london England, United Kingdom

Hello and Welcome to the flowerpot cafe'
. This is a friendly place to come and sit down,have a cuppa and relax amongst other flower lovers.
It's been great fun this week playing with flowers at the 'getting to know you' show, Thanks everyone.
I think it would be a good idea to keep that theme always open so our new friends can introduce themselves to us,
and if ever you want to 'tell us more' about yourself, please do!

I don't mind telling you that with all the flower arranging I've been doing my house is an absolute tip!
The washing basket is full,the cupboards are empty and the place hasn't been hoovered all week!
Having said all that, it was worth it!

How are we going to decide on our next show? We had lots of good suggestions for themes,
it's a matter of which one. What do you think?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, I love your new cafe. I sense there will be a lot "brewing" here. Mmmm, it smells good in here. What a great hang-out! I agree with keeping the "get to know you" theme going.

Haha, that's too funny about your house! I felt the same way just doing two arrangements. I had bamboo everywhere. Too bad i don't have a panda for a pet. It wouldn't have gone to such waste. Guess I should start a compost bin or something.

As far as having another theme, I really like the tea cup idea from Seandor. What flowers I have left will definitely fit into a tea cup...and I can do more than one! But I'm open to more suggestions.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, Well thanks, feel free to put the kettle on whenever you want, it will only be good if people help
out. Infact as a special introductory offer it's free drinks for all the floral artists who participate in our shows ok?

Compost bin! that reminds me I haven't been to my allotment all week either. I made a compost bin
just using pallets and tied them together with string!! My poor veggies have been neglected, I must go
and tend to them tomorrow.

Yes I like the tea cup idea, although I have never made anything in a container that small. I don't even own
a tea cup!! I will take a bunch of sweet peas to my neighbour (she loves them) and see if I can borrow one! I know she has lots. Lets wait and see what everyone else thinks.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello df, I figure I'd move over here to continue our dialogue. Didn't want to be in the way of people bringing in their creations. Wishful thinking? I hope it isn't still raining in Springfield. Have you seen some of Seandor's arrangements in previous posts? They were really pretty...missing Seandor here as well. Her vases are so neat too. As for Bdale, hope the mrs. come home soon.

Thanks for viewing my arrangement. Hmm, am I getting too predictable with my style? Can't say the same for you, though. Always a nice after another. Allotment? Will you tell me more about it? Do you buy or rent something like that?

Hopefully we can start the tea cup theme soon...but not until bdale makes his debut. Good thing your neighbor will lend you a tea cup (or two). You're from the UK, and no teacup?!?!?! Haha...sorry.

Slow day at the cafe today...hope tomorrow will be busier. Until then...I bid you good night (at least here in the US).

london England, United Kingdom

Hi df, thanks for coming back in. I was about to close up because someone ran out earlier saying their was a
cockroach in the loo.! hope we don't get shut down by the environmental

Hey, I think your 'style' is charming,delicate, calm, and I admire it.
Floral artists can learn skills to impove their techniques,but your 'style' is developed by the more you do.

I'm glad you get a suprise when you look at mine, my 'style' can be quite creative but technically, I am still a novice.

speak about other stuff tomorrow, hope we get a few arrivals overnight!

This message was edited Jul 29, 2007 8:03 AM

london England, United Kingdom

BTW, we are not all like Mary Poppins over here, I don't even like tea with spoonful of sugar and all that!!!!!

so when I come in tomorrow, I trust you will have the COFFEE brewing and I like it without sugar and loads of milk.!!

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi folks,

I'm sipping my coffee and waiting for the latest news in the floral arranging world.

Terri, you are dashing all my illusions about Britain. I thought you all sat around all day in Victorian clothing (with the frilly hats and parasols), drinking tea, and saying things like "Cheerio, old chap." (grin).

Have a good morning,

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Looks like bdale beat me to it. Good morning everyone. I'm glad to be off this weekend. Will have time to plant my new zinnias. I don't know if I'm any good at growing from seeds. My green envy zinnias have finally bloomed after 8 weeks (I think). They're the only ones that came up in my cut flower garden. Would like to try again with the fall garden though. This should be a good time?

I can't wait to use my green zinnias! The stems are really long, therefore, I would not want to use them in a tea cup arrangement. Perhaps a parallel arrangement would put it to better use. Anyway, let's revisit the different themes again and rearrange the order. We have about 10 weeks worth already!

1. Understated Elegance
2. Mini design (under 6") using very small flowers
3. Floral arrangment in a teacup.
4. A Study in Blues (or oranges or yellow or pinks, etc)
5. foliage only
6. Good enough to eat - using only edible flowers and veggies
7. Seasons
8. Zen
9. Tropicals
10. Summer vacation (we should do this one soon before summer's over)

london England, United Kingdom

well, how do you say,....


BD, check out the up to date magazines we have in the cafe, over there!.

Karmaplace, I love your enthusiasm about our next show, it's wonderful for me to meet someone
who loves doing flowers as such as I do! I don't mind which one we do first / last , I just don't want
to be the one to decide! Must dash, the chimney sweep has arrived.

london England, United Kingdom

This place needs brightening up a bit, dont you think?

The tables look really bare Karma, how about making some simple elegant vases for us please?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Happy to oblige, my df. I'll make something for the lounge, if you will do something for the tables. Perhaps that will help get some traffic in here?

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Lovely! the cup of coffee is a good idea too, it tells us we are in the cafe'
Yes please! make something for the lounge.
I don't know about ME doing the vases, I don't have your elegant touch.
I think drivenbonkers would do a much better job.

How about some 'Art' for the walls? I would love to have Lenjo's Tea pot arrangement up there,it would fit in

You never know, someone might call in one of these days and support our venture with some flowers!
Don't give up hope, it's early days.

This message was edited Jul 29, 2007 8:06 AM

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, I will be headed out for the beach today and won't be back until Tuesday. Please go on to the next theme without me. I hope there's internet access at the condo. I'll be sure to bring my laptop. Have a good weekend everyone.

london England, United Kingdom

Karma, df, hope you have a lovely time at the beach.I'm so jealous I would absolutely love to come to the beach with you! Here it's just rain and more rain. My poor garden is comptetely windswept and battered down,it was looking nice with my Hollyhocks and sweet peas all flowering.Shame.

btw, make sure you look out for interesting stuff while your'e at the beach. A good opportunity to collect some beach / seaside 'junk' .I say junk because my kids say that to me.! I'm always bringing stuff home that I pick up. things
'that will come in handy for something oneday!!!

I'm going up tp Liverpool next week for a few days to visit my Mum and Dad. They live by a Nature reserve where the red squirrels live, in the pinewoods, it's really nice and relaxing up there. Gets us out of the 'smog' of london life for a
while. Last time I went I made a new flower bed for them in the front garden so I hope it looks ok!!! They don't have a
computer so you won't hear from me until I get back. but I will miss you!

So, if you get the time, please carry on with our plans to decorate the cafe and I'll be back to help, I promise.

london England, United Kingdom

'Flower Art'

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Karma, I know you are making an arrangement for the lounge,and I'm looking forward to that one.

I have left some flowers 'conditioning' in water and flower food in containers, feel free to use any of them . Have fun.!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Chrysanths in water

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

One for the crossword table, gerbera,roses chrysanths

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Oh, and if BDale comes in, ask him if he's read any of these.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I have so much to catch up on! What's the foliage in your flower art? Let's put your lilies in the lounge....let me off the hook on that one? Your checkered flower pot is so groovy and the arrangement is such a cutie. Your chys in the watering can looks so homey! And what an assortment of flower magazines. I'm just too frugal to indulge in those, but now I have you, floral design for free! Thanks so much!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

How about a pic of Orange Beach, Alabama for the wall? Just a preview to my "summer vacation" arrangement.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Okay, that one didn't blow up too well. Wish I know how to take pictures. Let's try another one.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

It looks great , and welcome back df. The foliage is the lily leaves, I enjoy just experimenting with stuff, one thing tends to lead to another.I like the colour scheme in your artworks, very calm!

While you were away,I was trying out cocktail ideas here's one I made for Poochella, it's called. . . . . . . ..
'Shy Dahlia'

This message was edited Aug 1, 2007 4:01 AM

london England, United Kingdom

'Shy Dahlia'

Thumbnail by terriculture
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh, a dahlia! How lovely. I have been quickly reading and enjoying the new cafe. Between working long hours and watering the garden beds when not, I run out of time too often to visit DG as a proper lady should LOL.

Terriculture, where on earth do you come up with all these flowers? And I also want to ask you to tell more about an 'allotment.' In Seattle, our closest larger city, people can purchase parts of a "Pea Patch" (empty lots that then become city garden space. They only get the likes of 10x10 ft or such, but if one is in an apartment with no yard space even that small plot is a bonus.

I want to check out those magazines! So far I give the Cafe a big thumbs up! Keep the coffee hot....

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Pooch, You took the question right out of my mouth.

The thing that's made me smile the most, tho, is thinking about what Terri's expression might be if she tasted some of that good ole Louisiana Chickory coffee of Karma's!! LOL!


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Welcome new guests of Terri's flowerpot cafe. Hope you enjoy every visit and come back for more. Illoquin, that's New Orleans famous Cafe du Monde coffee! Sorry no biegnets at this time. Perhaps Terri will make us some coffee from London today.

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

I love the mums in the yellow watering can, Terri (earlier in this thread) as well as your other arrangements. Nope, haven't read all those flower magazines.

As a kid growing up in Minnesota I remember coffee (plain, black, just from the metal grocery store "coffee can", no fancy stuff) brewing as part of every meal: breakfast, lunch (aka "dinner"), dinner (aka "supper") and probably a mid-morning and mid-afternoon batch as well. And yet, funny, Minnesotans have a reputation for being such good-natured folks in general... LOL


london England, United Kingdom

Wow Karma, I can see you've been rushed off your feet!. I forgot to say thanks for saying you liked the container displays.Sorry I haven't been around much to chat,I've been busy with 'real life' stuff.LoL!!

Welcome everyone!
Poochella darling! thanks for calling in, glad you like the flowerpot cafe' and the cocktail I prepared for you.
O.K. here goes.....
'Where do you come up with all these flowers?' you asked. Well, the main reason we chose this location for our flowerport cafe' is because of the 'International cyber flower market ' next door ! It's great because quite a few of the stall holders pop in for a coffee and a chat. They tell us about the flowers that are going cheap and sometimes they give us flowers that are past their best, which we willing accept.
.Actually I buy them from the supermarket, I use my garden flowers, my neighbour shares her flowers with me, in return I make an 'arrangement'for her and when it's had it ,she gives me the container back.

This message was edited Aug 2, 2007 7:01 AM

This message was edited Aug 2, 2007 10:50 AM

london England, United Kingdom

Hi IIIoquin, Thanks for coming into our Cafe', I hope you will become a regular around here, and oh, tell your friends about us!!
Allotments, mine is a mess with all the rain we have had. I rent it and it costs £18 per year. I don' know the size exactly but it's quite long about 50ft. Although it's hard work it gets me out in the 'real' fresh air! I can't wait to taste one of my
homegrown tomatoes this year.

london England, United Kingdom

BDale welcome back, it's always a pleasure to see you here. I would love to see a picture of those coffee cans you were talking about. Do you mean the ones that you see in the old black&white films? or movies as you guys say!

Karma, I don't understand the coffee jokes.. help!
I moved the lily vase from the lounge, I thought for the night time crowd we could make small displays with candles to
give it a bit more atmosphere, what do you think?
I made a new flower art! I used the petals from the last 3 arrangements, put them in a vase with water,added some
pearl pins and placed it on a fatsia leaf.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

When my 'artwork' was completed, I added a lily and put it on the table, a good way to use up all the old petals don't you think?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

the last gerbera!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, sorry for the coffee jokes. Besides hurricanes, I guess one of the things Louisiana is famous for is our coffee. I didn't realize that until Illoquin pointed it out. Cafe du Monde is an old coffee house that originated in the French Quarter (which New Orleans is famous for). They serve coffee and beignets which are our version of powdered donuts. The best thing about CDM is that they sell their ground coffee to people like me who are addicted but can't afford a brewed cup everyday!

Life here has been busy as well. As soon as my toddler starts daycare, I'll have a little more time to produce some new arrangements. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy watching the shows from here. The cafe looks great Terri and business may be picking up soon.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

.......and I thought it would be funny because I figured Terri would #1 prefer tea, and #2 if she'd have a cuppa joe, would prefer real coffee, not the chickory laced New Orleans coffee.

.....and Karma, I'm just teasing you. You know that the coffee is delicous as long as the beignets are hot and fresh!


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Haha Illoquin, guess the joke's on me!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, glad I'm not the only american who assumed you like tea.

london England, United Kingdom

I usually drink the ground nescafe' not very exiting I know! Thanks or explaining.
I love the sound of those sugary doughnuts.

toddlers like making flower things too mummy. Hope your not gonna leave me to do all the work
now Karma df.?

london England, United Kingdom

Karma, I left a basket of flowers from my garden, use anything you like!

london England, United Kingdom

garden flowers in wicker basket

Thumbnail by terriculture

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