Do you wish you lived in another climate?

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)
There are a total of 599 votes:

Yes, I wish I lived somewhere warmer
(146 votes, 24%)
Red dot

Yes, I wish I lived somewhere cooler
(17 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Yes, I wish I lived somewhere with less humidity
(37 votes, 6%)
Red dot

Yes, I wish I lived somewhere drier
(6 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Yes, I wish I lived somewhere with mountains
(30 votes, 5%)
Red dot

Yes, I wish I lived somewhere less hilly
(2 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Other - ?
(34 votes, 5%)
Red dot

Nope, I like where I live!
(327 votes, 54%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Hebron, KY


Thanks for the info!


West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I am quite content where I am. I missed the four seasons when I lived elsewhere. I just wish that winter could be shorter and that the other three seasons could be longer. I guess that whatever zone I was in, that I would have zone envy show up somehow.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I guess I could could say I have it made here on the gulf coast. The heat and humidity can be a little much in the summer, but as long as you have some shade trees it's not that bad. I like our winters too, it gets cold enough to feel like winter but not so cold that you don't want to go outside. The hurricanes are the only downside, but if it wasn't hurricanes though it would be something else.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I feel that Marie said it best for me.......I am quite content where I am. . I just wish that winter could be shorter and that the other three seasons could be longer.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Born and raised Ohioan. What I would love is to live somewhere warm in the winter...and then back to Ohio for the other seasons!!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I constantly fantasize about living in another area, but it's mostly because I want to live where there's less people and to have more in common with the ones that do live locally. That's not a climate thing. I hate the cold, but love it's purpose. Guess I'll stay!

Indianapolis, IN

I echo Indy's and Marie's sentiments (I'm in Indy :). I adore living here but actually wish for mountains! I grew up in Colorado and am a hiking fiend...not a lot to do here in central Indiana.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I would not want to live any where else on my mini part of the planet. I love the seasons I love being by a lake I love just being on my 90x120 pice of heven on earth whith all the problems to try and solve.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I voted "somewhere warmer" but actually, what I want is a place that stays doesn't get below 40 in the winter and doesn't get above 85 in the summer--also, it can't be too humid, but it has to get regular rainfall/not be drought-prone so I wouldn't have any watering restrictions. And, of course, it couldn't be a place that is known for tornados/hurricanes/earthquakes. Is there such a place? Probably not, so I guess I'm stuck here in Ohio. Tamara

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Northern VA is a great place to live. We have awesome weather. Every year thanks to people killing the earth it seems to be getting warmer. One day we will be the next Florida ;) Our winter just started this past week. To bad for our plants. The are confused about what to do.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

There's no option for someplace wetter! Some people have 'zone envy' but I have 'isohyet envy'. I grew up on the coast so the cold winters and hot summers of the high desert are not my favorite climate. I miss quiet rainy mornings and green grass in November. I am amazed at how much we have spent on the irrigation system for our small yard and it just barely keeps the plants alive when it's 60° one week and 105° the next. I looked at rainwater collection for my garden and discovered that I would have to collect rain from all of the houses on my block to water my garden in the summer. There are plenty of people who love the desert, I'm just not one of them. Oh well..

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I am in the midst of trying to find a place to move to that is perfect! My husband is talking about retiring very early and we must decide where to move or to stay put. I am so spoiled as far as weather so it is almost impossible to find a better place. Here it is usually in the 70s in the summer and 50s in the winter. No humidity. Once in a great while we get frosts or temps in the 80s.

But the catch is no land and we are so crowded in. I want to move where the traffic is not so bad and I have a view of beautiful water (bay, ocean, river, lake) from my windows. And where I have some land to love but still close enough to San Francisco or another big beautiful city that I can enjoy it on a regular basis. And the biggest problem, it can't cost more than I have.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Kell - and I thought I had problems!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


SEC ??? What is that?

yeah what is that????

Fountain, FL(Zone 8a)

I voted other...I'd like to be where I NEVER had to run heat or AC. Could have the windows/doors open 24-7-365. More money for gardening and bird seed. LOL

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Araness - LOL & I always thought SEC stood for "Securities Exchange Commission".

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

lol not in the south! I proudly fly my Auburn University SEC flag outside my house and have my sticker on my car...and in LSU country that's a dangerous thing to do *wink*

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I love the weather in south Florida and southern California because I love tropicals so much, but I wouldn't have my family close by!!! I tried the mountains in zone 6 and, not only froze to death, but had to have more gardening time during the year. I suppose the old saying "Bloom where you are planted" is appropriate for all of us......each zone has its' plusses and minuses...

Stratford, CT(Zone 6b)

I'd like to eventually move to the Burlington area, but not because of heat/cold but because of urban sprawl and pollution issues where I live.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

I'm always in complete zone envy..... I'd love to live in zone 7 maybe even 8. Can't grow gardenias is this place and they are my favorite memory of my childhood in Texas.

Rosemont, ON(Zone 4a)

Sizzling summers; crisp, snowy winters; the green rush of spring; the bright glowing colors of fall....I wouldn't live anywhere else!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

While I do think it would be a hoot to hear the ocean I love my little spot on the planet! :)


Maybe when I'm rich and famous (or at least retired) I can have a little spot by the ocean!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I want to live somewhere warmer and less humid. Less humid for breathing problem and warmer because I HATE to be cold.

Huntington, WV(Zone 6a)

I can't believe I'm the only one who voted "less hilly"! Apparently I'm the only West Virginian?

Council Bluffs, IA(Zone 4b)

I was raised in Wyoming and always have a tugging in my heart to be closer to the beautiful Rocky Mountains, but I love Nebraska and the ability to enjoy seasons! Sometimes I wish I lived somewhere warmer, but then would hate to deal with more humidity and bugs!

I think this survey makes a wonderful observation - that most people love where they live, and that is the way it should be!!!

This message was edited Jan 24, 2007 1:28 PM

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

SEC- Southeastern Conference. Sports!!

I Love it here!!!! I can grow all kinds of great plants. Lake is nearby and I love the green trees and all the rolling hills. Mountains not far away either. Love it.



Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I wanna move in with soulgardenlove... *G*

Seward, AK

I'm with Kiska, can't beat Alaska. And Terry, I've had me one of those y'all'ers that spouted "Whooooo Piiiig Sooouuuuiiiiiiii !!!! Even in the far North we love them Southern Boys! Yep, up here we have no snakes, skunks, scorpions, (dog lovers take note).... NO FLEAS, TICKS OR HEARTWORMS, no fire ants, no termites, I've heard of cockroaches in big towns and one block of my town, Seward. No raccoons, armadillos, moles or gophers. We do have 4 seasons: Early winter, Winter, Late winter and Next winter. Still we can grow beautiful Blue Poppies, natural wild acres of Lupines, Fireweed or whatever color that week brings. I see snow capped mountains every day (unless the clouds are too low.) No Hurricanes, Tornados... been through the 1964 Earthquake and subsequent tidal wave, been flooded out 5 times (these are what the government calls "100 year floods" except they've been every 8 to 10 years apart. Not a dime of help from the governent, just people helping out one another. No Meth labs, no gangs, no mass killers... our conflicts still come from weather, machinery, the land, animals and Nature in general. I love it, born here, been "Outside" a few times, found that the further South, East and closer to the big city centers I went people were either more defensive, offensive or just less friendly than up this way. When a snowslide covers the only road out for a few days, people will climb over and trade cars (and sometime homes) until the road is clear again. I don't lock my house or my car. (I think I have a front door key somewhere????) I bet you guessed I voted that I liked where I live.... Carol Eads

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I voted "I like where I live", but I do wish it had less humidity! LOL But that's the price you pay for green!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Seward, AK

you crack me up


Seward, AK

Thanks, onewish1, I have relatives in Butler Park, NJ. Maybe funny, but all true! I did kinda roll right on once I got going though, didn't I?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I know one thing, sun lovers don't have a summer like you or us northern types do. Probably why we collect so many taxes on lake property in Minnesota. (From sun state people).
If I was to travel once a year like lots of people do, I would go to Alaska in mid-summer. I was there one summer, I loved it!

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Love the climate, the environment, my dirt and my worms; just wish the community and people were healthier emotionally, physically, and economically.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

It's lovely here Araness :)

Carol.. I'm so glad you love it up there!! :) I love it here and yes, I deal with people uproaching 4 way stops on unconscious autopilot while talking on their cell phones and other such agravations, but we go to the lake year round here.... So it's a matter of enjoying the good stuff and putting the rest into proper perspective..


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I wonder if the results would change if you asked again in July.

I love where I am except for 2 months each year. January & February are too cold for me.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I voted that I like where I live and do not have an urge to move anywhere else. I have lived many places. Eventho the summers are really too hot, I just love it in Austin. The best place I have ever lived in regards to weather is San Jose, CA. Perfect weather!! Alas, it is too crowded and expensive there so for overall livability, I go with Austin. If SJ was less crowded and less expensive then I would be aching to move back....which would be easy for us to do since DH works for Intel. However, we would not be able to afford a house in the SJ area even with a big payraise.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Well, I just love Washington. Oh sure, I gripe when it gets unusually cold or the rain seems to goes on and on. But my garden is green year round and the snow is rare. But I have mountains to the east and west, Puget Sound is practically within walking distance and I can get to the ocean within an hour or so. Sure beats snow piled up from Thanksgiving to Easter in the CA Sierras, though I loved it there too when I was younger and could still shovel snow! And I loved Colorado where my kids grew up when I was there too!

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

I voted other. I believe Hawaii would fit the bill: warmer in winter, cooler in summer, drier in spring(that varies with locale in the islands, west coasts are wet), mountains, beaches, waterfalls, tropical plants, ahhhh.
Never been there but that's what I've read, LOL.
Too bad the cost of living is about triple what it is here.
Here in Missouri (pronounced misery) we have about 10 truly spectacular days per year.

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm freezing here in Houston so can I change my vote to "someplace warmer"? Mostly, I love the weather here as long as it is hot or hotter or hottest. These old bones don't like the cold. Need more fat on them to make me warmer.


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