Starting over...I *bought the farm*!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

One point about painting with red paint---I think to get the right true 'red' you want you're supposed to prime with a particular grey color primer, according to Benjamin Moore and Sinclair, anyway...when we wanted to tint the primer red they said 'no-way' and sold us the grey...interesting, I thought, and I don't really know why they said that...

Red kitchens are fun. And I don't regret using red for one minute. We are getting ready to remodel, too, and we will keep the red wall color but will have yellow antique-y paint finishes along with birdseye maple on the new cabinets ...a lot going on, but, what the heck...

So, here on DG we're kind of like the 'red hat' ladies, only we're the 'red kitchen' ladies.

I think red in the kitchen is much more becoming than as hatting. LOL Have a great day (in the kitchen?) t.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I think food looks wonderful in the light reflected from red surfaces. Everything looks rich, warm and inviting. Love it!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Well I wasn't sure I should say the name of the paint I prefer but I am a Benjamin Moore fan all the way! It's worth it to spend a bit more when it means that you get good results and have less frustration. (And it's not really cheaper if you have to get more paint to fix the problems from the first paint!)

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


The color plan is going in the mail tomorrow. I am so excited!!!! and it isn't even my house. :^))))))))


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Jazz!

Hey Molly, I did get in the fridge opening today and take the pic. :) The living room carpet is charcoal gray. Ewwwww! The same carpet goes up the hall and the bedrooms are all a light caramel berber. Hmmmm.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Can you say "remnants"? ;) Think positive, if you ever have to give one of the kids a charcoal toddy, the living room will be the place to do it.

This message was edited Sep 19, 2005 7:01 PM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I was able to get the photo from the real estate site so got some great ideas.

I sent you colors for your kitchen/office, hallway and living room. I think you might like them. And yes there is some red in the kitchen but not the whole thing. I sensed a bit of a hesitation, so am suggesting simply a feature wall.

I think the colors will flow very nicely. The mailman came early today so I missed him. It's going out tomorrow.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I just meant the charcoal grey carpet vs. beige in the hallway sounds like they grabbed some remnants.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Ah yes, Chele, remnants. If you go to a carpet dealer that has their own warehouse, they will sell "ends" leftover from large projects. I usually find some very nice remnants.

Actually, On a couple occasions I have found area carpets/rugs that have been custom finished. Too bad I only used them for the rooms my dogs like to lay about in. They were cheap, they get stinky doggie smell, I throw em out and buy another.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

OH. These look more like bulk purchase or purchased cuz they were cheap carpet. The living room and hall don't look to be remnant. The LR is not seamed at all and is 19x14. The hall is most probably another story. LOL The bed rooms are really small so it could be off the roll stuff from a DIY or carpet store. It could be worse. :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We found a great remnant at Rite Rug a few years back. It was something like 11x13' and we were able to get it bound and have a huge nice-quality berber area rug for something like $400 all told. We miss that carpet...But we love our dog, we love our dog, we love our dog. Bladder stones in a dog can really wreak havoc on carpet!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Molly. here is the other kitchen picture you wanted. It is well cordinated ick! LOL I have never seen whatever type of marble this counter is supposed to be.

Oh, the cabinets appear to be covered with a really dark stain. Where there is a bit of wear, you can see a hint of golden wood. How hard would these be to strip? They are sort of a chocolate color right now and too dark for me.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is the dining side-a nice crooked pic I am too lazy to rotate. :) That dark thing on the left is a cabinet above the desk and the wall on the right is where the fridge goes. Not including the utility room behind the fridge and across from the office space, the kitchen is 13'9" x 11'10". That is just the area from the fridge forward. I think I will have plenty of room for a built in dining area. And that wagon wheel light MUST go!

Thumbnail by Badseed
Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Michele, which was does the window face in the dining room? If that is where you want to put in a booth, wouldn't a big bay window look great? With a big plant ledge, of course!

The decorative tile in the kitchen has me stumped, there are a bunch by the stove, but none on the other side of the sink?

And about your "hole" in the living room/hall. I agree with the stained glass idea. A pot light or one of those halogen spots from Ikea focused on it would be wonderful. IF you don't decide to wall over it in the remodel, lol.

I painted the living room in the house we were renting a turquoise color. It was called "Tropical Splash", American Traditions by Valspar. I prefer semi-gloss, I hate flat wall paint, but that's me lol. I really liked this color because it changed with the light. It would get bluer at night. I plan to paint this living room and the hall the same color.

To give you an idea:


Thumbnail by mornin_gayle
Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

I used the same color for the cabinets in the kitchen, but I used a buttery yellow for the walls. I always paint the ceilings the same color as the walls.

I hadn't finished the kitchen when this pic was taken, I still needed to do the touch ups and install the knobs. I bought those plain wooden knobs and painted them hot pink.

My friend Liz said my house looked straight out of the 50's, lol. Retro is good!


Thumbnail by mornin_gayle
Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

The kitchen witch is hanging over the sink. I hated doing dishes, looking at that wall.

Now my sink is under a south facing window overlooking the back yard. Much better to look at, but I still hate doing dishes, lol!

You like an apple theme? My kitchen/dining room is done in apples. Wall paper and chair rail border. I like apples, but this isn't me, and it's in bad shape.

Molly, when you get Michele's house done, can I get some advise? My kitchen is driving me crazier than normal. Dark green countertops grumble grumble.


Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Chele, I'll take the wagon wheel light LOL It is perfect for my Native American type dining room theme (if I ever get it done!!)


West Monroe, LA(Zone 8a)

badseed, So happy for you. Ahh! Youth! 7 acres-If I could go back 20 yrs I'd love 7 acre. But this tired old body can't really keep up with the 1 I have. I came across this thread by accident-so where do I find that scetch -plant for future garden ?

Sue! What a husband! Be very happy with the useful guy. My daughter married one of those in March and I am envious. Be grateful he doesn't garden. Do you really want to give over at least half your space? Do you want to have to ask before you plant? What happens if your styles are totally different? Now a guy that just wants to pull weeds, build paths & arbors ect for you, do heavy lifting- but lets you decide what to plant , where to plant &how much you can afford. That would be a dream come true. LOL!

I don't fit with all this red stuff at all. Though I must say yours looks fabulous. My whole house is all pastels. Our 1st home was all dark brown,wall,floors & furniture! So I feel claustraphobic in dark places now. My daughter , on the other hand says everything too wide open at last house, a little better here because smaller house but finds your approach cozier.I do have dark carpet as a foil- medium reddish brick floors in all but bedrooms. So yeah I do have red after all. Ginger

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

It is killing me that I can't answer all this right now! I only have one hand at the moment! LOL I will be back in a bit.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, no! Craig didn't send you out to the table saw, did he??? LOL!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL No! I prefer the compound mitre saw anyway. LOL
I need a babyectomy though!

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Velcro works, lol.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

At 17 months, the ugly four letter W word is in her future!

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Work? Wasp? Wilt?

*ducking now*


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Weiner! LOL

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

That's not 4 letters, ya cheater!


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Brat is and that is just a glorified weiner! So HA!

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

"It is killing me that I can't answer all this right now! I only have one hand at the moment! LOL I will be back in a bit."~~posted at 12:17pm.

We're waiting.

tap,,,tap,,,tappity tap,,,tap!


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Sick kids don't like the W word. They eat A LOT! LOL

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

For 5 hours??? Are her lips chapped yet?

Wait, Walk, West, Wade hmmmm there has to be an easier way......

I win!

Tell Maddie I'm glad she is feeling better, now LET GO!


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Just duct tape her to ya, Chele. ;)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I am thinking of using duct tape to keep her off me! LOL

Okay, okay! Which way does the window face? The sun rises on the left and sets on the right! :) I am planning on that window being a doorway sometime in the not too far off future, I hope. I already have a bay window on the front of the LR and don't think two would work.

There are more decorative tile to the right of the sink but for some reason not above the sink. Hmmmmm. I plan to rip them out at some point so it'll be okay. I do appreciate the input on my hole! The lady at the top of my street does stained glass or used to until her hubby passed away. I may have to ask her if she has any creative ideas.

Nice chair there mg. :) I think at some point I knew men with hands that large. Some of them ended up with shiners nearly as large!

In my present house, I didn't like looking at the wall while doing dishes so I put an island in the middle of the kitchen. You face the dining room with a four foot window, turn right to see out and 8 foot glass door or look left out a 10' front window. Who wants to look at a wall??

I can't say I love or hate the apples, but they aren't peeling, they aren't hideous and I can live with them until the snow sets in. LOL I gotta get the gardens done first.

Woofens, if mystic does not want that light, it's yours!! Tabasco gave me two lovely ones and I am hoping one of them will fit. I have a preference toward one very much.

It is nice to meet you Ginger. I believe I prayed for you recently when I saw the map of La. I am glad to see you are here and well! I'm not that young. LOL I am moving up on 40 and have six daughters to age me beyond belief. If you go to the top and click journals, I started a diary. There isn't much there but I started. :) My baby was very sick the other night and I slept sitting up in a chair. I propped my sketch pad on a pillow and used my one hand to doodle. That is what I ended up with. The electric and water lines should be marked by 9am, so plans may change. LOL

I may not end up with the red but I am sure thinking about it. They say the color red can make you angry. If I turn into a royal um, real, um, if I get will have to go. I'm still considering a beige or tan color but hate to do that since I have chocolate milk now. I figure I can get away with a dark color since the floor is white with a slight gray or beige design in the tile. They look like they might have been purchased from someone that does gas station bathrooms. Ahem.

mg, I had some sucking up to do. I went out and got about 2 dozen plants dug and potted, packed up a box of caladiums for one person and six pounds of ornamental grass for someone else. She ended up having a nice nap so you know I ran out to work on the yard. The pond garden is almost empty now, aside from annuals-castor beans, cleome, red moon vine, leonurus, sun coleus and still a handful of hems and lilies. I have to do the ornamental grasses tomorrow. OUCH! 2 of them are about 20 feet tall. Maybe I will run to the other house with hubby and waste the day. hehehe

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I recommend the red kitchen. Won't make you angry, it will make you happy. Checked on my color--it's the Martha Stewart red from Sherwin Williams...

Can't believe you have all of that dug up and potted. Huge endeavor, especially with little ones sick and all the other goings ons of a big family. Wish I had half your energy!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


About that chair, you had the gumption to say what I daren't.

The plan I had for the red is a feature only and I don't really believe it will make you angry.

The mailman came early yesterday so I missed him and when I went to the post office today to drop it in, they had chains on the doors. I guess they were afraid "Rita" was going to get in, or maybe they were afraid of me. (and my name aint Rita) AND, they let the mail carriers skip working today.

All we had was a bit of heavy rains and some wind.

Anyway, the layout hopefully will get mailed tomorrow.


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Michele, you have way too much energy. What is your secret? Do you operate on pure caffene? No, you couldn't the baby wouldn't be able to sleep either. What kind of vitamins do you take?

That window must face south, you will love the sun coming in all day. My kitchen window and the slider in the dining room face south. I start my seeds and overwinter some stuff in my dining room on an old baker's rack that I drug home one day. During the summer I keep it out on the deck as a storage unit for gardening stuff. A door would be great there, french doors or a slider? Within the next 2 years, we plan to replace our slider and add another stationary section, the sliding part will be in the center. I have this big empty section of wall, you can't do much with it because of the table and access to the door.

I like my hand chair, but Nathan snagged it when we moved here. He also has a 3 foot lightbulb hanging lamp in his room with a blacklight bulb in it.

You waste the day? Let me know when you decide to do that so I can put on a parka. Satan will be skiing, don'tcha know?


Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Chele, I am so happy for you, meant to say that in my last post LOL but the light got all my attention :0

I know how excited you are, and really hope things go well in your new home. I'm comin to visit when its done :)

I will take the light if mystic doesn't want it, just plmk


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Nice chair there mg. :) I think at some point I knew men with hands that large. Some of them ended up with shiners nearly as large!

This is why we love you. You're terrible! ROTF!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Nope. it faces North. Sorry.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Why am I in chat by myself?

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