2007 seeds for postage.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Leslie, did you get my envelope? I mailed it out on the 4th.
pepsidrinker was on it.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

thanks Leslie...i'll be on the look out :-)

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Vonny, I got your envelope. Keep them in the fridge until you plant them. I'm not sure what's the regular time in your area. If some are especially vigorous and sprouting when you get them, you could pot them up and put them under grow lights until next spring.

The reports of when things were mailed was greatly exaggerated. Not intentionally. I'd planned to mail the seeds and sale plants on Monday, but it took two of us about 15 hours to get them all prepared and I took everything to the post office this morning. Seeds for the following went out today:


If I haven't mailed out to you it means I haven't gotten your envelope yet. I did learn a lot about what postage costs. Things larger than 6 3/4 inches are considered a package so they cost more. Envelopes more than a certain thickness, I think about 1/4 inch are not considered an letter and have to go as a package.

With seeds I think it's best to send them in the small padded envelopes.
Please let me know when your seeds get there.

edited to add: don't worry if your package needed extra stamps. Some folks sent extra ones for me already. The post man said it takes a scientist to know how much to put on these days.


This message was edited Sep 12, 2007 12:12 PM

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Leslie, will let you know.


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Thank you Leslie. If my envelope required extra postage, I'll send you the difference when I get the seeds as I doubt you kept track of all of that. You are so sweet for sharing with all of us and I hate to see you have to pay any extra. I'll be (im)patiently waiting for the mail. ;-)


Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi Tricia,

I should have said this above. Some of the envelopes did require extra postage, but please don't worry about it. Some folks sent extra stamps and I didn't use them all, so I've been "paid forward" already. :)


Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Leslie, if I didn't send enough postage, I will send extra also.

You are such a sweetie for sharing with us.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I was starting to think my mail lady needed some seeds. LOL Thanks for the update. :)

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks so much Leslie....it is so sweet of you to do all this to share with us. I am glad my envelope got there, I was a little worried since sometimes I have problems with them getting to and fro.

:) Kim

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Hmmm. I would have thought you would have mine by now.. normally our PO is very fast....from Georgia to Fla. especially...

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Leslie, Thank you so very much! You time, effort and generosity, are deeply appreciated!

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Janet, yours came today and is going out today too!

I'm about to go mail:


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh, good, and thank you again Leslie!

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi Leslie,
"If I haven't mailed out to you it means I haven't gotten your envelope yet."

Okay, mine must have gone astray. I mailed it the first (9/1) so I imagine it's gone to Post Office Heaven. May I send another, or are the seeds gone? It's okay if they are, just let me know whether to send or not :)


Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

You may want to send another. I have your seeds all packed up and ready to go.


Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I'll get it off tomorrow!. Thanks so much. I was very excited,and still am, this is new to me:)

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Leslie, My bubble envelope went out today. I thought it went out last week as I had asked my son to mail it. His car broke down at a buddies house in another town and when we went to pick it up yesterday the envelope was still in it!!!!! Kids!!!! I'm so sorry for the delay....if your all out of seeds i understand.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Woohoo! Will let you know when my seeds arrive!

Again, thank you for your generosity!


Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Celeste and any of you who have been confirmed have a package of seeds waiting with your name on it. I have them all sorted out into bags for you.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh you sweetie! Thank you so much!!!!

Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

OK-Mailman Todd better hand over the good and soon! I am going to be waiting on him tomorrow!! LOL

hanna, WY(Zone 4b)

Thanks Leslie, I'm sure mine was one that had the bigger envelopes. I just couldn't get anywher to get smaller ones. I'll refund if it was more. I can't wait to try them. Yvonne

Weston, WV(Zone 6b)

Thank you Leslie for letting us know....thank you especially for the offering of your seeds, i am sure i speak for everyone when i say you are the best dear!!
Hopefully soon we will all have seeds to share with everyone here!

Thank you once more dear and i will repost when i get my new babies to be!!!



Don't forget to take pictures of the blooms you all get from these seeds will you ladies and gentlemen :o) From those gorgeous photographs on the other thread I would think there'll be some fantastic flowers. I'll be looking forward to seeing pics of them.

Leslie, it was so nice of you to spend so much of your time bagging seeds and sending out to your fellow DGers. (((hugs))) Guess that's why I love DG so much, there are so many helpful, kind and generous people here.


Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone! I'm almost blushing here.

I wrote a note to someone saying I couldn't remember what JoB stood for. It's Jo Barbre, which is an early double UF.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

(Fickle Lady x Zastrugi) X ?

Were the seeds that were sprouting. They are potted up and sitting in my sheltered area along with some of this year's seedlings that are already 6" to 8" tall. Since we don't have any harsh weather till after Christmas, I feel like they'll be fine....most years, I can pick the remnants of my hardiest perennials for the Thanksgiving table...(no daylilies though) I usually mow in late Nov. just before I put my Christmas yard decorations out. We've had a few frosts by then, but no really bad weather.

Everything is in the fridge chilling...I'll probably leave them there till Jan, just because I don't want to have to worry about them..

Naperville, IL(Zone 5a)

Can't wait to get mine!

Has anyone is a colder zone tried wintersowing daylily seeds before? Any success? Would it work for SEV and EVs, too?

Thanks! =)

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

I remember Fickle Lady seeds sprouting early last year too. I guess some are just that way.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Wick you should post that question in the winter sowing forum http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/coldsow/all/

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

if you lived where the ground only got really cold, didnt freeze. It seems it would be no dfferent than keeping them in the fridge.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I spoke with dablaw..(David at Bluegrass Gardens) He sends his love to all, by the way...

He told me that here in this marginal 6b/7a area, that he likes to have everything planted by Sept 7th...and he would chill the FL seeds for a bit too. So, I'm leaving everything in the fridge till Jan that isn't sprouted already.

He and Brian had a bumper crop of seeds despite the drought....they figure in excess of 500,000 seeds...maybe closer to 600,00, before it's all said and done...that's a lot of seeds!!

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

wow! Maybe they'd have to share.

Necedah, WI(Zone 4b)

is there a line forming?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

That IS a lot of seeds. Double WOW. : )

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

No Doubt! I thought we had a lot at Ladybug with 25,000 between Dan and me. He planted all 20,000 of his!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I can't imagine planting 20,000 Not all at once, anyway.

My version of planting 20,000 would be to disk up a couple of acres, scather seeds, then drag ole tires over them, and hope it rained. lol : )

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thats pretty much the method I was thinking of too.lol...altho i never heard of the tires.

Spring Park, MN(Zone 4a)


Got mine today! Thanks again for being so generous with your "harvest" and all the packing and shipping that involves. I can't wait to see what comes of them. This is especially fun because I have no illusions about what they might be, just wonderful little green sprouts with many surprises in store!! I hope to start some this fall and use the greenhouse to move them along. Not much room in there, so I will start the rest in late winter. My very first DLs from seed! I really do appreciate this opportunity so much.


Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

Mail man Todd brought my seeds today! Thanks so much Leslie!! I can't wait to see what the blooms look like, I will be the only person around here that doesn't have orange or yellow ones only!! Thanks so much again!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I received my seeds with my wonderful plants today. You are the best. Please let us know when you are selling some more. Cindy( jumping around happy for my Dan's seedling,why didn't I order more)

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