It's May,

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

When I lived there we noticed that too, Kathleen!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Those great big Northern hawks that come here for the winter are back. They look confused, but snow in the panhandle of Texas was too much. They think it's winter again. I wonder if they left any starving chicks in the nest.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

If true, they have poor parenting skills like some humans. The snow in the panhandle didn't last long. Bad birds!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I think snow means winter for some of them so South they came.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

:> If I had wings I would have left the Panhandle too!!! Wish I could go South! This weather is driving me nuts! My poor corn started coming up, glad it has a row cover. And is early corn.

Yeah, we got snow, more than the news admitted to.... 6 inches in 6 hours, all melted 6 hours later. It started out with heavy rain, then began to thunder, and by 3 AM the snow was coming down! I took a bunch of before and after pics, they are in the SFG thread in the Veg Forum, and the Come on Folks thread in the Tomato forum.

I need warm dry weather! But I am grateful that the peas, cabbage, broccoli, arugula and brussel sprouts are enjoying themselves. The rest of the plants have protection, but are Trois said, they aren't growing... but warmer weather SURELY awaits us next week, right? :-]

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

They promise 80 by sunday here, Fritch! Hi 52, lo 48, dp 46, .08" rain.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

59 and cloudy. Supposed to rain, but I doubt it.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

37 degrees, no wind. Gonna be a beautiful day if Pa. Have to go uncover the tomato plants.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

36', bright sunshine with a few clouds.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

DW says it rained from 4 til 4:30 this morning. The wood looks wet. It's not enough but better than a dust storm. I heard thunder a couple of minutes ago, in the distance.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

It's 55 and partly cloudy. Carpet leaving mother's this morning. Big job here.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

65.7°, 39%, tired and thinking bout going back to bed (Don't ya hate the middle of the work week?)

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Lo 47, dp 47 0.25" rain. Retired Dyson. Don't no nuttin bout no work week no more! Was that a quadruple negative or what?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I got it!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

quintuple John

hope the work is going smoothly sidney

I see the sun here! (between some non-rain clouds)

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Right, if "nuttin" counts!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

The rain amounted to less than a tenth. It hit 85 for a while, but is down to 81. Still cold nights. Nothing growing.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi 59, no more rain, overcast. Cool season weeds growing. Garden plants stalled.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Got to 55 today, nearly 100% humidity all day, deep fog set it now. The only place in the ocuntry colder than use is upstate NY and Maine!

But tomorrow, the sun will come out a little more, and we may hit 70!!!!! ROTFLMAO I will believe it when I see it.

But hopefully Mother Nature wil recall that next week is a good time (moon wise) to set out plants, so she will get this weather straightened out LOL

TF (nuttin' always counts...)

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

It hit 85 here yesterday afternoon and is down to 52 this morning. Our normal temperature swing is 10 to 15 degrees. These cold nights are great for sleeping, bad on plants.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

53.8°, night all

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

45', overcast with drizzle.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Lo 53, dp 53, calm, 72 later, 80 tomorrow! Gonna dig and weed some.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Warm, but can't keep your cap on. Always this way after lots of cold.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

a little sun peeking out, maybe the ground can get a little less wet. Not sure of the current temp, but it AIN"T gonna make 70

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

60 here and overcast. AIN'T gonna make 72. No way.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Already 82 here. Dry, dry.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

0.02" here. Whoopy-t-do!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

71.4°, 51%, sunny, nice, have a good afternoon all.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Trace of rain today, not even enough to make a mess. 65F

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

88 right now. Dry as a bone.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I'll take 65F over 88F any day - ANY day. (Yes, that's right, I don't have a swimming pool. Believe it or not, not everyone in CA does.)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Dry enough to unload and stack lumber... sun still trying to shine. 64 dgrees right now, not getting to 72. Partly cloudy, thunderstorms tonight, low near 50 ( now that's a bit better)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

This message was edited May 5, 2005 2:47 PM

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Sorry, I posted in the wrong thread that I was watching.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I'll be derned. The sun came out, the wind is out of the south and brought some of Trois' hot air.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

It is still out of the North here. Someone elses hot air.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Bad frost last night. 26 degrees. Warm, sunny and beautiful today. Getting tired of covering and uncovering the tomato plants each night. It is time for spring. Lilacs are blooming, oats are up and growing. All garden beds are ready - come on warm temps at night.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Yeah, come on warm night temps! Not too warm... I was out pulling weeds, and uncovering tomatos, and the bugs were acting like they needed to take cover. So after the 9:00 weather, I may be headed back outside to recover plants.... sigh....

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