Perennials in the garden setting: Show us your pics!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks gem. Yes, I think it's lily 'red hot', at least I planted them in the garden and I presume these are those.

somewhere, PA


tobasco - I love that spidery red/orange daylily in your butterfly garden.
And its very pretty! Call it a cottage garden and you are golden! I also
would like to know about that lily - its really pretty. And does work with
the rudbeckia. (I love them - they flower beautifully no matter what!)

Andy - very happy clematis! Makes me happy to look at it too.


Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Judy! Good grief, I wish I had your raggedy taggedy!!! It's beautiful :)

Pretty pics, everyone :) Thanks for sharing!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I really like 'Red Hot' too. I like the pale eye of that Rudbeckia with them much better than my 'Goldstrums'. My Red Hots are still a week or 2 away from opening.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Everyone's gardens are sure bursting out in color. Sherrygirl, your white lily with the yellow in the center looks like it could be the same one that just starting blooming for me. I think it is Ortega, but not positive. Mine is about 30" tall this first year. So many of my lilies have been mislabled lately that I am tempted to just get rid of all the markers and call them all unknown.


Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

Your pictures are gorgeous! You inspire me. They are soooo neat.
Sherry girl, what is hanging on your fence? Is it wisteria? It is a great backdrop.

These are all the same bed, from different angles. The colors were pretty good this spring.
Idon't know if you can tell, It's purple siberian iris, with the red of the Red Prince Weigelia peeking over it.

This message was edited Jun 29, 2006 6:44 AM

Thumbnail by southernOhio
Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

and this one Is straight on... I tried to do a repeating thing with the plants. it is the only bed to have this feature. LOL

Thumbnail by southernOhio
Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

The yellow iris has a brownish throat, with echoed off the weigelia...

Thumbnail by southernOhio
Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

and coming around the bed...& more grasses. Plus we put up some fencing this year..

Thumbnail by southernOhio
somewhere, PA

Its really lovely! How long is that bed? I love the big stone edging.
I'm curious about that Red Prince Weigelia. I'm gonna look that one
up - is the folliage plain green and the flowers so dense they give it
that red glow? (off to look now...)


Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

I am terrible at distances... I went out & walked & assuming a long stride is 3 feet...LOL 42 feet. We have 4 beds in a row thru there... the other 3 are about another 42 feet long divided up, tho.

Yes, we love weigelias! THey are a fast growing hardy plant around here. The Red Prince is green leaves & as you can see, it was covered this year... with red trumpet flowers. We get slight rebloom all year, expecially with a light tip pruning.. It was pretty.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Many great new pics here since I last looked.

tabasco, I still remember your butterfly garden pics from last year and have tried to emulate that more this year with some rearrangements. So if you get tired of your new arrangement after you re-do it, you're welcome in my garden! I'd be happy to have your butterfly garden anytime. My front bed was teeming with them yesterday after the rains stopped. It was the first day I've had more than a couple.

southernOhio, I, too love weigelas for the same reasons. Despite the only 2 weeks or so of good blooming, they are so spectacular when in bloom and smell so sweet that I just keep looking for places to add more of the newer varieties. Love your sweeping borders.

Andy, how long since you planted that 'Polish Spirit?' It's been on my list for a while but keeps being moved away from the top. It may be time to move it to the head of the line after seeing your beautiful specimen.

Sherry, are you ever without that riot of color? I'd love to have your garden in my neighborhood and see it always evolving.

Everything here has greened up a little more since the deluge started and I'm happy to finally see the beginnings of the rearrangement I did in my front bed this spring. Here's the spot along the fron walk with Monarda 'Marshall's Delight,' a Crimson Queen Japanese maple, Gaura 'Pink Fountains,' and many new daylilies that are not quite ready to put on a show yet or have only a couple of buds for their first year. There used to be loads more echinacea, which have been thinned out, and the best daylily blooms you see are on Little Grapette, which has been in this bed for years. A Teasing Georgia rose is in the center of the bed, and provides a splash of yellow in an otherwise pink/plum bed.

Thumbnail by mickgene
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Mickgene, that's a very nice path.
That Clematis has been there for 7 years. It was a year old when planted.
I planted 3 along that short fence, every year a different one goes wild.
This one was blown around badly in a nasty storm and the twine it's growing on broke. I repaired the twine (it was against a sharp edge) but the plant had lost it's vertical habit.
It could have easily reached 12 feet. I suggest a taller fence, LOL.

Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

Excellent front path, mickgene... Tell us you put it down yourself. Nothing makes me smile like a yellow rose, except perhaps The lacy foliage of Japanese maples

I just wanted to add that the White Prince Weigelia really has the longest bloom time a month in cooler weather & blooms first for us, every year.

andy... that looks like a huge bloom on that daylily! what are you feeding it? LOL

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

mickgene, I love your path through the garden! Everything is shown off so beautifully. What is the lovely little blue-ish groundcover around the edge of the stones?

SouthernOhio, your beds look awsome!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Gemini, That's one of my oldest DLs from seed. It's at the end of the driveway by the street, totally neglected. I walked past it yesterday and was surprised to see it, LOL. I had forgotten about it for years. I really like it now, I might lift it and put it in a better location.
I had to whack the taller weeds to get the pic, Just call me 'Bad Andy'.
Hare is one of my favs that I pamper, sort of.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Thank you all for the complements on my path. DH and I like it so much we're tempted to maybe overuse it; but, then, I keep telling myself that's considered "continuity" and is a good thing according to designers who know more about such things than I do!

southernOhio, yes we put it down ourselves with one of those 2' square forms. It was amazingly easy.

gemini_sage, the blue groundcover is Thymus serpyllum and looks good in all months but (usually) February and March. I love its tiny fuzziness.

Andy, that daylily is definitely one you need to show off!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Mickgene- Weigelas -yes! I started with 2 Variegated, got 2 more, got 2 more , now they are on every side of my yard, foliage outstanding all year. This year got a tiny Wine and Roses - which stood up to the rain without even a complaint.

Sarahskeeper- My perennial sweet pea did the falling over thing, taking the pillar it was on with it- I can't get the pillar back upright, and I can't get it out from inside the plant! Guess it will have to wait till bloom is over. Everything is so gigantic due to rain.

tbasco- I too think your echo works, and the butterfly garden mmm mmmm.

Thumbnail by Ivy1
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Ivy & Mickgene, I love the weigelas, too. I have a variegated, a 'French Lace' and 3 'Midnight Wine'. There are a couple more I have my eye on. My next door neighbor has 'Wine & Roses'. I got the 'Midnight Wine' (it's a dwarf of 'Wine & Roses', I think', or at similar) instead so I could put it in front of the the other 2. I think the 'French Lace' is my favorite (see attached), but it's hard to pick. They all still have some blooms.


This message was edited Jun 30, 2006 9:47 AM

Thumbnail by grampapa
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

SouthernOhio, that 'Red Prince' really is a stand out. all of your beds are so pretty. here's my variegata. what I found interesting this year is that once it finished it's first flush of blooms, all of the later blooms have been white


Thumbnail by grampapa
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I took another look at that neglected DL this morning. How could I forget about such a pretty thing?
Fresh pic from this AM.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

I finally took a picture of my front little gardens. This is my first year growing perrenials. Sorry if the picture isn't too good. It was taken on a camera phone.

Thumbnail by Ptrcmcc6
Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

And........the left side.....

Thumbnail by Ptrcmcc6
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Ptrcmcc6, I like your color combo. Very pretty.

Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

This is how they looked when I first started:

Thumbnail by Ptrcmcc6
Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

and this:

Thumbnail by Ptrcmcc6
Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

and this:

Thumbnail by Ptrcmcc6
Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Grampapa. I didn't plan any color combination. That's just the way they turned I think I might have to move that coreopsis (tickseed?) on the right side. It kind of overpowers that side. I'm afraid to move anything though because my backyard garden isn't doing too well and that is where I would have to move it to. I will post pictures of my poor backyard garden soon. I planted some dianthus back there and they are not doing well at all. In fact, most of them just about curled up and died. I'm hoping that maybe they might come back a little stronger next year. That is if they come back at I get sun back there but not all day long like t he front of my house.

I think I will go take some pictures now to show you how sorry my poor backyard garden is doing : (.


Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

My not-doing-so-well backyard:

Thumbnail by Ptrcmcc6
Wall Township, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hopefully you can see my tiny dianthus in this picture:

Thumbnail by Ptrcmcc6
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Ptrcmcc--your garden has made quite a lot of progress since early spring.

Here's a sweet little 'color echo'--my hardy geranium 'Rozanne' (?) and ajuga blossoms.

Thumbnail by tabasco
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

And this raspberry eyed daylily is in that bed too and accents the raspberry purple-y hues of the ajuga. I planted these this spring, and I'm surprised they are so far along.

Thumbnail by tabasco
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Liatris spicata is one of my favorite perennials--comes back every year if planted in a well draining sunny location and the butterflies love it. Also easy to grow from bulbs (from home depot) and this year I noticed there are many different varieties of liatris in the garden center so it must be getting popular. I like to combine it with daylilies.

Thumbnail by tabasco
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

My lilies are coming on strong now. I ordered mix of five kinds of Orientpets from Scheepers, but I wonder if they sent me all 'Red Hots'...they all look alike to me...(I'm new to lilies, but I joined the Ohio Lily Society and I'm going to order more for next year! 'Love 'em!)

Thumbnail by tabasco
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

And here's a little combo from my 'butterfly garden' including zinnias 'zowie' which the butterflies seem to love,

Thumbnail by tabasco
Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Oh golly, you got me with that last one Tabasco! I love yellow.

My color echo- sorry bout the pic, my camera is awful.

Thumbnail by Ivy1
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

t, your lily combo just keeps getting better! I love it.

Striking echos of blue Ivy!

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)


That looks like a page from a magazine. What are the tall spiked purple plants? They are so pretty mixed in the hydrangeas. Are they shade plants?


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Patty, I do see your tiny dianthus. I lost all of my dianthus last year. I think I didn't water them enough when they were first planted. I'll have to get some more and try again.

Don't get discouraged. You have some other plants there that look to be doing pretty well. Every garden is a work in progress. Seems like the 'easy growers' always die on me and the things that everyone says are a challenge do well. Everybody has butterfly bush, supposed to be easy to grow. I put in 2 last year, they were gorgeous, but not a sign of life on them this year. I know they are late to come up in the spring, but tomorrow is July 1, so I think it's safe to give up on them now :-(

Tabasco, those orienpets look super. in such pretty company, too.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Fleur- The tall spiked purple plants are Giant Bellflower, Campanula Latifolia. they are in some shade but I think they would not like a lot of shade. They get about 3 hours of full sun, but are in indirect light all day. This side of my garden is a western exposure with high shade trees on two sides, with the house as a backdrop. I can grow anything there. Wish the other parts of my garden were as cooperative.

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