The dawning of..........

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

You need another fridge! Glad to see you got your priorities right!

This is not looking good for my fridge!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Pard, you crack me up. You must eat a lot of fresh food from the garden and milk from your own cows :0) You have me imagining what my own fridge will become after you've done so nicely advising me on scales and seeds.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Every lily grower/fancier needs - make that - MUST have 2 fridges, maybe 3 if your other half needs a beer fridge.

inanda who has been learning tons from this great thread. Thanks to all.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Priorities strait indeed! Although I don't think I'd want anyone taking a pic of my fridge.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

You all don't think I didn't clean up the drips and goos just a *little* bit before I took that pic do you lol.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Lefty, I dare you!

Here's a pic of your pollen parent

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Pard, yours is the bottom right one

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Lefty's has that dark, sultry look. The spider web is a nice touch...

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

The one on the bottom left had it's stigma on the anther for a few days, the last couple of days it moved further out. The top one still has it's stigma in contact, the last one to open.

Still 4 to go, I read they are supposed to make 3 to 5 flowers, in nature that could be so.

The first flower is starting to deteriorate tonight after a week in water, not bad!

I took a pic of it Saturday night

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

All a matter of the light Pard, yours has the flash closest to it. And I just know you will tell me they are genetically the same...but yes it does look sultry, I do hope Lefty is pleased!

If the spider chose it, well, you get the thread.....

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Whoomfph-aphlatleatleatle........(me slobbering and exclaiming over those last pix)

Lovely, wallaby!!!

How tall is the scape?


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Robert, I went out and measured it just for you, not an easy task as it's buried at the end of the greenhouse surrounded by pots.

To the top of the tallest bud it's 76", the stem must be 6'.

Another flower open today! When it's sunny I can smell the spicy scent filling the greenhouse, even though it's not fully eclosed. I leave the vent open a little, door slightly open overnight and have panes both ends missing. Natural ventilation.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Dark and sultry! Woo-hoo! Nothing could please me more. And yeah, I get the thread. Spiders and me get along fine. Bees and wasps too.

Robert, be careful not to short-circuit your keyboard. I sit far enough away so my slobber stays on me and not my computer. I think we've been subliminally trained in the Pavlovian style. Now, all anyone will have to do is mention the word "gloriosoides".

Well, gotta go dry off now.

-----------drip . . . drip . . .

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

LOL Lefty! I sometimes try that but forget to put on my bib.

Thanks soooo much for risking your life to measure your lily for me wallaby! Glad nothing bad happened--I'd want to send you flowers in hospita, but you're the only one I know who grows (stop reading Lefty) gloriosoides. (in excelsis deo!)


Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Drip . . . . . Too late.


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Steady on there guys, you will need to be put on a drip if you get too excited............

Me, no I can't end up in hospital, no-one would look after ....gloriosoides

Gee, I feel like a kid with all the best toys, and you all wanna play.....

Here's what I had to risk life and limb over

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


That's just amazing!

And you weren't exaggerating about the cramped quarters..........LOTS of goodies growing in there.


Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

I think my slobber is so prolific that it would produce negative pressure on any hospital drip. I like being plant-crazy!

Wallaby, you need a catwalk in that greenhouse!

Just lovely.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

It's heeeere!!

Thumbnail by pardalinum
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

And I'm going to put some here when these last two albums open... Thanks so much wallaby!

Thumbnail by pardalinum
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I feel like I've been a participant in a very tender plant parenthood moment. Sweet.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Wallaby is the ........Goddess of Pollen.... I bow to thee!!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh how wonderful! I couldn't do anything on DG yesterday, or very little, it wasn't co-operating and I missed the immediate excitement! OK it was late (nearly 3am), but it always is.

I send my prayers and heartfelt wishes to the coming of the newborns, and yes raydio it does feel like a tender sweet moment. (without a comma that sounds like sweet corn....let's hope it ends up lilies)

I have one more open this morning, leaving just two to go. If anyone else requires pollen speak up now!

Pard, I bow to thee, for thou art the Goddess of Seed! We are relying on you!

My L philippinense shouldn't be long opening, worth a try on that, and perhaps I should freeze some pollen too.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Pard is the Goddess of thy Seed. Glad to know others think so too..... Go to it Pard!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

lol lol lol lol ...

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Your new theme song is The "Dawn" section of "Also Sprach Zarathustra" (You know, that music from 2001:A Space Odyssey).

I hear it every time I read the title of this thread..........


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh. I thought it was the Dawning of... the Age of Aquarious. The glorywhatsit does have a psychedelic look to it. Try this: close your eyes and spin around 3 or 4 times then quickly look at the glorywhatsit and you will see what I mean!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Whew! Glad I wasn't the only one mentally singing "Age of Aquarius". ;)

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

It was The Dawning of the Age/Angel Aquarius, the song from the late 60's, the Age of Aquarius is ahead of the rest, and I AM Aquarius!

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Oh great, now I am going to bed with that song in my head.

On a much better note, I just got home this evening and

Thanks Wallaby ! ! !
(and I'm so excited)

I don't have any more buds to open, but I am sure it can still be put to good use. Wouldn't that be your guess too, Pard (I mean O Goddess of Seed)? Option 2 would be seeing if a couple friends of mine still have any speciosums just opening, or option 3 freezing?

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

All three options, Lefty. Go back up and look at my photo of the pollen and you will see a toothpick. I used it to daub a little on a past it's prime album. The rest I folded back up, slipped back into the little bag, and put in the fridge (maybe I should take a picture it in the fridge with the other stuff..). When the last albums open I will use a little more and freeze the rest for next year. Voila!

My recommendation to anyone who gets this pollen is to use it on speciosums (closely related), speciosum hybrids (check for claws on buds or check lily register), or other orientals. Anything else commonly grown would be a wide cross and if successful pollination would likely require embryo rescue techniques (a whole different subject and something I don't do).

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

pardilinum tried to get me to:
"Try this: close your eyes and spin around 3 or 4 times then quickly look at the glorywhatsit and you will see what I mean!"

GUFFAW !!!!!! You are a stitch!!!!

OK, Age of Aquarius does fit wallaby, but when I still hear that 2001 song and see those ape-people banging those bones around and that big onyx block............and the sun coming over its corner...............


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Now, I can go either way on this one-- I am a big fan of 2001... and Star Trek.... and Star Wars.... Next year (I didn't have a digi during peak bloom this year), I will post pics of my space themed garden plants. I have the plants but not the plan. Thanks for the reminder of the obelisk, Robert. I think I just may be able to work an obelisk in. In the meantime I will hop over to the hypertufa forum and get some pointers on making one....

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Lefty, so glad you're so excited!

I read that pollen can be stored in a fridge for up to 30 days.

I'm going to freeze some and try it on Marco Polo next year, now that would make some goodun's if it worked!

raydio, whatever you see in it and whatever you like is fine by me!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

It's all good!


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

What creative minds you all have here. Space themed lilies pard? You'll have your own sought after hybids. All under the business name: Goddess of thy Lily Seed
I missed the whole song thing in this thread. What does that say???
Oh, Marco Polo would be a nice cross. Interesting.....

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

I'm up to the other "E" word again, Wallaby-I mean Pollen Goddess !!! Going out to pollenate this morning, then off to a Rock Garden Society meeting. I am on discussion panel today.

Thanks Pard-I mean . . . .

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I will give a preview to the next BIG thing in the lily world!

OK, I am an optimist to the extreme, but where would the world be without optimists?

I have plastered the stigma of L philippinense with one of the anthers from L gloriosoides. It had just opened after a rain, the anthers still laid behind the stigma unfluffed.

The pollen stuck like glue, there seemed to be so much pollen on one anther, which I had cut from gloriosoides 3 days earlier, it sprinkled everywhere. If you want to see the original colour of the stigma, it is on the thread 'Lilium formosanum and philippinense'.

I will have to start thinking of baby names, and hope there is a carriage of justice!

Hmmm 'Phiglor' 'Glorphil' 'Glopinense' ''Gloriophil' 'Phoriosoides' 'Philsoides' 'Gloriosense' 'Glorinense'

Better things to do with my time? I'm having fun!

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

What a fun experiment! I wonder if the seed will require embryo rescue like many of the crosses between the lily classes? Makes me want my own tissue culture lab to really be a mad plant scientist!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oooooh me too, and you and your google academic whatever, I found some papers where they mentioned this, wasn't it a slight chance of getting perhaps 1 in 300???

I'm just going to psyche it into producing!

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