Snatchin' Part XI..Fruits of my labor.

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Of course it counts!! Great score!! Glad you had fun at the RU! ~ Suzi :)

Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I just got a jot of CA RU snatches too...

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

YAY! Way to go! Sorry my back didn't hold up enough to go to the RU. But, there is always next yr... or other snatchin later! ~ Suzi :)

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey, think I can grow these? They fell off the Ficus tree in the lobby of my office.. Fruits? Seeds? Not that I NEED anything else to raise...

Thumbnail by ncgardenaddict
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Go for it!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Looks like Skittles to me... you been snackin' in the office?

Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Went on a nature hike today... saved these from overcrowding ;) I now keep a little bottle with water and hydrogen peroxide and florist's tubes in my dash so i can keep plants moist until i can get rooting hormone on them and put them in my nursery bed. From left to right:

some kind of yellow flowering plant, maybe a Nicotiana. Pineapple sage, Rosemary, some kind of white Passiflora, an african violet leaf from a friend, and thistle? Good snatches, right?

Thumbnail by naien
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Great snatches, great plan, well executed!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I like that!!! I need some of those!!!

Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

they'er like 4 cents a piece at micheals.. I have a spade and trowel in my back seat ;)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Good info on the florist tubes! I've considered those for stem cutting trades.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I like that too! Now I just need some! Maybe I can trade my local florist flowers for tubes!

OH and guess what? I was in Home Depot with my son yesterday. I didn't snatch one thing! Proud of me or mad at me? LOL!!! There were some awfully interesting succulents and a gorgeous coleus there too! I was proud of myself when I left, didn't snatch or buy a thing!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Good move, NC. If you don't snatch every time you visit the store, it really throws security for a loop! Keep 'em off balance, I always say.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

haha!!! Yea, I am sure I'm already on their 'watch' list! LOL!!!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Naien- The pineapple sage is such a great plant! I wonder how big it gets in La Habra? I had one 3 or 4 years ago, and in CT. it grew 3 1/2 feet tall and wide in one season! Smells heavenly. Try using it with rice , sausage and acorn squash- yummy. (can delete the sausage and add almonds if you are vegetarian). Also great for attracting hummingbirds.

Those tubes are great. I will get some right away- very good for carrying in the stroller- not too big or messy like pots of dirt!

Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I just hope it roots... do you think i'd have better luck in water or in rooting greenhouses? The last salvia i plucked rooted amazingly in water.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Water is the only way I can ever root anything. Except boxwood. I have notoriously bad luck rooting anything. Every year my MIL gives me a stem of pussy willow and at the end of each year I gently tug it and it comes out stone dead. If I can't root pussy willow I probably shouldn't be responding to this question.....

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Pineapple sage.... please let it bloom! What a great surprise I had with it's little hot red slippers. The way the flopping stems were easily rooting wherever it touched ground, I could imagine this would be a thug in warmer zones.

Ivy... you need a pussywillow? I just happen to have one. I wanted one as well. Got a cutting from someone last year and it set in a bucket in the garage for I don't know how long. Still had a couple of leaves although the water was stag-nasty. So i jammed it in a pot. Then ended up setting the pot in a berm of shredded leaves with other bushes and trees I was overwintering. Well... it came back and is growing.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Ivy I can't root anything except in water either! I have rooting hormone and one of those gel/rooting mini greenhouses - not!!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

8ft- Thanks for the offer but I can't - first, I know I would kill it, and second, I'm running out of space for a pussy willow. I've pretty much given up the idea.

NC- I have a little jar of rooting hormone and I think I am the only person who can't even grow things in that!

Once I rooted a hydrangea stem that broke off a bareroot plant,but I tried it again and it never worked after that one time.

Boxwood I can root, but thats because there are so many stems that out of 10 I might get 3 new plants.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Rosemary and Coleus are my 2 reliable water rooters!

OH, and I bought this plant called Purple Showers at Home Depot. Look it up in the plant files. I broke off a stem dividing it (4 ways, lol) and stuck it in water and viola!! I think I found my perfect plant! It's purty too! Go take a look, I can always send out snatches!! LOL!! Oh, don't mind the part that says invasive! LOL!! Got my round up and will use it!


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

OK, here's the link!

Couldn't wait!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Nice looking plant, NC! Do you grow it as an annual?

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I've had a few zone 9 plants that survive the winter near my house. Mostly EE's and one Lemon Grass that is now gigantic. Don't know about this one - my first year! However the one that's in the pot is staying in the pot so I can make sure I keep it!! Depending on my move I may not know if the others make it through the winter. For goodenss sake surely I won't still be in the house then! LOL!!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Ah, well, you can't be expected to stay there to see what winters over, and if you did, I bet you'd winter over just fine!

Ivy1, we should start a new 'club' for rooting failures! I can't seem to make rooting hormone work for me either!
However, that said, my geranium cuttings appear to still be alive. I'm not holding my breath, but at least they aren't dead yet.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Pixydish!

I have one seedling out of an entire packet of "Coral Reef" Poppies that I've been coaxing along. I planted a flat, 5 came up, 3 bit the dust after our Nor'easters, and 1 just died 2 weeks ago. One is still alive, but it is only 1 inch tall. I hope I don't kill it after all this time! Keep a good thought for my poor little fella!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Where is everybody, getting ready for the 4th celebrations? Don't have time for snatching? Went to a yard sale today, lady had the prettiest day lily, had seed pods on it and I was going to walk by and snatch as I was going to my car. Well, I got caught, but before I could be embarrased about it, she told me to wait, and went into her garage and came out with a packet in her hand. Well it turns out, she GAVE me about 12 day lily seeds. She was so nice. Now somebody tell me how I start them. These were last year's seeds.

defoecat, you'll be please to know that I snatched today! I was walking down the road and saw a beautiful double flowered blue campanula. Noticed a seedling further down the road. (The house it was from has an entire garden that needs to be rescued! It's just pitiful.) So I snatched the seedling and might have to go back for more.
Then noticed a large patch of unidenified sedum growing out into the road on the easement, same as the snatched campanula. Snatched a handful of it on principle alone, since I don't really know where I'm going to put it.

Feel better now?

Looks like there are other snatchers around here. There was a nice patch of wine colored yarrow growing alongside of a major street around here. I didn't snatch it because it looked pretty, and I don't need it. But someone else must've snatched it because it's gone now!

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Went to the office yesterday and parked in a different spot close to an entrance since everyone else is gone. Ah Hah! Hydrangea of the Annabelle kind I think! On the way out I ripped few shoots out of the ground. :)

Thumbnail by 8ftbed
Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

You crooks, LOL!!

Speaking of snatching, I visited my DB and DSIL yesterday. Ended up coming home with a Chandler's Joy lilac in fair condition and 2 other plants (1 may be save-able and other, prob not) they had purchased and had by front of house, unplanted and unwatered.

DB has mega back probs and had other project going at the time. Plus, got some raspberries and blackberries, and the tubs they were in, from their friend that they had in DB's back yard. He's moving soon and they're too heavy to move. Unfortunately, he's taking his HUGE empty pots, that I was thinking would be great for my fruit trees...

DB and I put them on dolly, took across st to a business loading ramp as it was Sat and no one there. With help of couple boards, plopped them right into my Subaru wagon. Today, 2x4's as ramp, they came down easy. Dolly got them around back w/o any probs. Pretty good for 2 people with messed up backs, yes?!

Told him to think of me like the peo that come from youth services to steal the kids... He told me thanks for helping him get them out of there! What a deal!! ~ Suzi :)

8ftbed -excellent job! Snatches with roots!
Suzi - what a score!

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Pixy - Thanks and that is the exact word I used to describe it last night to my 19 y/o DD! Of course she was polite, but she was probably thinking hmmm, more plants?!

I wanted some more lilacs and this was a great find for me. DB said that I was prob a lot better than he at nursing the lilac back to health. DSIL bought it for him, said it is deep purple, his favorite color and he loves lilacs. Told them I would make babies off it for them. But, Suzi Services will be watching them to make sure they water it... ~ Suzi :)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Ceeads came over to my place yesterday to get some lettuce plants, and she went home with a car full of plants. She needs a bigger car! I guess this time she was the snatcher and I was the snatchee! LOL!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I don't want to hijack the thread, but speaking of lettuce.... how many times can I cut it at the base and have it come back? I've cut two times, had two wonderful salads for my family, and now it doesn't seem to be growing back as much or as quickly. It's planted with Nasturtiums and Johnny Jump ups in a small metal tub, and the other flowers are much taller than the lettuce now. Maybe I should go to another thread?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Ivy. No problem. This thread was born to wander from subject to subject... carrying on the tradition of the ten seed snatchin' threads before it! LOL! I'm probably not the best person to offer info on cutting back lettuce. Our summers are quite mild here, as well as short, so I just rob the outer leaves on mine and let them keep growing. We seldom reach temps that will make lettuce bolt. Someone else is likely to come back with some suggestions. If not, try your question on the Garden Talk forum.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Thanks Weezingreens! I cut the whole set of leaves back. I've always planted in the ground before and gotten 20 lettuce plants, so I never had a shortage. This time I thought it would be better to have it on the deck in a pot so I only planted six plants. Duh! I guess I should have staggered them around the deck and sowed them successively every week or two.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Experience is the best teacher, isn't it!

Update: Still the President of the rooting failure club. Down: 1 pot of scented geranium leaves trying to root.
Down: 1 cutting of variegated geranium.
Still left: 2 cuttings of variegated geranium.

How do you know when to water cuttings? I'm watering from underneath, but probably too much.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Might be too much, Pixy. I'm probably runner up for failing to root cuttings, so I'm not an authority.

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