Photo by Melody

TuttiFrutti's Member Page


  TuttiFrutti wants you to know:  

  A note from TuttiFrutti:  
"When I joined DG in 2004, I was a first time vegetable gardener with an 20'x18' plot in an area that previously contained lots of perennials: grass, weeds, and monster-sized rocks. ;-)

SO1 (my love, another member here) and I were so pleased with our 'freshman' efforts that we nearly doubled the garden plot for 2005. After an unplanned year out of the garden (2006), we're back in the swing and looking forward to growing even more of those veggies we love in 2007!

The nick 'TuttiFrutti' comes from the way-back machine... it rhymes a bit with my maiden name... but feel free to call me Donna. :)

[revised 03.19.2007]"

  Photo from TuttiFrutti  
"Christmas 2004 :)"

Picture of TuttiFrutti

TuttiFrutti signed up on May 18, 2004