Rooting Jar Exchange Questions and Discussion

Holly, mine wouldn't quite fit in the box I had :-( so will go out in tm's mail.

Deb,your beautiful jar just arrived.
Your personal touch to it has made it even more special.
Thank you so much!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

101, I was thinking about holding your jar till next week. We are to get a warm spell and if we do I could send you rootings from my Ornamental Sweet Potato. Should I hold it or send it out now?

Oh, I'd love to have a piece of your sweet potato! Thank you! :-)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Wow! Looks like everyone has been having fun with the exchange. I would have joined but I know it costs more to ship to or from Canada.

Cedarnest the cuttings you sent I believe are called Apentia. Is is variegated? I just won some seeds for the variegated on. This one does great for me outside but the minute I bring it inside I seem to lose it. Don't know why.

:) Donna

(Zone 1)

BUTTONEER: Your rooting jar went out in the mail today! I shipped Priority so it should arrive by Thursday. Let me know when you receive it. I put in some cuttings too, hope they make it with the weather being cold up north! Your tracking number with the post office is:

0306 2400 0001 9905 8531

HOLLY: I know I didn't get your name in the exchange, but wanted to Thank You for organizing and hosting this exchange, so I sent you a rooting jar with cuttings also! Should arrive Thursday. P.O. Tracking # is: 0306 2400 0001 9906 4297



Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Ruby,Your package was shipped today usps priority#01038555749876343642

Colie,Yours was shipped too usps priority#01038555749970797433

I added a few cuttings to each of your packages too.If they don't make it alright with the weather just let me know and I can happily send more when it warms a bit more. : ))

Donna,Yes thats what it is.Thank you. Its varigated.I really love it.It does so nice in the basket outside during the summer and flourished as well inside through the winter for me so its a keeper : ) .It is blooming now again.I don't know why it wouldn't do ok inside for you too.Thats odd.Is it easy to grow from seed?


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I don't know if it is easy to grow from seed. I'll let you know. I'm not to sure what I'm doing wrong with it. I've tried twice already with the regular Apentia that I had. Either I'm giving to much water, not enough or not enough sun.

(Zone 1)

I've never heard of Apentia, what kind of plant is it? Can you post a photo?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, Thank you Lin, I was thinking of sending you some of my OSP. Would you like some?

(Zone 1)

Holly, What is OSP?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ornamental Sweet Potato, It’s what I am currently rooting. I have several kinds.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I received the neatest rooting pot today from Laura.Thank you Laura/celestine. It is so unusual and wonderful looking.The pic really doesn't do this justice.It is really neat little mexican pottery piece from the 1940's or 50's.The hole in the bottom is covered over with wax so I can either use it to root or remove the wax and use as a regular pot.Such a clever idea and I absolutely adore it Laura.Thank You!

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Oh Lin,Sorry,I forgot to answer your question.The picture of my varigated Apentia is posted higher up in this thread ; )

(Zone 1)

Yes Holly, I definately would love some of your Sweet Potato Vine. I have some of the Dark Reddish Purple in a hanging basket left over from last year. I thought it would die over the winter, but it's still hanging in there. The one I planted in a container with some grasses and other things died, but for some reason this one must have been in a more protected area out back and it's still growing!

(Zone 1)

Nancy ... I must have missed that post above! Love that plant! I have never heard of it before, does it have a common name?

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

My rooting jar arrived today
The added beads is
a beautiful touch,
I love it, thanks so much

Thumbnail by missg
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

That looks wonderful gale .The beading really gives it that extra special look : )

Lin, I am not sure what the common name would be for that plant.I just have always called it my vining succulent.LOL Glad you like it. maybe I can find a few cuttings to send your way: )

(Zone 1)

Oh, that would be wonderful! Let me know what other types of plants you like too! We are getting an Early Start on Spring Trading!

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

woo hoo!! Will do Lin : )

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Buttoneer, Oh, what a wonderful jar. The beading is such a nice extra touch. The Ivy arrived in very good shape. I really like variegated Ivy and don't have any. Such a nice addition. Thanks so much. Holly

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

It's just the right size and it looks really nice next to the jar I got from Nancy. They will make a great pair. Here is a little grouping of my two new jars and plants and the matching jar I sent Lin with my OSP.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
(Zone 1)

Holly: Here's a photo of some of mine .... the one you gave me is in the center of the second shelf. I love that it matches the pattern of my other clear ones, one was a little cheese shaker, and I think two were salt & pepper shakers (bought at the grocery store in the isle that has kitchen gadgets), all different shapes, but with the same rings around the clear glass!
The little blue one on the top left is one I got from Ruby/Rose_Petalzz .... love it too. The little red pitcher one is a very old Avon bottle from the 70's.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Here's a couple more of "different" colored glass ones in my kitchen window. Can you tell I love "Rooting Jars"?? Have for years!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

You sure have a knack for putting them together in a pleasing way. There was a program on TV about collecting old Poison Bottles. Apparently a very long time ago before a lot of people could read. They started using colored or oddly shaped bottles as a way of warning people that the contents were poisonous. They are very collectable.

lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

Oh Lin, your's are just the shapes & colors!!!! Deb

(Zone 1)

Thanks, Y'all .... I have always loved rooting plants in water, sometimes it works, sometimes not, but I've been doing it for many years. Sometimes things will root in water and do fine and then when I put them in soil they seem to fail. I have some Pothos that's been in water for more than a year now! And, I have some draceana (the kind that is sold as Good Luck Bamboo Plant) ... it's been in water for 2 years. It was a beautiful plant that my Dear Mother had ( growing in soil). I inherited the plant when my Mom passed away two years ago as my Sister's didn't want it. Well, after a couple of weeks in my care, it began to wither and die. I just thought maybe Mom wanted it with her :) Anyway, part of it died and the rest I took and stuck in an old wine glass with water. There it still sits and it has actually grown taller in the past two years, in that glass of water! It seems to be happy, so I am leaving it alone, not planting it back in a pot of soil.

I have a couple of Mason Jars filled with water and plants rooting away in them also. I have been known to root cuttings in any container that will hold water! A few years ago my DH had a 5 gal bucket sitting out back by the shed for a long time. I was pruning some stuff in the yard and the bucket had rain water in it, so I put some cuttings in there and just forgot about them .... a few weeks later I noticed them and was going to throw them away, and they had grown roots!

Thanks again, Holly, for organizing and hosting this exchange! I really think you should make it an annual swap, like Sharon does with the House Plant Swap!

And, I really think it would be fun to have a "Garden Whimsy/Gadget" type swap! We could do it the same way you did this one. Maybe I should begin another post tomorrow and see if anyone would be interested in that!

Have a great night, y'all!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'd go for a Garden Whimsy swap too. I love the idea and have several on my shelf that would be good for a swap. Wonder how many we could get? I'd do the rooting jar again next year, maybe wait till it was warmer so we could all send cuttings too.

(Zone 1)

Sounds like a great idea. I think it will be just as popular next year too ... new people joining in all the time. I just love all these trades/swaps, whether it's plants, jars, garden gadgets ... whatever!


Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Cedarnest and Depsi, I sent your rooters out this AM. Sorry didn't send plants we had 12 deg last night , thought it too cold. Enjoy, Cinda

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Finally got a picture of the jar I got from sjonesartist. I think you can see the spiral in the glass. I've never had one of these. And the roots on the ivy.
Thanks again, it seems very happy here!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was thinking maybe again early fall after all the summer yard sales and when people would be cutting back their plants and bringing them in for the winter. Holly

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)


Got your jar Monday. I still haven't decided if I want to use it for rooting or for a tealight.
I love the colors! The Phil cutting arrived a little worse for wear, but once it was in water, it perked right up!

Thank You!


Thumbnail by Machikoneko

Holly, your pkg went out in today's mail. My DH mailed it and I don't have the shipping number right now but will post it later.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks so much for the rooting jar
and it's history, that's very nice of
you to depart, with something, that
has been with your family so long.
and also for my other treats.
I have family that live on Butler st.
and I live near HUP it's a small world.
Once again thanks and take care.

Thumbnail by missg
Las Vegas, NM(Zone 5a)

I received a beautiful jar yesterday from ByndeweedBeth and some seeds too! A wonderful gift for spring.
Cedarnest---I so wanted to send you some plants for rooting --but we were experiencing a cold snap here and I was concerned they would freeze on a truck or plane. Will be happy to send you some if the weather continues to be warm. Glad you like the little Mexican pot!

Thanks--you've all been wonderful.

Your ginger ale bottle & jar was mailed today-hope you like them both.
Judy,your's goes out in the morning.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Mine went out this morning, went a little overboard with my box because I couldnt make up my mind on just one thing and my mom was helping me so that meant I had more stuff, LOL. Michelle you should get it in just a day or two.

Oooops Holly ... no number to report. Sorry! Will try to report tomorrow.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

101,Don't worry about the # I will mail yours on Monday. I'm just going to hold off and see if we get that warm spell they are talking about on the weather station. Holly

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