Snowrose started a thread about variegated foliage

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Lin, you have to help me find out what cultivar this is...........dale, you are too funny......what do you always say, "I just buy 'em and put 'em in the ground".....that is gorgeous..
I realize that this just another Beefsteak....Irenesi something....but look at the size of the leaves....this local grower is doing a fabulous job....about 20 minutes away in another small town..

Edited to say: check out the floor of the greenhouse....I was wading 6" above my ankles looking for these plants today.....some spots were even deeper!!

This message was edited May 26, 2007 8:44 PM

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I forgot about one variegated plant that was special....I can't remember the name but I think it said 'Ming Aralia'.....could that be right ???

Now it doesn't look variegated but I think it was....

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Saint Petersburg, FL

Hey Lin,
That V.Hibiscus Tree is called a Variegated Mayho Tree, they are very beautiful
and fast growing. I know your on the other coast but if your ever near us we'll split you off a big peice, they grow too too easy from cuttings, even big branches!! My wife insists
we remove ours because it's been growing up into our power & phone lines for a few years and grows just too fast to keep it. Bummer... But I'm in no hurry, for now it stays.
And Dale, love that Var.Geranium, we grow 4 or 5 different ones but not yours,
where did you get that one?? Thanks, Happy Gardening, Terry.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Terry, do you know why the tag on the variegated hibiscus tree was "Hawaiian".....what is a Mayho tree...are they one and the same...

(Zone 1)

Found this in Plant Files on the Variegated Hibiscus Mahoe Tree:

Love it!

(Zone 1)

Gail: I have no idea what cultivar that plant is! Is it a Begonia? I can't see well tonight ... having trouble with my eyesight for some reason. Vision is fuzzy with my glasses and without! I was reading all afternoon and got eye strain, so maybe thats the problem?!

That is a Beautiful Ming Aralia, Gail, but it doesn't look variegated. I've never seen a Variegated Ming Aralia.

Dale: Is that Croton 'Andrew' in your photo? I have a real small one that I think was called Andrew that looks just like that! Must go googling to see if Boyton Botanicals has a web site.

Terry: Does your Hibiscus have the Yellow Flowers? I saw one in Plant Files with a bloom and the yellow is so pretty ... I don't think I've ever seen a yellow hibiscus before!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Boynton Botanicals phone 561 737 1490 I have no info on a website in my wholesalers guide.

Lin-That croton had no tag. Here is another nameless plant. Just another happy var o gate.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Saint Petersburg, FL

Hey Lin, yes the Mayho does get yellow flowers, they only last a day or two and when they drop there red,... neat. But it usually only flowers at the top of the tree so most of the time there hard to see unless your really looking for them. V.Mayho's are mostly grown for there foliage, most of the time there's so much yellow and white in the leaf colors that
the flowers just blend in and arren't seen. And Gail, There a Hawaiian native but grow
anywhere it really warm, will freeze though. (I've herd!) Dale, that's a really, really cool
Croton in that last pic(!!) not a huge Croton fun but that one is spectacular!!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Rose, huge Croton?

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh my goodness!!! I just got that croton yesterday and wish we didn't have freezes.............that is too wonderful!!!!

Now, I have to show you why I thought that other Aralia was variegated!!
I have spent the day propagating and was starting to give little plants permanent homes when I ran across this little baby on the front porch called, Aralia 'Variegated Galaxy'
One leaf of your croton is larger than this whole plant (LOL)

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

I like crotons>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Do you get to plant them in the ground and leave them all winter where you are??

Long ago when I had more energy with young years on my side, I buried pots in the ground and dug them up the minute the temps would get down to 55............have to winter over and bury again in the spring.....too much trouble although I love them!!!

Saint Petersburg, FL

Ok Dale, not a huge Croton "fan",is what I ment to say...Love the cool ones your showing though(!!) just not big on the 2 or 3 varieties you see over and over at H.D. and ect..
We grow just 2 right now, one really neet one from Angel Exotics, all green and lt yellow
looks like Variagated Lemon tree foliage, we love it! And that "huge" one of yours is
Fab, love that color and leaf shape.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

I am partial to those with yellow in the leaves.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Johnson's nursery had this one the same day.....I hate to keep buying plants when I don't know where they are going to live!!!

Kim, the owner who is very creative, is coming out in two weeks (busy lady) and draw up a big plan for me to implement over a 2 years period. I am looking forward to what she has to say as her plants are fantastic.

Her nursery set up and all the outdoor benches, arbors, etc. are so creative. I know she can do a better job of a bigger picture than I can.....I just do the growing......

Isn't this what you do, Dale????

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Saint Petersburg, FL

Yeah Dale, we like the yellow crotons too, and that one you posted last evening
with the white and green that's really nice!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

GG, that one is Mamey. Here is Mamey with a sport coming off the top branches.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
(Zone 1)

Oh, I LOVE Croton's .... They are sooo pretty! Dale, those are really Gorgeous ones in your photo's! I have only one in the ground, it's one of my favorites, but I have to cover it in the winter if we have real cold temp's over our way. If we are ever predicted to have a hard freeze I would definitely dig it up or I'm afraid it would turn to mush. I have a couple of other's in container's that are easily moved into the garage if we have real cold weather in the winter. I think this one is called Croton 'Petra' ... a very common one.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Here's my favorite, don't know the name, but I just love the colors in it:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am drooling over the one dale posted called marmy? with the yellow sport at the top and Lin's last pic................maybe I could cover them with blankets in the winter freezing few nights we have..but i thought they lost their leaves when the temps get below that true ????

(Zone 1)

I guess they would lose leaves if the temps stayed cold for any length of time, but we had a few very cold nights here and there this past winter and mine came through with just being covered with old blankets. It got down in the low 30's a couple of times but warmed up a lot as soon as the sun came up. If it were to stay down in the 30's for many hours I don't think they would like it much.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

The first picture you posted, Lin, is one I love.....but it is usually the only one found at nurseries around here.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


There are a few varieties that lose their leaves at 45*. Those are not widely grown in the US mainland. Most of the ones you find here in FL are the 'hardy' types, takes a solid freeze for them to shed & they usually resprout in spring.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
(Zone 1)

Thanks Dale ... I might just have to go out and buy some more of these Beauties.

Gail: Yeah, that first one is real common, found at HD, Lowe's, Wal-Mart .... everywhere! But, I still love it!

About 30 years ago my parents lived in Merritt Island, Fl and had a hedge of Beautiful Croton's across the front of their house ... oh, it was sooo pretty!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

That is the best news I have heard in a while.....because I love them!!!!
This post is a real beauty....wonder why we don't have them in our retail stores......
For buying plants, there are really only 2 places i would really like to is Florida and the other is that place in Pennsylvania called 'Ott's'....Exotics or something like that.....

I have made many a trip (looking for antiques) in a Winnebago with a trailer on the back!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure I could drive one anymore with several friends.....Last trip many years ago, we drove 3000 miles and no one knew how to back up......every time we stopped, we had to be sure there were either truck drivers around or pick a special place to park where your only option was to go forward!!! What fun.....We would stop and ship home when the trailer got full!!!!

(Zone 1)

I am Laughing my head off Gail! That is tooooo Cute! Sounds like so much fun! Hey! I'm up for a road trip if someone else will do the driving! I don't drive on the Interstate anymore .... makes me a nervous wreck! I'm the first to admit that I WOULD cause an accident! My speed is 45 mph ..... hee hee!

That is just sooo funny! I can picture it now .... a bunch of gal's in a motor home toting a trailer full of plants and not being able to back up! That would make a GREAT Cartoon!

I can see the headlines now: "Golden Girls" in Winnebago stuck 3,000 miles from home because no one knows how to put it in reverse!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Late one night in Tennessee I was driving for the other 5 friends when we stopped at a truck stop at midnight to get some coffee. I thought I had parked just fine where no one could get behind me......when we came out, I screamed that someone was blocking us from the front!!! I just marched back in to the diner and asked if any truck driver there would back up for now the other truckers were laughing.......the man came out and said, "Lady, how in the he** are you driving this thing if you can't back up?"
I looked him straight in the face and proudly said that we had already traveled over 2000 miles and hadn't had to back up yet!!!!
We kept a running bridge game going the entire person had to sit with the driver at all times since none of us knew what we were doing.....My grandfather had just bought it for the family to use (I had assured him I knew how to back up a boat, etc)
Isn't it fun to look back and laugh sometimes......

(Zone 1)

Oh Gail .... You have made my day with this story! I am Smiling from Ear to Ear! I love it! You are my kind of friend!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Ah, beautiful photos and funn stories, to boot...from 2 of my favorite ladies!!! LOL!!
Actually, I had to drive a couple of weeks w/o reverse, too...but just a li'l car...not one of those monsters! Can't imagine....

I recently got some croton cuttings via ebay....I *hope* I can get them to root.

I have a variegated 'Ming Aralia', Lin....I'll try to post a photo one of these days. These are some of my favorite plants....but they have their fussy moments.

I LOVE the Dizygothecas (like your variegated one, GG) but they really hate me....I haven't been able to keep one alive for more than 6 months or so. Haven't figured out the 'key' as of yet.....but i continue to buy small 2" ones when I see them and continue to try!
The danged HP books all try to tell us those are so *easy* to care for, and I still see others recommending them to people....but I can't make one last!

dalea....are the photos you show all of *your* plants?
Either way, they're fantastic!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey, Nan, dale from Florida is landscaper.....and he loves to take pictures....some are his and some are pictures of planting jobs he has are missing the show if you don't find his posts on every forum practically!!!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

That's just it....I *do* see his photos virtually everywhere...and they're always *fabulous* wondering if he was just the ultimate gardener with everything, (LOL!) or what?!! (Ü)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I think he is one of those lucky people who find their passion in life!!! And, he gets paid for it!!!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


None of the pictures I post are of my plants. I take photos of some of my better landscapes, the ones I work on. 99% of the photos I post are taken in public places-from the street looking into people's front yards, public parks, botanical gardens etc.

I can't understand why more people don't post photos that are plant and garden related. I try to send a photo of whatever the subject of the chat is. If I don't have a photo that fits the topic sometimes I just send one that is 'pretty'. You can get a good digital camera for under $200 and they focus themselves. You will never take good pics if you don't practice with the camera and observe what makes other folks photos 'attractive'. It just makes me laugh when someone posts a request for an ID and doesn't post a series of photos to show the plant. A picture is worth a thousand words (and I hope my photos leave you speechless sometimes).

Gardening is a visual art, where's the picture?

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I see that wonderful Orbifolia behind the fabulous wrought iron fencing....
You gave me a good idea....from now on, I will take my camera with me and just shoot whatever is garden and plant related that looks good!!!
Thanks, Dale

i don't know why people won't post photos more often.....wish they would.....but I am going to start doing what you are talking about and that is to just add a photo when i can in any post. I am guilty of posting 1 picture for ID....I always felt badly for taking up too much space with photos.....think I was missing the point all around!!!!

OK...since I haven't been taking photos of 'garden settings', i will post my new baker's rack.....facing the sun with what has NOT been planted up.....

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Do you know the old gardening saying 'First you dig the hole, then you buy the plant' lol.

Here is a nice landscape plan using house plants.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
(Zone 1)

Very nice indeed Gail! I love your new Baker's Rack! I have a fondness for Iron things!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I can't wait to start shooting photos....I have already lost a brand new memory card this seems everywhere i go with my camera, I forget to put the memory card back in.....going to buy one and keep it in the little pack the camera goes in......Gee, I was going to get a package out tomorrow.....think i will water all those unplanted plants and go take pics tomorrow....doesn't get any excuse to look at flowers and plantings....

Lin, there is this nursery close to her that has started going into Mexico and finding some awesome pieces for not much!!! Arbors, etc.....but they don't have that usual look from Mexico...that is to say they are sturdier than most pieces coming in from Mexico....

(Zone 1)

Do they have a website????

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

No, they don't have a the morning i need to get some packing done and mailed.....after that i am going over to this nursery to pick up those hibiscus trees she is holding for me and I will take pictures of her wonderful iron pieces....which all serve a plant purpose....

(Zone 1)

I can't wait to see your photo's Gail!

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