Snatchin' Part XI..Fruits of my labor.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Well, Seed Snatchin' X was getting pretty big to load , so here is Seed Snatchin' XI!

In the original Seed Snatchin' thread of last autumn, I posted pictures of my seed snatching adventure around Seward. Now, it's spring, and I have some of the plants I grew from those snatched seeds out on the tables for sale. Here is one of them.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I am in awe of your great circle of life here.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Well, Sidney, with the low interest rates on my savings account at the bank these days, I figure they can spare some seeds! LOL! Yes, you are right about the cycle of life, but when it comes to 'snatchin', it more the re-cycle of life!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi all! New thread - COOL!!! Well it's about a ZILLION degrees here this week! Too hot for snatchin! Brandon and I ran through the sprinkler as I watered my garden last night. I FINALLY got him to run all the way through it, he kept skirting to the edges. Well, I am debating a new camera. Not exactly what I wanted to spend my $$ on but I since my camera is dead at least I have an excuse! The cameraphone thing is just not the same.

Can't think of any good snatchin news to report except the neglected Hoyas are still alive!


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Okey Dokey, when do I harvest these?

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

What be that Sidney?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Coral bells, Heucheras, here is what the mama looks like. They are really neat perenials.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Like that!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, NC! You don't have to run through a sprinkler here... just stand outside and let the rain get ya! Beautiful coral bell, Sugarweed. I wait for the flower stems and heads to dry out, then carefully cut them and turn them upside down in a paper bag for a few days. Once everything is dry, you can shake the seeds out in the bag and poor them onto a piece of paper creased in the center in order to make a handy pour spout into an envelope or baggie. I've collected seeds from my sanguinia and my wild ones... they are sweet little seedlings.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Carol you know, last week it was 60's to 70's here and rain. Nice and cool, you know. This week summer decided to smack us a good one!! 90 after 60's is not so fun.... The humidity is so high you don't need to drink water, just inhale!

:) I just said to someone yesterday, "If this keeps up I'm moving to Alaska!" hee hee...

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Weez for that info, mine is in full bloom also, and I wasn't sure what to do with the seedheads!
Thanks for all your notes on the last thread!!! I do what I can when I can, sorta, LOL LOL, I have to laugh cause if not I'd be crying, and have done that a lot lately, it's been 3 1/2 months going in circles with Kaiser, and they still haven't helped me, they don't call ya if there's an opening, so always at least 2-3 weeks away each time, I still can't bend my neck, I just want a shot of something in the area, don't know if I'll ever get it, so more pain killers again, dang!!!!
One of my neighbor is moving away to Arkansa, and I just had to stop by for her little garage sale! I just snatched the greatest amount of C&S, pots, holders, etc, I'm a happy camper, Yes I am, LOL! I paid her a little for some of the stuff, she needs the $$$ and she was estatic knowing I would take good care of her babies, I'll have to take pics!!
Whenever I go to HD I don't see these kinds of sales, gosh, I'd buy the lot for sure,

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Annie! What a bummer that you are dealing with pain and only getting 'quick fix' help. Well, you've got a good attitude, and that is a big part of any healing process. If you lived closer, you could stop by my little nursery, and we'd fill up a flat of flowers for you to take home. That's a good medication!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Annie I am so sorry you are hurting! Pain can really color you life, and not the way you want either! Hope you get a permanent fix soon!!

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Gosh me too!!!! and no I'm not even getting quick help, lol, I feel like a volleyball, being hit hard from one Doctor to another, I just now after 3 months got an appointment with the Reumathologist, god know when there's an oppening, I've been asking for this for 3 1/2 months, pinched spinal cord from herniated disk in my neck, and potroding disk in lower back along with really bad Fibromyalgia and bursitus, I garden as much as I can, keeps me at peace, but not as much as last year, I still have not planted all of my seeds, lol, but will!!!!
Thanks so much for caring to all of you!!!!
Hey got cold drinks on da bus??? I'm bringing fresh baked cookies and CHOCOLATE, ok? Maybe I should make some good Nothern Ca. coffee, huh? It'l keep us going into the night!
Is the dog still there, should I bake him a dog cookie also?
What happened to the cow? AND our T-Shirts????? I still want one of those!
Annie Fanny
I'm always on the lookout for some new plant or flower in the wild!

Thumbnail by hanna1
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Sorry to hear of your pain and inuries Annie :( I had similar problems, and zI remember being in so much pain it hurt to cry so I didn't bother! Have you tried getting a massage? It would at least help with the fibromyalgia, if you can find a patient one with an easy touch...

Add to my list of free stuff from the greeenhouse: parsley!

Gonna me busy planting my snathcings tomorrow!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Ohh Tamara I love massages! Wish they weren't so pricey. Cool pic Annie! Goodness that's a lot of trouble you have with you back. I injured a muscle in mine once and it HURT. I was surprised at how much.

We had the storm from BLANK last night. I will end up with Hollyhocks growing in my grass from all that wind!


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Nicole, You have moved? Tell us about your new yard. Have you inherited new goodies?

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

No, haven't moved yet. Just changed my DG info to match my PO box. I have been really slack on the moving I am afraid. I just HATE packing. I have done very little. Still have to get the house cleaned up for sale, etc. etc. We are getting along OK so I don't feel such a rush. I am currently reading a book on children and divorce, trying to get a little advice on how to make things easier. I just dread disrupting his little life!


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I'll be in NC this weekend. Still working on DM's house. It's going to be great. I'm still hoping to see the lilies bloom.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2005 8:31 AM

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Bring your shorts! It's a hot as the sun here now!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm bringing my swim suit.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm BACK!! Thank you ncgardenaddict for saving my bacon...

ya'll left me at a gas station and somehow I ended up with the brug addicts .... back in December no less!!
But let me tell you.. them brugs were made for snatching cause they root so easily from cuttings it's almost as ridiculous as sedum. Well, at least I've had no problems. Probably all the good training I got over here with the professionals. :)

I've never rooted hibiscus either and had grand plans of airlayering this spring. NOT! But I did finally take some cuttings, dust and stick then set them under a dirty aquarium back in the straw under a cherry tree. No wilting after 2 days.

Hello to all new snatchers.

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

HEY 8FT, WELCOME BACK. Looks like both of us missed the bus awhile ago!!!! What else you been up to??? Good to see ya here,
Sugar, I just found your pics on the RU! but, where were the overalls, LOL LOL!!!
Thanks Tamara, misery loves company, LOL!
NC, sorry to hear about your move, changes are always difficult on children no matter what, but they adjust. With a good Mommy like you, He'll be just fine (smile)!!!! thanks, I like that pic also, notice I'm wearing my favorite color, "when I get old I shall wear purple"!!!!!!!!
I cannot get over my good luck on snatching this week! I also took my neighbors beautiful Rubber Plant!!!! It is gorgeous with all the new leaves in shade of red!!! my other favorite color, lol.
Now I've got to go back and get her huge pots of Bamboo!!!! one of the plants is taller than my house!!!! She has clumping and not, but they will stay in pots for sure with plastic under them for safety, LOL
Wasn't my coffee great, I hope you were all able to sleep!!!!!
I'd like to hear some really funny dumpster snatching stories of late!!!!


Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

8ft, when you feel the urge to share your brugs, I'll be glad to pay postage! (Beg, beg, beg!) I looked at Bugs pics and zowie, I want too!! That could be dangerous!!

Went to the store last night. Lo and behold, the lady was gettng rid of some plants. There were 5 women there, said each could have 1 hanging basket. 1 took, others didn't, she gave everything else to ME!!! They needed water and were perking up pretty good this morning when I looked at them! Not even sure of the names, will have to look tonight. ~ Suzi :)

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

granted, it's in another forum, but here's whats going on in my world

aw Suzi - be careful what you ask for. These brugs are addictive, heavy feeding, water hogs that seem to be the main course on every bugs menu. I learned to spell brug in Nov, convinced myself I had to try them; ordered my first rooted cuttings and had them in my hands Nov 22. Lord Help Me... between things I ordered, cuttings from a couple of cool DG'ers and seeds from a couple more... I finally broke down and put up a hoop house in April. DW and family in general were taking offense to the big things around the house and all the new shop lights. Think about it.... realllll hard... :) (no thinking required the first time you smell one of the ones that has the perfume)

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

HAHAHA! You got the Brug bug bad didn't you Blaine?

You're right Annie. He will bounce back I am sure. He's a sweet outgoing little fellow and luckily my husband is being great about the whole thing. That wasn't what I expected (divorce is my idea) so I was incredibly relieved! I still hate moving though! Especially when it's almost 90 degrees outside. It's hard to think about picking up big things when it's that hot!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Boy, you can tell I'm not in brug growing country... I got all gummy about the sedum instead! That's a beauty, 8ft.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey Weez... I just read in the new Horticultural mag that Alaska has proven to be a perfect spot for the Blue poppies. You growing any yet? I guess there's a guy up there that opened a wholesale nursery specifically for them and has even improved on the strain.

Over in the perennials forum, I just posted another series of pics of some of my sedum.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yep, the blue poppies love us here. I have had one plant for about 8 years now, and I've got 6 more growing in a bed, and another 6 to plant. I think I'll start a thread about them in the perennial forum soon. Thanks for the link... I'll check it out.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Are blue poppies the breadseed ones?

Oh, no, hate to hear how easy seedum roots. I actually BOUGHT some (blue spruce), and a piece broke off. The lady tossed it in the trash so quick, and then proceeded to wait on another customer. My hands were to full to bend over and reach around, dagnabbit, I should have demanded my cutting, after all, I bought it. :-(

I reread my post on the previous number ten, and it sounded like I got a flat of each, nope, just what she had left of each, and shame on me, I didn't mention that it included 5 snow lady shasta daisies, did I?

Hang in there NC. Pay no attention to the change in your soon to be ex's behavior. Trust me on this one, hire movers and GET OUT!

Ok, down off my soap box, gald to see you back 8 ft! Don't get me started on brugs please :-)

Hanna, you are in my prayers, been there and don't wanna go back. Please take it easy on yourself, you aren't super-anything, OK?

Gotta get some sleep so I can plant some more, way behind!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Tamara, the blue poppies are not the breadseed kind. Blue poppies are meconopsis, in the papaver family, but not the genus. Somniferum poppies (opium poppies) are the breadseed variety. The best seeds are the blue-gray ones, so maybe that's what you recall hearing.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks for the info! I remembered seeing blue flowers in a seed catalog, and thought that's what they were...but half the time I wonder if I am really paying attention LOL

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Your right Tamara! I am working on it, promise!! :)

Here's an update on the snatched lotus seeds from the gas station in Idaho: They've germinated! Who knows what variety they will be? It will be fun to wait and see!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Aren't you glad people aren't so easily propagated. One day you're sitting at a gas station, just going to seed, and the next thing you know, you hear from relatives in Lakewood, Washington!

Yep! And I've got some relatives that I'd like to see go to seed! Fortunately, I don't think anyone is likely to 'snatch' them!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Pixydish - Congrats! I am amazed! Ditto on the relatives...

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

As Fanny Flag once said, 'The minute I 'blossomed', I started to go to seed!' I know the feeling! It is always such fun to germinate snatched seeds, then wait to see whatcha got! I stole seeds from a malva at our local bank, but had to wait til the next season to stop in at the bank and see what color my yearlings were going to be!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Pixy, I am ditto on the realtives too! ! Wow on the seeds though!! Who would have thought? They could have been SOOO old!! KEWL!!! We need pics!!

Ask and you shall receive! These are the ones from the gas station. I am also working on some that Kaleem (Gumlla) sent me. One of those has germinated out of three that I am soaking. Strange that more of these have germinated faster, but the others of his are coming along.

Made a snatch tonight. My husband and I were out and I noticed some landscaping covered with the most beautiful Ice Plant with fuschia colored blooms. Snatched two good sized plants with roots, and some pieces with roots. They'll never even miss it! My DH asked if I wanted him to create a diversion, but it wasn't necessary. Nice of him to offer!

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