What's blooming?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Way to go, Nan! I killed mine in the bathroom...can you believe that....lol!!
:) Donna

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

We returned home today, after a week in Florida, and look what greeted me when I got here! :-)

Abutilon 'Kristen's Pink'

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Another view:

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Love seeing all the color...here's my Grandma's Christmas Cactus...doing it's last Hooo Rah!!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

My little mini pink AV all full of color - sorry for the blurry pic

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

And my little baby Bella hoya...w/her darling star clusters...so sweet!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Very pretty, Chantell and Kbaumie.
:) Donna

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Donna...just nice to see "something" - winter needs to be done with...and how! :)

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, if spring doesn't come very soon, my house won't hold any more new houseplants. I need to be able to buy the kind that I can plant OUTside. LOLOL.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I agree.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I have buds on my yellow Thanksgiving cactus, bloodroot, Venus Fly Trap, and haworthia, but I'm going on vacation soon and I think I'll miss them!! But this is blooming now:

Oxalis 'Silver and Gold'

Thumbnail by cjolene
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

That's oxalis??? Wow. Love it. Quite different from the oxalis I have.

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I guess the flowers aren't all that different, but the foliage sure is!

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

cjolene your Oxalis 'Silver and Gold' is gorgeous! Where did you find that treasure?
:) Donna

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Thanks! I got it from Logee's. It's a Brazilian type.


I love it- it blooms off and on, but it doesn't spread as quickly as other oxalis (bummer).

kbaumle- where did you find a flowering oxalis hardy in our zone?? That's way too cool!


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Hey, my Oxalis S&G is blooming too, now that you mention it, cjolene.....I'm on my 3rd one of these :(

They always die off on me.....and I *have* waited to see if it was just a 'dormancy' thing (waited over a year for the first one to come back...no luck!!!)
I'm wondering if it was too cold during the winter in the window I'd placed it in.

Tropiflora has these too.

Yours is beautiful, cjolene...and quite a bit larger than mine.
How long have you had yours?

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Cheryl, I got my oxalis at Bluestone: http://www.bluestoneperennials.com/b/bp/OXROS.html

Before I got that, silly me dug up some of the native yellow blooming oxalis and planted it in my wildflower garden. I could tell right away that it was going to be a problem, so it came out. I don't know if this one will be or not, since I just planted it last fall. It stayed green right into January!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Well, my balloon just popped...I didn't know it was going to die! Now I'm going to REALLY baby it!! I got it in August- just an itty bitty thing- but it took off once I finally got around to potting it.

I looked at your bluestone link and I just don't understand why these places are charging so much for oxalis! I love them because they're so easy and all, but aren't they WEEDS in some places?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, no, cjolene....I didn't want to burst that bubble....see, you've already done better than me....this just seems to be a plant that doesn't like me much:(

I didn't pot mine up....so maybe that's where I failed, and where you're succeeding!!

I even asked the seller of my original plant...they said theirs has never died down, and others who've owned the plant stated the same.....so I obviously did something wrong....no once, but twice...geesh!

I'm going to try potting it up.....it's about time as the soil dries pretty quickly.

Mine seems to be in a rather 'sandy' mix...what did you use when you potted yours up?

I usually buy other oxalis at WalMart...can't beat the price...but they seem to sell out really fast!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

our Walmart never carries cool stuff like oxalis. I hear people buying all these neat things at their Walmart...but not around here!! And I live between 3 Walmarts (so I frequent them about the same amount). *sigh*

I just used Miracle Grow's regular stuff.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Hmm...well, if our WM has some Oxalis I'll buy a bunch of them and send you some....I happen to be going there this weekend.

Thanks for the tip.....I'm going to repot mine and hope it grows up to look like yours!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

don't feel bad cj - our walmart's don't carry a good variety either. We have to go to nurseries to find anything nice or unusual.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

lol Well I just came back from good ol' Wally World and guess what just came in since last Monday? You'd better believe it! The regular green and purple kind and also 'Iron Cross'. I couldn't help but laugh!! It's a bummer, though, I already have those ones!

Thanks so much, Nan, for the offer, but I'm okay!! I'm only looking for the less common ones now.

Welpers, I'm leaving tomorrow for a vacation- not sure if I'll have a chance to get back on here before I go- later all!!


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Our Meijer stores have oxalis right now, too. St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Here is a picture of my peach Thanksgiving cactus blooming.
:) Donna

Thumbnail by PerennialGirl
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

ooh...love that color, Donna...I've seen lots of reds and whites, but you don't see that color too often!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Nan. Do you have this color?
:) Donna

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Beautiful Donna! Thanks for sharing. That would make a nice gallery piece or a nice note card!


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Anita. I'm still learning with my new camera I got just before Xmas.
:) Donna

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Nope...don't have that one, Donna!

I agree, a good photo....I think I need a new camera!
My photos just don't 'measure up' to most of those I see here on DG!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Exceptional picture and color!!! What kind of camera?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Chantell! I bought a Kodak Z740. It's got alot of features that I was looking for like 5.0 megapixels, 10x zoom, etc.
:) Donna

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm sitting here like a dog with my tongue hanging out...I mean truly that is an award winning pic. My photography club meets 2x a month and that's a good one!!! That's a color you don't see often either.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

10X zoom....that's what I need....my macro lens doesn't even work!

Was it expensive?

I know a few people who have Kodak 'Easyshare' and are pretty happy with it...and the price isn't too bad for the quality.

Mine's a Polaroid and was a Demo so I got a good deal.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Now I'm really jealous the whole world's got great digitals and I'm borrowing my daughters ghetto camera that makes everything look out of focus. So sad! :(

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Thanks for all the compliments, Chantell. I'm blushing...lol! I think I paid about $325 on sale. I had checked around on other cameras and prices and for what I was looking for and the price, I am very happy with it.
:) Donna

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Obviously my sights are set too high. I so wanted to try and save for the Rebel Digital SLR...but even on layaway...too expensive for me right now. I think your price seems much more "do-able." I'll go put that one on layaway!! I know you said 10x zoom...is that optical and digital zoom combined. If you can take a peek at it for me and let me know what the total optical (only) zoom is...I'd appreciate it. Sorry, we're suppose to be chatting about plants huh? LOL I'm just so impressed with the clarity at that close of a distance!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

It has 10X optical zoom and 5X advanced digital zoom. Here is a good write up on it.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I often forget about that....good idea, Chantell!

(Maybe I'll have a new/better DC in a while, after all!

Do you find it pretty easy to use, Donna?

Just noticed...that *is* an EasyShare....OK..I'm sold!

This message was edited Mar 10, 2006 4:37 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wally world has it for $264.54 online...not sure about at the store level.
Now I'm really itchng!!! $264.54 is way more affordable then the $999.97 one..OMG!!!

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