Happy Flowers!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This is another gift she gave me, a broken branch of a very hardy Fuchsia. Which took root very nicely without any roottone, I just put the stalk in a pot and kept it moist.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Closer shot

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This is my Yucca their are 6 plants in this mass and I get one Bloom a year out of one plant, maybe someday they might catch up with each other. and could have a really nice floral display.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

And this is StarGazer

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This Is my Clematis gone wild

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

And last
This Is a puzzle
Find the Puppy in the grass.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I was wrong about the Blue Knight as Its name is the "Black Knight"
I read the tag wrong.
And with the Ajuba I think this would be a good combo. Not sure how the pic will look, but I want the Ajuba to fill in on the slope I also have another Ajuba that is all green foliage with purple flowers.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
W'Ville, WA

This is my happy climbing rose 'Royal Sunset'.
3 years ago, Deckguy chopped it to the ground, then trampled it, while he rebuilt our deck. It is now 10' tall again and clambering up the deck support.

Thumbnail by AuNatural
W'Ville, WA

More happy flowers in my garden....
(These are male & female pumkin flowers.)

Thumbnail by AuNatural
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I'm sitting here smiling all over looking at all these happy flowers - gorgeous blooms, everyone!

Aunatural, lol - you cracked me up with your story about deckguy!!! That rose is a stunner!

Tilly, WOW!!!!!!! Your gardens are going crazy - wonderfully crazy!

Katye, that lily is drop dead gorgeous! And Mango Lassie is adorable.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

tillys, I hadn't realized that Yucca would grow so far north - despite getting 'only' one blossom, it is gorgeous. And susy, why are you feeling so glum about your garden - go on slap a few pictures on the thread, and we can either oooooooahhhhhhh, or put our pound on the table (which gives us permission to speak). with a basket like that, I can't imagine the rest isn't equally good.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Laurie,

I have a bit of a perfectionist streak, can you tell? ;) Thanks for the encouragement! Here's a picture that's just for fun. I'm really liking Callibrachoa this year, but for this I had a special reason for the colors. There's a very melon-y one that isn't showing up too well in addition to the pinks.

I call it " Still Life...with Rain Gauge" (Can you guess who bought the rain gauge?)

Thumbnail by susybell
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Those are very pretty. Love the colors.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Susy, I can scarcely believe my thoughtful husband bought and sent you that rain gauge LOL! He bought us a replacement one with clear lines and numbers. Hard to read even with good vision; nearly impossible with mine. Want to trade?

Love the parade of blooms shown here. All of them! I must get more lilies and I wish I would have had DeckGuy around when I grew roses. Mine were always so so and suffered chronically from blackspot . Perhaps a good hacking and trampling would have done them good.

Nice blooms folks.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Pink Virtuoso

Thumbnail by Katye
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by Katye
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

this is a Mondrian choir!
I like the way the buds sit & these are first year blooms. Reliably to 3', and a very nice fragrance...

Thumbnail by Katye
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Bird'
The photos I had seen of this showed more of a truer blue.
Perhaps I should not expect much from a young plant in a 1 gal pot. It has a greyish cast to the blue - hopefully it will improve with age...

Thumbnail by Katye
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous, Katye, absolutely gorgeous!!!

Susybell, you make me laugh! The flower is beautiful, though!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Poochella, Nice to see you!
The one I'd like to have has a center section that floats when there's rain. The higher it floats (think they're marked) the more rain. But nooo, we get the $4.95 bright orange one, lol! I told my DH you'd offered to trade rain gauges with me and he said "NO! I bought that so I could read it!" It is about 20 ft from the house and, gotta give him credit, it definitely is still readable. I think the flowers do help me tolerate the color, though ;)
I ripped out most of my roses this past fall. No Deckguy here, either. I was sick of the black spot and the thorns and endless aphid wars. Now it's bloom season and I miss them.

Katye, beautiful lilies! My very first two Scheherazade just opened! Seeing how many you have has me excited for the future. You said a Mondrian Choir, but they almost look like a musical chord to me.

Murmur, :D That's one way to make happy flowers, huh? Seriously, I do really like the million bells-don't mind having an excuse for more of them. :)

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Why is it so many husbands have 'brains' over taste - they get married, choose an exquisite woman and then lean back and say 'phew, that's over, now I can relax' - when did you ever hear of a woman finishing work after one bit of sucess. (Growin is the exception - he is, quite possibly the champion of spotting good foliage/plant combos - we might just have to make him an honorary gal).

Katye - I really like the blue border you have put together - looks like a salvia behind the hibiscus? and some nice dark leaves to give it some gravity (your collection of blues is going to get Tillys going!) - very nice setting. But my favourite is the Mondrian choir setting - I honestly think think that needs a double entry - one for the combo thread too. And Susy, I insist we have more - you have been holding out on us - well choosen, well grown, and definately a happy flower.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

The dark leaves are Ipomaea 'Blackie', Salvia 'norememberthenamus,butitsdarkblue', 2 colours Petunias, purple Callibrachoas, Pelargonium, Oregano 'Kent Beauty', pale pink Bacopa, white Snaps, & my favorite blue reseeder: Anagallis. There is also a Nicotiana Langsdorfii that seeded itself next to this group. More N. next year - they are fun plants.

I am going to move the Scheherezade lilies to an area I am now developing - all red or purplish tinged foliage/flowers. My only disspointment is that they lean so from the weight of the flowers, which is why they are temporarily caged. They have a very sweet but not overpowering fragrance - very nice to inhale as you walk by.
By the way, they are in their second year - I have found that Lilies look best by 3 years - flowering well & sturdy. A good thing to exercise patience for!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Your right about the blues I just love that
I have never had good luck with Hibiscas before but after seeing that I will try again


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Did I mention that my granddaughter and her husband live about two blocks from Wight's Nursery? (Tilly, if you haven't gone there on your lunch hour DON'T!!!!) I had time to kill between dropping off some maternity clothes with my DGD and getting to my folks' house (can't go too early they sleep really really really late!) so darned if my car didn't steer itself right in there instead of staying on 196th until I got to Highway 99.

Good thing I only had a little time - the place is gorgeous (I hadn't been there for years) and . . . I know you will find this hard to believe, but . . . these lovely plants just kept hopping into my cart (and I don't know how I happened to have a cart in my possession). So . . . $68 later, I went to my parents place. (Three Penstemon - one blue, one pink/white, and one burgundy; a Ballota Nigra 'Archer's Variety;' a Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Firetail,' also known as Mountain Fleece; and a Milianthus Major (Peanut Butter Plant!). The last one is not winter hardy so will have to mulch well and put in protected area. Honestly, the leaves smell exactly like peanut butter!

Tomorrow I head to Swanson's Nursery in Ballard where they are having their annual tent sale and I can used old, expired coupons as well. Wouldn't you have thought I could have waited until tomorrow to buy plants???!!!

I'm at my brother's so can't download pictures to show you, but will do so when I get home. I'm meeting an old high school friend at Swanson's (she gardens big time in Olympia) so should be a fun day! Hope all of you are enjoying your weekend.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This Kinda weird but all I know about the area is how to get from the ferry to the store and how to get home, as far as anything else I am totally lost on that side. now on my side.
We have a garden site called 'Savage Gardens ' I want so much to stop, It is in Kingston, And I never have time to stop, but one day I will it is very gorgeous from the road. as I pass I just pant. Want to stop...Want to stop. But have to go home HD is worrying " I'm not home yet"

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Then I won't tell you, Tilly, that it's on the same side of 196th as Big Lots, and is maybe six blocks (at the most) from your store (to the east). Nope, I won't tell you that.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Murmur, you are sooooooo dangerous. And Katye - I sat there for a moment working out the unspeakable latin pronounciation of 'norememberthenamus,butitsdarkblue' - nor-emb-embrus (thats how I saw it) thenamus bu-tits-dar-kblu-eae -thought I had it, said it faster out loud - and then burst out laughing so that husband said "what?" - excellent. You definately get your 'plant namer' scout badge.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Murmur Ill Remermeber you didnt tell me that, Now I have to go.

As far as that name goes even if I could say it, I sure could never spell it. so I would give it a new name.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

boy, it's a good thing i didn't attempt a latin version!!!
The salvia is a farinacea, but I do not have the tag, so i "no remember" which variety...
I'm sure it's something that relates to blue as most of them are so named.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)


You've got that pretty blue area, and now you're adding a reddish/purple area! What else are you putting in the "red zone"? Are the blue & red areas near each other? How do you do the transitions in the colors, or are they completely distinct areas?

This message was edited Aug 5, 2007 6:30 PM

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

The foliage colour (hopefully) links the two. It is a brand new area so I will most likely edit anything that I don't like. I have learned to stage my plants first, then plant them. This requires more patience & less moving. But I can guarantee there will be plants moved!
I think I need to "see" it before I commit to leaving it as is. Doing it on paper does not work for me, even though I can visualize it.
Most of the time, I am relocating from my plant ghetto in the veg/cutting garden. I have a great shady area that I keep plants meant for use in future beds.
The red flowers in the red zone are all blue-based red, not reds that tend towards the yellow - orange side. So far, everything harmonizes well, but I will know for certain next year - this area is quite young & looks gawky: large area with lots of small plants.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Katye,

Sounds really nice and well-thought out. I think it sounds like it will be really pretty. I like the deeper blue-reds best as opposed to the orange-reds. I hope you'll post pictures next year! I like putting everything out in pots and arranging as well. I'll get an idea in my head, but nothing like seeing it in person. Much easier to change my mind that way! I still seem to end up with things to move, too, though.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Heres a couple of pics I forgot about
My tiny Irises forgotthiername andtheyarepurple Bad try at that
This bloomed in Feb.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I think this is the last bloomer in the yard for this year
Coneflower "Echinacea purpurea" I just relised I have no fall plants must make a list

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh and the rosemary

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

And this is a better pic of the Yucca in bloom
Still waiting for the Black Night to bloom.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

My nicotiana that I got from Pixy are going like gangbusters! I love walking past them in the early evening when the sun is starting to drop, they smell amazing. My Stargazers are blooming right now too! It is heaven scent!

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Here are my stargazers. Yummy!

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

No, Tills, excellent go - I think these may be one of the Iris Reticulata (did I spell that right? looks a bit long), they are so obliging. I always feel as if they are a little gift coming through with such intense colour so early in the year. Perfect.

And rachier - nice planting - looks like you have some echinacea in there too - is there a path to the back of the clump? I like the idea of putting some extra paths into the wild area that I am working on so that you can see things front lit and back lit - just thinking that through a bit. I don't want the whole place to look like the dog is tracking rabbits, but a light path (both in terms of occassional use and variation on lighting) strikes me as interesting. But it does mean there is no place to leave weeds - thinking about katye's technique of weeding front to back - hmmmmm.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I left enough room between plants to squeeze through :0) The path is like me, random!

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