Snatchin' Part XI..Fruits of my labor.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Now thats a GDH "Golden dear husband", lol

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I agree, Sugarweed.

Does snatching count if it is something nobody wants?

Came home the other day to see the tree removal crew cut down a (healthy) maple tree across the street. It was too close to the street and wires. They were all done except for 3 or 4 stumps they were going to haul away. I asked the guy if he would roll them into my driveway, and he said, sure, he thought it looked easier than trying to load them. Presto! I have some tree trunk tables and chairs next to my house ...for free!

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Yep, that counts too!!! And great score!! ~ Suzi :)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh yes, that's called "Assisted Snatching".

Ivy, that's a huge score! Around these parts nefarious people are snatchin' our native big leaf maples in a big way, and a BAD way! And I don't mean 'rescuing' either. Seems that the big leaf maple wood is highly prized by woodworkers, etc. So these guys go onto people's property when no one is around, like on acreage, and cut down other people's trees. Then sell the wood. Now that's the kind of snatchin' that's known as stealing! Heartless and just downright mean!
But your 'assisted snatched' maple tables would be worth $$ here!
Anyone who would like a big leaf maple seedling, just let me know. I have a million. They are beautiful big trees. Also have seeds.

Yes, my DH is a good one. Nice to be still 'in love' after 23 years. He thinks my plant snatching is 'cute'. Little does he know!!! LOL

I think I'm on a roll: snatched some really nice chartreuse colored sedum this morning. It was growing way too close to the road and was at risk of getting run over. I feel sure I did a good deed. :)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Keep up the good work, guys! I'm busy rescuing my own plants from the woods where I wintered them over! Some of the flats have got wild plants growing up through them already, and the trees have filled out, so there is little sun for the poor babies. If you guys lived closer, you'd be darting around the woods with flashlights rescuing plants for your gardens, I'll bet!

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

ABSOLUTELY!!! :) Would be fun too, unless there is any poison oak, ivy or sumac there. I try to give them a wide berth! ~ Suzi :)

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I always laugh when I think of our snatchin' forefathers bringing poison ivy and sumac home to the unsuspecting British to BUY for their gardens.

Pixydish - you are understated in the extreme! "Also have seeds." If I could sell Maple seedlings I 'd be rich!

Drat! I'm caught out! Thought I had a good thing going there!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

had me fooled...

So... TamaraFaye... need some seeds.....?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello all, just wanted to let you know that I will be asbent for a week. VACATION to Nassau. Will try to catch up when I get home. Bonnie (defoecat)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Bonnie, you poor thing, having to go to Nassau when you could be in some comfy dumpster rooting out the salvagable plants from Walmart! I feel your pain.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

We'll miss your contributions, and share our stashes when you return :-) Need some seeds from pixydish to take with you?

Hey, I can pack them up might quick! Have a great time!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Bonnie, snatching from there is fine with us, or at least some pictures.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey - how does the named poppies germinate from seed? Do they need cold first?
2nd year for my Chocolate Distinction (I think) and the wind didn't get them so I've got some big seed heads.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Well, send some my way, and I will test them for you :-)

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

you got it!!

btw, I just stuck my Yokohama squash seeds in a couple of big containers that were sitting around... like 3 or 4 days ago! They sprouted in 2 days I think. Sooooo, I'm going to put up stakes and wire, trellis and feed them beyond their wildest dreams. Since I'm on this brug kick, I'm dumping high intensity blue water and stuff almost daily. I know you planted yours like months ago... what's happening? The one guy sent an email where I think he got... evicted kind of.. after planting. Sugarweed's got mowed down by a bonehead. That leaves you and me

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

ooops, gave them all to my heirloom crazy friend, so we could have more seeds next year. She got busy building goat pens, and though her garden is rototilled, nothing is planted. She planted some things over at her aunt's house, and I have been meaning to ask her if she planted those. I didn't want to plant them here, because they would cross with my other rare squash that I am saving seeds of. One day I will become a bag lady I am sure (I mean bagging blooms for seed saving!)

Looks like I am snathcing some Black Hollyhocks and a Koi tomorrow morning. Some friends are moving, and her husband is making some property improvements, so he is pouring concrete where the flower bed was.

She says I can dig up the tubers for the hollyhocks, that they look like yams? Any suggestions? They are in full bloom, but not making seeds yet.

The Koi is going into the horse tank, hope he gets along with the other goldfish!

Anyone want hollyhock tubers? I will browse around her property and see what else can be saved...

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

awwww geez, the black squash share/experiment went completely bust. Well, hopefully I get something from my late start.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's what mine looked like.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

ain't that cute! I've never started squash this late but there's a lot to be said for having warm soil first. BANG! They were up immediately and I think first true leaves today.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I have 2 kinds of squash this year which I myself planted late late late.. Of course I can't remember their names but they are both greenish and one should have stripes! We shall see!


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Blaine - The seeds went in weeks ago and the plants are healthy, hopeing there is enough space set aside for them. - Dyson

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey Dyson!!! Good to hear it. I'm tentatively considering training mine up a cage since the containers aren't really where the vines can run free

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I talked to that friend last night, she said she was planting today, and would be sure to plant them. Couldn't believe she could rototill agian after all this rain, but she has sandy soil! So all is not lost, so to speak. She knows to save seeds and pass them back to me...

On a "fruit of my labor" note: Two hours digging at a friends house who is moving in two weeks got me:

Black Hollyhocks
Purple Cornflowers
Some pretty orange yellow daisies
Her Koi fish
Some polliwogs & tadpoles
One tired body!

She wants me to come back for a couple of plants in the empty lot across from her. And if her house hasn't sold, to come collect all the seeds I want. Got some seeds from something we are clueless about, will post pic later. And a couple of wildflowers we didn't know what were!

She is moving to the Las Vegas area. When I get her address, I want to send her some things that will grow there. She thinks she can only grow cactus :-(

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh boy!! Koi ? Now thats a good snatch, even with permission. Do you have a pond already or a huge aquarium or maybe a big stock tank under the windmill?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

That last one's my favorite.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

No windmill :-( YET. Got an old bathtub in the horse pasture, with some colorful goldfish, but none as big as this one. She was all by herself, so grew to 8 inches long! Hopefully she won't EAT my goldfish. When I put her in, she chased them all around, I think she was just happy to have some company!

I only went there for the Koi and Hollyhocks, so the rest was icing on the cake, and then they took us to lunch! And dessert! Don't think my kids are gonna wear out for a few days, LOL

Tadpoles went in another place, a double sink buried in the potato patch, for turtles and ladybugs, and now frogs too :-)

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Tamara! I dyed a tank top with my black hollyhocks a week or so ago for fun. It is purple now!! Just wanted to see what would happen since I read you could do that.

When I get off my lazy b... I am going to post a pic of a gorgeous plant in my back yard. Thrown in with wildflower seeds and I have not a clue what it is!! White flowers, hollyhock style leaves. I love it!!!


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Hurry Nicole, we are anxious!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, NC, I'm curious, too! I love the malvas.

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I just snached (well, rescued) 2 clumps of Stella de Oro, and a HUGE anount of Johnny jump ups from my best freind's house -- she doesn't like yellow -- any yellow bloomer has to go (got a golden showers rose in the early spring) and once the lilies bloomed she wanted them out or mowed. The Johhnys were cute when they were little but man have they taken over the bed they were in and -- again -- too much yellow (don't ask me-- she BOUGHT the Johnnies she KNEW there was yellow in em!) The Stellas and the rose at least came with the house. LOL!! but I love her... and I planted her veggie garden for her too -- those poor tomatoes were sooo rootbound hope they make it.


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

You yellow tomatoes, I trust, Heather!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

no --veggie blooms don't count.... LOL!!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Weeze is talking about yellow flesh tomatoes. Very sweet.

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

Oh -- I grew "white" cherry tomatoes last year -- but no yelloews (I shold they're supposed to be low acid right --- but how wierd would that pasta sauce look??)

Just roma and beefsteak this year. Plus one volunteer -- who knows what well get?


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

The pasta here has tomatoe paste and sauce too, so it looks okay. The ones I found at Big Lots were sweet enough to eat alone. I almost made a cobbler with them.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Sorry guys!! Keep forgetting. Will do it though promise!! Last night I noticed a TON of volunteer tomato seedlings all over the place in my garden. Yellow currant no doubt, I heard they do that! Cool huh? Of course they will probably take over as the planted ones did last year...

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