It's May,

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Many weather people have phd's. Go to work every day knowing full well they will not get it right, again. Seldom own up to it. I really don't know how they do it. Heck, Trois, the govt. doesn't pay much you know that.

Still overcast and 72. Ten degrees less than the phd's said it was gonna be! :-D

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Once that was correct, but not now. In many jobs they are above private industry in pay scale.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Members in good standing on Daves get good weather.
The weather today in Des Moines, IA was the best. Made the Round-up very pleasent & fun event. Somewhere near 60 people enjoyed lots of good food & an awesome plant exchange.
It was partly overcast & a little windy, to keep the temperature comfortable.
Meanwhile on home turf, the rains came & made the first day of plant selling at Farmers Market a no-no. We will try again on Tuesday.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Great Bernie, glad to know just behaving here will net such great rewards.
Bet ya'll had a great time. I'll check the RU picture forum for pictures of so many from there. Good turn-out.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

When I lived in Alaska I worked for the govt. A man there told me the lowest form of life there was was a govt. employee. I felt kinda bad. Sometime later I heard another fella say the lowest form of life there was was a Texan. As I was about to move to Texas. Became unsure of myself. (yeah, right.) I had been the former now I was about to become the latter. LOL Then I realized the form of life to watch out for was the one concerned about such things.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

You got it!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

John - the only one you have too watch out for you is you -
A) no one else is going to do it.
B) if they would - no one else would do it as well.
C) you cannot be "let down" that way.
D) yes this is a very "hard" lession to learn, but helpfull once mastered.

Sorry all, the current divorce has me on edge - 77½°, nice, supposed to rain tonight, but we can allways use the wet stuff.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Wet stuff on your fire burned slope will bring wildflowers and the earth's hidden riches. Maybe dewberries and blueberries or blackberries.

Think of dreary dark rain as 'healing time'.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Lot more fun to have someone cool to watch out for. This, too. will pass. Like all the other bs has, Dyson! Wish you could fly out to our gathering this saturday & sunday!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

wish I could be there, youse guys have fun - mark some of it for dyson.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

96.1°, verry dry, sunny, hot, Happy Mothers Day too all of you who are. I messed up and bought my mother the wrong hanging plant (not the one she wanted) and I still can't remember the name of the one she does want. Age is not creeping up, it's arriveing in leaps and bounds - oh well - I think she was pleased anyways (at least I remembered the plant was supposed to be "hanging").

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Been there, done that. Note my screen name.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

It got dark at 4:30. The sky turned green. Thunder, lightning, horizontal rain. Sat TV quit. Still very hard rain at this time. Power out.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Wow, trois, what a storm! Dyson, it really IS the thought that counts!

Weather nice here, gotta get the row cover off the corn and take a peek...

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Trois, How are you online if the power is out?

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Battery or generator backup, I suspect. Severe t-storm watch, storms nearby headed this-a-way. Hi 83, lo 63, dp 60, cdy, s9.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

You know, Darius, that went right over my head (as many things do). But probably a laptop with battery.

Good luck with the storms tonight. I am praying for just enough rain for what I planted, no extra! :-)

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Sorry, Fritch. Could be a laptop, too. Storms here fizzled out. No rain for me.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I have 5 minutes of battery backup. Just enough time to say power is out, send and shut down. A small tornado passed about 1.5 miles South of us and went through the Western end of Santa Fe. I drove around to check out the neighbors and they are all OK. The power was out for 6 hours. It was getting a little warm in the bedroom when the power came back on and I slept well after that.
I was worried about 20+ pounds of frozen fish. Not a problem. Still hard as a rock.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

That's great news. I moved about that many filets frozen in meal size ziplocks in/water in a large styrofoam cooler about 10 years ago. I layered ice, newspaper, filets, then layer of newspaper and ice to the top. Taped the seam where the top went on with Duct tape all the way around. Everything was still frozen solid 3 days later when unpacked to Mothers freezer. She loved those. I thiink the Duct tape was the secret.

As I've said once before this morning, "Weather seriously nice and boring for most of yall to hear again."

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

57, dp 55, pc, s0 (thats what it says)! 90 tomorrow. a. c.?

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Its 70 now, predicted high 85. Yesterday was fun watching the weather. It started with 80%, dropped to 70% by 10 AM, 50% by noon, 30% by 3:30, then major storm hit just about all over. 3 inches in about 30 minutes. No flooding, it just went straight into the ground.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Schuop, thats the way the ground sounds here.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sidney, I always bring home shrimp I get in Mayport (where the shrimp boats come in) packed that way, kinda. I freeze them in a single layer in my brother's freezer, bag them, wrap in many, many layers of newspaper, and place in a cooler. No tape. Sometimes no ice if I'll be home in a day. They always stay frozen.

Temp. swings here of about 25-30º night to day but sunny.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

76.1°, 46%, sunny, clear, way too nice.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

When I lived in the California/Nevada mountains the swings were 50-60 degrees! Fairly common in the intermountain west.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

56F and raining a little. Got 0.1" so far today.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

And that flower is?
A friend was looking at small cactus,
They each had a bloom open on them.
Betty said "How long will the flowers last?"
I replied "2 to 3 years, depending".
"On what?" she ask.
I said "Depends on how good the glue is."lol
She thought I was kidding, but I wasn't.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

All together we got 0.2" of rain. It's done now.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Got over 90 today. 60s tonight, 90 tomorrow. Time to put in the A/C! Glad everyone is "enjoying" their weather. We will be complaining about the dry heat before long...

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

It hit 90 for a while yesterday. Low of 70 this morning. The humidity is back up to normal, muggy if you are working outside. South wind, off the Gulf.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Fritch, do you have evaporative cooler with those great smelling straw pads? No freeon, just good ole evaporation. I loved that smell.
With high humidity here, couldn't work very well.
It's 66* time to watch that youngster in the garden on HGTV here in 5 minutes. Then outside while it's still cool.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It is windy today, as it usually is the day after it rains.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Ugh, now i remember what i forgot while a friend was here, we were gonna put in the A/C!!! Oh well, she was in a rush, so I will get someone else later.

Used to do the evaporative, but with my mom's breathing problems, she needed a refrigerated one in her room. And, well if you use one at one end of the house, and the swamp cooler at the other end, they cancel each other out and don't work efficiently. So now we have two refigerated units. We back them out of the windows in October, and generally slide them back in in April, but it was a cool month, so I am behind on my honey dos! They are big and bulky and heavy :-(

Hot and sunny with clear skies today. Flew a kite this morning, the wind was perfect, took forever to reel it in.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

88 and sunshine. Things are starting to grow.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

:-) grow plants, grow :-)

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

90.5 with lots of sun.
light breeze from south.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi84, lo 63, dp 65 s7. mostly sunny. Same manana.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Hot, Humid, Sunny. The plants love it.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Thunderstorm which has produced golf ball hail is on the way, along with a tornado that was 10 miles SE of Fritch 10 minutes ago. Going to cover plants, family in the basement, neighbors on the way, sighning offf.. Well the raido didn't say which way it was going, now the TV finally gave info, and the wind has changed (about time) and it is head past White Deer to Skellytown... still taking precautions ! :-)

This message was edited May 10, 2005 7:16 PM

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