
Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

I am shocked for the cost it was not black tie!

You do look very good - is that a light Island tan I see?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

They do have a dress code but it isn't enforced, very sorry to say.

Yes, first I burned and then my father's genes kicked in and I tanned. Now I'm on my way back to being a paleface.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a great trip - how can you go wrong on an Island?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi, everyone
Mitch, I am surprized that you are so young?

Doss, looks like you have two great buddies there with you.

Arlene, I loved the beach shot, but this one is a good closeup of your faces.

Libby, maybe I can post one next week of myself and John Kinnebrew.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Teresa - I'm only a tad younger than Mitch's grandmother!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

This message was edited Mar 12, 2006 7:43 AM

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Pirl, I haven't been this forums that much. I need to come back cuz it's SPRING! I need some more daylilies!!!!! :o)

Here's Me, Myself and I! :o)

This message was edited Mar 12, 2006 7:44 AM

Thumbnail by MiniSchnuz
Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

WOW WUVIE! (just love saying that out loud,* giggle*) You made Forum Photo of the Day!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Mini - you are too beautiful! Inside and out!

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

I am a little young... all the more time to breed daylilies to find the perfect blue..

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Here is a group of CR DGers at a recent Lawn & Garden show locally:

Me in red& white, Linda_IA in rainbow, her daughter IAgalgardener, and my old friend Dax080.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh this is really a fun thread ,a few more new faces to put names with.Thanks all to the new ones for posting:-))

what are your dogs names ? our daughter just bought 2 pure black cockerspaniel puppies.We are a CS family so to speak .I have had 5 cockerspaniel's before.The last one had a stroke and couldn't walk.Her Name was Chanel #5 because she was our 5th .Her other name was Madrigal Midnight Arrival...fancy huh :-))

I bet you had a terrific time with the Stamile's.What an honor ,they probably just don't let anybody in their house .

I liked the one you posted in front of the water but I really LOVE this picture of you both.GREAT shot.

Mitch,don't complain about your age ;-))'s catching up with you before you know it.Have fun with your DL.

Wanda,great pic,saw it on the DL forum.Must have been fun to get together like that at a gardenshow.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

It was! We are talking about starting a "mini_DG" local club to view each other's gardens, trade & such all summer. There are over 60 people listed in CR on DG--most are only members. We also have alwaysweeding in CR, ticker out in Lisbon & zonedenial in North Liberty . I think we would have a wonderful time together .

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Eglantyne, Thanks for asking.
We say that we're owned by our Cavaliers - not the other way around. And you can see why.
The red dog is Penny (4 years old) and the black and tan is Zora (2 years old). Zora does give me a break by sittiing in DH's lap while he's busy on the computer or sleeping in her chair. But Penny doesn't leave my side. She's ever-present and she's never gets bored no matter how mundane life with me gets. Now that's a gift.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Brigitte - thanks for the kind words. Ego takes over so I posted the one where Jack looks weary and I look less horrid than photos normally show.

If I were Penny (or Doss) I'd want to stay put that way for as long as possible.

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

pirl ,you are so funny :-)) You sound like me so much it is not funny .I have done that too before.

One of my other "dark" sides is that giving gifts to Richard i.e.of a porcelain figurine many years ago because I WANTED it !
Plus,our daughter bought her first Cocker spaniel to give to her now husband a few years ago because SHE wanted it.
Don't ask me WHY I even thought about these this when we were talking about posting better photos of us than our husbands ??? strange how my mind jumps..or is it scary ? :-))

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I guess we know who is important in this life.... (evil grin)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm guilty, too, Brigitte! I gave Jack a big teflon pot one Christmas so he could use it for his oatmeal but I use it more than he does. Same with a device for measuring rainfall, etc. Sometimes it's embarrassing!

Evil grins can be good things Wanda!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Maybe that's why they come so easily some days...

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Gee, a day just isn't complete without an evil grin! Life is just too short to pass one up.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Soooo I can give Esther some DLs for her birthday ? ummmm this thought gives me sooo many ideas...

Now I get the bed sheet set I got for Christmas....

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh, how embarrassing!

Had I known it was going to be a public function, I would
have tweezed my brows and removed the tattoo of "Dave's Garden"
from my forehead.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Mitch - all is fair in daylilies or. . .in sheets.

Karen - don't go getting "all gussied up" for us. :-)

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)


Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)


Bwa ha ha!

If you could only see me now!

I've been going since six this morning with the wind blowing the entire
time. I've potted, repotted, planted, weeded, dug and more in the same overalls,
and trust me, they aren't very pretty. I'm due for my shower, but have much to
do, more dirt to get on myself, so I'm staying dirty.

I have dirt on my face, in my hair, on my head, I'm a sad mess!

Hope I don't have an accident...I'll insist on a shower before going to the

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm also the one usually taking the pictures so not many to share.. but this is me and DH last summer down by the river. You can tell he's trying to suck in the gut!

Thumbnail by teateacher
Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

This is DH at his best.... digging a hole for the new plant! Nothing more appealing than a man on his knees working!

Thumbnail by teateacher
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Wuvie - that's how you're SUPPOSED to look!

Teateacher - very nice picture of you and Mr. Hold Your Breath. They are funny, aren't they? God bless the man who digs holes for his spouse. He's a real treasure.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I agree about hubbies digging holes for the spouse. I tell him he's earning stars in his crown every time he picks up a shovel or rake for me. We moved to GA in the fall, and it's my first experience with clay. After a lifetime in Florida's sand, this was a real eye opening experience! He loves the flowers and he realized early on that if he was going to have them to enjoy at this new home, he'd have to help with the digging. This is a new daylily / iris bed he dug on his day off this week. I took him out to eat after that, bless his little heart!

Thumbnail by teateacher
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'd say he has a very big heart and a good one to boot!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Eglantyne, I would love for all of you to keep on thinking that I am on personal terms there with the Stamiles, but I can't keep from laughing!!! They came to speak to our daylily club which is held at a local art gallery. I asked if I could have my picture made with them and they were very nice about it !!!! That is about as close as I get to hob-nobbing with the "rich and famous" !!! :)

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Yes, isn't this world of clay soil something else? We can add amendments every year and by the next year you can't seem to tell it. That ole clay soil just sucks that good stuff right on down to China ! I wouldn't have a single daylily bed, much less 3 acres of them , without the DH.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Pirl, thank you for the kind words. I looked at your pictures earlier and was excited about your trip. I went to Freeport once with a cruise but that was years ago. I'm sure it's much nicer now. Your pictures are great! Keep them coming because it is so much fun to put faces with these DG names.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Gorgimom... 3 acres...Wow! I have 3 'beds' now at our new house (because Sterhill shared some plants with me last week) and even this small amount has been a lot of work! I love daylilies and iris, so I have mainly been focusing on them right now. I brought some daylilies in pots from FL with me (don't tell the people who bought my house that I dug them up before moving....) but basically we are starting from scratch. Obviously the previous owners had a 'greenthumb handicap'... because the property was almost bare. It'll take a while, but we'll get there!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

teateacher - can you just imagine 3 acres of daylilies? My head spins at the thought. We have little more than 1/2 acre and about 2,000 daylilies, mostly our own, and the house and driveway do take a big chunk of it. One of the nice parts of getting to the speed limit birthday of 65 is that I can't imagine doing all the work required on three acres.

Corgimom: I applaud you and your DH.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Pirl, I second that applause and NO, I can't imagine 3 acres of daylilies. We have about 1 acre of land but about 1/2 of that is pretty much straight down toward the river and not easy to work. I did plant a few clumps down the side of the bank and at the ridge (I call it a cliff) so hopefully over time we will have lilies going in that direction. I'm just under the 55 speed limit birthday... and I've already slowed down. If a fire is hot, you don't put your hand in it... so when the bones are stiff and the muscles start to ache, I just don't go there! (haha)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Now I look at 55 as being "so young".

I spent too much of the last year in physical therapy from hurting myself while I gardened. Of course, I wouldn't go to the doctor or he'd have told me to stop so I spent December, January and half of February suffering with a handsome, sweet, tender physical therapist named Peter.

I may be 64 but I'm not dead!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Ah Peter! I remember Peter. :)

Well, I do have 3 acres and it's filling up with daylilies (we called the place Hemerocallis Palace even before I added all the newbies) but there's tons of grass here, too. I'm gardening madly till it's impossible. I have had a bad back the whole time so I know the syndrome well (denial). My craniosacral guy, Charles, is giving me the best pain free years I've ever had in the garden. Which means you can get better and continue on till bedridden.

This is how I feel in the garden.

Thumbnail by boojum
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

"Younger than springtime. . ." for sure. How adorable!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

well,folks, all 3 acres aren't in daylilies. They are scattered across the 3 acres. We have trees here, daylilies there. I ,too, have only about 2,000 varieties,but more PLANTS than that since I have seedling beds (that I am going to get rid of) and then some places where I divided some and now have multiple fans of some of my favorites. I just don't have enough room !!! My DH just won't cut down more trees for me so the ones I have fight tree roots and too much shade.

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