Another one of my Crazy Concoctions! Part #2

(Zone 7a)

Well the other thread got kinda long and I was tired of scrolling...LOL LOL. Today I have started the Marigolds. 15 different kind. No concoction on these..he he he. I just dropped a good looking seed in each pellet. I will post pictures of the as they begin to grow under the dome :-D After I put the top on, that is..ha

If your interested in reading Part #1

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Good grief! You and Weez havin' a competition?


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

It is so much fun to follow Kim around the garden isn't it. I wonder how long its going to take you not putting something different on these babies , he he
Where did you get the tray and pellets?

(Zone 7a)

Ebay! I'm too lazy to go to the store and buy them. There's a garden center around here..That has these trays.. But it's actually more expensive then the lady I get them from. She sells the inserts for $1.00 and the Tray, insert, pellets, and Plastic dome top all for $11.00. So why drive when she delivers to my door. ha ha ha ha

(Zone 7a)

OHHH but I did mix Miracle grow in hot water. Then poured them over the pellets to swell them up. I don't want to water them again or feed them for a few weeks...he he he. So I guess I did use another one of my concoctions!..ha ha ha

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

After reading another post, I was almost afraid to look at this one! LOL Yeah, I had to do. I am here. You mean you just planted them as they were?? No concoctions? My image of you is forever ruined. :)

(Zone 7a)

Well I think you're suppose to just add water. But i start thinking...Hmmm I know that room temperature water takes forever to swell these things. So I always use hot water to swell them in a couple minutes. Adding the Miracle grow was another one of my crazy ideas. I sure hope they germinate now...he he he

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I just knew you had to put a pinch of something in their Kim. Now we can wait and see if you think in a few days or weeks it may need a nother pinch of something !! LoL

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I can't afford enough seed starter/potting soil,
to keep up with you.heehee

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, I just went to Home Depot today and got 2 more shop lights! Don't know how I'm going to arrange them but I've got them! Oh, you want to know something I learned from my local extension office? The cheap flourscents are actually better than the fancy grow lights! It seems the cheap ones put out mostly blue (forgive if I can't remember my terminology) light which encourages foliage growth. The grow lights also have red (I think it was red) and that color encourages flower growth. So my cheapness paid off and I didn't even know it!

One thing I might end up being mad about though. I bought a big pack of Rudbeckia, 'Prarie Sun' and offered them for SASE as well as for myself. Well, they haven't sprouted yet even though my Indian Summer (similar plant) has been up several days. I am going to be MAD if I got bad seed (hee hee Badseed) and then sent it out to so many folks!!! Johnny's dyed it yellow to make it easier to see hope that didn't mess it up.


(Zone 7a)

Well I'm using a regular 60 watt bulb this year.. Badd Badd ME! Yeah I know. My flourscents blew out and my kids ruined my set up sation. Also my grow light blew. But They're all in a very sunny window. So hopefully they'll be OK. If not OH Well. I purchased this one light bulb..thinking I would set something up. Aparently this light bulb is used to light a football field! LMBO!!!! I was in Home Depot looking for the lamp to fit this bulb. The guy in the store said I would burn my while house down if I use it. If I remeber the name of the bulb I'll post it..ha ha ha

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Speaking of bulbs.I have two 400 watt heat light bulbs inside protective covers,to keep the dogs warm in the'm using grow lights in my shop lights.Glad to hear the good news about the blue light specrum.I have one shop light left but it has regular flourscents in it.I'd better down to the storage trailer to get it. And like you where do I set all this up.I've been procratinating for two days trying to figure out how to get it right.heehee

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Okay, I've got to ask the question... 15 different kinds of marigolds?! hehehe

Do you label the sides of the seedling flat with the different cultivars? I used masking tape last year to identify each row, as I had never grown veggies from seed before and couldn't tell the difference between a tomato plant and a cucumber. Well, maybe not THOSE two, but you get the idea. ;)


(Zone 7a)

Yeah..Acutally this one tray has 10 types..The other 5 will go in another tray
The pic is blurry..but can you see where I stuck a label on the inside of each row?

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Donna, I get those white markers from NW Seed & Pet and label with those. I have heard some people use cut mini-blinds as markers as well - You can go to Value Village or Good Will to buy those very inexpensively. I mark them with a permanent sharp tip marker (Sharpie). You have to cut them to fit under the dome if you are using one.

(Zone 7a)

Ohhh the type!
1. Tessy Gold (Tenuifolia x Erecta)
2. Spanish Brocade (Patula nana)
3. Scarlet Strlet (hybrid)
4. Snowball (hybrid)
5. Mr. Majestic
6. French "Harmony"
7. Jaguar
8. Cottage Red (rare Marigold Bush)
9. Disco Granada
10. Tenuifolia Gems
11. Safari Bolero
12. Dwarf Tiger Eyes
13. Crackerjack
14. Vanilla
15. Bonaza Gold
16. Red
17. Dwarf Red

Ooops! 17 different kind...ha ha ha

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Ahhh Kim, now I see the tags! I was trying to figure out how the heck you could keep 15 (17?!) different marigolds identified within one flat, and my poor lil engineering brain was starting to sizzle. ;)

Hey Karrie! I've got some of those 4-6" plastic tags that I can mark on with pencil (nice for reuse!) for when I pot up from the peat pellets, and cutting up old mini blinds sounds like a fab idea. Didja see that NW Seed has tall (5" tall) dome covers now for about $5? The greenhouse guy we spoke to was really pumped about 'em.

Oops, getting off topic here so I'll put myself in time out for a few minutes. *GRIN*

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

5" tall domes? KEWL! the ones I have now are like 2 inches tall - 5" sounds much better. That greenhouse guy at NW Seed is so nice. He's fun to talk to - he likes to talk garden - and has given me some good tips for seed germination.

I think the pencil idea is great as long as it doesn't get wet and rub off, and then you don't know what is what.

(Zone 7a)

I do the mini blind thing! It works great for outside too. I just cut one side into a V to slip right in the dirt :-D

(Zone 7a)

I planted the seeds yesterday, and already have several coming up today :-D
The picture is blurry.. but I think you can see the seedling coming through.

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Okay Kim think the mircle grow had any thing to do with the seeds popping up today , He He Jody C guess you have to try this one . Maybe I will LOL. dumped whole flat of sowed marigolds today with my wise self so had to remove my babies and resort the flat ended up having to transplant 60 to little 6 packs . got to get out other grow stand now and hunt down my lights.. Fun Fun Fun

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Good Grief that's awful!!! I put up my 2 new lights last night - I need more!!!!! There's never enough! I actually decided to scale down my tomatoes b/c I just don't have the room.. :( I'm going for 10 instead of 30. Probably make things easier this summer too LOL!!

I may get one more light.... I mean - the shop fixture is just a tad over $7. 00 and the bulbs are $1.99 each at HD so I mean it's not like I'm buying a Chandelier ya know! LOL!!! Besides I just remember something else I forgot to sow that I have to have! LOL!!!!


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Kim Wal-Mart has those trays complete with pellets for $6.99 just thought i would let you know :)

(Zone 7a)

Thanks for letting me know..In case I have to go out there. It's not very close to my house.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Yeah, I just bought four of them at my walmart for 6.24 each, with 72 pellets and a dome, called it a jiffy greenhouse

Nice list of Marigolds, Kim!

(Zone 7a)

Day 3 of Marigolds

I see a lot of questions about "How to start seeds" lately. I mean no harm to anyone by saying this..But all seeds will germinate (eventually). Just put a concoction on them if they give you a hard time! Play around with a few and see what works. Most seeds I can look at and tell how to germinate it. If it has a hard coat, then I nick it. If it's cold hardy then I freeze it. If it's super hard then I nick and soak, I've been known to file them with nail files, clip with toenail clippers, even use a hammer! I germinate some in water..Like my Canna seeds. I have yet to germinate an Akebia seed...Ohhhh but when I find the right concoction I'll let ya know. LMBO ha ha ha Now don't get me wrong..Some seeds are a pain and I get mad and pitch them all. But eventually I try again. I even get mad with some of my seedlings, if they don't look the way I want..I give them to the trash. Well enough of my babbling..ha ha ha. Gonna go see what I can concoct for tomorrow :-D I have some Erythrina I'm gonna try to make germinate.

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Look at those purrrrrrty babies, Kim! I've got some starting to germinate that I'll post a picture when more pop up.
:) Donna

(Zone 7a)

Ohhh Donna I can't wait to see them Girl post them pictures! :-D
We wanna see

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

I don't think the miracle grow had anything to do with how fast the seeds sprouted. I imagine the jiffys were warm from the hot water you used. In any case, Marigold seeds are very quick to sprout. Looks good, hope it isn't too soon for your zone. Jessamine

(Zone 7a)

Well today the Purple Bell Vine (bottom) and the Tartan Coleus seemd to be big enough to transplant. So I put them in their own little space :-D

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Looking good Kim, okay going to transplant something here . As busy as you stay, I am never gonna catch up. And getting more seed from you boy I am just haveing a blast here . Ha Ha
Gotta go back to walmart again and to cross and start washing pots. When I get a camera I will be able to show Others the trouble you can get in following Kim around.
Hugs !! Carolyn

(Zone 7a)

he he he Carolyn! Yeah I want to see what you're stirring up! LOL LOL

(Zone 7a)

Tomorrow I'll be explaining what I did to the Tropaeolum Tricolorum..

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Okay so your gonna make us wait ? thats alright guess you got to see if they live thru the night right?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Hey Kim ,
Tomarrows here!! okay will check back !1

(Zone 7a)

Whoops! Got behind on stuffing envelopes...he he he..I'll be back in a few.

(Zone 7a)

Okkkkkk Tropaeolum Tricolorum Time!
Well I am deeply inclined to believe these seeds will not germinate without cold treatment (just my opinion). I don't cold treat any seeds except Gentianas and they germinate for me...The first batch I placed the seed in warm, moist seed starting soil. Then placed it under the plastic dome. They did absolutely nothing but turn to mush inside. In other words...ROTTED!
I can usually tell when a seed will germinate. Sometimes can see signs of viability. So lets talk about the second batch...
I nicked the seed and soaked in warm water. When I say "nick seed" I mean "nick seed"! LOL LOL I clip the seed enough until I can see the seed or white under the coat. After soaking the seeds they swelled some. Which was a good sign. This never happened without a conction in regular seed starting mixture. The next day I placed them in a small cup of warm vermiculite. They continued to swell a little under the dome for 2 days. Then I placed them in the fridge. I will be taking them out soon and keep you posted. I'm almost sure they'll burst open with joy! I think the cold will break the dormancy.

Here's my logic..I sowed Carolina Lupine last year. The seeds were in the soil for 2 months. Absolutely nothing! Since they hadn't rotted..I took them out and clipped the coat until I saw white. Placed back in the pot. Within 3 days I had many many seedlings. Some seeds just don't let water pass through. So now if I want fast Lupines, I scrap the seed then sow.

Canna seeds..I just down right germinate them in water. I keep them in water until they germinate in the water. I get 100% everytime with this measure.

Vigna Caracalla..I nicked them until I see white. Then I soak over night. Within a few days I have seedling. Now keeping them alive is a whole different story. I haven't figured that out yet..ha ha ha

I usually germinate my Brugs in 7-10 days. I soak the seeds over night. Then I remove the barky substance from the seed. Until it looks like the other dautra seeds with no outer coats. Place in warm medium and within a week or so have babies :-D of my favorites..just sprinkle them on top of the starting medium..they seem to require a lot of water too. But are very rewarding.
Talk soon!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the lesson Kim at least your not blowing up things. Sent you an sase also He he, keeping you busy , busy aren't we? Thanks!
By the way do you do grasses? Gonna try them this year . Just hoping they grow like the weeds I can't get rid of here.

(Zone 7a)

I love Grasses! I grow them all from seeds..LMK which ones you're starting :-D

(Zone 7a)

Where are you Nicole?? How's your babies coming along???

Did you ever start the Iris I sent, I must admit..I snitched those seeds.. Lord forgive me! In front of an office building. The pods were calling my name and I just couln't get in the car without grabbing a few. I need to carry some scissors in my pocket for emergencies!!! :-D

This message was edited Mar 1, 2005 5:48 PM

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