Garden Whimsy Exchange Discussion and Questions Part 3 : )

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

What a nice pic Holly.You look "perfect" too me.I am exactly the same way when it comes to gardening.I am not into style and all in to what works! LOL

I received 2 whimsys today : ))

1st from Susan I received the cutest danged gnome raingauge.It has 2 gnomes with toadstools and a froggie sitting by one.It is perfect! Thanks so much Susan : )) I thought what I had picked to send you was perfect but after receiving this..I better go shopping thisafternoon for something else for you.. lol.

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

2nd from Lin I received the most adorable blackboard with 2 of the cutest little birds on it and a saying that says"Remember What Matters" the picture doesn't do it justice..It is hanging in my kitchenThank You Lin,I will cherish it always : )

P.S. Lin I want to thank you also for the hoya cuttings you sent.I love them!I am off now to pot those babies up.hee hee : ))

Thumbnail by cedarnest
(Zone 1)

LOL Holly .... Even down here in the South where you think you'd find those "Prissy" Lady Gardeners, I've NEVER seen anyone in long sleeves, flowing shirt, long skirt or dainty lady gloves out working in the garden! Here's a photo of me and I'm Southern to the Core ( born and raised in Virginia) hubby took this last year sometime when I had just put on a pair of new gloves!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Lin and cedarnest.....those are both fantastic....the little blackboard is just too important not to hang...Lin where do you gals even find these things.
Holly, great pic....still laughing about what Lin said
Miss Lin,
You never told me that you were 30 years younger than I am!!!! Either you are that young, or you have remade your body, face and hair!!!!! I love your pool area and all the plantings!!!

This message was edited Apr 2, 2007 12:47 PM

(Zone 1)

Oh Gail ... I love shopping at Outlet Stores and we have a couple here in town. The Chalkboard ( Sorry Nancy, I forgot to send the chalk ) I got from a store called "Tuesday Morning" ... only one they had left and it was soo cute, I couldn't resist getting it for my "Whimsy" Stash! Yep .... now it seems like every time I see a cute little garden related something, I'm putting it in my shopping basket for "Future" Swaps!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

We don't have a Tuesday morning but it is one of my very favorite stores...they have them in Austin, Houston ,etc...but no good outlets in corpus Christi....
You are cute as a button!!! In a "very private dmail" you have to confess your age!!!!!!

(Zone 1)

Hey Gail ... and EVERYBODY ... I just turned 59 on March 7th! My life is an open book, age is just a number to me! I don't even worry about it anymore! There are always going to be people older than me and younger too! I seen new crinkles and wrinkles and flab, well actually rolls :) every day, but hey .... that's life! I was skinny all my life, never had any times of gaining much extra pounda until I hit late 40's! I know I could be a lot more active, but hey, I could be a lot more of a lot of things. LOL. Anyway, I'm not a teenager anymore and life is just too darn short to worry about aging!

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

Well you are a good looking 59! Hope I look that good in 13 years.

(Zone 1)

Thank you, Thank you Renatelynne! :) can ya see me blushing? Only advice I can give is ... don't do like I've done and bake in the sun! Stay out of the sun as much as possible, wear tons of sunblock and a hat if you have to spend much time outdoors! I have ruined my skin from the sun over the years. Of course I was a teen during the years before we knew about the damage it does and we used to bake on the beach with baby oil all over us! I shudder thinking about it now. We are out in the sun a lot on our boat during the summer ... I always use an spf 40 sunblock and always a hat! I have a sister in South Florida who is only 9mos 3wks older than me ( Yep ... I just turned 59 and she doesn't hit 60 until May 13th) ... anyway, she has not protected her skin at all over the years, no sunscreen or sunblock ... yes, she stays tan all the year round, but she looks a lot older than she actually is. I know two women here in town who are both in their mid-late 70's and they live to tan! They have skin that shows it too ... lots of wrinkles and age spots. So .... all you youngsters ..... and not so young sters - heed the advice, be very aware of sun damage and skin cancer.

I'm getting off my soapbox now .... later y'all - I'm off to repot some Beautiful AV's Bettygail sent me!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I wanted to properly thank Silkiechick, I got this beautiful bowl of potourri, smells wonderful. A little silver braclet so nice, and I happen to have earrings that match. Packets of wonderful seeds. and nicest of all a very thoughtful note. This thread has enriched our lives so much and gone so far beyond just a little exchange. Thank you all for the wonderful Whimseys and the very wonderful friendships.

Thanks guys, I do clean up good I just can't seem to stay that way.
Lin love your picture you look perfect to me, and very young. Nice to see what you look like.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Renatelynne, Here is another shot of the driftwood you can see how intricate it is. We brought back a boat load of driftwood from one of our vacations to Duck N.C. on the Outer Banks. We went down to the beach the week after a hurricane went through, Ric and the boys took the boat out in the back waters streams, and channels near the bay, just to look around and see if it had cleared up enough to fish. They came back with tons of drift wood. They had a piece that they towed in, it was too big and heavy to get in the boat. Luckily both my Son and Son-in-law had their trucks, or we would never have gotten it all home.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
(Zone 1)

Holly: I am sooooo jealous of that Beautiful Driftwood. Every time we are out in the Intracoastal Waterway in our boat I see along the shoreline pieces that look so good, but we can't get our boat that close to shore in the areas where the driftwood is ... lots of oyster shells! I want driftwood every time we are cruising the waters down here. Just last week my husband was on Spring Break from teaching and we had the boat out and hollered at him and pointed to a really really nice piece of wood. He said, "It's just dead trees"! LOL. I said, "Dear, that's what Driftwood is ... trees that the tide has taken the roots and left the trees out of the water washed up on shore where they are dead and bleached out!

I would dearly LOVE to have one like that huge piece in your photo! Actually, I want more than one ... I would love to "plant" one and have Bromeliad's and other plants on and one just for standing in the front yard!

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

that is just cool. I have a couple of small pieces (not bigger than my arm) but would love to find a huge piece. I see them every once in a while at a garden center or thrift store but they are so pricey it is just not worth it.

(Zone 1)

Yeah ... Free when you travel the waterways and can load it onto your boat!

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi All,
I have outside planting.. Gosh does my back hurt now..LOL Well I am glad everyone so far has enjoyed there new things.. :-) Now I see we are posting picture of each other... Ok I will also... This picture was taking last April on our trip to Hawaii it was our first ever just him and I in 31 years...
Big Hugs,

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Susan the picture is invisible.

I am sending out my last two whimsy tomorrow.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh well I forgot the picture..LOL
Here it is...

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Nice to see you Susan and the rest of you ladies also. Here I am with my babies Amy and Taffy. Taffy is under the wheelchair. You may be able to see a little of her. She is white and cream.

Thumbnail by makshi
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Nice Pictures of everyone.

Susan, I promise I will get your gift to you just as soon as I am able to get to the post office.

Finally broke down and went to the docs today, I have dbl pnemonia (sp?) and a boat load of meds to take... so I won't be online for the next little bit. Hope you all have a great and happy EASTER :o)


(Zone 1)

Oh this is so nice ... finally getting to put faces to the names! What a Great Looking Bunch of Plant People we are! Ok, the rest of you ... com'on let's see your photo's!

Lovely couple you and you hubby Susan!

And, Makshi .... what a Lovely threesome, you and your babies! I think I can just barely see a peek of Taffy under the front of your wheel chair! Oh how I miss having a doggie in the family! We are down to 4 cats!

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

latest pic of me... with my newest baby

Thumbnail by renatelynne
(Zone 1)

Oh Renatelynne: Love your Smile - great pic! And what a cute puppy! Is it a Yorkie? What's his/her name?

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

OK......ladies....I don't have a picture without my grandchildren in it.....will get someone to snap one...I love putting faces together with names!!! Here is one where you would not recognize the grandchild...this is from 2 years ago before i decided to be a blond!!!!!
This is a scan from a pic my daughter sent me

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Holly,Lin,Susan,Makshi,Renatelynne,and Gail.I just love all of the wonderful pics of you all.I too just love being able to put a face with a name : ))
OK this pic is Hubby and Me from last Christmas.Its really hard for me to find a picture with me in it because I am always the one behind the camera in the

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

silkie....thank you so much for the lovely potpouri bowl and bracelet. I just love the scent and it is just the thing for my living room. And I love blue! Thank you!

:) Kim

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ok....this isn't a very good pic of me. This is at Thanksgiving this past year, I cooked dinner for the first time for about 15 guests, all other students, mostly foreign that had never had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. That is my dog Jasper beside me. My hair is longer now, I am trying to grow it out.

:) Kim

Thumbnail by blue_eyes
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I was waiting on you, Nancy!!! cute...just love this knowing who everyone is.....
so happy you posted pic, blue_eyes....good pic of you and your loved one!!!

This message was edited Apr 2, 2007 5:45 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh it really is nice to see everybody,
Bettygail I can't see you I'm too busy looking at that beautiful baby, even if it is a 2yr old picture.
Nancy, It's really nice to see you, I keep picturing you as some kind of younger version of my Mom, her name is Nancy too.
Susan, Such a nice picture you and your husband look so happy.
Maksi & Renatelynne, Such nice pictures with your babies too. Unconditional love.
Lin, I love seeing you in your pool room, with all your pretty plants and that pool always looks so inviting.
Pepsidrinker, Take care and rest.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Kim you are just a peach : ) hmmm...this really has me thinking...Think I will show my son your pic this weekend : ))

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Kim and I cross posted, I agree with Nancy, you are a Peach. Such a pretty young girl, bright, imaginative and the world at your feet.
NANCY!!!! I have first dibs.........LOL

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

LOL..Holly...Kims going to start avoiding us pretty soon : ))

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, Please excuse us Kim, We'll be good. But you are a very pretty and nice girl.

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Lol you guys!! I should've posted a better picture.

:) Kim

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

No Kim,The pic you posted is simply adorable : )

Just wanted to hop on here quick before hubby gets home and let Susan and Janet know there whimsys will be going out in tomorrows mail.I got them already to send and just need to drop them off.Hope you both will like them : ))

Susan #01038555749922854531
Janet #01038555749839441613

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Kim , I would send your picture to my 35 year old son who has never married, but you deserve more!!!! (LOL)
He is getting pretty set in his own ways...given up on him are just too cute!!!

Crozet, VA

I have really enjoyed reading all the posts and seeing all of the pics this morning. Yep, we do have a great group here, that is for sure. I had to smile when both makshi and renatelynne posted pics of themselves with their dogs. I have a kinship with both of these ladies in two ways now. I mailed both of them a package of whimsies yesterday and I too am a fellow dog lover. I have three fellas that keep me company throughout the day.

One of my pups has recently found a way to get out of back yard and has begun visiting the front yard where most of the gardening is being done. He is well behaved and last summer he spent a lot of time with me as I worked in garden out front. The largest and oldest of my dogs has always been a mis-behaver. Poor guy is ten and getting on up in age. He has slowed down a little bit, but has basically stayed in puppy stage all of his life.

Gee, I am going to have to find out more about Lin. You look to be in your mid 30's. I need to take some lifestyle hints from you, that is for sure. I also would love to have the same gardening conditions that you do. Yes, indeed that is a great pool and tropical forest.

Where in Virginia are you from Lin? I live near Charlottesville and the UVA.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)


I got you package as it was so cute. I loved the wind chime and there was a cute flag with humming bird design. Cute cute. Thank you so much.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Your are about 2 hours from where I live... We went to UVA a couple months back with my GD... funny how close some of us are ...LOL


(Zone 1)

Kim: Sorry I don't have a son for you ... wish I did, you are a cutie!

Ruby: Thank you for those compliments ... you made my day with the "mid 30's" comment! I was born in Petersburg Va. and grew up in the Norfolk/Va. Beach area (my dad was in the Navy). My family has been in Florida for 40 years though. I've been married almost 38 years, never blessed with children. Lots of Pets over the years! My Mom used to call our backyard our Pet Cemetary because we have so many buried out there. We had one of our cats live to be 24! Found her as a kitten of about 8 weeks of age! We haven't had dogs in a long time and sure miss having one in the family. Over the years we've seem to accumulate kitties. We acquired two from my Mother In Law when she moved to Assisted Living ten years ago. My Dear MIL is gone now as is one of her kitties, but we still have the second one. We originally had 3 of our own when we got her two. Then two years ago we took my Mom's when she passed. One of our cats had to be euthanized last year. So we are at 4 for now. And a 150 gal Salt Water/Marine Aquarium but I don't think of the fish as pets. We figure as the years progress and some of the cats are no longer with us we will most definitely get another dog. Right now it would just be too much!

You live in a nice area of the State of Va. Really pretty up that way! I haven't been back to Virginia in years. No relatives living up there anymore. Everyone (who's still living) is scattered all over the country now. I see Susan lives in Danville which is a beautiful area too. Someday we will take a trip back up that way. My hubby wants to go to D.C. to the Air & Space Museum. He teaches in the Aeronautical Science Department at a local Unversity, so he's always interested in the Aviation stuff. Problem is timing. We don't want to go in the Summer when he's off from teaching ... way too hot! And, it seems like we always make other plans when he takes Summer A term off (May/June). This year we are going to the Smoky Mountains and meeting his Brother & Sister in Law there for a week. They have a Motor Home and will drive down from upstate N.Y. We always fly into Knoxville and rent a car for the time we are there. And while he's off this summer we will spend a couple of days in the Florida Keys so he can dive and my brother in law can fish. My sister and her family live in Fort Lauderdale so they are already right down there in South Florida, but love the keys too! Next summer (08) my hubby wants to take his boat back to the Bahamas, so we will eventually take a trip North!

Well ... I'm way off topic here! Thanks again for the nice compliments .... very much appreciated!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi all, just popped on for a few minutes, going to go lay back down in a second, This pic is from fall 2005 when I was staying at my moms to take care of her, my dad had my son and grandsone flown in from Washington cause mom wanted to see them before she died. It was a (sad) but great visit. Made my mom happy to get to see them one last time.

Well off to bed I go, you all take care and please stay healthy...


Thumbnail by pepsidrinker

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