Garden Whimsy Exchange Discussion and Questions Part 3 : )

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)


Welcome To Part 3 Of Garden Whimsy Exchange Discussion and Questions My we are a chatty bunch.That is "Wonderful"The other thread was getting really long and slow so we thought it was time to start part 3 to continue the discussion and questions about our Garden Whimsy Exchange.We came from here..

Remember everyone.April 1st is the final day to sign up for the exchange and all whimsys should be mailed by April 7th : )
To Join In On The Fun And Add Your Name To The Exchange Go Here:

Thanks and Have Fun : ))

This message was edited Apr 1, 2007 8:02 PM

(Zone 1)

Nancy: Yes ... All the chatter and friendship has been So Much Fun!

A BIG ((((((( HUG ))))))) and THANK YOU for hosting this Swap!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Nancy, What a wonderful day, Yesterday was my last day at work. I've started my Retirement today. I've been very busy with all the things that are going on right now in the family. I would never had time to run this exchange. This thread has been such a delight, Thank you so much for hosting it. you have done a wonderful job, keeping an eye on everything and bringing such pleasure to so many of us.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Holly and Lin,I believe you both just made my day : ) Thanks so much for the kind words.This has been so much fun and I have really enjoyed getting to know so many great people on DG with the exchange.
Lin,I think I am going to miss all the chatter when it all comes to a close.The friendships are priceless and I get such a kick out of the chatter : )
Holly,Thanks so much and a Big Congrats on your well earned retirement.What are your plans?..besides gardening like

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Cedar, I too want to thank you for all the fun this has been. I still have a couple of whimsy to send out. I will be getting them out shortly. Again thank you.

(Zone 1)

I hope we will be able to do this again, maybe end of summer, or fall, or winter when eveyone has those winter blahs!

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Makshi,It has been so much fun for me too : ) I am so happy you have enjoyed the exchange.I still have a couple to send out too.Maybe by the end of this weekend I will have even more if I sign up a few more times ; ) My postman will think "what the dickens"??

Lin,Yes that would be great for someone to do something like this again later on..I agree it cetainly chases the blahs away : ))

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I need to get a couple of things. I have run out of goodies almost.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I stocked up again last night when I was doing Lin would put it.."Retail Therapy".Hey Lin that new therapy you suggested is refreshing and invigorating. I feel like a new woman : ))

(Zone 1)

Isn't "Retail Therapy" just wonderful? I picked up that saying from my youngest sister a few years ago .... Best Therapy In The World ..... Well Actually, Second Best, following right behing my "Playing In The Dirt" Therapy!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was thinking that the end of summer would be a good time to do a rooting jar and cutting exchange. After all the yard sales and just when we are bringing plants back into the house or out of the yard. Unfortunately I will be away on a 6 week trip but someone could host it. (hint,hint,hint).
I have ton's of plants coming from all the Co-ops, I'll be having surgery on my shoulder the end of April, I have season passes for the local amusement park for me and my Grandson he will be 4 in May, I'm continuing my diving at the Aquarium and will be picking up an extra day there for a couple of weeks before my surgery and then again after I'm well enough to return. Then Ric retires the end of August and we will be gone for 6 weeks, our regular vacation at the beach Duck N.C. for two weeks then on down to Fl. to visit his dad see some of the areas we haven't got to yet and some we want to see again. Then back up to Duck for another week with friends. Gee I wonder how I had time to work????

Ruby B, I have your Whimsey and will get it out in Mondays mail.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Oh Yes!!#1"Playing In The Dirt" #2 "Retail Therapy"
Lin you are a Hoot!!

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

What is a jar swap? I know stupid question but you dont know if you dont ask... Ok I got two things packed lastnight and have I believe 3 more to do now... I also got extra's so I can also sign up again...LOLOL If you at one time had said to me Oh retail therapy was something I would ever get involved in I would have told you you were crazy, that I dont shop.... What a hoot when the people at Lowes know my name and also a wally world... to funny... Now if you could only get me to like real shopping would be great... Ok off to packing then I have to plant my gourds in the house today... Fun fun fun... :-)
Holly you enjoy your retirement to the fullest... I have been out of work for the past two months and go back on Wed. One hand I want to the other I want to stay home... Once I get there I never want to leave...I really love my job it is just very hard on my body..LOL age has a way of doing that...LOL

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Hi Ya Susan,the rooting jar swap was the one Holly sponsored last month.It was a blast: )
Thats too funny about walmart and lowes workers knowing you by name.hee hee I agree retail therapy(fun) and regular shopping(boring) .
I can understand your mixed emotions about going back to work.Just remember to take it slow at first.: )

(Zone 1)

Susan: What do you do for a living? You said something about Diving at the Aquarium? No wait, that was Holly that said that! Duh! What type of work do you do that is hard on the body? You love your job, so that is very important! My husband has been teaching college for 31 years and he's the only person I've ever met who truly loves his work, can't wait to go back to work if he's been off a few days! That amazes me. How lucky some are to have a profession that they are truly happy in and love going to work each day!

Holly ... where do you work? Diving in what Aquarium? That must be an interesting line of work! My husband is a Diver and loves it. We have a swimming pool and a boat, but I don't like being in water over my head! Many years ago he tried to talk me into becoming a certified diver, but I panic way too easily and would never be able to do it! We have a 150 gal Marine/Salt Water Aquarium in our living room, so I will just enjoy seeing the fish that way.

For awhile the only thing I missed about working was the paycheck .... it was more or less extra money that we didn't need for household expenses and I shopped all the time. Then, I realized I didn't need fancy suits, dresses, shoes, purses etc., since I wasn't going to the office anymore.

Well ... I'm getting way off topic here!

Susan: The "jar" swap was just that .... we all swapped neat "rooting jars" to root our plant cuttings in. I will post a couple of pictures below of some of my rooting jars!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

A couple hanging in my Florida Room:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

More on a shelf in the kitchen:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

And a shelf hanging on the wall in the kitchen:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

I have more, but you get the picture .... some of us are addicted to water rooting plants in Jars & Glasses and Vases!

Don't even get me started on planting stuff in Glass Jars and Vases! I have a lot of those too!


We just have to see your plants planted in glass jars & vases :)

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

Do you always only root in plain water? I was told about making willow water and since we cut some of the willow this year (getting into the overhead lines), I'm going to make some.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Yes Lin,Please show us your plants in jars and vases.I always tell everyone no one can pull off interior decorating with rooting jars like Lin : ) She can make everything look fabulous!

OK renatelynne now you have me intrigued by the willow water.I have never heard of that.How neat!How do you make it ?and do your cutings do well in it?

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

OT..Ok am I going crazy or what?(probably) lol I could have sworn the name of this forum was Houseplants but just now I swear it has been changed to Indoor Gardening and Houseplants Discussion Forum...

Edited to add: Oh never mind me..I think its always been that.I don't know what I was thinking.Think I need a nap : )

This message was edited Mar 30, 2007 11:18 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lin, I worked for a Medical Unit that builds Field Hospitals (Did you ever watch MASH). We build everything from a 1000 bed Field Hospital to little First Aid Kits. There is a lot of items that would be Hazardous for transportation in those kits, oxygen cylinders, alcohol based products, corrosives used in X-Ray developing. I was responsible for all the Hazardous material, researching, packing, storing and shipping. I'm also a Volunteer Diver at Adventure Aquarium in Camden N.J. check out the website.
I go to the Aquarium every other week and do dive shows, hand feed the fish, and do cleaning and maintenance on both the Ocean Realm tank and the Shark Realm tank. Somebody has to clean those windows. LOL. Check out the 40ft walk through tunnel in the Shark Realm. There are 26 sharks in that tank. Must really be nice for your husband to live so close to so many good diving sites. Holly

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh wow those are so neat... I saw that swap but did not want to sign up for I did not know what it was... I thought you planted plants in a jar and wondered how in the world do they ship them..LOL.
I have been working at a Vets office for the past 14 years... I could be called a Vet.Tech for I could be grandfathered in but I dont need the title I just love the job.. What is hard about my job is when I am holding an animal on the table and it decides to jump off.. Well catching a 50- 80 pound dog in mid air takes its toll on a body...LOL but the flip side is I love the animals... I love the work... people think so many animals just die and I can tell you the wonder of how many live with good hands on them... I cant stand my boss on days but I am sure she cant stand me either but if I have a problem with one of my many pets she is who I want to do the work on for she is the best surgon I have even seen in this line of business... I work Tue-Thursday and is only the two of us on those days... Then on Mon and Friday Sally works... We are all in our 50's Sally being the oldest then Pravia(boss) then me the baby... is how it has always been in the practice...LOL.... We dont have computers,faxes,copier, nothing... us our hands...and our minds... kinda works well if I must say so myself.
I never had to work but money is tight now for we went on a vacation last April and we spent big time... then my hubby;s company went on strike for 4 months, that was also not a biggy for he had a job the next but said he did not feel well so he was not going to take it at this day.. well the next day he was in the hospital and one week after they got the infection under control they took 8-10inches of his colon out soooo he did well for never having a thing done to him so then he goes back to work after they go off strike and then wam I have to also have surgery... Not expected but I went in for them to repair one Hernia and I came out with them repairing 5... Long story huh? LOL I have had many surgeries in the last few years... but this was a surprise ... Took its toll also on my body and my head...LOL
Ok end of long story... Hope you all did not mind the book.....LOL
Is today the last day for sign up? For if I have it correct I have to go back and check I will be sending out all of my things today and guess what???? I have 2 extras...LOLOLOL
BIG HUGS to all of you... I love this group and hope we can all do this again.

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

Well I signed up again. Came into this late but I make all kinds of stuff so I have plenty of garden whimsies. Can't wait to see what I get!... Participated in a round robin last year and had a BLAST

(Zone 1)

Ok, I'm back ... Had more errands to run!

My last two Whimys went out this morning Priority Mail.

Makshi/Diane: Your Confirmation # 0306 3030 0002 4149 6207

Cedarnest/Nancy: Your Confirm # 0306 3030 0002 4149 6184

You should receive them on Monday! Hope you like!


(Zone 1)

LOL ... I just noticed the new Heading for this Forum! Makes sense!

Here's a photo of some of my plants that are planted in glass jars/vases/bottles, just excuse the messy desk:

Thumbnail by plantladylin

They are beautiful.
Would love to see some of the others :)

(Zone 1)

Holly: That is an Awesome Aquarium ... I would love to visit that place. I've never been to Pa or New Jersey, but if ever we get to go up that way, it's gonna definitely be on my list of places to go! We've been to Sea World many times over the years since it's right here in Central Florida, and we went to the Ripley's Aquarium in Tennessee and the new Georgia Aquarium (Largest in the Nation) in Atlanta,). The one in Tennessee we were so disappointed in. They use some type of glass that makes things appear a LOT larger than they actually are. I won't pay the admission price to go back there. The Georgia Aquarium is Amazing! If anyone ever gets a chance it is a MUST SEE! I Love it that the admission fee is so very reasonable. And it is an Awesome place! Best Aquarium I've ever seen! I don't know how people can afford these theme parks here in Florida anymore .... Disney is too expensive in my book and Sea World isn't much cheaper. I realize what it costs to run those places, but I feel bad that there are a lot of people who could never afford the admission prices.

Susan: I do remember now that you told me you worked for a Vet. I admire anyone who works with animals. It is a noble profession. My hubby and I are true animal lovers too. There was a deadly Coral Snake in our back driveway last week and he really didn't want to kill it. I convinced him to do it, as I was so afraid it would get inside our screened pool enclosure (we've had snakes get in before) and the cats are out there all the time .... I was so afraid of it killing one of the cats. That's the second Coral Snake I've seen in our yard, the first was last summer and it got away. My next door neighbors have killed 3 or 4 Deadly Pygmy Rattlers in their yard the past couple of years! OH, I DO NOT like snakes. I would never kill a non poisonous one on purpose, but Snakes make me VERY nervous! There is construction going on in the area, so I guess it's displacing snakes as well as other critters. They call it Progress when they cut down all the trees and clear land to build. I don't like that kind of progress. A Huge Controversy here in Florida now ... allowing builders to bury Gopher Tortoises alive just for the sake of these big Condo's! Makes me furious! These turtles are on the threatened species list and they allow them to buy ($$$) special permits to be allowed to bury the poor creatures alive! Money, all about Money! Well, I'm rambling here .... so I'm in need of my Therapy now! The Playing in the Dirt Therapy! Chat with y'all later!


(Zone 1)


My mail just came and I want to thank you for all those (She sent me 10!) Birds & Blooms Magazines! I have been subscribing to Birds & Blooms, B&B Xtra, Country and Country Xtra for years. They are my Favorite Magazines, even ahead of the Gardening ones I subscribe to! I always read them and pass them on to others. I sometimes take them when I've finished reading them to the Assisted Living Home where my Mother in Law lived for 7 years before she passed away. The elderly residents seem to really ennoy them! I don't remember some of these you sent, so I will definitely be reading them again, and if you don't mind, I will then pass them on for others to enjoy too! I love this Sharing Garden we all belong to here!

Thanks again Holly! That was so sweet of you! I remember seeing a survey on DG awhile back about favorite magazines and B&B was the top pick! So, there are lots of us Birds & Blooms People out there!


Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello All,
I already wrote a reply and I must have deleted it for it is not here...LOLOL
Well today I sent out to Nan,Nancy,Ruby,Sharons Sister,some lady I met at the postoffice last week,LOLOL, and someone else I have to find out who...LOL How do you all send you packages? Do you all use Priority or something else?
Ok going to look at who else I sent to

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Well I am sitting here thinking I forgot to take one to the post office... I will have to wait now to see who did not get something ... I hate when I get brain dead.... I believe it is Lin who I did not send to ... No worries I have more to send but shoot another trip to the post office...LOL They even ask now oh wants in the box today... :-( LOL
Lin if by chance you get something let me know... I am going to wait until tomorrow and try to pull up the confirmation numbers as of now they dont show... ... Oh well... gotta love me..LOL
I know for sure that the people in the above post got theres but I am not sure if I ever sent anything to Lin... will see...

(Zone 1)

Susan: You aren't supposed to send anything to me! LOL ... I didn't post under your name, at least I'm pretty sure I didn't. I'm Blonde, so maybe I should go back and look! Hee Hee.

(Zone 1)

Susan: You are correct, on the 28th I posted below you! That was just day before yesterday, Girl .... you are quick! We have until the 7th of April to mail them out!

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Well I wanted to get it done and now I forgot yours :-( I have your present but is not in the mail as the rest are.. :-( Oh well Lin you have to wait for I AM NOT GOING BACK lolololololol they really ask me now whats in the box, seeds, plants, frogs.... Today they asked if I heard from the lady on line from last week about seeds!!!! I said yes these are her two BE... They just laugh... I see them start to chuckel when I walk in...LOLOLOLOLOL Told them could be worse I could be shipping drugs... they agree...LOL
Lin you like turtles or knomes better?

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Susan that is so funny.My post office treats me the same way too.The gal asked me the other day how many boxes I wanted before I even
Oh and yes plants over drugs any day!hee hee I do think since I have gotten into gardening and plants in general I have a better disposition.Anyway thats what hubby tells me : ) Gardening is indeed good for the soul.The body rebels some days but too bad! lol

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I so agree Nancy, My body kills me at times but I keep a going... My husband thinks I'm nuts...LOL no not really he is not crazy about the banana trees living in the area that we eat in nor allllllll the plumerias I have rooting on a table in the same area.. but hey life goes on...
Oh and by the way Nancy you will have D-mail in a few min...LOLOLOL

(Zone 1)

Susan: Turtles, definitely Turtles! But, you know what you could send me as my Garden Whimsy? That Plumie!

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

NO!!! That I told you way before this swap... You were one of the first people to ever offer to send me anything back in Nov. so that is yours so no more about that ya hear.... Turtles it is then...LOL Oh and Lin, you have D-mail coming...LOL

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