2007 seeds for postage.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Siberian iris? I didn't know they would grow in hot climates.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I had about half my seedlings downstairs under lights and ran out of room so the rest went on a table in front of my living room window (eastern exposure) The ones upstairs did just as well as the downstairs ones and I didn't even have them on a seedling mat. So this year I am just going to do them all upstairs

edited for typoitis

This message was edited Sep 16, 2007 6:53 PM

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Hmmm. Well, maybe these babies do have a chance.:) DH usually does better with seeds than I do, so I'll just get him to bless them for me and I can go from there.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Mine go under lights here in the computer room and I just put up with the spring fungus gnats! I plant anywhere from 6 to 15 in a 3 inch square pot.(Daylily seeds like company). Once they get going I transplant 1 seedling to 1 quart containers that I get at a local surplus store, then I just let them grow all over the place until I take them out in the spring.
Right now I have a cross of Twilight Swan X Primal Scream - 6 plants and two of them are blooming. They were started Nov. 12, 2006.

Usually I have a dozen or so that bloom in August and Sept but not this year - I guess due to the drought.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

We get those gnats in the compost pot sometimes. Our solution is a beer trap. You get a wide mouth jar and put some beer in, just a half a cup is probably enough. You take a piece of notebook paper and make a cone shape so that there is a small hole, about an inch or so and then it opens real wide on the other end. Put it in the jar with the small end in the jar. The gnats are attracted to the beer, but once inside the can't find their way back out through the small hole. I don't know if they are picky about the kind of beer or not, but I suspect they would like regular beer more than the lite stuff. When I use beer in the snail trap, I use Miller Genuine draft.

Leslie, I have been gone to the beach, just got back & my seeds were here! Thanks again. Lorine

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I have Siberian Iris here, I am in Zone 7 B....so I don't know about zone 7A or 8....I have heard they need a little bit of a cold spell...

Oslo, Norway(Zone 5a)

How long does the seeds need to be chilled before planting? I really would like to start Leslies seeds asap, and I`m thinking of growing them inside this winter.
And what is the ultimate way of treating them? Last year I bought some seeds from Ebay. I put them in water with dishwashersoap ca 24 hours before sowing. I think they germinated slow, and many did not germinate at all. I digged up some and... ( gee - what is that word...) scarred? the seeds with sandpaper before replanting. Some more seeds germinated shortly after this treatment. So I`m thinking - would it be better using sandpaper and scar them or is a treatment with soap ect. better?

Oslo, Norway(Zone 5a)

I am so exited! The seeds arrived today :D Thanks a million for the lovely seeds Leslie! I will do my best to get some lovely plants out of them. And will of course keep you updated.
Thanks again.
Big Hugs!!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I believe that three weeks is the minimum time. I have never heard of soaking them in water with soap although I have heard of presoaking them in water with hydrogen peroxide. I don't think you have to scar the seeds they usually dn't have trouble breaking through but some do take longer than others to germinate

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Yeah Line,

My helper friend and I are here getting ready to wash plants for the second sale and we're really jazzed you got your seeds. Your seeds have already been chilled about 3 weeks.


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)


Thank you again for the seeds. I got them this weekend and can't wait to get started. I'll keep you updated.

Thank you.

Weston, WV(Zone 6b)

I am doing a happy dance today because i recieved the seeds today!!
I want to thank you ever so much for allowing me to achieve this great deal!
You are the best dear! Now are we going to have a thread to post the pictures of these beauties when the time comes.....lol
you an count on me to show you what you created! Definetly! :)



Naperville, IL(Zone 5a)

Got mine over the weekend, thank you! can't wait to get them started. =)

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have been using a tbls. of peroxide per gallon of distilled water. Have had excellent luck, plus its fun to see those little white tails. You dont have to anything to the seed except drop it in. I even have some seeds in that are looking good, that were just chips. They were like totally flat raisins. Just for the heck of it, i have them soaking and darn sure I have a few with bubbles on their butts and should see some white tail by tomorrow or the next day.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL : ) 'Bubbles on their butts'

I don't think I have ever paid attention to which end of a daylily seed it's butt was on. lol : )

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

just before the root comes out...it gets little bubbles on it...i guess its the seed starting to open a bit to let it out.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Leslie!! Got my seeds today!! woohoo! :::Off to gloat over them:::

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Gardenglory, this is something new to me, so I have to ask. Do you mean you soak the seeds in peroxide and water? How long? Then you plant in pots or outside? Do we cover these seeds with dirt?

LOL at butt bubbles.:)

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Gosh darn it...took some pictures and cant find the cord to the computer. The answer tho is yes, I forget who taught me that on DG, but a seller also sent me the same info with his seeds. It for sure works, I have not tested to see if plain tap water would do the same trick. I just soak mine until the root pops...3-6 days for the ones that are gung ho. Once that fat white roots pops ( actuallly I dont know what that is technically, the root grows out of the bottom of the nub and the leave the top..its kinda like its spine) Once the root pops, you can put it wherever you like. I have been putting some in bio sponges and some I just lay right on the dirt ,in the pot it is to bloom in. I will post the pictures tomorrow. I just wanted to have all my plants outside and growning before winter, im greety for blooms.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Do you change the water from time to time?

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

silverfluter, do you have to strain the beer before you can drink it?

hanna, WY(Zone 4b)

Hi Leslie, I got my seeds today. thanks so much!! This will be fun. You're great to do this. Will definitely send pics when they bloom. Yvonne

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Seeds, lol. No we don't drink it. It gets pretty thick with bugs.:) But you can pour it on the compost pile.:)

Selma, NC(Zone 7b)

gg- you say you put the sprouted seeds in the pot you want them to bloom in. Are you putting them singly in pots like a gallon size or spacing them in larger pots?

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Great Vonnie. Your plants are going out this morning.

Oslo, Norway(Zone 5a)

I really want to see some seeds with bubbels on their butts!! Very cute :D
So I`m going for the peroxide treatment. You put them in a glassjar or something, in light? In what kind of temperature do you keep them? And (sorry for the nagging) but is destilled water the same as boiled?

I have good result in germinating other slow seeds in plastic bags, with wet vermiculite. Just putting the bags in my kitchen window, and after some time they are sprouting. Very slow seeds has germinated after only a month, when its supposed to take up to several years.(But no buttbubbles so this sounds much more fun!)


Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I put them in a small container...shot glasses..i cut the bottom off of water bottles...little rubbermaid containers. I make sure that a lid can fit on a shoe box so its dark in there. I just have it sitting on the counter inside. No special temp. Sometimes you do have to change the water. It will get cloudy or even start to smell like plants when you soak them to long.

As for the pots, I put about one plant per gallon up to a five gallon pot. I then skip in size up to tree size pots, I put about ten in each of those. The bigger the pot, the more I temp the space, they are deeper, and the daylies seem to like that. Last year I did one seed per one gallon pot, they did bloom. This is the first year im trying bigger pots. Tuffhem said he did it, its no different than putting them 4-6 inches apart in the ground the way I see it. They are sure growing well, spring should tell on the blooms. One thing is for sure, when they bloom, they then need to be either culled or moved to a bigger spot.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Here are a few links that treeclimber had posted awhile back to help with seed germanation.






South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Lincolnitess had posted this last year and I had great results with this method!
"I love how easy daylilies are to start from seed! I pour a little of the peroxide/water solution into the plastic bag my daylily seeds came in 5 days ago, put them in one of my cabinets and forgot about them till today. Just checked and 100% of them had germinated. This is the point at which I take them and plant them in potting soil to grow on. Can't get much easier. These are Purple PinwheelXWind Frills. Have very little room for seedlings left so am only going to start a few this year."
Also found this which is what I used to go by for a recipe.
There seems to be much improved germination of sprouting daylily seeds when they are soaked in a 1 ounce solution of house-hold hydrogen peroxide mixed into 2 liters of water (used soft drink bottle with label removed and labelled "Peroxide").

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

So will they go in the ground now pixie? Do you have a greenhouse? Sorry about the questions. But it is already starting to get cold here, at night. So I put my seeds in the freezer. Did I mess up??

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Crash, being in z5 i didn't dare to try them in the ground. i stuck them in the frig. not freezer until about Feb. Than I started them with the peroxide mix in film containers. Put the containers in the cupboard until they sprouted. Then I planted them in miracle grow and babied them until June. Planted them outside in June and have been doing fine since. But the real test will be if they survive our Maine winter!!!!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you soooo much Pixie! Yeah our winters CAN be severe here too! Thanks for the info.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Crash, Badseed live's in Ohio too and she would be a good source of information for you as I have read about her growing seeds too. She is probaly more experienced than me also as I just started growing from seed last year. I'm a novice !!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, we have to start somewhere don't we?? I'll take all the advice I can get! I just received my very first prolifs!! EEK! I will be doing some thread reading today!

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

This is really helpful info, and I was going to put it in my diary, but I can't find it. There used to be a tab at the top. I found the journal, but I can't access the diary.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Silver...try "Blog" instead.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Pixie, I had never looked at that.:)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

WOW! You guys sure are a wealth of information!! I'm going to try some of these ideas and see what I can get to grow!


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