb 20, 2008 3:01 AM

This message was edited Feb 26, 2008 10:30 PM

This message was edited Mar 15, 2008 2:47 PM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'd love to lurk if that is an option?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, lurkers are welcome too!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks, I love making arrangements but not much available in the snowfall season so will sit back watch and learn.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, I love seeing my name on the members list. You are too funny. . .I do miss Sookey!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, well, even if you're not making anything, ideas for themes are always appreciated!

Hi Karma, nice you checked in!
You were the first person to join the flower club, of course you are on the members list!!
I'm going to have a lurkers list for those whose dare to reveal themselves!!!!!! got Candee already.

My 'real' flower club starts up again on the first wednesday in March. The theme is 'SPRING FEVER'.
I will choose the theme from my flower club every month.
The rest of the themes will come from you and other club members ok?!!!
So, if we work our way down the list, you are first! >>>>>>>>>

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yeah, come on Karma, give us some inspiration!
Hi Candee, I think I've crossed paths with you before, maybe on decks or wood work?
Welcome to the club. I think I'm the newbie around here!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue,
Good to see you at our new location, newbie! I enjoy your exciting arrangements with your cool plants from Australia very much.

It would be nice to have the theme by Monday to prepare for wednesdays! Arrangements can be brought in anytime during the theme.

Karma, hope you have time to play this week?

london England, United Kingdom

Just popping in to let you know I heard from Sookey, she says Hi and will be back soon!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Hubbard, OH

Hello to all the group - I've just spent about an hour reviewing all that I've missed here since last fall!
Guess I got distracted with other gardening chores and am certainly currently out of plants in the FROZEN garden. Sorrry if that was shouted too loudly but winter does begin to wear upon one's nerves.
All of you have been busy with Zen and fireworks displays - very nice all:)
So what sort of new arrangement do you have in mind - for March, is it?
Dunno how to work with frozen plants tho - could you make that a new category ;) ?
I'll check back soon for a real category - nice to see newcomer from down under -wonder if we are up over to her???

Coffs Harbour, Australia

How about "Ice Sculpture"? LOL

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Welcome back Sookey! Hope you're all caught up with all the gardening chores. We've missed you!

Taking a hint from Terri's ad, our theme for the week will be. . . TROPICAL OASIS! Have fun everyone.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.
Nice to see you back Sookey. Hope you can join in sometime soon.
Now Sue, where are you going to get ice from in Australia?!! apart from the fridge..
Karma, Thankyou for the theme this week! I wasn't hinting tropical by the way, just bringing in the jokes!!
. Hope those snowed under have some houseplants to use!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the kind welcome, sure you have seen me around before as I have been around DG for a long time. Would dried arrangements count as I do have a nice swag I made from flowers from arrangements gone dry? Would that be a category?
Guess for now I will lurk as it will be a bit before anything blooms here although I could use some grasses when cut in March. I always cut back my grasses on 3/5 unless we are in a real snow squall.

But I do love a challenge so I'll just wait for the lesson and the plan and see if I can go from there.

This message was edited Feb 18, 2008 4:40 PM

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Tropical oasis! AAAHH!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee,
Karma our lovely sweet Karma has chosen the theme for this week and it is TROPICAL OASIS (not shouting!)
You can use whatever you like, fresh or dried flowers and grasses, garden or houseplants.
Hope you can join in.

Hi everyone,
Please bring your arrangements in from wednesday onwards.
also, please may we have 2 photos of each arrangement, thankyou!
and as Karma said ... Have fun everyone!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good morning All,
I woke up this morning and was in the mood to create. So here is my tropical oasis. It's very silly. I put silk flowers ,that I bought at the 99 cent store, and used floral adhesive tape to place them on my plant. I don't know the name of this plant,we call it a snake plant.
The plant is on a brass tray with pineapples engraved in it with a bamboo trim. My bearded dragon ,Dragon, was curious as to what I doing so I put him in the picture. He's from the Australian dessert.

Thumbnail by diggerette
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Then I wanted to give it more of an oasis feel. But I don't have any large empty spaces in my house so I place it against a larger wall space but by that time Dragon was annoyed so I took him off the tray.
I'm going to keepi the flowers on the plant for a while. Do you think it will hurt the plant?

Thumbnail by diggerette
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele,
Remember we said have fun? Looks like you had fun creating your tropical oasis, not silly at all.
I'd say it's an inspiration to anyone who says it's snowing outside and they don't have any flowers!!!
I know that plant as mother in laws tongue! don't know the latin name but I'm sure Sue does. The flowers won't hurt it a bit, they are as tough as old boots.
Good idea to use the silk flowers like that, if you hadn't said, I would think they were real.
Dragon! wow, you never know what you're going to see next! he is a very excitng addition to your arrangemet.
Thankyou for the two pictures, it really helps to see the arrangement properly.
Well done, a lovely tropical oasis achieved! Thankyou for bringing it in.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you Terri, Your words are always encouraging. I did have fun designing the tropical oasis.
Mother in law tongue plant LOL- what a great name for the plant. It's like saying-The plant is here and it isn't going anywhere-get use to it!

Dragon likes hanging out with herbs and the sun.

Thumbnail by diggerette
london England, United Kingdom

Lol! He is a handsome chap, nice to see him in the sunshine. Funny, I was watching a docu last night on lizards in Australia, amaising colours, and some of them were huge!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Very clever idea and the colors are really "springy" in addition to tropical flare.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I am ROTFLMAO!! Either Snake plant or Mother in Law Tongue works for me, although, I like the combo Mother in Law Snake Tongue!!

Dig, that was great thinking. It looks great and Dragon adds to the tropical feel.

I bought some more flowers and I am off to play, FINALLY! :o)

May Princess Tammy always have time to play!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you Haighr and Pupil ! Yes!! That's it, history in the making-new name-Mother-in law-Snake Tongue!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

ROTFLMAO, thanks pupil for that image! SNNNNnnnnnake tongue all right.
Terry is right Adele, the flowers wont hurt that plant one bit (Sansevieria trifascata)
I love Dragon, I wonder if I can get one here. Did you get him from a pet shop? Did you have to have a liscence and what are his special requirements?
I haven't done an arrangement tonight, but I will when i get a bit more time and can have a good go at it!
Lovely work so far!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is my attempt, was hoping I had a can of pineapple in the cupboard to add to my ananas, but alas none to be had.
Lucky I have these pineapple plants inside waiting to back out on the Isle of Dreams.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Candee, another welcome! you are now a flower club member! Thankyou for joining in.
Pineapple plants, very tropical! did you grow them from the pineapple tops?
Nice tropical touch with the straw hat and shell.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Haighr, Nice tropical arrangement. I feel like having a pina colada :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Candee, I love Bromeliads!.
Kahili ginger (mmmmm it smells devine) Cordyline leaves (should have used another two) Acalypha leaves (lime green) Allamanda flowers and white hibiscus, (which will be closed by the morning) Arranged in a plastic bowl with oasis and placed down inside a hollow log. Little frog ornament to the left and a butterfly on top.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Another view. Mmmmmm, I so wish you could smell it, and I am in another room!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, I wish I could get a sniff of it myself. It is beautiful. The colors compliment each other perfectly.
I do grow the pineapples from the tops. I have been growing them, harvesting for years. I started them to put on our Isle of Dreams with other tropicals.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Sue, Beautiful flowers, beautiful design and such interesting foliage! I wish I could smell it. You are so lucky to have these amazing plants growing in your garden. What is the name of the red leaves? Also, I'm sure you could get a bearded dragon in a pet store. They're from central Australia ,so hopefully, they won't be too expensive.
Haighr, How do you grow pineapples? That sounds like a fun project. What does your Isle of Dreams look like? It sounds surreal.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I cut off the top of the pineapple and peel off the rind and bottom leaves until I have about 1 1/2" of stalk. I let it dry for a few days and then just stick it in a mix of potting soil and orchid mix (the mix aerates the soil). After about 1-2 weeks if you tug on the top lightly and it doesn't pull out of the soil mix, it is rooted and you are on your way. It should produce fruit in about 2 years.
Steve and I love the islands so decided to create one in our own backyard, it is complete with majestic palms, treasure chest, lobster pot and even an anchor that I won from a lady in Australia on ebay. Here is a photo from last year.
Needless to say we get some bizarre ideas!

This message was edited Feb 20, 2008 8:37 AM

Thumbnail by haighr
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh Candee, your backyard is wonderful! It is an Isle of Dreams! I didn't know you could grow palms in Maryland.
Thanks for sharing how to grow pineapples, I'm going to buy a pineapple today.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thank you. I overwintered the palms one year, but it was such a hassle of insulating and burlaping and mulching that I have since pulled them up and keep them in pots to take in and out. The pineapples are a lot of fun to watch grow, slow growth but very low maintenance. Just be careful not to poke an eye out LOL as they do have sharp points and get to be quite large as you can see in the photo.

Now, back to the bromeliads, I had one and it only survived for one season. I guess I need to learn a bit more about them because they are really lovely plants.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Candee, I bought a pineapple. I'm going to make chicken and pineapple tonight, My family thanks you. And I'll have a go at it. I'll let you know if it takes root.
It's nice that you're so dedicated. Maybe if my garden was in my backyard, I would be as well .

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Not so sure about the dedicated, we just like things that are a bit, well - different, as you can see. They are really quite easy to grow. Here is the link to my pineapple beginnings. Some of the tiny ones are really quite cute.

BTW what time is that pineapple chicken gonna be ready. Haven't had that for a while, do you have a special recipe you would like to share in the recipe forum?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

They're the cutest little pineapples I have ever seen!
I still haven't made dinner. I've been running around and the girls aren't even home. I'll make it tomorrow for sure. Right now, I'll make a sandwich :)

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey ya'll,
I've been lurking, but haven't had much time to post. Where to start.

First, I am going to try to use first names. If I get it wrong please excuse me, as I am horrible at names.

Candee, I love your design and the pineapple plant is perfect for Teensy and I to try. Your back yard is FANTASTIC!! I love the bizarre. Different is something I strive for. I love Eastern design, including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Indonesia, etc. I also love shabby chic and Russian design. Throw in my love of Catholic art (old and eclectic) and you would be very surprised at my decorating. If someone walked into my house they would think I was an Asian Catholic. Actually I am Southern girl who is non-denominational. LOL.

Sue, could you figure out a way to ship that to Alabama please? When are they going to come up with smellovision? That is gorgeous, but the thought of cutting off an Allamanda flower makes me cringe. If I had one, I know it would stay on the plant forever, even brown. Do you detect zone envy?

Well....um.....a week late, but I finally got my VALENTINES arrangement done. I have the flowers for the tropical oasis, but figured since these have been in the fridge for over a week, they best be used first.

Funny pic in the fridge. Here is my bud vase, Terri!!

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr

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