Starting over...I *bought the farm*!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Some of you know that we contemplated, went through quite a trial then finally got to the end of a big ordeal! We did it! We now own the small farm that has occupied our thoughts for the last few months.

Now the fun begins! I have thousands of plants filling 1/4 of an acre and I have to move them all to our new 7 1/4 acre *yard*. LOL Fall is just around the corner and so is winter. The race is on!

Here's the new house. We plan to build on as soon as we sell the house we live in now.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have to run off to the grocery then come home and return to potting plants. :) I have had a few requests to keep everyone up on our progress. The end goal is to open a commercial nursery. Right now I am concentrating on making a new home for my family and gardens.

As you can see, we will be starting with a big empty palette. Excuse the kid head there. LOL I didn't want to crop out half the *yard*.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

It looks like you already have one "cutting" that likes the new yard!

Hmmm, now what can I stick in with the coreopsis??? Need roses?


Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Love the views and your drawing! I cannot wait to see the whole thing - Mitch

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Love the layout that you sketched. its gonna be gourgeus. how far (time) is it from your old place to the new.
And what about the name of the garden???grinning big while adjusting the halo.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Is that an apple tree I see? And please tell me somewhere in that 7 1/4 acres is a nice big lilac?

I have this idea of a pie garden, 6 or 8 slices. Everyone gets their own slice to plant their favorites. Bordered in say dusty miller or lamb's ears? Or a rainbow wheel?


Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

it's going to be a jungle when you are done! Congrats and thanks for the updates and new thread!
Poor Maddie (and Mom) seems kids start coming down with all kind of things when school starts. XOXO for Maddie

This message was edited Sep 17, 2005 9:22 AM

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Congrats Michelle and family. I am so glad your little Maddie is doig better. I wish I was closer to help with the move. I could really use more things to keep me occupied at the moment.


south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

yahoo, it's a done deal!! Oh, but lugging all those aching back. So when do you spend your first night in your new digs?? Show us pics of the inside too. I'm so happy for you all...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

What a happy beginning after your long, long wait! I'm so happy for you and the family :)


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Congratulations! What wonderful news! Your dreams have finally become a reality! All the best!!

Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Congratulations! beautiful and sooooooooo big yard.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Michele, this is a happy day! congratulations

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

I want one too! Congrats now that it is finally all sorted out! You and kids are gonna have so much fun running around all that space!

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

WooHoo, a place soon to shop and visit..will we get % off for dgs'??
Just lovely, envy you the space, but not the moving!! glad it's over for you, errr...maybe I should say Just Beginning :-) Let us know how Maddie is getting along. Keeping her in my prayers.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

What a nice layout. I didn't realize you had a field there. I'd be jealous if we didn't have our own little piece of heaven.
Get well fast, Maddie!
Evertyhing should go smoothly now that you're in control! LOL!

P.S. You have to join the Farm Life forum now.

This message was edited Sep 17, 2005 4:09 PM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)


The existing plantings are extremely sparse. There is one maple tree by the garage and three in front of the house. There is also an apple tree in front of the house. There are some sort of arborivitae at the front and back corner of the right end of the house. Other than that, I think there are two burning bush, one rose of sharon, something that looks like a rug juniper, a mulberry and a handful of lilies and sedums. Oh, there is also a patch of iris. That wraps it up for the plant tour! LOL

The property is 7.28 acres with trees lining three sides and the road at the fourth side. It is really hard trying to make myself spread out the plants. At first I was going to cram everything in front of the house! I realized I better put something in the huge area in front of the barn as well. Geeze!

The front right half of the property will be for a huge greenhouse and the nursery end of things. Right now, I am thinking the back half of the property will be for critters. I can't wait to see it all after it is bush hogged. Right now, 3/4 of it is chest high weeds/field.

This should be fun!

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

sounds like a wonderful dream come true.... please sell and ship online when BadSeed Gardens are up and running - I just have that feeling it would be wonderful plants....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Aren't ya afraid you'll get bad seeds? LOL People did ask me that when I first tried to trade. :)

Had I known 10 years ago when I picked that name, that years of gardening ID would be based on it, I think I may have chosen differently. Now no one wants me to change it. chuckle

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

I think it might be a good selling point. Everyone would think about your name! They could never forget it and no doubt your plants would wow anyone who ordered once!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Now, Michele, the work begins. When do you want berry plants? LOL What a wonderful place to raise your girls! It certainly didn't hurt our kids to grow up with always plenty of work to do. They were a big help. Ohio is quite famous for nursery and I am sure you will do great. Congratulations to you all. Boy here in my part of Oregon you just wouldn't be able to find that size of acreage. Everybody wants to live out in the country. Joann

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Chele, Howie and I are so excited for you guys! And we're so glad Maddie's pulling out of this croup, little lovey.

Gosh, you'll be able to plant your willows and other sprawling bushes with no thought at all of how they'll fit. What a delight to have all that room to create garden rooms. We're so happy for you!

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

So glad to hear that Maddie's doing better. Please post a list of things you might want for "Farm Warming Plants". I'd like to send something to help fill up all of that space.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm betting Chele would more appreciate people sending sections of drip irrigation hosing! LOL!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Barrels of heating oil!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

A peaceful night of sleep!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL You all crack me up. I was actually thinking of appropriate house warming gifts and I will start a list. Let's see-24' above ground pool, in ground would be better, Jacuzzi to relieve tired muscles, personal masseuse and manicurist, tractor, backhoe, cute gardener guy :)...I'll post more as it comes to me. LOL

Actually, I had a great night of sleep last night after sleeping sitting up for 3 nights! I feel human again! Maddie is doing fine. She is at that well enough to want to do stuff, but not quite well enough to enjoy it stage. Let me translate-whiney brat that wants held all day. LOL Hey, I'll take that over two days ago!

Someone did ask for inside pics and I have a few. I have loads of ideas for remodelling too!! I am going to try to hold off until winter and/or we sell this house. Here is the back half of the kitchen. We are swapping appliances from the houses and we'll have to buy a fridge. TG everything is neutral!

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

This is standing by the kitchen sink looking toward the back of the kitchen also. The round doorway goes to a hall, hall closet and back door to the left. Living room and bedrooms are to the right.

There is a little office space in the back corner. It will be super to have my desk and mess OUT of my living room. LOL Across from the desk is the laundry room-more like a laundry area. Now, that is gonna be scary! We will have nowhere to keep dirty clothes so that means that washer and dryer are going to be running every day. Booo hoooo. That also means I won't walk to the basement one day to find 20 loads of laundry like I do now. LOL

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Standing at the doorway looking the other way.

The wall border is not awful, sort of nostalgic and I am not going to have a coronary wanting it down like I did the spindles in my present house. LOL

Thumbnail by Badseed
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Booo hoooo. That also means I won't walk to the basement one day to find 20 loads of laundry like I do now. LOL

oh.. that will make it all worth while! I hate going into the basement and finding Mt Washmore!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Standing in the hallway by the back door. Closet on my left, kitchen to my right, living room straight ahead and beds and baths to the far left.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

You are telling me! Just when you think you did most of it a few days ago, all the little heathens, I mean angels, clean out their rooms, the depths of their closets, under their beds and find clothes you forgot they had!

Since you mentioned it, look at the laundry area. LOL I think we may need expand it at least a little. LOL The water heater has to go right away.

We are going to run out tomorrow and change the locks on the doors, hopefully put up motion sensing lights and try to meet some neighbors and give them our phone number in case of emergency. Hopefully somebody out there is nice!

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is part of the living room. Excuse those little demon blurs in the pic. I guess they come with the house. ;)

The dark curtains will go right away and most probably the carpet and maybe that cornice and.....wait til you see the cut out?!?!

Thumbnail by Badseed
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Chele.. is that really tile in the kitchen/diningroom or linoleum?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have no idea what the heck this big hole is or why it is there or what I will even do with it or about it! I can tell it was an amateur job though. The pieces of trim are pieced and not even joined well. Any body got an idea? Hmmmm

You can see there is baseboard heating....I really don't like the way it looks but hubby says being out there in the open we may need them plus the heat pump. This is going to be so much to take in!

Thumbnail by Badseed
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I want to help you design your kitchen, if that is in your remodeling plans.
Looks like you can live there!
We brought our washer -dryer out of the "cellar" a couple of years ago. Your right, it runs often, but who cares. I hid them behind bi-fold doors. Keeps the sound to a minimum, also.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I haven't said much these past days/weeks, but I have been watching and praying for you and your family all along. I am so glad Maddie is on the mend, you got some rest and are now raring to get started.

Now that old pastel peach has to go! and so does the white. We could come up with some grand ideas of paint colors to go with the border if you wanted to keep it. Medium tone colors are in for your size house and washed out pastels are gone for another 10 years. I want to help decorate. Did you figure that out?

Waiting for more photos, which you are probably posting while I sit here and run my mouth!


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Maybe the hole was to save buying a picture for over the sofa.LOL!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

The whole back splash is done in shiny ceramic tile with a random gold fruit one here and there. All of the floor, toe kick and a garbage can shelf (I guess) are all done in white ceramic with a mud colored grout. I cannot say I am thrilled with it but at least it's not some funky color. LOL

We are debating grabbing the steam cleaner and running up today. Hubby is at work but the kids are off today and tomorrow.

The realtor has a moving truck you get to use for free. I am thinking of having hubby throw the appliances on it tomorrow and drag them down here so I can load it up, throw my greenhouse and whatever else will fit on it and run back up the following morning. Hubby is taking of work the next week so we can run up there and do mass stuff and move in. While hubby does electrical and replaces the water heater, I am going to go find a bobcat and dig a pond and whatever else. I have to start moving plants right away!

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