More pics?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

When i took that bad spill yesterday my camera went sailing away about 20'. went out this a.m. to take pics to see if it still works.....thought i would share....

This first one is a costus...the little flowers are of my faves....

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Here is the Brug. Maya...I think she likes it here!!! Heavily pruned 4 months ago. The scent is strong 25' away and the bees are all over it!!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Here is Bob under the tallest brug...a seedling from 2 years ago. He is 6'2.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Here is a pod sibling to that HUGE one....she never grows any taller, about 7' tall, stays nice and compact and straight as a stick. Both are a cross between Aurea White X Rothkirk.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

A small Heliconia which blooms this time of the year: Melikalikimaka is the name.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Heliconia 'Sharonii' on the left and Alpinia rugosa on the right....

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

A stand of Ti (Cordyline fruticosa). The little crumbly looking one is called Tsunami!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

New frond on a palm tree.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Well, it is almost noon and I have done NOTHING today.

See what you started Jenny!!! LOL

Riverview, FL(Zone 9b)

What beautiful plants!!!
Could you do me a favor and send me one of each? Ha ha ha!!
You really have a piece of paradise!
Keep up the good work!!!!


South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Ooohhhhh, hope you are OK after the fall! :-}
Gorgeous pictures. I especially like the stand of Ti plants, that Tsunami is really pretty.
I've never seen the Alpinia rugosa, the wavy leaves are really striking.
Thanks for the mini tour!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I was missing all the pictures from the other thread, so glad to see these!
I, too, hope you are alright after your fall!!!
I think I already tried that trick of getting one of each! LOL

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a) have to stop abusing the old bod! We don't bounce quite as well as we used to! Seriously though, hope you are alright, and that T & L kept you nice and comforted. Beautiful pics of a beautiful place.

Yokwe my friend, a hui hou,

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

i'm going to have to look up that Alpinia rugosa. never seen it and it's way cool!! your brugs are to die for...thanks for sharing!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Carol, the pictures are lovely, you have such a green thumb and such a gorgeous piece of land. Love everything! Thanks for posting them, now I have to wipe the saliva off the office keyboard! Hope your fall wasn't too serious, wet ground and boots?
Keep those pictures coming, I learn so much from them.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks all! Have taken a few more which I will post later on. Randy's brug photo inspired me to take a close up to, naturally, i went berserk!!

I have a weak foot (due, i might add, to crossing my legs all my life...BAD habit. I have pinched the Meridian Nerve that runs down the outside of my left knee. our mothers were right!!!!!) and my ankle gave way and I crashed. Very silly of me. Now my whole body feels as if I have played 3 hours of water polo!!!) Seeing Dr. next week about all this!

Jenny...holler if you want me to bring you something when i come over. BTW...what are the dates you are going to be there, Christi....and if you see something you want!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Carol, now my mouth is REALLY watering! Acually, I want your whole garden (I would let you live there still)!!! I would really like a cutting of the pod sister brug if possible, she look so neat and tidy. But honest, you don't have to bring a thing except yourself.
Christi is going to be here from the 13th Feb until the 20th, although you never know she may decide to stay another week or two...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You got it, Jenny. She really IS neat and tidy and the flowers are really small too!!

Here is one I want to paint. it is so hard taking a photo of anything white...actually the brug is creamy colored and the inside flower almost has a pink hue. The fragrance of this one is exquisite!!!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

And here is a branch of Creamsickle...I love the balance....

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jenny...look familiar????

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

A patch of taro....

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Ashley, how's N.I these days...used to live in Breaux Bridge!
Carol, I envy your piece of paradise. Are all costus blooms edible? There's a torch ginger bloom "bunga kantan" that we would use in a "rojak" salad.
Can't say I've ever seen brugs around here growing that tall....WOW!!
Please be extra careful Carol.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

This is a most wonderful Ti....and a seedling as yet unnamed. It grows VERY tall and straight....the leaves go a long way down the trunk, it loves full sun and shade....and with light shining thru it is like a stained glass window!!!

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Carol what is that beauty above the taro pic???? Now, to paint that!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I know that all Costus blooms are edible...but i don't know about other members of the Ginger family....

Jenny....that little pink brug I call Aloha scent that I can detect during the day but it might have one at night.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11) are right...WILD!!! I think i may try. Jenny has a photo of it on her Garden Tour... She got it at HD I think and i received mine in a trade about 4 years ago. I LOVE it...great Hibiscus....

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Ignorant me...I got all excited when I first came here, finding Tis growing in the next nearest big city..Myrtle Beach.
Till someone told me, the city govt. has this huge budget to lure tourists....hence, disposable tropicals :((

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Is the Ti plant your own cross, it looks super.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

No, wish I could claim IS lovely!!! With all the GREEN here, the reds and pinks of the Ti spotted around really help to create focal points and they compliment the all the colors stand out more. IMHO....LOL

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Everything is lovely, just gorgeous!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!! Brightens up my day! I have a light pink, and red hibiscus blooming, a pink azalea, oh, and yellow jasmine! They really smell good!

Hope you are doing better from your fall! Take care of yourself!!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Spring must be springing in Texas Jeanne! Sounds lovely!
Carol are you going to register Aloha Spirit? A brug that keeps neat and tidy is a great thing for all those folks who have them in pots..

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jeanne...gee, hadn't thought of registering it. Actually the seeds came from Eclipse (Brug and Tropicals forums) is a winner!!! Would be glad to share if anyone else is interested.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Jeanne, I also have a yellow jasmine here. But since it is in the ground it is currently dormant. They have made it hardy to zone 6 at work so I bought a cutting for myself. Can't wait til it blooms this spring!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol, I would LOVE some of those seeds, but I'm afraid that the poor dear would feel so strange..."neat and tidy"....hmmmm two words that are never used to describe my garden or the plants in it. Mine all look like they are trying to pose for Picasso, I keep showing them the pics you all post, and trying to convince them that "this is what you should look like", and they just shrug and say - nah, Mom, you love us just the way we are. My next door neighbor just got home with her new baby! I've got a "lil un" right next door to cuddle and spoil and give back to mom and dad! Kewl!!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sheri...will make you a little package of brug cuttings....they should make it no seeds.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol, Thanks! Jenny sent me three brug starts a few months ago (geesh, that long!) and two didn't make it, but the one is doing beautifully. I wasn't begging in that last post - just making a silly observation regarding the haphazardness of my "garden". I have an allergy to pruning I guess...always afraid I'm gonna chop something crucial to the mental health of my plant. Of course, JB is usually standing beside me saying "Okay, take that one branch back a bit, now wait,,, don't get carried away!"

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

NONONONO...of course you weren't begging...I just love it when I can share!!!

But if seeds work for you...I can send you a pod off of something sexy. They always surprise me and you could get everyone on the island to grow some out and then have a contest!!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

It definately feels like Spring! It's pretty warm for being January!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

"something sexy"??? Sounds intriging! Darlin, you know I would just LOVE anything from your paradise! I always do!

I know what you mean Jeanne...we used to say that January was a summer month in Colorado!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Where have I been? Just now found this thread. Carol, you fell? Oh, lordy. The tour of your grounds and Jen's are about to make me go mad and bite myself.
I hereby declare I am going to be super selfish, I want one (or two) of absolutely everything. Of course, when the poor things get to North Central Texas they will wail with disappointment. Jeanne is about 300 miles south of me and she is indeed having spring. I have been adding Super Thrive, corn meal, molasses, and alfalfa today in an effort to fool my ground into thinking it is good stuff. No fear,Jen. I would love to stay a month but don't think my neighbors would love me when I got back. They are watching our babies, Hannah and Mattie. To look out my back window and then to the pictures here, doesn't seem possible that I will soon be breathing that warm air. I'm really pretty easy to please and to think that I will be in the heart of Paradise...I'm so excited, I just can't hid it, I know, I know, I know...lalalalalatadadalala...hhhhmmmm.

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