Garden Whimsy Exchange Discussion and Questions Part 3 : )

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

She is a yorki poo and is 10 weeks old. named snickerdoodle

Thumbnail by renatelynne
Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

positively adorable!

:) Kim

(Zone 1)

Oh, what a sweet puppy! A real Cutie! Such a tiny thing! I sure would love to have another dog .... some day! My oldest sister and her husband have 2 - a pure bred yellow lab who weighs 115, a mixed breed lab/rot mix who weighs 105 and my nephew's dog (who they are keeping for him temporarily as he's in a new home and remodeling) his dog "Bubba" is a pure bred English Mastiff who is now over 200 lbs at just over a year old! Here's a photo of him at 5 months old and he was all legs and right at 105 lbs ... and afraid of the swimming pool ( still is ) I need to get my nephew to send me a current photo.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi guys! I'm back. Been busy getting caught up on other threads. lol. Silkiechick yours went out yesterday. I will post a pic of me as soon as I can email it to me from another site. I apparently deleted it from my pic files so I have to do it the hard way. lol.

Well, can't post it on here. Will take another one and post it later in the week when I get computer fixed.

This message was edited Apr 3, 2007 7:52 PM

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

girls you are both very welcome! kim how old are you? i thought i was the baby of the bunch,lol. that was awesome being able to put names to faces all are lovely pics! sorry i haven't posted much but i keep getting lost to where the end of the post is and on which one,lol.

ok i have 5 whimsey's. 2 i sent and were recieved and 2 went out the day after i posted last i think it was so they should be there anytime i didn't put track on them sorry i didn't know we were suppost to. susan i still owe i went shopping with my daughter jelena and we got her things tonight one thing was broke so i have to exchange it before i can ship but should go out tomarrow and that's my last one to send out.

i got one in so far from susan oh it was so adorable!! i got a gnome rain gage and a yellow oriole planter sitter. i just love them!! the gnomes will be put out in my new bed tomarrow and the oriole is sitting on my planter right beside my water fountain/birdbath next to my fairies and critters. i can't upload pics since i blew the ports out when my comp crashed awhile back so i can't post pics of my whims when they come but i will let you know what i get in.

since we are all sharing pics i do have an older one last year of me and 4 of my 5 kid's and our kittens. normally i take the pics so there aren't many of me,lol. this is me, jelena, camden, dakota and hunter is front(so susan knows who is who ;-). my oldest dominic is not in the pic he was with his dad at the time.

ok since the water mark covers me here is the photobucket version,lol.

This message was edited Apr 4, 2007 12:54 AM

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Red Oak, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi, everyone! Look at all of your beautiful faces! Kim is the baby! I am pretty close though at 30! I'll post a pic of myself later. Have a great day!

silkiechick, your conformation # is 03051720000251238494. Hope you like them!

Crozet, VA

Yeah Susan - We are close. In fact, I'd like to invite you and any others here to attend a plant swap that is being hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Gardening group on here. It is either going to be June 2, or June 9. It will be taking place near Front Royal VA. I regard the Mid-Atlantic Gardening sort of my "home" group here. Since beginning to post there, I have communicated with some very special women. A few guys too, but not as many as the women. If you are interested you can let me know and I will get details to you as soon as I know them.

Lin - I am very familiar with both Petersburg and Norfolk also. My uncle was career Army and as a child I remember visiting them and staying on base at Fort Lee. As I grew and found myself while in my mid thirties, a member of Parents Without Partners, I spent a bit of time in the Norfolk/VA Beach area because their chapter had some great get togethers.

I have always thought that I might like living in Florida. My husband who has never visited there, says he has no desire for it. Maybe I can soon talk him in to at least visiting. I have only been there on two occasions myself but really liked it. My parents took me to the gulf side when I was a senior in high school and I had a vacation to Disney World in the 1980's.

Anyway everyone, I am off to do some errands this morning. If I sit here too much longer, I will talk m yself out of going. ha-ha I hope that everyone will have a great day.


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Well.....achoo we're pretty close then. I turn 30 this year on friday the all days.

:) Kim

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

kim i just turned 30 on march 26th,lol i didn't know we were all that close in age. i thought you were like 19-21 you look great! wish i still looked that young.

i got my second whim in from amanda and girl i was thrilled you were right it just said mary on it,lol. amanda send me a gorgous hummingbird whindchime that has stained glass jeweled wings of purple, pink and red, metal chimes it sounds so pretty and has a pink jewel at the bottom. she also sent a beautiful card with horses on it and the envie had them too, loved it.

amanda what i find funny about getting it is cause you don't know what i like and you hit it right on the nail,lol i find that awesome. me and my 3 year old jelena collect windchimes together and hang them on our awening. my fav bird is a hummer and pink is her fav color and purple is mine so it was just perfect i love it!! she is sleeping so i can't wait to show her she will too. i bought her one yesterday with flutters cause her fav is butterflies so now we will have one for each of us to add to our collection thank you so much i love the chimes and the card!!!!

achoo, i'm excited and can't wait! no worries it's special from you of course i'll love it! :-) all whims are special in their own ways because they came from all our friends here at dave's what could be more joyful and fun to get than a gift picked just for us!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Sorry for my slow-ness...but silkiechick, your box went out this morning!!
(This thread is taking a lot longer to load than the last one!)

(Zone 1)

We don't have dial up service, we have cable and it seems to me that the entire DG site is getting slower for some reason. It's seeming to take a bit longer for the page to load, I guess it could be with our server/local cable company .... Seems like they are always out here working. I can't even imagine ever going back to dial up!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Lin...I think the site is slower because of the recent addition of ads....BUT...paid subscribers can go to 'preferences', then click on ADS, then make sure both boxes are un-checked and the ads disappear!!! Woohoo!!
I just realized this myself a while ago, as I was about to complain about the slow loading of the pages with the recent additions of the ads.

(Zone 1)

Thanks Nan .. I noticed all the ad's recently! Will head over to "preferences" and get rid of them, RIGHT NOW!

(Zone 1)

Just went to My Info and Manage My Preferences ... When I click on "manage my preferences" it immediately takes me back to the home page that says: "Welcome Home Plantladylin" .... and nowhere do I see any boxes to check or uncheck. Maybe I'm not going to the right place? Will look some more!

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

19-21? I wish! Lol.....but seriously, thanks for the compliment. I just wanted to say again how much I enjoyed this exchange and the wonderful things I have received. It is so nice to come home after a rough day and find a little goodie box to open. plantladylin and renatelynn, your boxes went out on Monday so you should be getting them soon.

:) Kim

(Zone 1)

I can't find anywhere in My Info / "Manage My Preferences", where it will let me change anything to remove the ads! No boxes anywhere to check/uncheck.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Lin...when you click on 'Manage Your Preferences', there will be a series of 'hotlink's'on the left side of the on (the word) 'ADS'....then you should (I hope!) see the checkboxes for the ads.

This message was edited Apr 4, 2007 12:31 PM

(Zone 1)

Nope: I click on "Manage My Preferences" and it immediately shoots me back to the Home Page! Don't know what's going on.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I received the most adorable windowsill herb greenhouse whimsy from Gale today.I just love it Gale.Thanks so much : ) I need to go now and sow the seeds and get it on my sill.....Gotta love those fresh herbs : )) Thanks Gale : ))

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Do you think Nan and Lin I should maybe start another thread?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, that's COOL, Nancy! don't get this when you click on 'Manage My Preferences'?

Preferences: Main

Use this page to set your main preferences.

Member Page
Home Page
Custom Menu

After you enter in your information, please click on "Submit" at the bottom to save your preferences.
Your full name:

Your E-mail address:

Auto Watch Threads: When you post a new thread in the forums, the system will automatically add it to your watch list if this box is checked.

How many results to you want to see on each page?

What timezone are you in?

If not, I'd send the Administrators a d-mail!!
(Just go all the way to the bottom of the page and click on 'contact us'.)

The pages really are loading a lot faster since I've gotten rid of the ads!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

It's up to you...sorry for being such a 'hypocrite' I'm saying it's taking so long to load then I'm adding to it....I should have just sent Lin an email, but thought maybe others might like to see the info if they were also having trouble with slow-loading pages:)

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

LOL you are not a hipocrite Nan.Thanks so much for letting us all know how to remove those ads and set our preferences.That is way cool!.I never had any idea.Thank You!!

(Zone 1)

Thanks Nan ... I did have to send a note to admin. Don't know why it won't let me in there all of a sudden. I have gone to preferences in the past and made changes. But, I don't use it very often. Oh well ... ya know how it goes when things start changing. I'm sure Admin. has had it's hands full with the sale of the Co. and all the stuff that goes along with something of that magnitude! Hopefully they will get it fixed soon so I can get to that area when I want or need to make changes!

Now ... The Important Sutff: A Big Thank You to BlueEyes/Kim - The Mailman just rang my doorbell with my package! Kim sent me a bar of Lavender Soap and a Package of What I thought were Tea Bags! ... but they are Lavender "Tub Tea Bags"!! Oh, I dearly love the aroma of Lavender ... and believe me Ladies .... this smells Wonderful! Makes me want to go take a bath right now, but i have too much to do outside yet to hop in the tub! Later though!
I have one Lavender plant in my backyard, the only one that has survived a couple of years ... I originally planted 4 and three of them didn't survive! Everyone should have at least One Lavender Plant in their Garden! It just Smells so heavenly!

Again, Thanks So Much Kim! I now have received four out of six Whimsy's ... I can't believe I signed up six times! I felt so guilty! But it was so much fun! We really should make it an Annual Exchange! Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the Whimsy Exchange and again to Cedarnest/Nancy for hosting this Fun!


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm so glad you like them Lin! I saw those at a festival I went to over the weekend and thought they were the neatest idea. And I love the scent of lavender too.

:) Kim

(Zone 1)

Kim ... I thought maybe you made these yourself! I used to buy stuff from a Company in California years ago and mix my own Potpourri - all different fragrances, wonderful aromas! I will probably harvest some of those wonderfully scented leaves from my lavender plants to use around the house before long! It is wonderful. Thanks again for the thoughtful whimsy gift, you couldn't have chosen a scent more appropiate! Love it!


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Wow, I got another one. Cute frog twisty plant support, pack of zinnia seeds, pretty wind chime, and a cute little snail pot decoration. Thank you so much RubyW. I really like the things you sent. It took me a few to find out who you were because you forgot you DG name.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

susan i got your whim out just a bit ago it is comeing priority to you, let me know how ya like everything.

oh, and mine are all shipped out now. yes this was awesome i hope it is an anual exchange too!!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone, great pictures! Nan and Mary, your whimsy boxes went out today; enjoy I hope, this was alot of fun.
Gotta go for now, but want to get into the conversations with you gals and get to know you all better. Have a great day everyone, turning a tad bit cooler here, great~!!!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Silkiechick, glad you loved the windchime. We have a bunch at work and they had been yelling at me to be bought. lol. I now know why!! This was alot of fun!! We need to do it again for sure!! A great excuse to go shopping! LOL

Oh and so far I am the youngest on here at 23 to be 24 on Tax Day. LOL

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Pepper is the baby. Oh to be a few years younger.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I may be younger but I have a bad back from a wreck I was in a few years ago and also bad knees from sitting cross-legged for too long and other reasons.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

From what I read on here we all need to get rockers and vicadin. There are a lot of bad backs, knees and the such. How do our bodies get so messed up?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll have the last of my packages in Fridays mail
Makshi, More than 30 years working in a warehouse, 18 years owning horses, 11 years Scuba diving, Gardening and Oh!!!! 4 children. WOW come to think of it I'm in good shape I can still stand up. LOL

(Zone 1)

Hee Hee .... Sounds like a lot of us are having the same experience, young and (older) alike .... bodies rebelling on us! My bones get creakier every year!


Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Everybody,
First before I forget I want to wish you all a very Wonderful Happy Easter, that just in case I dont get back to the boards before then... No likely but one never knows..LOL
I love seeing everyones picture... We are all just so beautiful... :-)
I cant want to get the rest of my surpirses... I have gotten two so far and I am so excited.... I cant wait...
Mary, about time you showed me those kids and you I feel I know them already..LOL
Ok off I go for awhile,

(Zone 1)

Yes ... Everyone .... Have a Wonderful, Blessed, Happy Easter! I hope your Weather is Perfect for Celebrating, for Family and Friends as well as those Easter Egg Hunts!

I have received 4 of 6 Whimsy's and feel that's really pretty good! Two I haven't expected to get, one quit posting after the very first time and may have forgotten. I think the second person may have forgotten also. But, that's okay ... some have more on their plates than others and the general everyday happenings in life can sometimes be so overwhelming that we do get sidetracked. I know for myself I had to go back and make a list of who I was supposed to send Whimsy's too! I am so scatterbrained sometimes I MUST have a list. My Mom used have a saying of "I'd forget my own name if it weren't on my drivers license"! I sure hope I don't ever forget my name. LOL. The older I get, the more forgetful I am .... twenty thousand thoughts running through my ole' brain at once ... hard to sort it all out at times! If I don't write it down, five minutes from now, I won't remember it! I've learned with trades to immediately write down the person's name and DG user name and what they wanted and what I wanted ... or I never would remember!

Anyway, again ... hope you all have a Wonderful Easter Weekend!


Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Yes..I too hope everyone has a Very Blessed Easter.As a child I would eat so many easter eggs in one day it would baffle the mind..hmmm.wonder what my cholesterol count would have been back then?hee hee.I shudder to think!

Lin had me thinking..Thanks Again Lin...She is great for jumpstarting my mind : ) I went back over the sign up thread and it looks like Makshi had signed up 2 different times under my name and I never caught it! So sorry Makshi..Your 2nd Whimsy will be in todays mail : ) I am going to recheck again because I don't want to miss anyone.

Everyone *PLEASE* make sure you back over the signup thread to make sure you haven't forgotten who is expecting a whimsy from you.Its pretty easy to forget as I just found out.Here is the link to make it easier for you all to doublecheck:

Again,Please doublecheck the signup thread and make sure and have those whimsys sent by April 7th (This coming Saturday). There is only a few days left : )) Hopefully everyone should have all of the whimsys they have coming to them by the 1st part of next week.Everyone please try real hard to make it happen so no one is Whimsyless(not a real word)..but it sounds pretty sad : (

(Zone 1)

Oh Nancy ... I love that word "Whimsyless" ... but hey, even if I don't get the two, I am NEVER Whimsyless! I probably have way too many Whimsy's sitting around both inside and outside my house as it is! My hubby would say so anyway! :)

edited to say: Years ago I wanted an Old Bathtub a friend was taking out when remodeling, I wanted it for the yard to plant flowers in. Everybody thought I was nuts! I never got the old tub ... and a few years ago I put an old wooden, peeling paint, chair out in the garden with a plant sitting on it. I found it back inside on the deck and asked my hubby why he brought it in? He didn't believe it was my "garden art" .... He just doesn't understand!


This message was edited Apr 5, 2007 10:23 AM

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I sent 2 on Monday so hope they arrive soon.

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